ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, March 10, 1989 Page 7 Group airs Puerto Rican issues BY JILL PISONI DRUG abuse, crime, and illiteracy are problems that have ravaged America's inner cities; hence, the highly-urban Puerto Rican commu- nity has been hard hit by them. But armed with strong messages chan- neled into dramatic form, the Puerto Rican community theater group;, Pregones, is trying to combat the suffering. Through their productions, the members of Pregones strive to inter- act with their audience in ways that will compel change. Their audiences are not mere spectators, but are very much involved with what is happen- ing on the stage. What happens there is often shocking and enlightening. For instance, a Puerto Rican na- tionalist accused of sedition was put in an American prison to serve a sentence of 35 years. This woman, Alejandrina Torres, and other politi- cal prisoners in U.S. federal prisons are at this moment being subjected to experimental forms of punishment. This is the subject of the Pregones play Voices of Steel, premiering at the Trueblood Theatre tonight. To prepare for the performance, 'HELP WANTED NOW HIRING FOR SPRING/SUMMER AND FALL TERMS. Account executives needed to sell advertising for The Michigan Daily Job descriptions & applications avail- able in the Senior Staff Office, 420 Maynard. Application deadline is March 10. NOW HIRING all positions--full and part time stock, cashier, harm.acy New store, good pay, flexible hours. mployee dis- counts. Apply in person 9 am-5 pm Monday through Saturda otsdFod&Du 1768 ?lyouth. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD!!!!! If you find an error in your classified ad, please call the Classified Correction Hotline-764-0557. The Michigan Daily is only responsible for emrr in classified ads if notified by 5:00 pm on the first date of publication. THANK YOU 1 SLEEPAWAY CAMP in Pocnos needs: General counselors Male/Female' All sports; Gymnastics; Dance; Tennis IRan Radio; Archery ',Riflery; Ceramics,$ceneiy Water- Worork rn ch &S ish); WRITE: Camp; 1714 Wantagh Ave., Wan- tagh, NY 11793 or call 516-71-5200. Invest in an international ex- perience at Saint Louis University's Madrid Center summer and/or fall- spring 89/90 academic year. Business admini- stration, Hispanic stud- ies, political science, etc. For information, phone 1-800-325-6666 SPRING/SUMMER-lookin for warm, expe- rienced babysitter for our 3yr. old daughter. 6-10 hrsw. Prefer non-smoker w/ own gn otadon & references. Please call 769- SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until --A ly now. For DOWNRIVER area Cal(3 13 284-2260 ask for Sharon. For WESTERN WAYIE area call (313)425- 6226 ask for Michell. Good rates. No fee. lTD TEMPORARY SER- the company interviewed Puerto Ri- can prisoners. They have chosen to relate their findings not so much in a factual and realistic manner, but on an emotional level. The plight of the prisoners will be conveyed through music, song, and a variety of scenes. troops, and ending with the forma- tion of Latino communities throughout the U.S. Pregones began in the most rav- aged section of the South Bronx in 1979. They have been been conduct- ing workshops with Senior Citizens To prepare for the performance, (Pregones) inter- viewed Puerto Rican prisoners. They have chosen to relate their findings not so much in a factual and real- istic manner, but on an emotional level. met the group in New York in 1986 while conducting research on Com- munity Based Theater. He, along with a number of University spon- sors, worked very hard to coordinate the group's performances here this weekend. Besides the two plays open to the public this weekend, Pregones also has in their repertoire a play dealing with the issue of AIDS, The Em- brace. During the show, the audience is invited to take the place of the ac- tors and determine the outcome of the play. The Embrace is meant to both heighten awareness and to evoke sensitivity towards people with " AIDS. It has been put on at least 30 times in churches, high schools, and prisons. Members of the company have been working closely with so- cial workers. The company also has a children's play, La Caravana, in which a cara- van travels from town to town telling stories. Again, in this See Pregones, Page 8 Tomorrow night's performance, Migrants, is a series of vignettes ex- amining the social, historical and economical background of Puerto Rican migration to the United States (since 1898, Puerto Rico has been occupied by our military and industry; we have more military bases there than anywhere else). Pregones dramatizes nine stories be- ginning with that of a soldier, spy, and interpreter for Ponce de Leon, continuing through the 1898 occupation of Puerto Rico by U.S. HELP WANTED0 ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED In Korea. College degree required. teaching conversational English to businessmen and college students. Round trip airfare, health insurance provided. Send resume to:: 1107 Grant St., Ypsilanti, MI 48197,or call John, 485-1848. UNWVERSITY LIBRARY Has job opportunities, available immediately, for CWS and non-CWS students. Applications available at: Library Personnel 404 Hatcher Graduate Library Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4th Annual Ronald McDonald House DANCE-A-THON ****** DANCERS NEEDED Fri., Mar. 108 at the Ann Arbor Inn IN FN ATICPRIZES! For more info call Maureen 930-1663 or Jackie 662-7371. ATH LE TICS GAY GAMES III and CULTURAL FESTI- VAL August 4-11 1990, Vancouver Canada.ArtsFairandhprt. Open toall Write: MVAAA Box 8494 San Diego, CA 92138. ROOMMATES 2 FEMALE nonsmoking roommates needed for a 3bdrm. apt. free pkng., close to grocery, $266/person, graduate students pref'd. Sept.- Sept. ,Lisa 769-29 13. AVAIABLE IMMEDIATELY. Large room in 5 bdrm. house. Beautifully remodeled, nice guys. 769-6478. ROOMMATE available now one bdrm. Rent: $250. ISSA PROPERTIES 662-4446. ROOMMATE NEEDED from now until Au- gust. 2 minutes from cams. Nice apt. Best of all-cheap! Call Julie 76f-6408. EkIL/~ and youth and working with The Bronx Educational Services to com- bat illiteracy. In 1986, the pastor of St. Ann's Episcopal Church in The Bronx was so impressed with the work being done by the group that he renovated the parish basketball court into a theater and cultural center. Though they have done some travel- ling, Pregones are very much com- mitted to working closely with the problems of their community. English Professor Buzz Alexander G41NG"PLACES $99 ANYWHERE IN THE USA ON NORTHWEST AIRLINES! Bringyour American Express voucher. Call REGENCY TRAVEL,665-6122, ask for Ann or Dawn. EUROPE '89 - London from $379 Amster- dam from $518, Frankfurt from $448, Paris from $608. Eurail pass from $320. Re ency Travel 209 S. State 665-6122. Ask for 1kb or Dan. ORIENT SUPERFARES SAVE 30%+ Beijing fr. $1149, Seoul fr. $729, Shanghai fr. &199 Taipei f. $751 Tokyo fr. $782. REGENdY TRAVEL, 269 S. State. Call 665-6122, ask for Joanne or Dawn. SPRING BREAK! Log cabin retreat. Full d skiing,snowshoe options. $38-58 per night/ mid-week rates cheaperl 10 mini. from Tra- verse City. 616-276-8502. Student Travel Breaks at Stamos' Ke"y Town * 407 North Fifth 663-4400 483-5040 SUPER CHEAP!! One way ticket to Port- land, Maine. Leaves 3/14.761-1585. BAS BREADS * CAKES PIES * PASTRIES THE SECRET IS OUT! The Best Kept Secret On State Street Is Now Open! Basil's features Danish, Croissants, Muffins, Breads, Pastries, and More. All made from scratch. Baked fresh daily. BASIL'S BAKERY Buy any two breakfast items and get one free. expires 3/11/89 I 211 State St. in the Park Ave. Deli 662-3373 t Mon.-Fri. 7:30-7:00 L. Sat 9:30-5:00 ii ' Judith Rivera performs as Evangelina in Voices of Steel, Pregones' play dealing with the treatment of Puerto Rican prisoners in the U.S. , f-. I t '} t ,f . jrbe 01irb igan BaiL Print or Type legibly in the space provided, the copy as you would like it to appear. ( 1 leavin' for the summer? stayin' for the summer? NAME ADDRESS (ACTUAL SIZE OF AD) i I I I I I I I 1 I I I i PHONE 0 IM [ail or bring in person to: Student Publications Bldg 420 Mnvnard St.. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 g. I i ~ "