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January 13, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-13

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Weekend Magazine:

1988 in review:sThe University, politics, sports,
music, and films " John Shea's farewell column

Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom

I i

Vol. IC, No.74

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 13, 1989

Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily


dent-elect Bush completed his Cabi-
net yesterday, picking retired naval
chief Fames Watkins, an expert on
nuclear power, as energy secretary
and appointing former Education
Secretary William Bennett to help
lead an "all-out war against drugs."
Bush said Watkins' experience
would serve him well in devising a
strategy for a M'ultibillion-dollar
cleanup of the nation's aging and
increasingly unsafe nuclear weapons
Bush said Watkins' experience
would serve him well in devising a
strategy for a multibillion dollar
cleanup of the nations aging and in-
creasingly unsafe nuclear weapons
Bush said he would not try to
tone down Bennett, who has a repu-
tation for being blunt and blustery.
"I'm not going to ask him to re-
nounce that vim and vigor and that
determination that made him a
howling success" in Reagan's ad-
ministration, Bush said,
Bennett, a two-pack-a-day
cigarette smoker who has tried to
quit and failed vowed he would give
up his habit before beginning his
new job.
Senate Judiciary Committee
Chairman Joseph Biden Jr.(D-Del.)
praised Bennett for his "reputation
for being tough and for confronting
issues head on" but said he was con-
cerned about Bennett's lack of law
enforcement background.

Over 200 people join in singing the gospel hymn, "We Shall Overcome," at last night's candlelight vigil at the Trotter
House. This event kicked off this year's Martin Luther King Day celebration.

Vigil for

King attracts 250

About 250 people celebrated the
memory of slain civil rights leader
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during
last night's fourth annual candlelight
vigil in honor of the man and his
"We like to think that the cere-
mony helps to get people in the
mood to reflect on Dr. King and what
he stood for," said LSA junior Joy
Calloway, a member of the

"Commemoration of a Dream" sub-
committee, "because one can't jump
into the activities without preparing
for them."
Instead of holding candles, the
packed Trotter House crowd carried
penlights to show their respect for
King and his beliefs. Along with the
University's Gospel Choir, the cele-
brators displayed their unity by
singing "We Shall Overcome" in soft

Vice Provost for Minority Affairs
Charles Moody, who attended the
ceremony, said, "Last year the turn-
out was not this great. I expect the
march (in King's honor on Monday)
to have at least three to four thousand
people, especially with the activities
that the students are having in honor
of Dr. King."
Elder James Felton, the vigil's
keynote speaker, focused on King's
dream of total equality for all Black

people. "As a people we must keep
the dream alive," Felton said. "And
we must inspire other individuals
less fortunate than ourselves to keep
the dream alive."
During his speech, Felton stated
that for every five people four of
them are non-white. He said this
concept is important for Black indi-
viduals who are affected by labels and
stereotypes which deem people of
See Vigil, Page 3

It's business as usual for
staff on 'Diversity Day'

Biden said Bennett in the past
"has been critical of our public
school system, I hope that his atti-
tude will change to recognize, as I
do, the crucial role the public
schools can play in helping our
youngest children recognize the dan-
gers of drug abuse."
Sen. James Mc Clure (R-Idaho),
senior GOP member of the Senate
Energy and Natural Resources
Committee, called Watson
"straightforward and capable."
U.S. arms control adviser Edwin
Rowny praised the selection of
Watkins and called it a boost for the
Strategic Defense Initiative, also
known as Star Wars, which seeks to
develop a space-based defense against
Soviet ballistic missiles.
Bush announced his personnel
choices at a news conference shortly
before convening the first informal
meeting of his Cabinet across the
street from the White House at Blair
House, the government guest home.
Bush said he wanted Cabinet
chiefs "to think big ... to challenge
the system ... to adhere to the high-
est ethical standards." And he said,
"I'm going to tell them I don't like
kiss-and-tell books."
"I don't mind differences being
aired," Bush said. "I want them to be
frank, I want them to fight hard for
their position." Yet he said -he ex-
pected them to support his decisions
once they're made.
Bush, who takes office Jan 20.
See Bush, Page 2
links to
BONN, West Germany (AP) -
The U.S. government suspects West
German companies helped build a
Libyan plant that may make chemi-
cal weapons, officials said yesterday.
This assertion was made one week
after citing that no evidence existed.
The embarrassing reversal fol-
lowed the arrest Wednesday night of
a Belgian shipper tied to the case and
confirmation by Libya that West
German firms aided the project. The
United States claims the plant is in-
tended for the manufacture of chemi-
cal weapons. However, Libya says
it is for producing medicine.
Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich
Genscher, who told reporters a week
earlier there was no proof of West
German complicity, said yesterday
"There are a number of indications
that evidently point in this direc-
Friedhelm Ost, the chief govern-
ment spokesperson, said "The federal
government has indications of the
possible participation of German
companies or persons at this plant in
Libya. West German authorities are
intensively pursuing theseleads."
Official spokesperson at Ost's
government press bureau refused to
answer auestions on the controverv

Martin Luther King, Jr. was assas-
sinated while campaigning for Black
sanitation workers in Memphis. The
workers, members of the local Ameri-

contract bargaining last summer, but
were denied by the University's Board
of Regents. The staff will not be paid
overtime for the holiday.
Personnel Director James Thiry ex-

can Federation of
State, County and
Municipal Employ-
ees (AFSCME),
were part of his
But while stu-
dents and faculty
members have a day
off in his memory,
University staff will
day as usual.
The local
AFSCME chapter,

9 Divers]
Faculty responds to [
Gay male and lesbian
for Monday
Some classes still in
List of the weekend's
Diversity Day events

plained that the
S Day day was "not a
ity Day University holi-
[ge day" and that
ge 3 workers could
attend events on
Sunday evening
Diversity or whenever their
schedules permit-
iplans ted them.
Cost was part
session of the administra-
tion's decision,he
said, as well as
"service to the

Thiry said it was "not feasible to iso-
late a single reason" in such a case
where the collective bargaining in-
volved "dozens of proposals."
But Judy Levy, bargaining chair for
AFSCME, said the issue reflected a
"serious problem of consistent in-
stitutionalized racism of the adminis-
tration." The AFSCME chapter, Levy
said, is composed of about 47 percent
minorities, nearly all of whom are
Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Ameri-
cans and Native Americans make up
less than 10 percent of all University
employees, according to statistics ob-
tained from Assistant Director of Per-
sonnel Edward Hayes.
Levy said the University's "unwill-
ingness to fork out the money" to give
workers a day off was an indication of
its "unwilling-ness to take a stand
against racism."
See Workers, Page 3
Does "Diversity Day" mean
See Opiion, Page 4
The scorching message of
Mississippi Burning finally
blazes intoAnn Arbor today
See Arts, Page 8
The fourth-ranked wrestlers face

representing more than 2,500 service
and maintenance, groundskeeping and
custodial workers, requested Martin
Luther King Day as a paid holiday in

university, to residence halls, to hospi-
When pressed for a reason why
workers will not have the day off,

Medical School
short on space

, . .

After a season and a halt, Michigan's Sean Higgins finally
played in a Big Ten basketball game. He scored 20 points.
Blue overco-mes

New research projects are now
being put on hold, and Medical
School departments that conduct re-
search without outside funding may
one day have to pay rent for using
Medical School space, said Associate
nean for Reacrch Irwin Gl1dstin.

Medical Administration Staff Assis-
tant Nili Tannenbaum, and if so will
be ready for Medical School Dean
Joseph Johnson's approval by next
The policy, if accepted, will
provide guidelines for a committee to
advise nhnsnn on the nlloction of

deficit, w
At the beginning of the season

ins 98-83
Robinson said. "But the name of the
game is putting the ball in the hooD.

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