Page 10--The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 13, 1989
Continued from Page 1
Once upon a time, most artists
understood as much. Which is why
Beethoven angrily changed the dedi-
cation to his Third Symphony after
Napoleon had himself crowned Em-
peror. Which is why proletarian
novelists in the '30s wrote in a style
and for an audience intended to help
further a growth in working class
consciousness. Which is why it is
impossible to talk of the literature of
women and peoples of color written
in this century without simultane-
ously discussing the tremendous up-
heavals which, particularly in the
'60s, served as catalysts for the ex- proclaim William Faulkner better
pression of new ideas, styles, and than Josephine Herbst because one
voices in their poems, novels, and wrote about angst and the other
lyrics. And which is why, inciden- about strikes, and when anonymous
tally, it is perfectly appropriate to "experts" proclaim Saul Bellow's
There is something inherently wrong in a course that
claims to represent the "best" of contemporary fiction
without ever defining the criteria by which "best" be-
comes equated with ten white male authors.
tion who invented those standards in
the first place. Most importantly,
ask the much harder questions con-
cerning the relationship between a
particular set of standards and the of-
ten hidden political agenda that ac-
companies it. For unless we
forthrightly challenge such agendas,
the state of the art(s) will remain art
for the state - or, somewhat less
crudely, the story of how those with
power continually define culture in
terms that exclude most of those
who make it.
Fridays in The Daily
... ..
\ .t^ '" .
heed the call for a boycott of the Is-
racli Philharmonic Orchestra this
week -- given the actions of the
state in whose name it plays.
So when anonymous "critics"
pathetic introspection better than
Paule Marshall's autobiography,
don't accept them at their word.
Question the standards by which
such judgements are made and ques-
Let Them Know
How You Feel I I
The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
Biological Chem-Sem, J Becker, "B2-Microglobulin & NCAM: Two Views of the
Immunoglobulin Superfamily," 2 pm, Med Sci I Rm 5330. 764-5258.
Women in Sci-Lec, G Johnson Powell, "The Changing Self-Image of Afro-American
Children from 1940-1989," 4 pm, Rackham Amphi. 763-7225.
Ofc Staff Support Grp-Brown-Bag Lec, P Materka, "Now or Never Overcoming
Procrastination," noon-1 pm, 1300 Chem. 764-7315.
Engi-Poetry Read, B Homback, 5:30 pm, 711 Hatcher Grad Lib, 764-6330.
Honors Council-Plays, On Baile's Strand & The Death Of Cuchulain, 8 pm, Angell
H all. 764-6274.
Arts & Prog-Music At Mid-Day, Voice & Violin, M McCormick & A L Toppin,
12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-6498.
Canterbury House-Lec, J Hilton, "The University & the Common Good: Ethics,
Morality, Social Concems & the Social Sciences," 7:30 pm, 218 N Division. 665-
Hillel Fdn-Reading, D Lehman, "The Holocaust Gallery," 4 pm, Rackham E Conf
Rm; *Play, A Shayna Maidel, 8 pm, 1429 hill St. For res 761-7410.
General Union Palestinian Sdts-Lec, D Wagner, "Anxious for Armageddon: Probing
Israel's Support Among American Christian Zionists," 7 pm, Rackham Amphi 4th fl.
Career Plan & Place-Summer Job Fair, 10 am-4 pm, Mich Union, 764-7460.
The calendar combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conference announcements
with other events happening each week on campus. It is based on The University Record
calendar, and is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations recognized
by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in writing by 5p.m. the
Tuesday before publication. Address all information to: Marcia Bennett, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes events to which
admission is charged.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm, 218 N
Division. 665-0606.
Women Faculty-Drop-In Lunch, noon, Mich Union Univ Club.
Univ Council-Mtg, 4:30-6:30 pm. Call 763-5082 for location.
Taekwondo Club-Mtg, 6:30-8:15 pm, 2275 CCRB. Begins welcome, 662-8637.
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu--Math, Sci, Physics & Engr Tutoring, 7-11
pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining hall; 8-10 pm, Markley Lib; 8-10 pm,
Bursley E Lounge. 994-4803.
Counseling Svcs-Lunch Discuss, "Negotiating Cross Cultural Conflicts:
Understanding & Communication," noon-l:30 pi, Mich League Rm 4 & 5 1st fl.
Computing Ctr-Courses, "dBASE Ill Plus Pt 1," 1-5 pm, 3001 SEB; "Intro to
Authoring Systems for the Macintosh," 1-3 pm, 4003 SEB; "Monday Programmers'
Sem," 7-9 pm, 4212 SEB. Reg req. 763-7630.
CRLT-Wkshp, "Preparing Graphics For Teaching & Research Presentations," 7-9:30
pm, 120 W Engr. Reg req. 764-0505.
*H R D-Wkshps, "Effective Business Writing," 2-4 pm; "Written Communications
Sem," 9 am-4 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Nat Resources-Lee, B Dawson, "Conservation in the REal World," 4-5 pm, 1046 Dana
Bldg. 668-7123.
Gifts of Art-Lec/Slide Show, L Baskin, "Interconnected Media: An Exploration of the
Themes in Baskin's Work," 8 pm, Ford Amphi. 936-ARTS.
' Copernicus Endowment/Ctr Russian & E Europ Stds-Lec, P Wandycz, "What's In A
Name, East Central Europe," 8 pm, 250 Hutchins hall, 747-2237 or 764-0351.
LSA-Lec, P Schroeder, "The Elections & Political Process," 8 pm, Rackham Lee Hall.
Sch Music-Composers Forum, 8 pm, Recital Hall. 763-4726.
Brecht Co-Auditions for The Threepenny Opera, 7:30 pm, Anderson E Quad Rm 3.
Near East & N African Stds-Brown-Bag Lc, F Rekhess, "The Islamic Resurgence in
the West Bank, Gaza & Israel," noon, Lane Hall Commons; Colloquium, P Baker,
"Using the Fez as a Means of Understanding Social & Political Change," 2 pm, 210
Tappan; Middle East Fac Scm, 'I' LeGassick, "Why Naguib Mahfouz Won The Nobel
Prize In Literatur " 4 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm. 764-0350.
Faculty Women's Club-*Lunch & l isten, E Whitepigeon, "American Indian Influence
on Democracy," 11:30 am- pm, Mich League Mich Rm, 665-5917.
Ethnology-Lec, R Kipp, "The Political Impact of Trade in Chiefdoms," 12:10 pm,
3058 LSA.
''- Arch & Urban Plan-Lee, T Schumacher, "The Skull & the Mask," 8 pm, Rackham
Amphi. 764-1300.
Hillel Fdn-Passover Seder Wkshp, R Dobrusion, 7:15-8:30 pm, 1429 Hill St; Discuss,
"Free Speech In Germany, Israel & The US," 4:30 pm, Law Sch Rm 250. 769-0500.
Career Plan & Place/Intl Ctr/Engr Place-Wkshp, "Intemational Students: Practical
Training & Employment Info," 3:10-5 pm, 1014 Dow, 764-7460.
Career Plan & Place-Wkshp, "Deciding Your Career Pt I" (Fr/Soph) 4:10-6 pm,
CP&P Conf Rm; Employer Presentations: Ames Dept Stores, 7-8 pm, Mich Union
Welker Rm & Voter Revolt, 7-8 pm, Mich Union Crofoot Rm, 764-7460.
Intl Ctr/Peace Corps-Film & Discuss, The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love, 7:30 pm,
603 E Madison. 764-9310.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LAG ROC)-Mtg, 8 pm, Mich Union
Rm 3100. 763-4186.
Wes Lutheran Campus Ministry--Basics of Christianity Std, 8 pm, Mich Union.
662-0663 or 761-6362.
TARDAA-Mtg, 8 pm, 296 Dennison. 763-0806.
Karate Club-Karate, 8:30-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 930-0025. *
WCBN-Talk show, "Closets Are For Clothes," 6-7 pm, 88.3 FM, 763-3500.
Computing Ctr-Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: "Beginning Microsoft Word" (IBM PC &
Compatibles), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; "Microsoft Word Advanced Formatting &
Glossaries" (Macintosh), 9 am-noon; "dBASE I Plus Programming: Intermediate
Topics," 1-4 pm; In 4003 SEB: "Basic Concepts of Local Area Networks," 1-5 pm;
"Tell-A-Graf Basic Concepts," 7-9 pm, Reg req. 763-7630.
Visiting Writers Series-Poetry Read, D Lehman, 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm. 764-
EECS-Sem, S P Liou, "Signal Level Perceptual Organization," 4-5 pm, EECS Rm
1311. 764-2138.
*HRD-Wkshps, "Personal Financial Planning," 5-7 pm; "Writing It Right Pt 11:
Punctuation, 8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req, 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Work Abroad Wkshp, B Denman, 4-5 pm, 603 E Madison, 764-9310.
*Cont Med Educ-5-day course begs, "Family Practice-1989 Thirteenth Annual Spring
Review Course," 7:45 am, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
*Univ Musical Soc-Concert, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 764-
*Alumni Assoc-Lec, H Thomas, "The First 100 Days of the New Administration,"
10:30 am, Mendelssohn Thtre. 668-8577 or 973-1384.
Copernicus Endowment/Ctr Russian & E Furop Stds-Lec, P Wandycz, "The Rise &
The Fall," 8 pm, 250 Hutchins Hall. 747-2237 or 764-0351.
Ecumenical Campus Ctr/Intl Ctr-*Lunch & Forum, J Kohane, "Perspective On Israel
& Palestine," noon, 603 E Madison. 662-5529.
Hist Art-Lee, I Skupinska-Lovset, "Roman Period Portraiture From Syria & Palestine,"
7:30 pm, Rackham Amphi; Recep following, Rackham Assembly Hall. 764-5400.
m.Sch Music-Faculty Recital, S Rush, L Greer & S Hurley, 8 pm, Recital Hall. 763-
Sch Art-Lec, R Caplan, "Making Things Right," 7:30 pm, Chrysler Aud. 764-0397.
*U-M Flint-Comedy Connection, 8 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery. 762-3431.
Substance Abuse Ctr/Publ HIth Policy-Form, J Wallace & ) Heath, "The Disease
Concept of Alcohol & Drug Abuse: An Analysis of Contrasting Perspectives," 8 pm,
Henry Vaughan Pub 11th Aud. 936-0935.
Rugby Club-Practice, 8-9:30 pm, Coliseum (Hill & S Fifth). 763-7059.
Turner Clinic-Hearing Loss Support Grp, 10 am-noon, 1010 Wall St, 764-2556.
Hosp Info Svcs-MCMUG Mtg, G Marks, "The Institutional File System: A Joint
UM/IBM Project to Develop A Campus-Wide Mainframe-Based File Server For
Personal Computers & Workstations," 3-4 pm, Ford Amphi, 936-4900.
Human Growth & Devp-Brown-Bag Icc, S Juster, "The Transition From Youth To
Adolescence In 19th Century America," noon, CHGD Commons.
Grad Lib-Faculty Lib Sm, "MIRLYN For Humanists," 4-5:30 pm, 205-C Grad Lib.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Baptism Std, 7 pm, 1511 Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Amnesty Intl-Mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich Union. 973-9821 or 973-2131.
Chem-Colloquium, K Kadish, "Electrochemistry & Spectroelectrochemistry of
Metalloporphyrins," 4 pm, Chem Rm 1300_
Hillel Fdn-Wkshp, "Wisdom Tradition in Israel," R Levy, 7:30-8:30 pm, 1429 Hill St;
Lord of Light Lutheran-Bible Std, 6:30-7:30 pm; Worship, 7:30-8 pm, 801 S Forest.
Pi Tau Sigma-100 & 200 level Mechan Engr, Math & Sci Tutoring, 12:30-4:30 pm,
GG Brown Sdt Lounge. 665-3509.
Zen Buddhist Temple-Yoga & breathing class, 9:30-11 am, 1214 Packard Rd. 761-
Taekwondo Club-Mtg, 6:30-8:15 pm, 2275 CCRB. Begins welcome, 662-8637.
Men's Campus Club-Social for gay & bisexual male sdts, 9-11 pm, E Law Quad N
Section Cook Rm. 763-4186.
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu-Math, Sci, Physics & Engr Tutoring, 7-11
pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, Markley Lib; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining Hall; 8-10 pm,
Bursley E Lounge. 994-4803.
Biology/Mus Zoology-Sem, J Lake, "Origin of the Eukaryotic Nucleus Determined By
Analysis of Ribosomal Sequences," 4 pm, MLB Lee Rm 2.
Bioengr-Sem, H Horstmann, "Human Performance Modelling of Computer Access by
Handicapped Individuals," 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
CRLT-Wkshp, "Time Management," 3:15-5:15 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg req. 764-
Counseling Svcs-Brown-Bag Discuss, "Values In The US & In Other Cultures:
Cultural Stereotypes," noon-1 pm, Intl Ctr. 764-8312.
Computing Ctr-Course, "Basic Concepts of Programming," 1-3 pm, 4212 SEB. Reg
req. 763-7630.
U-M Dearborn-Film, Clara's Heart, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr, 593-5390.
*HRD-Wkshps, "Building Math Skills," 1-3 pm; "Proofreading," 8:30-11:30 am, 1111
Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
*ICLE-Video Course, "Business Planning in the Current Tax Framework: Selected
Issues," 1:15-4:45 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req, 764-0533.
Psychiatry-Conf, J Osbom, "AIDS: Public Health Issues," 10:30 am, Child & Adoles
Psych Hosp Aud; Sem, "AIDS & Asyrmptomatic HIV Infection: Neuropsychiatric
Issues," 2:30 pm, MHRI Waggoner Conf Rm. 764-9527.
Women's Athlet-Tennis, Bowling Green, 2 pm, Track & Tennis Bldg, 763-2159.
Copernicus Endowment/Ctr Russian & E Europ Stds-Brown-Bag Lee, M Rosman,
"A Marriage of Convenience: Jews & Magnates in the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth," noon, Lane Hall Commons; P Wandycz, "The Last Two Hundred
Years," 8 pm, 250 Hutchins hall. 747-2237 or 764-0351.
Indian Pakistan Amer Sdts Counci-Mtg, 6:30 pm, 2203 Mich Union, 761-9288.
Kinesiology-Sem, C Tate, "Improvement of Calcium Transport in Saroplasmic
Reticulum by Exercise Training of Senescent Rats," 12:10-1 pm, Dental Sch Rm
1033. 747-2699.
Sch Art-Lec, R Caplan, "The Triumph of the Egg," 7:30 pm, Chrysler Aud; Gallery
Talk, J Stephenson, Ceramics Exhib Preview, 4-5:30 pm, Slusser Gallery. 764-0397.
U-M Flint-Bring or buy lunch for Latin Jazz, L Laughlin & P Cronley, 11:30 am-1:30
pm, Univ Ctr Brewery; Meet-the-fac lunch, C Campbell, "Multiple Roles of Women
in Education: An Anthropoligical Perspective," 11:30 am-1:30 pm, Univ Ctr Superior
Rm; Lec, D Schattschneider, "Two Intuitive Mathematicians-M C Escher & M Rice-&
My Role As Boswell," 3 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms C & D.
Indust & Op Engr-Sem, M Singh, "Planning & Control Decision In Manufacturing
Systems With Uncertainties," 4 pm, 241 IOE.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Worship, 9 pm, 1511 Washtenaw.
Sdts Objectivism-Lec, S Knapp, "Free Will In Literature: Solzhenitsyn Bilenkin &
Ayn Rand," 8 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm; Recep following, Mich Union Welker
Rm. 996-4141.
Chem-Sem, D Slinkman, "Thermo Field Flow Fractionation," 4:10 pm, Chem Rn
1200; J Schkeryantz, "The Chemistry of Nitrosoalkene or Nitroso Carbonyl
Compounds," 4 pm, Chem Rm 1300.
Nat Resources/LSA-Lec, D Kline, "Lessons of Amish Agriculture," 1:30-3 pm, 1040
Dana Bldg.
Turkish Sdts Assoc-Lec, T Cuvusgil, "Turkish Exports in the 1990's: Prospects for the
Future," 5:30 pm, 3050 Frieze Bldg. 764-4789.
Afro-Amer & African Stds-Panel Discuss, "The US & South Africa: Prospects Under
the Bush Administration," 4 pm, Business Admin Mich Rm, 764-5117.
Pi Tau Sigma-See March 15.
Karate Club--Karate, 8-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 930-0025.
Indian Amer Sdt Assoc-Mtg, 5:30 pm, Mich Union Mich Rm. 764-2958.
Campus Crusade For Christ-Mtg, "College Life," 7-8:30 pm, G322 Dental Sch. 677-
*Mich League-Intl Night, Ireland, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet.
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu-Math, Sci, Physics & Engr Tutoring, 7-11
pm, 307 UGLI. 994-4803.
Computing Ctr-Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: "Lotus 1-2-3 Graphics," 8:30-10:30 am;
"Lotus 1-2-3 Databases," 10:30 am-12:30 pm; "Connectivity for Macintosh
- Computers," 1-5 pm; In 4003 SEB: "Producing a Rackham Dissertation with
TEXTEDIT," 1-3 pm; "Tell-A-Graf Line Graphs," 7-9 pm, Reg req. 763-7630.
U-M Dearborn-See March 15.
Evolution & Human Behav-Sem, S Gaulin, "Sexual Selection for Cognitive
Abilities: New Data on Spatial Ability," 4 pm, Rackham E Lee Rm 3rd fl. 936-
EECS-Sem, L Chua, "The Sights & Sounds of Chaos," 4-5:30 pm, EECS 1200. Reg
req. 763-3598.
*HRD-Wkshps, "What Is Your Management Style," 8:30 am-noon; "Proofreading,"
8:30-11:30 am, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-European Travel Series, B Denman, "Custom-Tailoring Your European Trip,"
3-4 pm, 603 E Madison. 764-9310.
Ctr Japanese Stds-Brown-Bag Lee, R Rann, "Tanizaki & Bunraku," noon, Lane Hall
Commons. 764-6307.
*Zen Buddhist Temple-Intro Coupe Zen Meditation, S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1214
Packard Rd. Reg req. 761-6520.
Medicinal Chem-Grad Sdt Mtg, 3 pm, 4567 CC Little; Sem, R Silverman, "Radical
Intermediates In Monoamine Oxidase-Catalyzed Reactions & The Design Of New Mao
Inhibitors," 4 pm, 3554 CC Little.
*ICLE-Course, "What Every Business Litigator Needs To Know About Federal
Criminal Investigations," noon-5 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req, 764-0533.
Visiting Writers Series-Lee, D Lehman, "In The Holocaust Gallery," 4 pm, Rackham
E Conf Rm. 764-6296.
Vision Training-Sem, P MacLeisch, "Physiological Properties of Adult Salamandar &
Monkey Retinal Neurons in Vitro," 12:20 pm, 2055 MHRI.
Romance Lang & Lit-Spanish Film, Le linea del cielo, 7 pm, MLB Lec Rm 2. 764-
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Taekwondo Club-Mtg, 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB. Begins welcome. 662-8637.
Table Tennis Club-Practice, 6 pm, Coliseum (Hill & S Fifth), 747-6564.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Brothers United," 7 pm, Mich Union Rm
3200. 763-4186.
Gay Liberation-"Brothers" Coffee House, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St, 763-4186.
Astronomy-Lee, G Ferland, "The Emission Line Regions of Quasars," 3:30 pm, 807
Dennison. 936-1737.
*Bridge Club-Bridge, 7:15 pm, Mich League Studio Rm. 764-4648.
Computing Ctr-Course, "Advanced Excel: Functions & Macros," 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB.
Reg req. 763-7630.
U-M Dearborn-Lec, T Tisty, "Studies of Gene Amplification in Neoplastic Cells,"
2:30-4 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 144. 593-5277.
*HRD-Wkshps, "Retirement & Other University Benefits: Overview & Update," 8:30
am-noon; "Proofreading," 8:30-11:30 am, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Intl Ctr-Lec, J Lawler, "Language Policy in Malaysia," noon-1 pm, 603 E Madison.
CSSEAS-Brown-Bag Lec, J Diana, "Aquaculture In Thailand," noon, Lane Hall
Lowbrow Astron-Mtg, 7:30 pm, Detroit Observ. 434-5668.
Pubi Hith/Sch Art/Occupational Hith Prog-Photo Presentation, E Dotter, "The
Hazards of Work," 1-2 pm, Henry Vaughan Aud.
Nuclear Engr-Sem, J Bryson, "Core Physics of the Annular Core Research Reactor,"
3:45 pm, Cooley Bldg White Aud.
Sch Music-Chamber Choir Concert, 8 pm, Hill Aud; *Dance BFA Concert, 8 pm,
Dance Bldg Studio A. 763-4726.
Germanic Lang & Lit/LSA/Rackham-Conf, J Willett, "Mid-Europe: Culture or
Cross-Currents," 4 pm; K Oberhuber, "Stylistic Continuities in Central Europe," 8
pm, Rackham Amphi.
Sch Art-Opening Recep & Awards Presentation for Ceramics '89 Mich Potters Assoc
Exhib, 5:30-7 pm, Slusser Gallery; Gallery Eve, 5-9 pm, Slusser Gallery & Berkshire
Hilton. 764-0397.
Macromolecular Research Ctr/Mat Sci & Engr-Colloquium, J Thomas Dickinson,
"Fracto-Emission From Cohesive & Adhesive Failure Of Materials," 4 pm, 1017 Dow
U-M Flint-Lee, D Alexander, "The Dynamics of Diversity," 10 am, Univ Ctr Mich
Rms; Meet-the-Artist Recep, H Sadowski-Kauppila, 7-9 pm, Univ Ctr Gallery; *Fihn,
Betrayed, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. 762-3431.
Film & Video Stds-Film Screening, K Jacobs, "3-D Photography & Experimental
Filmmaking For An Unusual Cinematic Experience," 7:30 pm, Lorch Hall Aud.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-St Patrick's Party, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Univ Stores-Training classes, "Electronic Ordering from University Stores," Call 763-
7286 for time & location.
HumanitiesThtre/Communication/Rackham/Affirm Action-Keynote Address, 3
pm, Mendelssohn Thtre; Lec/Demo, H Cohen & M Wells, "Sign to Word-Word to
Sign: Interpreting Methods in the Theater," 4:15 pm, Mendelssohn Thtre; Perf, "A
Handful of Voices," 8 pm, Recital Hall, 764-5350.
Honors Council/Arts & Prog-See March 16.
Canterbury House-Folk Music Concert, 10 pm- am, 218 N Division, 665-0606.
Hillel Fdn-Grads & Professionals Veggie Shabbat Potluck, 7:30 pm, Law Quad
Lawyer's Club. 769-0500.
Philosophy-Lac, D Davidson, "What Is Present to the Mind," 4 pm, Rackham W Conf
Rm 4th fi.
Christians In Action-State-Wide Mtg, "Thank God It's Friday," 7:30 pm, Mich
League. 973-6675.
*Exhib Mus Planetarium-Shows: "Star Talk," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "First Light-The
Space Telescope Story," 2, 3 & 4 pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, comer Geddes-Washtenaw.
Karate Club-Karate, 3-5 pm, CCRB Small Gym. 930-0025.
*Ofc Major Events-oncert, "Violent Femmes," 8 pm, Hill Aud; Perf, "King of
Hlearts," 8 pm, Power Ctr. 763-TKTS.
Women's Athlet-Tennis, West Mich, noon, Track & Tennis Bldg, 763-2159.
Minor Affrs-Wkshp, "Anti-Racism Skill Development," 9 am-5 pm, Mich League
Vandenberg Rm. 936-1055.
*AAFC-Film, Sammie & Rosie Get Laid, 7 & 9 pm, MLB 4. 769-7787.
Sch Music-Early Music Concert, 8 pm, Recital Hall; *Dance BFA Concert, 8 pm,
Dance Bldg Studio A. 763-4726.
Germanic Lang & Lit/LSA/Rackham-Conf, E Goldstucker, "On Prague's Cultural
Profile," 9 am; M Steinberg, "The Ideology of the Baroque," 11 am; P Jelavich,
"Berlin & the Vicissitudes of Modernity: From Central Europe to Divided Europe," 2
pm; Round Table Discuss, 4 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Mus Art-UMMA Friends Photo Acquisitions, 8 pm, 525 S State, 764-0395.
Sch Art-Recep for BFA Show, 7-10 pm, Rackham Galleries. 764-0397.
*Pubi HIth Sdts African Descent-Minority Hilth Conf, B Staggers, "Empowerment
Through Education: Impact On Health Status," 9:30 am-3:30 pm, Sch Pub Hth.
Housing Special Progs/Housing Division-Musical, Spelman College Jazz Ensemble,
8 pm, Bursley Cafe West.
Humanities/Thtre/Communication/Rackham/Affirm Action-Panel Discuss,
"Linguistic & Cultural Considerations of Sign Language Theater," 9-10:30 am;
Wkshp, "Exploring Acting Techniques in Sign Language Theater," 11-12:30 pm;
Panel Discuss, "Performance Aesthetics of Sign Language Theater," 2-3:30 pm,
Trueblood Thtre. 764-5350.
*Hillel Fdn-Play, A Shayna Maidel, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St. For res 761-7410.
King/Chavez/Parks Visiting Scholar/Sdt Minor Affrs-Lec, G J Powell, "The Role of
the African-American Health Professional in The 21st Century," 3-5 pm, Mich Union
Anderson Rm. 764-8185.
Lord of Light Lutheran-Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest. 668-7622.
Zen Buddhist Temple-Korean Svc, 11 am; Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd.
*Exhib Mus Planetarium-Show: "First Light-The Space Telescope Story," 2, 3 & 4
pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, comer Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Bible Std, 8:45 am; Worship, 10 am, 1360 Pauline
Blvd. 662-0663 or 761-6362.
Canterbury House-Worship, 5 pm; Dinner, 6 pm; Prog, 7 pm, 218 N Division. 665-
*Univ Musical Soc-Faculty Artisits Concert, 4 pm, Rackham Aud, 764-2538.
Women's Athlet-Tennis, East Mich, 2 pm, Track & Tennis Bldg, 763-2159.