A I I I I 4F { 14 ae ., G d t 'a u ll ->P g $ 59 e. & if a dh , W -- CUPN -- -- mCOPON -u - - uCUO u-m - I otBe $59., $A $99, B Boo s ~ e ~eef 'n IRoast Beef Sandwich * Cheddar SBu p to 6 in multiples of 2) Offer valid thru Feb. 18, 1989 (Buy up to 4) Offer valid thru Feb. 18, 1989 (Buy up erMdu otD ikto 6 in multiples of 2) Offe valid thru Feb. 18, 1989' Prices do not include tax. Not valid with any other offer.U Prices do not include tax. Not valid with any other offer. ® Prices do not include tax. Not valid with any other offer. * OR ®W®®®®® WW = Wm W m =m1E = m=W== W=M Wmmin Is=W==min®iinrninmin i