Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 125 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 3, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily
Chaotic f
seals win
Illinois, 8
SEATTLE, Wash. - Wolverir
season have revolved around last-se
Saturday's NCAA semi-final victory
no different.
While even a beginning dance stu
choreographed a smoother ending, St
will take the end result - an 83-81
and a chance for a national champion
A likely combination, Terry
Higgins, scored the winning bask
usual roles were reversed.
Mills took an 18-foot jumper w
left, which came off the rim to H
been boxed off by Nick Anderson.
his fourth offensive rebound of the
put up a four-footer to give Michigan
"We were in a winning situation t
we go into overtime, and if I make
said. "But it should have been vice
have been in there to get the rebound
have taken the three-pointer.
"It was a real confused play, bu
right for us."
Rumeal Robinson, who had a
assists, penetrated and dished off to N
collapsed on him in the lane. Robin
game that Mills was the only player 1
"All I saw was big 6-foot-11 T
it," Robinson said. "If he would h
would have been the hero. He is lu
missed it, he is not the goat.
"I was praying the shot would go
to have to play overtime, I just wan
be over."
Fisher, who is bidding to become
coach to win a national champions
"got helter-skelter, but the result is o
The Wolverines (29-7) were trail
Mark Hughes converted a Mills mis
and hit the ensuing free throw and pu
"Mark Hughes and Glen Rice jus
lose," said Loy Vaught, who pulled
high 16 rebounds. "With Mark's thre
Glen's overall play, they showed gr
See V
Rowdy fa
Thousands of people rioted for
over two hours Saturday night after
the Michigan basketball team beat
Illinois with a last second basket by
Sean Higgins.
Within minutes of the game's
end, hundreds thronged the S. Uni-
versity-Church St. intersection,
where Charley's and Rick's bars are.
Police quickly closed the
intersection to traffic, but waited
until nearly 1 a.m. to disperse the
crowds, when over two dozen offi-
cers, many wearing riot gear, swept
the area.
A Daily reporter and photographer
saw two people being arrested, a
figure which was reported by the
Associated Press. Other people were
injured by thrown bottles and cans.
As crowds scattered, piles of bro-
ken glass, crushed beer cans, and
toilet paper littered the area. Stop
signs, street lights, and no parking
signs on all corners were ripped
down. Several newspaper boxes on
the corner by Stucchi's ice cream
shop were ripped up and carried
away, even though they were bolted
to the sidewalk. Trash bins were also
,nocked over and broken, spilling
more garbage into the streets.
Several dozen people tried for
See Melee, Page 5
N- Ni
Racist fliers
surface again
be fortunes this
econd shots, and
over Illinois was
Wdent could have
eve Fisher's crew
Michigan victory
Mills and Sean
et, though their
ith four seconds
iggins, who had
Higgins grabbed
tournament and
n the victory.
because if I miss,
it we win," Mills
versa - I should
and Sean should
ut it worked out
game-high 12
Mills after Illinois
son said after the
he could see.
erry Mills shoot
ave made it, he
cky that since he
in. I didn't want
nted the game to
e the first rookie
ship, said things
ne I will cherish
ling 79-78 when
ss with 1:09 left,
at Michigan up to
t wouldn't let us
[down a career-
e-point play, and
eat leadership by
ictory, Page 10
Fliers found at CAAS, Baker-
Mandela Center, and kiosks
Fliers calling April "White Pride
Time" and threatening minority
groups were discovered Saturday un-
der the doors of the Baker-Mandela
Center and the Center for Afro-
American and African Studies, and
taped on various kiosks around cam-
This discovery is not an isolated
incident to the University. In Febru-
ary the racial slur "Nigger bitch
don't slam doors" was written on a
student's door at Stockwell Resi-
dence Hall. Last year similar racist
flyers were also found around cam-
In addition to calling for "white
pride" by celebrating "yachts, sail-
boats, navy blazers, cool white
presidents, all the kids we know are
our own, polo stuff, L.L. Bean,
Lands End, and plantations," the flier
asked that people remember
"Bernhard Goetz Day" by bringing
"your handgun and shoot[ing] the
first five moolies you see who look
like they might ask for money."
The flier does not state who is
responsible for its creation and dis-
tribution or that there will be any
organized activity. According to
campus security Lt. Garry Hill, the
incident is "under investigation" and
will not be taken lightly.
Charles Moody, the vice provost
for minority affairs, expressed his
disgust that such occurrences should
happen in the University and called
the flier "appalling and absurd."
Moody said the incident will be
investigated and people will who are
found will be put through the Uni-
versity anti- racist harassment pol-
United Coalition Against Racism
member Barbara Ransby voiced her
concern that this incident of racism
will be taken as a joke, especially
because it was distributed on April
first. "These so-called jokes promote
racist ideas," she said, "and really
translate into very damaging ac-
"Threats on the lives of individu-
als are not funny," said Black Stu-
See Flier, Page 7
Faculty to discuss
graduation proposals
Associated Press
Michigan's Sean Higgins watches his game winning shot head to the basket, while
Illinois' Nick Anderson helplessly looks on.
Michigan: B ringon the Hall
SEATTLE - Going into tonight's na-
tional championship game (9 p.m. EST,
Channel 2) against Michigan, Seton Hall
coach P.J. Carlesimo is scared. Not of
playing for the top spot in college basketball,
but of doing it against Michigan.
"I only saw the last four minutes of their
game, but that was enough to be scared, and
realized what we were in for," Carlesimo said
See The Hall, Page 10
ni af
ns riot in aftermath of victory
The LSA faculty will continue its
discussion on the proposed gradua-
tion requirement on race, ethnicity,
and racism today. And while no one
one is certain whether the proposal
will come to a vote by the end of the
meeting, much debate is anticipated.
There are three different proposals
to be discussed - the revised
"Railton Proposal", the Executive
Committee Proposal, and a proposal
from English Prof. Bert Homnback.
During their last meeting in
March, the faculty debated academic
philosophies concerning the original
proposal from Philosophy Prof. Pe-
ter Railton. Supporters said the re-
quirement will provide students with
a necessary forum where issues of
race and ethnicity may be critically
analyzed and respect for various
opinions can be better maintained.
However, opponents to the re-
quirement said forcing students to
participate as a "captive audience" is
not the way a liberal education
cultivates independence of mind.
Philosophy Prof. Donald Munro
said he would welcome a proposal
more widely responsive to a range of
contemporary moral issues, such as
various environmental problems.
Munro said the focus of the proposed
requirement is "too narrow" and
racism should not be singled out as
the most important issue facing so-
ciety today.
But English Prof. Michael Awk-
ward said he doesn't think the re-
quirement is trying to single out
racism as the most important issue
facing society today. "It (the re-
quirement) suggests this is an im-
portant issue that students should
think about in an analytical way," he
Another concern raised by faculty
is the cost of implementing the pro-
posed requirement. In last month's
LSA faculty meeting, History Prof.
Bradford Perkins questioned the cost
of implementing the requirement.
But Economics Prof. Thomas
Weisskopf said the adaptation of the
Railton proposal will cost less than
1 percent of the entire LSA budget,
which is about $80 million a year.
Weisskopf said it is not definite
whether staffing for the courses
would involve reallocation of exist-
ing staff or the hiring of new staff.
Weisskopf, who has been working
with other economists on approxi-
mate costs of the requirements, said
the estimated cost of the proposed
requirement will range between
$500,000 and $1 million for the one
or two years. However, the cost is
expected to decrease dramatically af-
ter becoming a regular part of the
Still other faculty argue a course
requirement is not "the appropriate
weapon" to combat racism in the
University community.
In a letter addressed to faculty and
students, 11 LSA faculty members
said, "Enforcing participation in
college courses for the purpose of
effecting particular social improve-
ments is inimical to the spirit and to
the ultimate social utility of liberal
higher education."
Other faculty members argue the
See Class, Page 2
attack Daily
Student reporters coming into the
Michigan Daily Friday morning
were greeted by threatening graffiti
spray painted on the walls of the
Student Publications Building.
TtL.. __z_2 . -
Admidst a sea of people, unidentified Michigan basketball fans "celebrate" the team's 83-81 victory
over Illinois Saturday night by destroying an Ann Arbor News newspaper box on S. University.
Voters to pick mayor,
councilmembers today
Ann Arbor voters today will
choose their mayor, the political
party to control city council, and the
le1e of their nrnefrty taxes-
and improvement of city parks and
recreational facilities.
Proposal B would override the
Headlee amendment of the Michigan
city's $1.6 million current-year gen-
eral fund budget deficit and $2.8
million debt.
In the mayor's race, Democrat
five wards.
The Democrats are seeking to
overturn the Republicans 6-5 council
majority. But that may be difficult