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March 27, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-03-27

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If The Michigan Daily hosts a
conference, and its editor-in-chief
speaks, and if the Daily reports on
the conference, is the Daily making'
the news?
Panelists from across the country
discussed such questions facing col-
lege newspapers - like journalists
making the news - during a
conference sponsored by the Daily
and the University's communica-
'tions department on Saturday. JESSICA GREENE/Daily
Kurt Luedtke, a former editor of Panelists Cale Southworth, Julie Steiner, Peter Eckstein, Brad Kurtzberg, Adam Schrager, and Regent
the Detroit Free Press and writer of Thomas Roach focus on the problems of The Michigan Daily.
the film, Absence of Malice, opened
the day with a discussion of "ethical
journalism." Daily.nP E r i7 chance to succeed, or fail... on our tator, Minnesota Daily, and San
There is no agreement on what abeth Fspio Page Edizor - own," she said. Francisco State Golden Gater, spoke
constitutes ethical journalism, he sponded to Luedtke's criticism last She said she disagreed with advo- on problems that have occurred on
'said. "There are very few rules, per- night: "There are two fundamental cates of a faculty adviser for the their university newspapers.
'haps fewer than you like." reasons (for the policy). We don't newspaper. Chip Johnson, an editor at the
Luedtke questioned the Daily believe that the right of individuals "I have an allergy anytime some- Golden Gater, spoke on the accusa-
Opinion Page's policy of refusing to to be racist, sexist, or heterosexist, body advises some kind of perma- tions of racism aimed at his
print letters considered racist, sexist, should supercede other individuals' nent adviser," she said. "I can't dis- newspaper. More than 100 people
or homophobic. right to read our page without being count what you gain by being fully protested the Golden Gater's cover-
Why not accept them? he asked. threatened. We cannot print every- and totally responsible for what's in age in the paper's newsroom twice
"I don't much care for sanitized thing we receive, and we choose to the paper every day." in the past year, he said.
pinion pages. I like to know that provide space for alternative Lipinski, like several other Johnson said the way to handle
there are evil people out there. perspectives." participants, said she disagreed with thsonssarewa to ande
"I don't like the Daily's Op-Ed activism on the part of journalists. presus wa to odr the
thing. The immediate picture in my Ann Marie Lipinski, a former She said activism "undermines so complaints but to hold your posi-
nind is politically militant people," Daily editor and 1988 Pulitzer Prize much of what you're trying to do in tion.
Luedtke said. He said that he under- recipient, told the 30-member audi- the paper." She added, "The paper is "I don't think you can buckle to
stands the reasoning behind the pol- ence of her experiences at the Daily. what we did. The activism was every criticism and complaint," he
icy, but believes it amounts to a "We were getting something bet- putting out that paper every day." said. "You have to have a thick
form of censorship. ter than credit or money. We got a Editors from the Columbia Spec- skin."

The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 27, 1989- Page g3



contract today

Members of the University's
teaching assistant union concluded
voting Friday on a proposed contract
which would increase their salaries
14.5 percent over the next two years.
Chris Robeson, a member of the
Graduate Employees Organization's
bargaining team, said he expects the
votes to be tallied tonight.
The proposed contract includes a
substantial pay increase, but does
not include two of the GEO's origi-
nal demands - measures that would
limit class size and abolish the cur-
rent 10-term limit on TAs' em-
University officials and members
of the GEO's bargaining team ham-
mered out the tentative contract last
month after five weeks of negotia-
tions. The last GEO contract expired
March 1.
Robeson said he expects a major-
ity of the group's 1,800 members to
ratify the contract. "The bargaining
team wouldn't have agreed to some-
thing the membership wouldn't ac-
cept," he said.
Robeson declined to speculate on
what would happen if the member-
ship does not approve the contract
proposal. But he added that GEO
members "had better be ready to take
direct action," if they are unhappy
with the contract. He said the con-
tract is likely to be the University's
final offer.

'The barganing team
wouldn't have agreed to
something the mem:-
bership wouldn't accept."
- Chris Robeson,
GEO bargaining team
Rackham graduate student and
teaching assistant Kathryn Savoie
said she voted for the contract but
expressed disappointment that the
University rejected the demands to
limit class size and eliminate the 10-
term rule.
Savoie said she opposed the 10-
term rule because "there's an assem-
bly line approach to giving people
degrees. It seems that they're push-
ing people through." She added that
the 10-term rule is unfair to graduate
students who lack the necessary fi-
nancial means to support themselves
while they pursue a degree.
But Savoie said she thought the
contract agreement was "the best we
could get at this point."

Pope delivers Easter


message at
John Paul II yesterday offered Easter
wishes in 55 languages to a world he
said was driven toward self-destruc-
tion, and the Roman Catholic patri-
arch in Jerusalem blamed politicians
for violence in the Holy Land.
The patriarch, Michel Saban,
made his comments before pilgrims
at Easter Mass in Jerusalem's
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the
site where Christians believe Jesus
was resurrected.
Elsewhere yesterday, shells and
rockets pounded Beirut as Lebanese
Christians commemorated Easter,
and in Afghanistan, about 30
members of the dwindling western
community gathered for services.
In Chzechoslovakia, Christians
called for the pope to visit the
communist nation and in the Soviet
Baltic republic of Lithuania and
Latvia, many Christians celebrated
the Easter Mass for the first time in
About 180,000 faithful crowded
the Vatican's St. Peter's Square for
John Paul's message commemorat-
ing the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In his 20-minute speech in Ital-
ian, the pope decried religious perse-
cution, exploitation of women, de-
generation of family life, sectarian
strife and lack of concern for the en-
' Earlier yesterday, the pope held a
mass on the steps of St. Peter's
Calling Easter the new Passover,
a reference to the Old Testament ac-
count of the miraculous rescue of the

t St. Peters
Jews in Egypt, the pope said, "God
passes where there do not exist con-
ditions worthy of a truly human life,
through lack of housing, promiscu-
ity, vagrancy, where selfishness
withers the fruitfulness of marriage
and the family breaks up."
He also decried violence against
children and the "shameful commerce
of vice...(where) women are still the
main victim."
The pope devoted much of his
message, broadcast to 50 countries,
to places "where consciousness are
oppressed, where Christ's faithful
cannot openly invoke him or suffer
persecution because of their love of
In Jerusalem, Saban, the first
Palestinian to serve as Roman
Patriarch, alluded to the searing con-
flict between Israel and the
Palestinians in an Easter Mass.
Under flickering candles and the
glare of the television lights, the
Mass was intoned in Latin, French
and Arabic as pilgrims from
throughout the world crowded the
chapel that many believe contain
Christ's tomb.
"We find the reality of the Holy
Land, a reality of death and
suffering," Saban said in an Easter
plea for peace.
"We find those who tell us each
day: we are hungry, we are
humiliated, we are prisoners, we
have no schooling," he said. "We
find those who have died and those
who have yet to die while the
politicians take their time finding

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"Corporation and Endangered
Species" - Pat O'Brien, Cherron
Corporation, 2032 Dana, 11 am.
Slide Show & Discussion on Third
World Housing and Life in India
- Helmalata Dandekar, Oxford
Residence Hall, Geddes House, 8
pm. India food will be served.
Asian American Association -
Trotter House, 7 pm.
Amnesty International Campus
Group Meeting - 439 Mason Hall,
7:30 pm.
U of M Fencing Club - Sports
rni - £ 0 Ar

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am. Call 763-WALK or stop by
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Safewalk - Sun-Thur, 8 pm-1:30
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1000 or stop by 102 UGLi.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
- Fourth floor lobby, Michigan
Union, Monday-Friday, 11 am-5
pm. Free tax help.
Peer Writing Tutors - 611
Church St. Computing Center, 7-
11 pm. ECB trained.
Preparing for the Education Ca-
reer Conference - 2302 SEB, 12
noon-1:30 pm.
Employer Presentation: Recruit
UISA - Michiean Inion Crnfont

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