4 OPINION Page4Monday, March 27, 1989 The Michigan Daily 4 Who By Lucy Lippard The following article was condensed from the March 1989 edition of Zeta magazine. Who owns the stars and stripes? This month the Supreme Court will decide Whether it is the state or its citizens. Is "symbolic speech" (actions and im- ages protected by the First Amendment? This month the Supreme Court will decide whether radicals and artists are second-class citizens. owns ti Revolutionary Communist Party member arrested in 1984 while protesting the Re- publican National Convention in Dallas. The Johnson case is the Supreme Court's current focus. William Kuntsler and the Center for Constitutional Rights are his attorneys. Johnson, now 32, was convicted by a Texas court, sentenced to a year in jail and $2,000 fine for "desecration of a venerated object." When he appealed, a higher court ruled the Texas flag law was unconstitutional. That should have been that. But the Texas Attorney General's office chose to petition the Supreme Court to overturn the appeal de- cision. The Court, Reaganized for reac- tion, accepted the case - an indication that it is unwilling to let the sleeping dogs of unconstitutionality lie. The "Question Presented" to the Supreme Court in the Johnson case is "Does the Public Burning of an American Flag during the course of a political demonstration constitute free speech sub- ject to the protection of the First Amend- ment?" It has been made very clear that prosecution is a privilege reserved for the left. This was noted, not for the first time, by attorney James Harrington of the Texas Civil Liberties Union, who represented Joey Johnson in his appeal proceedings: "We allow certain people with certain po- litical persuasions to use the American flag with impunity. Oliver North and Jerry Falwell claim they have some sort of cor- ner on its meaning. George Bush has been using it this year as a political tool. But if you burn it as a symbol of protest against these government policies, you're arrested. There's a hypocrisy about this." H e stars According to Texas law, the flag is a "venerated object," and the Texas brief makes much of "the physical integrity of the flag" as well as "protecting public peace" and the "immanence of public un- rest" provoked by flag burnings. (In apparently unintentional puns, there is ; much talk of "inflammatory" and "incendiary" behavior, although as the ACLU brief points out, no breach of peace or unrest ever took place that day in Dal- las.) Yet according to the Constitution, veneration is a private affair; for some, idolatry of the flag is as offensive as its destruction if for others. George Bush in a flag factory piously washing his dirty lit- tle hands with Pledges offends me, but I guess I won't sue. In 1943, the Court said that a "person gets from a symbol the meaning [s]he puts into it." (Politics is in the eye of the beholder.) The State of Texas insists that the flag is above all ideologies while at the same time presenting a petition that is clearly ideological. The Right, while repeating its devotion to "content-neutral" laws, also makes a distinction between "political speech" and "other types of speech," and also between speech/ideas and "overt acts." (Performance artists and street theaters beware.) Such dissections of the First Amendment potentially limit the extent of radical dis- sent as surely as do Israeli laws that jail Palestinian artists for using their national colors, even in a flower painting. William Kuntsler says the Johnson case involves more than just free speech: "Throughout the world, the burning of flags has always been regarded as a most dramatic form of expressing contempt for and si the activities or policies of the country whose banner is involved. To insulate the American flag from such treatment is not only to eliminate one form of direct protest against the government, but to continue the veneration of a piece of cloth and the false patriotism it so often cloaks." "This is the flag painted on the side of 'Fat Boy.' ...It graced the sides of the planes which dropped napalm on the Viet- namese people. It is sewn on the uniforms ripes? It's not only artists and potential dis- senters who should be concerned about the outcome of this case and the criminaliza- tion of "disrespect." Whether or not Joey Johnson is an "artist," according to the avant-garde canon, all he has to do to be- come one is to say he is. Symbolic speegh is not solely the domain of cultural work- ers. It is the bottom line of our particular brand of "democracy." It should not only be protected, but fiercely monitored aid protested when it is unjustly manipulated. 'Yet according to the Constitution, veneration is a private af- fair; for some, idolatry of the flag is as offensive as its de- struction is for others.' Who are the criminals? Raquel Welch flaunting a flag bathing suit? Richard Nixon's button defiling the flag with his superimposed portrait? The U.S. post of- fice daily planting millions of black bars across it? Abbie Hoffman wearing a flag shirt to the House Un-American Activities Committee? An art critic burning the flag in the street? A "punk anarchist" member of the Revolutionary Communist Party Youth Brigade burning the flag in the street? You- if you've ever carried a flag emblazoned with a peace symbol, like a 17 year old girl in Boulder, Colorado, who was ticketed two years ago for "mutilation and contempt for the flag"? All or none of the above. But only [some] of these people were prosecuted, [including] Gregory Lee "Joey" Johnson, a '4 of the 'advisors' of the contras in Central America," points out The Revolutionary Worker, and compulsory patriotism opens the door for mandatory flag salutes in schools. (Can prayer be far behind?) The Dallas demo was intended to dramatize fascist tendencies in the Republican party. With Johnson's arrest, the young people involved may have succeeded in drawing still more direct parallels between recent regimes and another art-destroying, book- burning society of recent memory. The protectors and monitors must be us - the "owners" of that democracy as well as of the flag that sometimes represents"it - not a government that all too often abuses it. If you're not up for making artworks or art gestures that include the burning of flags in public, just tear a canceled flag stamp off the next letter you get, and pin' it onto your lapel as a statement of your own pledge of allegiance to the stuff this country is supposed to stand for. I E ie mi iguan aUQ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan I Vol. IC, No. 120 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All ott' er cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. I Usual bedfellows KARL MARX, were he still alive, would undoubtedly find a recent Wall :Street Journal article (3/17/89) expos- ing the connections between top East- em Airlines management and the high- est echelons of government thoroughly ,ntriguing. Although the Journal probably didn't intend to present a Marxist analysis of the relationship between powerful eco- nomic interests and the government, it ,nevertheless dihi an excellent job of re- vealing the close relationship Eastern boss Frank Lorenzo has with top gov- ernment bureaucrats, and the conse- quences this has for the striking East- ern workers. The Journal lists nineteen past and present influential members of the Democratic and Republican parties who have been - and in many instances remain - on Lorenzo's payroll. In perhaps the most important labor dispute in a decade, the government has sided with the company, and its doing so may stem from the extensive financial links between Lorenzo and the Republican and Democratic parties. The government has acted against Eastern's unions by refusing to appoint an emergency National Mediation Board to investigate the dispute. Con- fident that even the most biased inves- tigation would rule in their favor, East- ern's workers, who have taken mas- sive wage cuts and acquiesced to other concessions over the past two years, have demanded that a governmental panel be instituted to adjudicate their conflict with Lorenzo. Federal officials who have mediated the strike so far have recommended that Bush appoint the board. However, Bush and influ- ential members of Congress, both Democrat and Republican, have balked at intervening, apparently out of con- cern that they could not get away with publicly siding with Lorenzo. So for now, the strike drags on as Lorenzo at least in part, why the government has taken the role it has. The number of government big shots on Lorenzo's dole, and the sums they have received, is truly astonishing. To begin with, Eastern President Philip Bakes and top outside counsel to Eastern David Boies are former aides to Ted Kennedy. Claiming that he sees no problem with a revolving door between large corporations involved in labor disputes and the government, Boies states that, "The Democratic Party is a wide umbrella." Other powerful Dems in Lorenzo's hip pocket include former Carter cabi- net member Joseph Califano, Jr. and former Democratic National Committee Chair Robert Strauss, both of whom head law firms that have been on re- tainer for Lorenzo, representing him in labor disputes. Lorenzo's friends occupy top posts in the Republican party as well. Fred- erick McClure, who made $132,000 a year as a Texas Air executive, is now Bush's assistant for legislative affairs and top lobbyist. (Texas Air is the Lorenzo-controlled holding company for Eastern.) His replacement at Texas Air is Rebecca Range, Reagan's assis- tant for public liaison. Casting a wide net to capture the favor of officials throughout out the Republican party, Lorenzo doled out over $100,000 to the party last year. An Eastern baggage handler can't afford the influence of McClure, Range and the like, or come up with the six figure contributions needed to help corrupt major political parties. While it may be shocking to find so many government officials involved with Lorenzo, this relationship is un- fortunately the general rule, not the ex- ception to it. Any businessperson with a few million bucks to spread around can put top government officials on As shown above, the American flag is desecrated in many ways: by unscrupulous politi- clans who use it to justify murder; by the U.S. Postal Service cancellation of flag stamps; and by protesters objecting to U.S. aggression against other nations. Only the latter, however, has been prohibited by law. Letters to the editor Issue is artistic freedom Editor's note: the following letter was incorrectly edited when it ran on Thursday, March 16.The Daily apolo- gizes for this. The letter is reprinted here in full. To the Daily: In the February 23 issue of the Daily, I was misquoted in the lead article, which covered a gathering held at Rackham on Feb. 22 in support of Salman Rushdie and artistic freedom in this country. The issue, for me, is this. A head of state in Iran has directed Muslims everywhere to kill a novelist who is a citizen of another country. Make this distinction: this is not a "death threat." Salman Rushdie is living under an execution order. There is a difference. Individu- als "threaten" to kill other in- dividuals all the time, but for a national and religious leader in Iran to "command" millions of people all over the world to hunt down a British citizen and murder him is unique and un- precedented, and is having a staggeringly wide spread effect around the world. What artist canvas or film). There is no easy response to this unprecedented act. In the days immediately following Khomeini's outrageous edict, some critics perceived writers (including poets, novelists, scholars, journalists, and essayists) as responding slowly, and thus being "too quiet," or "cowardly." But I didn't. How could anyone have responded quickly to this situation? Who was prepared for it? I did not say that our gathering was a "stand against cowardice," because it wasn't. Our gathering was an expres- sion of solidarity with Rushdie and an assertion of our right to think, write, buy, and read what we want. I don't remember anybody using the word "cowardice" on Feb. 22. I am not even sure the Waldenbooks' now famous re- sponse -directing that all copies of The SatanicVerses be pulled from the shelves of its many storesh- is "cowardly." I thought it was rather prudent: the executives of that company seemed to be taking responsibility for the safety of their employees. When was the last time any- body complained about that? There can be any number of reasons for a person's saying nothing and taking no action (disinterest and indecision among them), to I would not edict. We must continue to write and to speak in an atmo- sphere free of repression and terrorism. Let us protect our freedoms, and assert them at every opportunity. -William Holinger February 23 Free Free Press is right To the Daily: Over the last few days a me- dia storm has been raging over a war in El Salvador, and a piece of journalism saying the "Detriot Free Free Press." Saturday, March 18, the Ann Arbor News printed a article by Will Stewart in which I was quoted. Although the quote was acccurate, its context was mis- leading and false. It read: "the first thing I thought was that I might have to go to war... Then I realized the whole thing was a big lie." Now I said these things to Mr. Stewart, but there is more.., there is a war going on in El Savidor, that paper wrapped around the Free Press may have been bogus as Stew- art's headline asserted, but it also contained a lot of truth. And, it had even more merit thain truth becaus~e it made me Travel to El Salvador To the Daily: The Peace and Justice Com- mittee of the Michigan Student Assembly will be sending four students to El Salvador this summer to visit our sister uni- versity, the University of El Salvador. Participants will meet with members of the university community, as well as gov- ernment officials and members of various popular organiza- A tions. 4 There will be an informa- tional meeting for those inter- ested in going to El Salvador on Monday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the chambers of the Michigan Student Assembly, 3909 Michigan Union. Persons unable to attend the meeting should contact the chair of the Peace and Justice Committee, Pam Galpern, through the MSA office. -Pam Galpern February 25 Due to the volume of mail, the Daily cannot print all