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March 27, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-03-27

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Ube diian 3 t
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vpl. IC, No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 27, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily

Big Ten
The Big Ten conference has
been investigating the Michigan
baseball program over the past
month for 28 instances of alleged
improprieties in recruiting and
other practices.
"Whenever there is a
complaint against a coach, the
Big Ten sends a guy to
investigate," Athletic Director Bo
Schembechler said Saturday.
"There is a Big Ten inquiry, not
an NCAA investigation, brought
about by accusations made by
other coaches. They are looking
at recruiting violations that date
back several years."
Sports Information Director
Bruce Madej said the athletic
department is cooperating fully
with the Big Ten, and that any
statement would have to come
from them.
Big Ten officials were
unavailable for comment, and
athletic department officials
refused to specify the allegations.
Michigan baseball coach Bud
Middaugh said he was "not
permitted to talk about the
situation," when contacted last
night. He added he had not yet
been contacted by the Big Ten,
but that he knew of the
When asked whether he had
knowingly violated Big Ten
rules, Middaugh replied, "No. I
don't think any coach at
Michigan would do anything like
One member of the athletic
department staff, who spoke on
the condition of anonymity, said
Middaugh was worried about the
"He's concerned. Anytime you
have an investigation into your
program, you'd be concerned,"
See Middaugh, p.11




Fisher's F

olks head for

Seattle after 102-65 win

It was Michigan interim coach
Steve Fisher's day. No matter how
much he wanted to stay out of the
spotlight, it shone his way.
The media swarmed around Fisher
::. and his family as soon as the final
buzzer sounded in Michigan's 102-
\. 65.win over Virginia in Saturday's
Southeast Regional Final.
> Then came the cutting of the net,
and the last strand was saved for
Fisher. "That was like an unspoken
thing, like it was meant to be,"
Vaught said. "In my opinion, he's
the reason why we're here now."
But he's certainly not the only
reason why Michigan will be going
to the Final Four for the first time
since 1976. Guard Sean Higgins
r aided Fisher's cause with 31 points
in just 20 minutes.
"YOU GROW up watching the
Sampsons and the Worthys and
Magic and Bird playing in it and you
always dream you'll make it," said
Higgins, who lived out his child-
hood fantasies Saturday.
\ Senior forward Glen Rice, the
unanimous choice as Most Outstand-
ing Player of the Southeast Re-
gional, played like the Sampsons
and the Worthys by leading the
Wolverines with 32 points.
Michigan also received a solid
performance from Rumeal Robin-
son, who chipped in with 13 points
and seven assists. Robinson and
Higgins were both selected to the
All-Tournament Team.
"I'm not sure anybody could have
stayed with them today, and we
certainly couldn't do it," Virginia
coach Terry Holland said. "I've seen
Rice two games in a row, and I'd
have to say he's as fine an offensive
player as I've seen in a long, long
VIRGINIA guard Richard Mor-
gan said: "There was just no way we
could have stopped Rice, no matter
what we did."
DAVID LUBiI NER/olly wAccording to Cavalier forward
A jubilant Terry Mills celebrates the Wolverines' victory over Virginia Saturday by cutting down one of Bryant Stith, Michigan's newfound
the basketball nets.

Final Four
Michigan will have approx-
imately 2,000 tickets for sale for
the NCAA Final Four in Seattle
at a cost of $55 each. Ticket
distribution began at 7 a.m.
today, at the Michigan Athletic
Ticket Department office, corner
of State and Hoover.
Only student season-ticket
holders, season-ticket holders, and
athletic department donors will be
allowed to buy tickets Monday.
Student season-ticket holders will
be limited to one ticket.
If tickets remain after
Monday's sales, tickets will be
available to the public on a first-
serve basis at 8 a.m. Tuesday.
- Michigan's game against Il-
linois will begin at 8:12 p.m.
Saturday, and will be broadcast
on CBS (Channel 2 in Detroit),
and WJR-AM radio (760).
intensity was the key. "They were so
fired up," he said. "I just wish I had
the fight in my eyes that Higgins
had in his. Every time he shot, I
hated to turn around, because it was
going in. He was unconscious. They
were all unconscious."
Unconscious, indeed. Higgins
shot 11-of-15 from the field, and 7-
of-10 from the three-point range.
Rice shot 81.3 percent from the field
(13-of-16), which is the second-best
Michigan shooting performance in
the NCAA Tournament.
"I can tell once I take the first
shot," Rice said. "Then I feel I'm on
a good roll and keep on shooting.
"I feel the harder I work and the
harder I go around each screen set for
me helps me with my shot. I knew
Richard Morgan was smaller than
me and I knew if I really wanted to
get off my shot I wouldn't have
much problem."
Higgins said: "It reminded me of

See Final Four, Page 2

oe~an makes solo
run for ward spot
Ann Marie Qpleman faces an un- Coleman said she worries that the
usual dilemma in running for re- lack of a contest will discourage
election as a First Ward city council First Ward Democrats from voting
member: She's the only candidate in in the city election. So she is alsc
campaigning for Democratic mayoral
candidate Ray Clevenger.
Ann Arbor Coleman has to balance her cam-
paign and council responsibilities
Elections 89 with her work as the co-director of
Guild House campus ministry.
the race. Coleman said the ministry's purpose
Yet, Coleman said, she's still is "to raise moral and ethical issues
doing "all the usual things" in her on campus."
campaign, such as going door-to- Her work on campus gives her
door and distributing flyers. more insight into issues facing stu-
The Republican party did not find dents than most council members.
a# candidate for the heavily Demo- She said her work on council and al
cratic First Ward. the ministry is "very interconnected,
"The reason we don't have a can- I don't wear one hat at Guild House
didate in the First Ward is we and another at City Council, I bring
couldn't find one," said Virginia Jo- the same values and understanding."
hansen, City Republican Party chair. . Coleman is concerned that the
"There wasn't anyone willing to run joint City and University Commit-
because the ward is so strongly See Coleman, Page 7
Feminist legal.....I IIE
scholar takes Does the pubic bulicg of an
American flag cons ttte free.
tenured post pcechr
BY FRAN OBEID See Opinion, Page 4
Catharine MacKinnon, a noted
feminist legal scholar, accepted a We Wont Pay! We Won'r Pay!.
tenured faculty position at the Uni- failed to ignite the masss.
versity's Law School on Thursday. . ... .
"It's a big step in the right direc- See Arts, PageS
} tion for feminist thinkers because it

LSA sophomore Lisa Milan offers coat hangers to anti-abortion protesters during a demonstration at the Womencare health clinic in Oak
Park Friday.
Oak Park protesters clash over abortion issue


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