4 OPINION Thursday, March 30, 1989 Page.4 a 41 El Salvador: a people united By Mike Fischer This is the first in a two part series. On November 15th of last year, be- tWeen seventy-five and one hundred thou- sand people marched through downtown San Salvador demanding that the govern- ment negotiate with the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) to end Fl Salvador's decade long civil war. "We havn't seen anything this big in years," enthused one organizer as he watched trade uhionists and human rights workers, col- lege and high school students, and campesinos and urban slum dwellers stream by. Indeed there hadn't been any- thing so large in years - not, that is, since the early eighties, when El Sal- vador's military began its systematic murder of the Salvadoran people. Those murders - still going on and currently approaching seventy thousand - - forced the urban popular movements underground in 1982. To understand why they have reemerged in the face of ongo- ing, escalating oppression, it is necessary to trace the remarkable rebirth and radical- Mike Fischer is a member of LASC and the Ann Arbor coordinator of Solidarity. ization of El Salvador's working class - long the most organized in Central Amer- ica and today, in 1989, the main motor propelling the popular movements that made last November's march -and more recent ones like it -possible. By 1982, the popular movements in El Salvador had been decimated, its leaders dead, underground, or in exile. The only organizations left above ground were those sponsored by the government and its U.S. advisors. Chief among these organizations was the Democratic Popular Unity (UPD), a confederation of trade unions and campesino cooperatives with several hun- dred thousand members. The UPD was funded by the infamous American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD), the arm of the AFL-CIO that had been work- ing for thirty years to eradicate any but the most conservative and corrupt unions throughout Latin America. 95 percent of this agency's monies - $20 million an- nually - comes from the U.S. govern- ment, including the CIA. The AIFLD had been in El Salvador since 1966. In 1984, needing the UPD's votes in his campaign for President, Jose Napoleon Duarte struck a 14 point "social pact" with the UPD. It called for an in- crease in wages, frozen since 1980; im- plementation of land reform, promised in 1980 and never enforced; improvement in the grisly human rights situation; and an increase in the sporadic, mostly cosmetic negotiations that had been going on with the FMLN. In return, the UPD, bolstered buy AI- FLD funds, actively worked to get out the vote, assuring Duarte's victory. At long last, the illusory center that U.S. policy had been seeking to place between so- called extremes of left and right in El Sal- vador seemed to be coming together in the person of Duarte and the apparently solid base of support he claimed as his own. continued to eat up as much as 70 percent of El Salvador's budget, while debt pay- ments to help finance it swallowed 50 percent of export earnings, it became clear that not even the daily fix of $1.5 million from Uncle Sam was going to be enough to keep El Salvador's economy running. Faced with an oligarchy that refused to help pay for the mess its own intransigent stupidity had created, Duarte declared eco- nomic war on the working class instead. In January of 1986, he imposed his eu- phemistically labelled "Stabilization and Economic Reactivation Program." Closely resembling IMF austerity programs forced upon the Dominican Re- 'What began as a labor federation had been transformed, in a little over a year, into the biggest popular movement in the history of El Salvador.' National Unity of Salvadoran Workers (UNTS) and fight Duarte's rollback. Within three months, most of the peasant federations under UPD had joined. By 1987, human rights groups such as the Christian Committee of the Displaced (CRIPDES) and student groups like the General Association of Salvadoran University Students (AGEUS) had joined as well. What began as a labor federation had been transformed, in a little over a year, into the biggest popular movement in the history of El Salvador. The AIFLD responded in the only way it knew how, creating yet another bogus federation to replace the UPD. But the National Union of Workers and Campesinos (UNOC) has gone the way of its predecessors, moving leftward as Duarte's government continues to renege on its promises. Last September, six of the largest unions affiliated with UNOC condemned the government, its death squads, and U.S. interference in Salvadoran politics. UNOC marched with the UNTS last November and joined it in endorsing the FMLN's peace proposals - which Duarte rejected. Today, the UNTS boasts a member, ship of over three hundred thousand, and it negotiates 77 percent of the country's la- bor contracts. Its groups encompass widely varying points on the political spectrum, even as they are united by their insistence on economic justice and a negotiated end to the war. And they are playing a major role in forging the in- creasingly intimate links between the: popular movements and the FMLN. But Duarte didn't deliver on his end of the bargain. Under pressure from the oli- garchy, land reform was shelved. Under pressure from the military, Duarte ab- sconded on his promise to negotiate with the guerrillas, serving instead, as he had before, as the civilian figurehead behind which the military could continue its in- discriminate bombing of the Salvadoran countryside. By August of 1984, a short half-year after signing the social pact, the UPD publicly criticized Duarte for failing to pursue negotiations. Soon there was a major rift between the President and "his" union. As the war public in 1985 - which provoked widespread riots - Duarte's package im- posed a 50 percent jump in the cost of food and fuels, a 40 percent rise in the cost of transport, a sharp reduction in govern- ment credit for agricultural cooperatives, an escalation of consumer taxes, and a 100 percent devaluation of Salvadoran cur- rency, already worth only 54 percent of what it was worth in 1979. Meanwhile, again under pressure from the oligarchy, Duarte reneged on the last of his campaign promises, refusing to raise wages. Within a month, progressive trade unions joined with the UPD to form the Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 123 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All otfer cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Remember THIRTEEN YEARS ago today, the Is- raeli government expropriated 21,000 dunams of Palestinian land and in the ensuing protests, six unarmed Pales- tinians were martyred. This historic day has been accorded the name of "Land Day" by Harakat alArd - the Land Movement - in memory of the efforts of those who have rejected and struggled against Israel's discrimina- tory state policies. This day cannot and should not be viewed as an isolated incident but rather as part of a systematic agenda put forth to Judaicize the land of Pales- tine and create and expand an exclusive state for the Jews. The manifestations of such an agenda have been at the ex- pense of the indigenous population of Palestine. ~ The inhuman treatment of Palestini- ans not only occurs in the Occupied Territories but also within the "Green Line" - the pre-1967 borders. The usurpation of the 21,000 dunams oc- curred in the villages of Arraba, Baka, and Sakhin -- collectively referred to as the Triangle of the Galilee. The Galilee is part of the state of Israel and the residents who now live in these villages are citizens of Israel. Ashraf Hazeyen, a Palestinian activist in the General Union of Palestinian Students, said that "today, in the In- tifada, everyday is a Land Day whereby Palestinians are rejecting their oppressors; they are dying for their freedom, land and identity." The shift from victims to victimizer proceeds on its ugly course. The long term policy of state terrorism has exac- erbated the racist tendencies of Israeli exclusionism and created a moral envi- ronment in which the daily beatings and shooting of unarmed civilians, the destruction of Palestinian homes and " the expropriation of Palestinian land are widely accepted. Israel's alliance with South Africa and service to the Guatemalan and Honduran armies becomes comprehen- sible in terms of a moral rapport be- tween colonial elites and their agents coping with unruly natives. The Palestinian people are an agrarian society and the confiscation and denial of their land is a denial of their liveli- hood. Much of the land that is confis- cated from Palestinians by the Israeli government has been done so under the guise of "security" reasons. Centuries old Palestinian villages have been com- pletely razed and their residents forced to flee out of the area in an attempt to "cleanse" the land of Arabs and thus accomodate for the construction of Jewish settlements in both the Occu- pied Territories and within the "Green Line." Palestinians and those in solidarity with the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people will commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of Land Day by holding rallies and demonstrations. 4 The banner reads "For a popular democratic government - We support the peace proposal of the FMLN" Come out: wear By Ginny McCulloh Spring has arrived, and as you enjoy the balmy weather, many of you are modify- ing your wardrobes. You find yourselves answering some of the most perplexing questions of the season. What should you wear to the bar tonight? Should you pack away your heavy sweaters, boots, and overcoats? Should you keep them avail- able for an inevitable spring-time blizzard? Or, should you assume the greenhouse ef- fect has annihilated the remaining traces of winter in Michigan, and begin to speculate on skirt lengths? As you ponder these and the myriad other style issues you en- counter daily as a member of the univer- sity community, put your mind at ease. This week is Gay Awareness Week and tomorrow, Friday, March 31, 1989, is Blue Jeans Day. An important element of your fashion ensemble has been chosen for you, compliments of the Lesbian and Gay Men's Rights Organizing Committee. Blue Jeans Day provides all of you with the opportunity to show your support for Gay rights. If you do advocate Gay rights, signify this by wearing your Levis, Lees, or Calvins. If you do not own a pair of jeans, but you do have a blue jean jacket or skirt, wear it. Be creative! Don your denim! However, if you do not support Gay rights, then wear what you would normally wear. Be prepared to defend your choice of ap- parel tomorrow. Many people might ask you why you are clothed as you are. How will you answer them? Realize that by wearing blue jeans you are not labeling yourself gay. You are merely making the statement that you are sensitive to the concerns of the more than ten percent of your peers who are gay. As you reflect on your selection of gar- ments Friday morning, consider how your decision to wear blue jeans parallels the decision of a lesbian, gay man, or bisexual person to come out of the closet. How will you feel if your friends see you in your blue jeans? How does a lesbian feel if someone she knows identifies her as gay? Will you feel threatened, intimi- dated, or nervous if strangers assume they know something about you because of your blue jeans? How does a gay man feel denim might see a number of lesbians and gay men at a rally. They are jeopardizing their families, careers, and lives by speaking in public, and by associating with openly-' gay people. If you wear blue jeans tomor- row, be prepared to explain why you have chosen the clothes you are wearing. Someone might ask you. You are taking a risk. As you stand before your closet tomor- row morning ask yourself, "Am I ready to accept the challenge and wear blue jeans?"' As you pull your jeans off their hanger, keep in mind the message you are sending to people. "I support Gay rights!" As you, slip your feet through the legs of your 'As you reflect on your selection of garments Friday morning, consider how your decision to wear blue jeans parallels the decision of a lesbian, gay man, or bisexual person to come out of the closet.' W RE ARE ICE? - oCCUPAro, if people he does not know assume things about him simply because he "looks" gay? Contemplate something else as you de- cide whether or not to demonstrate your support for Gay rights. You may choose to wear blue jeans or not. Gay men, bi- sexuals, and lesbians do not have a choice about our sexual orientation. We have only the option of coming out of the closet and being true to ourselves or of living lives of denial, self-hatred, and lies. Really think about the clothes you put on tomorrow morning. By wearing blue jeans you are taking risks many of us gay people take everyday - the risk of not being accepted by our peers, the risk of losing our jobs, the risk of being beaten or murdered because of who we are. If you jeans, consider the risk you are taking. Someone might shout something at you. "Faggot!" "Dyke!" Are you prepared for, that? Should you have to be? Should gay men and lesbians in our society be so stigmatized? As you zip or button your fly- prepare yourself for the battle openly-gay women and men confront everyday. In our crusade against homophobia our blue jeans' often serve as our only armor against an ignorant and hostile world. So really reflect on your attire tomorrow morning. You can wear blue jeans, and come a step closer to understanding the fear and oppression of gay people in our society, or you can wear what you nor- mally would and keep your support or ha- tred in the closet. Just remember one thing' Ginny McCulloh is a member of the Lesbian and Gay Men's Rights Organizing i 14