Page 6 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 9, 1989 CL .SSIFIED ADS 764-0557 AVAILABLE TODAY - Must sublett Sa- 663-7385 after 5:30. cious room in historic house. Gre Lost 317 Silver Teardrop Earring last seen in laundry, parking. Must seel Upt Law Llb. or nite owl. South Rte. call 995- $200/best & util. Call 852-3983. 9439 Johanna. BACK ON MARKET at location, to 6 mos. Lost Mens Rolex Watch, if found please call Rick 995-1204 Big Reward! LOST: Ring with black stone and gold band. Reward. Trisha- 572-0473. Afu IO1JArS. r SLE Maxell: XLII-$1.95 LN-$.99, TDK: SA-$1.95 b-$.99. Call Keith: 761-7256.* CAMARO '84 Excellent cond. 5-speed, cas- sette, 57,000 mi., $3500. 572-9529. IBM PC plus software, peripherals $2200. Call Sharon at 996-1721. STEREOS FOR HOME/CAR, TVs/VCRs Nak. Blaupunkt, Carver, etc. Save big $, call Jeff Mader 763-3303 day, 668-1011 eves. TRUMPET--Bach Stradivarious. Excellent. Must sell. $550/best. (517) 787-2626. YAMAHA DX-27 good cond. sust. pedal brth. entl. 24 xtra voices. 764-1011. A UTOMOTIVE '85 DODGE CHARGER 2.2L AC stereo cass. Loaded. $4,500. 764-7920. ATTENTION - GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1- 602-838-8885 EXT. A1798. FrRET September and May leases 1989/a /bl & 2 bdrm. furnished and unfumished. Rental ad- dresses: 912 Brown St., 121 E. Hoover, 921 S. Main 813-819 S. Main. Price range: i bdrm.-$425-$440, 2 bdrm.-$585-630. ISSA IOPERTIES 662-4446. 1 Large BDRM in full furnished apt. very close to campus call 995-3574. 1r.321, 1327 Wilnot I bdrm. apts., $575. 2 bdrm. apt. $875 & elec. New carp.& fum., ai/disp.pECg, no pets. Call 662-1617. May - May &Sept. - Sept. 1506PACKARD 3 bdrm apts., $800. 1 bdrm. 50. Laundr , new carp. & fum., pkg., no s, heat, H2) incl. 662-1617. 2 BDRM. FURN. APT. for 4 people on Ged- des. Across from CCRB, new kitchen. $892. Available Fall '89. 763-2839. 2 BDRM. FURN. 503 ELM NEAR IIOSP. & main camp. Incl. heat & H20 $625/mo. 1 BDRM. & eff. 618 Packard incl. heat & elec. $400-475/mo 2 bdrm. $775/mo 747-6895. 2 BDRM. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET 15 seconds from IM bldg. off street parking space air conditioning call 769-5651 BEDROOM luxury apartment. Lease May to May. Corner of Torest & Oakland, $650/mo. plus electricity. Call Susan Carlson 47f5-9887. 2ND FL. 2 rm. fum. a-76,t. K itch. Pvt. ent. Quiet neighborhood. 3-8761, 663-0535 eve. $400 + utilities, May-May. & 6 bdrm. apts. in older converted homes at have been completely remodeled. Heat & water inclu. w/ rent fron 1725-2100. Prime cations on Hill & S. Forest. Several ameni- ties avail. For more information call Key- Aone Properties Inc. 663-2284. 5 BDRM. HOUSE, MAY TO MAY prime location. $1350 plus utilities. 663-31 4 APTS., APTS., APTS., let us surprise you Wvith our contemporary look including new contemporary furniture. A few remaining one bedrooms and efficiencies. Hurry! Call Judy, Heather or Kelly at Oppenheniner Property Mgt. 995-5575. Lease TRom us, and you'll lease from us again. ARBOR ST. LOCATION!! Spacious 6 house avail. Spr/Sum. Fum.- 2 ktch.-2 bathlaundry-parking. Call now 665-5412. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS on Hill & State, clean, kitchen, $239. For male. 995-3276. AVAILABLE MAY OR SEPT. 1989 Campus 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. 769-25 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FOR SUMMER Private Room For Female Preferably Grad Student 1 Block from Law and B-Schools Frished, Clean, with SecuritSystem Rent Negotiable-----------Call 963813 Luxury Three Bedrooms Small Prestige Building By CCRB $224 To $268 Inc. Heat. Ideal For Five. Cam~us Rentals 665-8825. *1335 S. University. BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM Every Extra Frieze Location For 2 To 4 Who Want Something Nice Campus Rentals 665-8825 1335S. University BIG HOUSE Big porch. Big bedrooms. Big closets. Best location--corer E.U. & Hill, free parking $800/mo. May-Aug. Call now! Day 434-01 7, night 747-7408. BURNS PARK. Larg Studio Apt. w/fireplace. Beautiful, old house. Furnished, heat and water included. $475. 769-6478. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT We are currently showing furnished 2 bdrm. apartments for fall rental. units still available near CCRB & Med. School. Rates start at $618 including heat and water. Call 663- 4101. CAMPUS: 539 Packard, Fall 1-bdrm., fur- nished, parking, heat, 453-2741 (local). CHOOSE ONE OF THE BEST.... the selection of fumished efficiency, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom ats. is still excellent! Complete listings at U-M Off Campus Housing or Wil- son White Company Inc. 995-9200. Member: Ann Arbor Apartment Association. EFFICIENCIES and one bedrooms available for fall leasing. 350 Thompson Street show- ing daily from 2:00 to 5: pm. Quiet, secure building in the heart of campus. Call Bill at 665-5299 or Oppenheimer Property Mgt. 995-5575. EFFICIENCIES in excellent campus loca- tion-600 E. KingsleSept' $395-460, util. & parking inclu. Cal3-05 EFFICIENCY 1 blk. from Frieze. Unfum. Sept.-Sept., $400 incl. util. and parking. 119 N.-Thayer. 996-1896, leave msg. FALL LEASE: Heat & hot water incld, close campus, modern bidg., 2 bdrm., furnished. Nick 930-0911 or Mark 747-7108 FALL RENTALS Efficients 1-2-3 bedroom fumished apts starting at $435, $480 $610, $885/mo. re- spectively. Parking, A/(E, laundry. Absolutel) no pets. Located near intersection of Packard and State. Call Chestnut Properties at 994. 4683. FALL. Deluxe efficiency and one bedroom a rtments half a block form the Frieze Building. Newly carpeted and furnished, A/C, laund and storage. Heat and water in- cluded. Modern Management: 668-6906. FASHIONABLE CAMPUS LOCATION, air-conditioning, microwave, beautiful con- dition. 3 large rooms available in 5 bdrm. house. May-August sublet. Call Laura or Frank 761-9 105. FURNISHED 1 br. apt. Central campus, air, pkg., 375 + elec. Neg. 662-3338 eve. GORGEOUS 6 bdrm. house avail. Spr./Sum. 4 parking spots huge rch, laundry. Call now 665-54I2.'1Lhayer/n location. GREAT LOCATION: For fall. One bdrm. in two bdrm. apt. Spacious, hardwood floors, parking. Call Andrew 995-3736. HOUSE: quiet neighborhood. Liv. rm., din. rm., kitch., 1 1/2 bath. 3 bdrmns. part fumn. 663-8761 663-0535 eve.3$900 +util. May- May. MAY TO SEPT. ONLY. Rent either whole house or by the room. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, washer & dryer. $230 per room per month and up. Top condition. Across from Taubman Medical. Sherri 761-9766. MAY-AUG. sublet available in spacious house 250 paces from diag, across Denn. Churh for 4-5 people. Call 662-5033. NEAR ZINGERMAN'S/KERRYTOWN Duplex with 4 bedroom, 2 bath unit. $1050/month. 2 bedroom, 1 bath unit $550/month. May lease. Excellent parking. Totally updated. Washer & dryer. Sherm, 761-9766. NOW AVAILABLE-For fall, 2 bdrm. apart- ment. Great location. Only $840/mo. mcI. heat and water. Call Dave 930-0447. NOW LEASING FOR SEPT. or MAY 2 bdrm. modem apt. $585-$630/mo. Call 662- 4446. ONE BEDROOM, two person luxury apart- ment. Lease May to May. $5 0/month. -Cor- ner or State and Packard. Call Susan Carlson 475-9887. ONE BEDROOM apartment available for fall. Furnished, pleasant, no pets, 1/2 block from campus on Washington St. $350 plus utilities, 663-5861. ONE LEFT-5 bedrooms; $1200; includes heat & water! May to may; Call 663-3149. QUALITY AFFORDABLE housing, walk or bike to campus~ living room, dining room kitchen baths six bedrooms, no pets $1416 plus utilities, $ep. to Sep. lease, 663-59 6. RICHARD VAIL COMPANY Great campus location! Fall '89 leases for rooms, eff iciencies, 1,2, and 3 bedroom apts. and 4 and 6 bedroom houses. Furnished and unfumished. Call 994-9272 M-F 9-5 or stop in our office at the side door of 413 S. Divi- sion, Apt. #1. ROOM FOR RENT: Utilities included lots of narkingeasbus access near the stadium. $30/mo. §94-7.67. ROOMS- FALL '89 Top campus locations, some with parking. Pnvacy, reasonable rent, all utilities paid. Share kitchen & bath. Choose early for the best selections. Oakland at Arch Geddes at Observatory Packard at Division Church at S. University Call for an appointment! MODERN MANAGEMENT @ 668-6906. SEVERAL SPACES avail. in house with huge kitchen-2 min. from Dia , Ma -May with cool folks of course. Call 665-7232 af- ter 6 or 995-3500 anytime. SINGLE RM. w/Bathrm. SEPT.-APRIL LEASE Includes: 11 Meals/wk. Free Laun- d Pkg. Cable tv ALL Utils. Pd. $380/Mo. TALL IKE 744-6371 /a SPR-SUM SUBLET. Huge room(s in large house on Church St. 1 block from S. Univer- sity. Parking. Price neg. Call Jessie 769-5627. STATE AT FULLER: large 2 bdrm. Fur- nished. $640/mo. Includes heat & parking. Call 663-6829 or 1-528-1767. SUBLET 3 bdrm, 2 bath, modern private apt. $680/mth. Georgetown area. April move in through August month to month or lease afterwards. Cat oknw/n$100mdeposit. 677- 1549. SUBLET APRIL THRU AUGUST. Own bedroom in house. Near central campus, downtown.$275+utilities. Call 663-7989 evenings. SUBLET APRIL to August 15. Option to re- new. 2 bedroom, den living room, large kitchen, pondaview. Willow free Towers on N. Campus. Call 677-0200. SUBLET available May 1-July 31. Laundry facilities, free parking, pool. Pnce negotiable. Call Janet at 665-4730. SUBLET MAY-END OF AUG. Great location. Furnished. Rent negotiable Call Erik 764-0973 SUBLET MAY-AUG. Oakland @ Arch. Air cond., balcony, shade! Fumished, newer bldg., off street parking, own room in 2 bed- room apt. Call Rob 663-7550 after 5. SUBLET: Lg.2 bdrm. apt. May-July 31. 11/2 b., W & D, A/C, pool & tennis, quiet. Earhart Rd. loc. Rent neg. 930-2896. SUBLET:May-Aug. 3-bdrm. house w/ lg. living area kitchen, & full bath. Near Packard & Fifth. $500/Mo. 747-9367. Summer sublet. Seeking female share apt. across frm Frz. blg avail May thru Aug Rent very negotiable call 769-6025 SUMMER SUBLET! Spacious efficiency, great location (S. University & Church) May- Aug. $415/mo. 662-0967. SUMMER SUBLETS available in beautiful cam pus houses. Register your name and number if you are looking for a room for the summer. Call 663-5861. SUMMER SUBLET. A/C, large, modem, furnished apt Convenient to central campus. Marc 761-9697 after 5pm. UNFURNISHED Large 3 mn. Efficiency. Util. & parking inc., laundry avail. $465/mo. Call 663-4294 /4345604. UnfIversity Tower Furnished Apartments 536 S. Forest Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 761-2680 ___ BUS BOYS WANTED: Lunch & dinner schedules - will fit to class time, wonderful meals, convenient location Theta. Call 662- 3418 FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We do all party favors includin custom t-shirts at the lowest prices. Call The Button Men. Rick or Lou at 665-1161. Melanie-N-Mand AOPi Dance contest is ours. This is such a ball. After we win I'll show you guys how to really party. J.R. PE A * * ATTENTION: Supreme Course Tran- scripts, the LS&A lecture notetaking service, has the following notes avail. at Alpha- graphics Printshops at 715 N. Univ.: Astro 101f/111, Astro 102/112, Bio 100 Bio 224, Bio 325 Chem 123 Comm 103 om202, Econ 26l, Econ 212 Econ 401, Geog 415, Geol 105, Geol 106, flist 122, Hist 160, Hist 161, H.Art 102, Poli Sci 101, Poli Sci 140 Poli Sci 353, Physics 126, Physics 140. Calf 563-6816 for more info. /FWANTED/A/FUSED ANSWER ING MACHINE/A/FCALL TRACY 995-3982./A ADOPTION-Caring, financially secure cou- ple of Irish and Swedish ancestry wish to love, cherish and raise y our newborn child. Legal and confidential. P lease call Linda and Craig COLLECT: (212)-877-3574. GAY UNDERGRAD, good-looking, easy- going normal guy. Tired of waiting for it to happen. Would like to hear from normal goo-looing gay or bi male. Reply to P.O. Box 4422, Ann Arbr, Mi. 48106. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN REALLY IIUN- GRY? Can you imagine dying from hunger? What do you really k now about hun ger? You can help! S.W.A.T. HUNGER. THINK SPRING! Get yourself some new make-up at The Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. STUDENTS Look Into This Telemarketing firm has ocenings. After- noon & Evening Shifts. Convenieritly Located on Campus. Flexible hours. $5.00/hr to start. Come See Us Now. Mr. Thomas 996-8890 STDETSVCS ***** A-1 TYPING On cam pus. Profes- sional. Rush service available. 668-8898. **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING** Fast/IBM-WP/laser/campus/Sandi/426-5217 *FREE PIANO LESSON!* Casio Rental Available. Mike 994-0371. BUDGET TYPING SERVICE! Term apers, theses, resumes. FAST & ACCURATE 581- 2227. COVER LETTERS, resumes, term papers, word process. & transcriptions. On campus call Thelma 747-7470. LINDA'S WORD PROCESSING Electronic Spell-checking $1.25 per double spaced page Phone: 662-8622 PROOFREADING SERVICES - Fast, accu- rate, thorough. Please call 663-0314. QUALITY TYPING & WORDPROCESS- ING Fast, efficient. Call Joy 764-6771. RESUME EXPERT-Let me help you draft the perfect resume. Cornplete service only $15. eferences available. 995-8464. TYPING: DEPENDABLE fast and accurate. Reasonable rates. 475-9656. Evenings. WORDPROCESSING: $1.50/page. Spell- checked/Laser printed. Call Steve 764-3003. Don't miss the Annual Panhellenic Fashion Show 5:00 PM, Saturday, March 11, 1989 Rick's American Cafe. ALPHA XI DELTA PRESENTS The Third Annual Bear Your Tan Contest March 13 Rick's American Cafe' STDN SRIE MR. STADIUM COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING SERVICE Open 24 hours/day 361 days 668-7928 1958 S. Industrial Prepare for the LSAT's changing format with EXCEL. - Learn to Anticipate the Exam's Thinking. - Improve Your Reasoning and Formal Logic Skills. - Develop Comprehensive Exam Strategies. - Review Videotapes for Additional Practice Professional Instruction- Affordable Tuition Classes begin in April and May. E PEL9961500 Test Preparation 1100 South University BE OVERf 40 AND LOVE IT! Kaplan's LSAT prep course helps more students score "over 40" than any other test prep firm any- where. Call! STANLEY H.KAPLAN EDUCATiONAL CENTER LTD. Class begins March 15th to prepare for the June LSAT exam. ENROLL TODAY! 203 E. HOOVER 662-3149 1ihAL.I 1 IY ALI. v.LUN1m Ih £ O- -May qualify for medication research studies. Research volunteers are paid for rticipa- tion. Contact Sally McKenna, at 996- 7051, Mon.-Thurs.(8 am-3 pm) for additional information. Parke-Davis, Community Re- search Clinic. HOME HEALTH CARE: Student- Some nurse-aide experience to care for Quadrlegic man in Plymouth home. Lng term. Good pay. Two evenings per week- 5:3 m to 10 pm. Non-smoker. References. Call Muriel after 3pm only. 453-3563. JOBS WITH GREAT BENEFITS! ' *Free U Club admission *Very flexible hours *50% off meals the day you work *10% bookstore discount *Great central campus location *Opportunities for advancement Work with the gang at the MUG or the U Club in the Michigan Union. Available shifts: MUG: 10 am-2 pm daily, U Club: Mon.-Fri., 10:30 am-2 pm, Host/ess waitstaff, service assistants. See manager in MUG or U Club for inter- view. Michigan Union is an equal opportunity, af- firmative action employer. GRAND HOTEL Mackinac Island--summer staff positions. Pool, tennis, golf, children's program, gardeners, and carriage drivers. Write for application--Mr. R. Barnwell PO Box 1254 Mackinac Island, MI 49757. GREAT SUMMER OPPORTUNITY--Jew- ish summer residential cam seeks excep- tional young adults for staff and specialist positions. Capital Camps is located in the heart of the scenic Catoctin Mountains only one hour from the Washington DC area. The camp has over 300Wacres of beautiful forest hiking trails and lakes. If you are interested in the challenges and excitement of working with campers in grades 3-10, or if your have a specialty in a particular area, we want ou on our team. Good salaries, great fun. Our program director will be on campus on March 13. For information and an appoint- ment, call collect (301) 656-CAMP! LOOKING FOR A FRATERNITY, SORORITY OR STUDENT ORGANIZA- TION that would like to make $500-1000 for a one week on-campus marketing proect. Must be organized and hardworking. ClJill or Corine at 1-800-592-2121. MANAGER TRAINEE--Youn corporation expanding in Ann Arbor area. Need to open 2 branch offices. No experience necessary. Will train in all aspects of business. Eaming potential 35K+. Security fee required if ac- cepted. 973-2696. NOW HIRING FOR SPRING/SUMMER AND FALL TERMS. Account executives needed to sell advertising for The Michigan Daily! Job descnptions & applications avail- able in the Senior Staff Office, 420 Maynard. Application deadline is March 10. NOW HIRING all positions--full and part time stock, cashier, pharmacy. New store, good pay, flexible hours. Employee dis- counts. Apply in person 9 am-5 pm Monday through Saturday. Northside Food & Drug 1768 Plymouth. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD!!!!! If you find an error in your clasified ad, please call the Classified Correction Hotline-764-0557. The Michigan Daily is only responsible for errors in classified ads if notified by 5:00 pm on the first date of publication. THANK YOU ! SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until June--A 1 now. For DOWNRIVER area Call (31_84-2260, ask for Sharon. For WESERN WAYNE area call (313)425- 6226 ask for Michell. Good pay rates. No fee. I TD TEMPORARY SERVICE. SUMMER JOBS: Foremen and painters $5.00-7.00. Call John 426-8149. TEMPORARY TYPIST WANTED. Accu- rate typing & spelling a must. Knowledge of Macintosh MS Word - & manuscripttranscription typing. 20 hrs./week. Clinical Research Center. Call Jeanne 936-8078. YOUNG MAN to take our son togy after school & work out with him 662-0712 Invest in an international ex- perience at Saint Louis University's Madrid Center summer and/or fall- spring 89/90 academic year. Business admini- stration, Hispanic stud- ies, political science, etc. For information, phone 1-800-325-6666 University Directories The Nation's targest Publisher of Campus Telephone Directories SUMMER JOBS OPPORTUNITY! Make the transition into the business world selling yellow page advertising for your campus telephone directory or for other campus directories nationwide. EXPERIENCE! 4 I DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 Snow vehicle 5 Stigmatize 10 Long, narrative poem 14 Flying prefix 15 A castle 16 The Darlings' dog 17 Certain favorites 20 Compass dir. 21 Olympian 22 Money in the bank* 23 Red and Yellow 24 Ornamental vbands 26 Small night birds 29 "But war's -..." Cowper 30 Palindromic title 31 Flat: Prefix 32 Posed for a picture 35 - and war 39 Antique auto 40 Discomforts 41 Musical offering 42 Room in a maison 43 Sign of endearment 45 Crimps again 48 Pitcher's mound miscue 49 Up straight 50 Red chalcedony 61 "- Rheingold" 54 Good weather words 8 Wight or Man, e.g. 59 More than ' pleasingly plump 80 Pro's opoosite 6 March sign 7 Noun endings 8 See 20 Across 9 EMK 10 Isolate 11 Analyze grammatically 12 Arm of the sea 13 Throws 18 Minute amount, in Scotland 19 Humbug 23 Trucker's rig 24 Gelatinous materials 25 Rajah's mate 26 General Bradley 27 Ridge 28 French composer Edouard 29 Straighten 31 Milk. containers 32 Mad as a wet hen 33 Rara - 34 Afternoon affairs 36 City-state of old Greece 37 Autumn 38 Song bird 42 Money, in Ecuador 43 Lifelong pursuit 44 Actor Alan 45 Do a tailor's job 46( 47 Obliterate Overlays 48 Light wood 50 Hurried along 51 Ballet's Peter Martins, for one 52 Sweeten the pot 53 Arouse 55 Connecting word 56 Business deg. 57 Fall guy INTENSIVE CARE FOR TEST-TAKERS. Get a healthy MCAT score by taking a test prep course with Stanley H. Kaplan. Our educational review and test-taking techniques are the best in the field. Call! !RnPLAN STANLEY H.KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. The last Class begins March 18th. Register now as Class AAA STUDENT PAINTERS is looking for individuals who want to gain practical busi- ness experience. Must be hard working--earn between $5-10,000 this summer for more info call Steve at 1-800-543-3792 or come see us at the summer job fair on Thursday March 16. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-- Fisheries. Earn $600+/week in cannery, $8,000-$I12,000)+ for two months on fishing vessel. Over 8,000 openings.oNo experience necessary. Male or Female. For 52-page em- ployment booklet send $6.95 to M&L Re- search, Box 84068, Seattle WA 98124--30 Jay, unconditional, 100% money back guar- intee. ANN ARBOR Y DAY CAMP BIRKETT now interviewing for camp counselors, swim instructors. Cam p dates June 19-Aug. 18. Apply at Ann Aror Y. 350 S. 5th Ave. 663- 0536. Equal Opportunity Employer. ATTENTION Some jobs pay well. Some jobs change the world. This job does both. Work for the Michigan Citizens Lobby. Work full/part time. lirs. 2prn-I Opm. Earn $275/wk. full time. Call 9-5, 663-6824. ATN: U of M BUSINESS SCHOOL STU- DENTS National Test Preparation Firm has immedi- ate openings for enthusiastic part-time in- structors to prepare students for the Graduate Management Admissions Test. Must have excellent GMAT scores & strong knowledge of the subjects tested. Submit resume by March 22 to: Manager 203 E. Hoover, Ann Arbor, MI, 48104. CAMP COUNSELORS -M/F - Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutni- tion/Dietetics. AgeI20+. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Mass., Penn., Calif. Contact: Michelle Friedman 947 Hewlett Dr., No. Woodmere, N.Y. 11l5$1, 800-421-4321. Camp Walden will hold informal inter-views for summer counseling positionstoday, 10-4 at CP and P. No appt. isnecessary. EARN UP TO $5.50 per hour! Production workers, Monday thru Friday, days. Applyin person at 1306 S. University. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Has job opportunities, available immediately, for CWS and non-CWS students. Applications available at: Library Personnel 404 Hatcher Graduate Library Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. COUNSELORS For boys' camp in Maine. Openings in most activities (WS I, tennis,basketball, etc. U - perclassmen preferred. Write:Camp Cedar 1758 Beacon St. BrokieM 216o call 617-277-8086. YMCA STORER CAMPS now interviewing for positions as counselors, trip leaders, horse instructors, & resource people. If interested, call Tammie, 761-3918. by Berke Breathed ANSWERTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: SALAD USE DAG TBONE ROES SURA AUPAIRGIRL IMAM I SE GAEL ESTATE RESENTS SEEKS AS3S ENTRAPS D E BT S LOE S E L F E RO0S TH I RD E R IE W A WHEATS C E DE PSC RE S S C R ER S IE R RA E ME U A VE A L AE PA RE AP P LE S P UR R Y E LL L EON E S.S S S ET E RN ST 3/10/88 space is limited. Hoover 662-3149 203 E. Achieve Your Maximum Score with EXCEL - 6 Class Sessions on the ac- tual Exam. - Video-taped Lessons for Additional Practice. " Quality Instruction with Af- fordable Tuition. Next classes begin: Monday, March 13 EjKIEL996-1500 Test Preparation 1 72 17 20 26 7 28 30 35 14 5 fi 7 8 9 10 H 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 29 31 36 37 3 Gain Valuable Experience in Advertising, Marketing and1 Relations. Sales, Public 1100 South University BLOOM COUNTY TRAINING! Five, Day Expense-Paid Sales Training Program in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Train with 200 other college students from across the country. Jz4Th ARE YOU'1W #/F/l7?- P6N&/N WR13F9 ''0P Hl54NA/I C05A161L7C 7HOIT45 I rh/5N0 YOUc ,US~r NC =LADY: MM