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February 21, 1989 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-21

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FRtE h e:berShi
,P, a d B ~eac Club our cmlm
Use yoyut eadvantag pca§hnCay
CardMesae Clef yo callahom
clube CtU e na U a S" u ~~s el
inietei hecnsas paefrll l se re e " -e.here l ia ck p oe Cete
to post messa
sorfrenda' y

'-r~ or you at N catrdJ will mk
JUs ttSpringBreak:~
J us~ telstening to tand Bud Light
athbe caraisttnsutyr ach. When the ns miums
BeachrCnumber head Ovetio n
ubto l mso vertothe Budcle
Tshirts and Shorts.. uvenir ie
towels...'lbSt cai
more. hase water gunsrs. .beach
Show he " and
exciting ecard,an
likhoBw eiseh-You can b ato
li ethe w rd'5 ar atred
9 st aterbeach events,
baltour i~. .volly.
nments jamssions.
Itsalso Your tc e sin"ad Y..
tlike ticettomore.,.
mu ine rcr pcial onsite atv.
edrGYOngbdoth n'th yaebsuet
brin a ali The Ad reminemerFtorik
responsibly... .because all it takes is one
y. stupid mistake to ruin your whole trip.
Know when to say when. Appoint a desig-
nated driver whenever you take to the
streets .. .and keep your good times under

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