4 PAGE 4 WEEKEND/ MARCH 24,1989 1 Vw flM 4 4 PHOTOS ey A [-r NDRA BIMK, AND,, MK KM Above, left: John wears a striped cotton sweater ($55.00) and cotton khaki shorts ($27.50), available at Marty's. Middle: Stephanie wears paper bag-waist shorts ($39.00) and striped T- shirt ($55.00), available at Bagpiper. Above, right: Kristin wears a nautical cotton sweater ($108.00) and cotton shorts ($48.00), available at Mary Dibble. Below, left: Kristin wears a cotton sweater ($72.00) and matching pants ($62.00), available at Bivouac. Below, right: Stephanie wears a white cotton dress ($43.00), available at Bivouac. Jon wears a cotton striped shirt ($28.00) and khaki pants ($42.50), available at Marty's. 4 I I : I' Al p p h 4 VS c ark 4 1 I \ U 4 I m