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March 14, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-03-14

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 14, 1989

Continued from Page 1
The most important issues facing
the U.S. in the coming years are
family and military issues, Schroeder
Since her election to Congress in
1972, Schroeder has been known as
a champion of family issues. She
recently wrote a book called Cham-
pion of the American Family. She
also sits on the House Armed Ser-
vices Committee.
Current U.S. mentality towards
the family is "if you can't afford it,
we'll penalize you," she said. The
U.S. is one of a handful of countries
where a woman can be fired from a
job for having a baby, she said,
voicing her concern that Congress
will water down unpaid family med-
ical leave legislation it will consider
later this spring.
Only 7 percent of families "still

live like Ozzie and Harriet," Schroe-
der said, but family legislation as-
sumes that most families are like
that. This makes legislators wonder
why divorce, drug and alcohol abuse,
and domestic violence are such large
To pay for needed changes,
money should come from the mili-
tary budget, she said, a comment
which was met by hearty applause.
The U.S. military, she said, is de-
ployed as though it was 1945.
Schroeder fielded several questions
about her brief campaign for the
presidency in 1987, and hinted that
she will consider running again, if
conditions were right. The biggest
obstacle in the campaign, she said,
was the perception of her as a nov-
elty. When she wanted to talk about
issues, she was asked, "Why are you
running as a woman?"
Schroeder's speech was sponsored
through a grant from thesWarner-
Lambert company.

Continued from Page 1
While the University must have
in place certain policies and proce-
dures to continue receiving funding,
students will probably have to sign
some type of certification stating
that they are drug-free, said one Uni-
versity senior financial aid officer.
The law is still fuzzy on whether
those students who have been con-
victed will still be able to receive
"We are expecting that we will
get guidance of implementation by
early April," she said.
Many questions can not be an-
swered yet, Nordby said because "the
whole thing has just begun and we
don't have any experience (applying
the law) yet."
In fulfillment of the law's re-

quirement that the University inform
its employees about its goal to have
a drug-free workplace, the University
has included a definition of drug-re-
lated misconduct that applies to all
University employees in its Standard
Practice Guide.
Keith Bruhnsen, coordinator of
the faculty and staff assistance pro-
gram, said he expects the University
to distribute the new regulations this
Bruhnsen said, "There is nothing
new that the University hasn't al-
ready assumed was part of its exis-
tent policy, though it was never
All federal grants and any federal
contract for more than $25,000 -
except for those contracts which are
used outside of the United States -
awarded before March 18 are subject
to the regulations of the new law.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
15 die in military helicopter crash
TUSCON - Crew members on a military helicopter that crashed and
burned in the desert were wearing night-vision goggles, but that was not a
factor in the accident that killed the 15 people, Air Force officials said
Use of the light-amplifying goggles has been questioned in a number
of previous military crashes.
Four Air Force Reserve crew members and 11 Army Special Forces
soldiers from Fort Bragg, North Carolina were aboard the CH-3H
helicopter that went down Sunday night in the desert 25 miles northwest
of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.
Capt. Carlos Roque, a spokesperson at Davis-Monthan, said he had no
information on the sequence of events leading to the crash and didn't
know if there had been any radio transmissions.
Roque said the flight crew was wearing night-vision goggles that
amplify low light but that investigators had determined that the goggles
"were not a factor in the accident."
Bush to demand aid for Contras


Continued from Page 1,
a successful beginning to NASA's
plan to fly seven shuttles this year.
The 9:57 a.m. EST lift-off was
an hour and 50 minutes later than
planned. Early-morning fog, so
dense it obscured the launch pad
from just a short distance away
caused some delay, but the major
problem was winds five miles over-
head. Officials feared powerful shear
.forces could tear the spacecraft apart

as it raced upward faster faster than
the speed of sound.
To compensate for the winds, a
computer aboard Discovery was
quickly reprogrammed to adjust the
ship's flight angle. The satellite
countdown clock was restarted and
then ticked without hesitation to lift-
Coats, a Navy captain, leads a
crew that includes Air force Col,
John Blana the mission pilot:
Springer a Marine colonel: Dr.
James Baglan a physician, and
Marine Col, James Buchli.
Once in place, TDRS will be-
come the third and final link in a
communications constellation that is
vital to NASA's future space plans.

Continued from Page 1
University Affairs must approve the
council's recommendations before
they are presented to the University's
Board of Regents.
The council - composed of stu-
dents, faculty and administrators -
disbanded in 1987 due to heated dis-
agreements between students and
faculty. Last July, the regents
threatened to permanently disband
the council May 1 if members can-
not demonstrate their ability to
function effectively.
The free speech policy, formu-
lated by the University's Civil Lib-
erties Board, was approved by the
regents last July. However, until

there is a mechanism for enforce-
ment, the policy can not be fully
The council is currently working
to draft rules which implement the
policy. Yesterday, council members
discussed whether to adopt a com-
prehensive list of sanctions or con-
centrate on creating specific guide-
lines to ensure due process.
"If we have very obtrusive sanc-
tions, we have to make a detailed
formulation of due process," Crox-
ton said.
After the meeting, council co-
chair Jens Zorn, a physics professor,
said he didn't forsee any serious ob-
stacles looming ahead and thought
the council was close to finalizing
some proposals this month. .

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WASHINTON -The Bush administration is expected to ask Congress
for more than $50 million in additional humanitarian aid for the
Nicaraguan Contras to ensure their survival until early next year, U.S.
officials said yesterday.
The existing $27 million program, which provides for food, clothing
,shelter and medical services, expires at the end of the month. The request
is likely to be sent to Capitol Hill before the lawmakers begin a two-
week spring recess this weekend.
Later Contra leader Adolfo Calero told reporters after a meeting at the-
State Department he was informed that the administration request would
be "40 some odd million dollars."
As described by officials speaking on condition of anonymity, the re-
quest is part of a broad array of activities by the new administration de-
signed primarily to achieve a democratic outcome in Nicaragua.
Ministers of Moslem nations meet
RIYDAH, SAUDI ARABIA- Foreign ministers of Moslem nations
began a four-day conference yesterday with attention fixed on "The Sa-
tanic Verses" and Iran's order that its author be killed.
Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, said yesterday that
debate on the Palestinian issue and recognition of the provisional gov-
ernment organized by Afghan guerrillas should have precedence on the
agenda. He also opposed Iran's insistence that discussion of the novel and
the author head the Agenda.
Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries have criticized Salman
Rushdie and banned his novel which most Moslems say blasphemes Is-
lam, but have not supported Iranian patriarch Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini's instructions asking Rushdie be killed.
Most participants believed Rushdie. should be given an Islamic trial
and a chance to repent.
Teamsters reach tentative pact
NEW YORK-Teamsters officials reached a tentative labor-reform
settlement with federal prosecutors yesterday hours before the start of a
trial on a lawsuit to oust the union's allegedly mobster-dominated leader-
Prosecutors declined to discuss details of the tentative pact but a lawyer
for the Teamsters said the union agreed to introduce constitutional
amendments for election reform at its 1991 convention. Three watchdogs
jointly chosen by the union and the government, will investigate and ar-
bitrate alleged union corruption and oversee the elections.
The settlement reached after round-the-clock weekend negotiations,
was subject to approval by U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh.
The lawsuit sought to oust the union's top leadership as the culmina-
tion of the government's decade long battle to force reform on the 1.6
million-member union.
GOP chair to jam with Paul and
the band on Letterman
WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican National Committee chair and
former Percy Sledge guitarist Lee Atwater says he's "tickled" to be invited
to appear on NBC's "Late Night with David Letterman" and play with the
"World's Most Dangerous Band."
Atwater is to appear on the show today to play guitar with musical
director Paul Shaefer and his band.
"I'm just tickled to play with what I think is one of the tightest bands
in America," he said.
Atwater probably won't play any Dead Kennedys tunes.


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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Kevin Woodson

Date: March 20, 1989
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM

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News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara
Gruzen, Scott Lahde, Kristine Lalonde, Michael Lustig, Josh Mitnick, Lisa Pollak, Gil Renberg, Noelle Shadwick, Vera Songwe,
Jessica Stricd
Opinion Staff: David Austin, Bill Gladstone, Susan Harvey, Rollie Hudson, Marc Klein, Daniel Kohn, David Levin, Karen Miller,
Rebecca Novick, Maria Ochoa, Hilary Shadroui, Gus Thschke.
Sports Staff: Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Jodi Leichtman, Eric Lemont, Taylor Lincoln, Jay Moses,
Miachael Salinsky, John Samnick, Adam Schefter, Jeff Sheran,.Doug Volan, Peter Zellen.
Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Ian Campbell, Beth Colquitt, Sheala Durant, Brent Edwards, Greg Feland,
Michael Paul Fischer, Mike Fischer, Robert Flaggert, Forrest Green, Liam Flaherty, Margie Heinlen, Brian Jarvinen, Alyssa Katz, Leah
Lagios, D. Mara Lowenstein, Lisa Magnino, Kim Mc Ginnis, Kristin Palm, Jay Pinka, Jill Pisoni, Mike Rubin, Lauren Shapiro, Tony
Silber, Chuck Skarsaune, Usha Tummala, Pam Warshay, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo Staff: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Julie Hlman, Jose Juarez, Ellen Levy, Liz Steketee, John Weise.


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