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March 08, 1989 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-03-08

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 8, 1989 - Page 5
Students use graffiti


remember friends

Michael Lee, LSA Senior, pauses to look at graffiti in front of the Kresge building. The graffiti
commemorates the death of two university students killed last year by a drunk driver. The students we
their spring break trip.
Survey shows major
decine in student drug us
BY DIMA ZALATIMO Cocaine; risk, availability and use among

This week is the one-year an-
niversary of an accident which left
two University students dead after
they were struck by a drunk driver on
the way to a Spring Break vacation
in Toronto.
When the man who committed
the offense was arrested, he said he
was too intoxicated to remember any
details of his crime.
But one year later, the friends of
the students still cannot forget the
crime. Yesterday another symbol of
NE /Daly their remembrance appeared on a
brick wall outside the old Kresge
ere on building.
Graffiti, special gatherings, and
other forms of public expression are
the means which the friends of Mike
Kaplan and Elizabeth Woods use to
create an awareness about their death,
while at the same time keeping the
ememories of their friends alive.
"It's something he would have
done for us," said LSA senior Scott
Berk, who was Kaplan's best friend.
"[The graffiti] is kind of a memorial
n % - to remind other people of the re-
60 alization that they can loose people
too. I don't think people realize the
delicacy of death."

Berk said it is important to keep
memories alive and equally impor-
tant to sometimes express them
"Too many times people forget
about death and say it can't happen
to them," Berk said.
LSA senior Bryan Case said graf-
fiti was an appropriate remembrance
for Kaplan because he loved it as a
form of expression.
'Too many times people
forget about death and say
it can't happen to them.'
-LSA senior Scott Berk

said he remembered how difficult the
experience of dealing with death was.
"When he died we all sat around
for three or four days just talking and
eating pizza. About 20 of us sat
around talking about him - this
was the coherent group that formed
when Mike [Kaplan] died...This is
the group of people that still re-
members [the students] and feel a
Kaplan's friends have also kept
his record collection in complete or-
der and earlier this year thcy cele-
brated his would-be birthday at his
favorite dancing spot - the Nec-
tarine Ballroom.
"I think I'll be able to deal with
life better now," said Berk. "Stuff
like this can happen to all of us at
some time. We all miss them a lot."
Another reason for the public ex-
pression, Berk said, is the lack of
media coverage at the time of the
CALL 764-0557

Drug use among high school students across the
nation continued to decline in 1988, according to a
University study released yesterday.
"Nearly all of the changes revealed by the 1988
survey about illicit drug use are good news, particu-
larly those relating to cocaine and crack," said Univer-
sity Research Scientist Lloyd Johnston, a- director of
the study.
The survey, which is conducted annually by the
University's Institute for Social Research, is adminis-
tefed to high school seniors. In addition, follow-up
studies are conducted to monitor high school students
after their graduation.
For the first time, the study showed a decline in the
use of crack cocaine. The number of high school se-
niors who tried crack at least once fell from 5.6 to 4.8
percent since 1987.
"An increasing number of young people have come
to believe that even experimentation with crack is
dangerous," said Johnston.
He said crack use declined among college students
as well, but not significantly.
The survey showed that marijuana use continued its
long-term, gradual decline among high school seniors
in 1988.
Similar changes in cocaine use were found, John-
ston said. He said cocaine use among high school stu-
dents has dropped 30-40 percent within the last 12
The use of cocaine among American college stu-
dents also showed a significant decline. In 1988, 10
percent used the drug, down from 17 percent in 1986.
Changes in cocaine use are related to the changing
perceptions of the drug, Johnston said. "We predicted
such a decline in cocaine use would occur once young
people began to see its use - particularly experimen-
tal and occasional use - as more risky. And that's

High School seniors

use in %

risk'availability ii

"He was a creative, energetic, and
talented person," said Berk. "He
loved a sense of chaos and thrived on
a sense of randomness. He also loved
graffitied things."
Another one of Kaplan's friends,
Engineering senior Dan Tobocman,

20 -
10 -


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- 40
- 20




i T rT I ! ! 1 1 1 1

year 1976 78 80 82 84 86 88

Risk: % saying great risk of
--- Risk harm In using once or
--Availability Availability: % saying fairly
Use easy to get
Use: % using once or more ir
past 12 months
what now seems to be happening."
Johnston said that alcohol use, which is still very
common, has shown a modest decline among high
school seniors, but no decline with college students.
The number of daily smokers did not change
significantly. "I think its about time we took the issue
of our youngsters smoking a lot more seriously,"
Johnston said.
ISR Research Scientist Jerald Bachman said the
study as a whole showed that the increase in the risk
perception and disapproval of drugs corresponded to a
decrease in actual drug use.
But Bachman said the media sends youngsters con-
fused and conflicting messages about drugs.
"Its hard to get the message across," he said. "Scare
tactics don't work."

Your Summer Job
-more than just employment...
M aCMrc 13 outpostTeenlslal l(
Camp Kenned Y. onore t ren "
cSiver an le o t n ce F 1a 03 a
stra a Fe * -
Unt*ndand pcalty C f -stair
l Saytarc t 6- 0
Job Fair on March 16 and at CP&P on March 30
and Aprl1
Tam a-ack is the Jewish Residence Camp Agency sponsored by the Fresh Air
Society of Metropolitan Detrot since 1903

Continued from Page 1
lots. The airline did not immediately
decide whether to appeal Davis' rul-
ing, he said.
Eastern, the nation's seventh-
largest airline, already has nearly
shut down, saying it was forced to
lay off a total of 9,500 workers this
week because of the pilots' adherence
to the strike.
The strike is the result of a 17-
month contract dispute.

Continued from Page 1
"The airline was sold from under-
neath us," Goerlitz said. "All control
was out of our hands."
Goerlitz, who worked as a
ground mechanic and baggage han-
dler at Detroit Metropolitan Airport
and was an official for his local
union, said the strike was inevitable.
For years the airline has been
steadily cutting workers' wages and
ignoring contract terms, Goerlitz

"All they (executives) talked
about was wage concessions. Many
of us just wanted a freeze (on the
wage)," he said.
Frustrated and angry, Goerlitz left
Eastern Airlines in1987.
"I knew that within at least five
years I would be out of a job. I put
it behind me and went into business
for myself. The wage cuts got to the
point where I could not afford to stay
there," he said.
"I'm glad I got out," Goerlitz
continued. "Any fear that I had about
leaving a 'secure job' are erased at

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