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February 20, 1989 - Image 35

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-20

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MARCH 1989 Student Body


MARCH~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 199*SuetBd..TENAINLCLEENWPPR2

Continued From Page 1
the classes. He said they do not tape-
record or transcribe the lectures ver-
"Facts are not ownable," Brickman
said. "They are in the public domain."
He said he copyrights 'A' Plus Notes
because they have their own style. They
are packaged in brightly colored bind-
ings and can be bought for classes rang-
ing from Human Sexuality to Econo-
mics I.
Ralph Lowenstein, dean of UF's jour-
nalism college, made the call that
prompted the removal of'A' Plus Notes
from University Copy Center. He said
lectures are a product of an instructor's
creativity. , .. W TIII IN T WAB
"When I lecture to a class, I'm giving hia oeu US" IT insghs, Loesensad"Wa rgtW 5
insigts, "Lowenstein said "Waih
does anyone have to come in and print
an outline of the text?" one who skips class because of the notes.
Some teachers agree with Lowen- "There's always a concept I didn't pick
stein. Lewis A. Sussman, an associate up, and the notes can help explain it,"
professor in the classics department, Taylor said.
said his lectures are his property. The reasons for those who do miss
"A lecture is not just receiving in- class and buy A' Plus Notes range from
formation," Sussman said. "It is a not wanting to get up early to having to
psychological and emotional inter- work.
change that I share with students." One student, Jared Cohler, said he
Other teachers don't think they have doesn't go to the class he bought notes
the right to object. Marketing Professor for, and he uses them to get an 'A' on the
Jack Farley said banning 'A' Plus Notes test.
would violate Brickman's freedom of "The source of the problem is not 'A'
speech. Plus Notes," Cohler said. "It's the
Some students who use 'A' Plus Notes teaching staff - they don't teach.
don't see anything wrong with them. There's no reason to go to class."
Many use the notes to supplement their Lowenstein stressed that teachers
own. have the right to give their permission
"The notes allow me to listen more to and decide whether notes are sold for
the teacher without worrying about get- their class. He said if the teachers don't
ting everything down," said Steve Mar- mind, he doesn't object.
shall, a senior majoring in sociology. Bob Oetter, owner of the University
Jayme Taylor, a marketing senior Copy Center, said he had an agreement
who buys 'A' Plus Notes, said he still with Brickman that teachers' permis-
goes to class, and he doesn't know any- sion would be obtained. Brickman said

t .1 . !
3I/ a
there was no such agreement. Oetter
used that disputed agreement to break
Brickman's contract to sell out of the
copy center-
But Brickman d oes n't think he
should have to get permission from
"I would like to think that professors
wouldn't disapprove of this material,"
he said. "But I don't think their opinion
s houl d be t he d eci ding fact or on
whether it's offered."
Student Body President Scooter Wil-
lis said he doesn't think 'A' Plus Notes is
a form of cheating.
It's a good tool for students," said Wil-
lis, an engineering senior. "But people
could take advantage of it by not going
to class."
Although Lowenstein doesn't consid-
er using 'A' Plus Notes cheating either,
he has ethical problems with it.
'The legalities of it completely aside,
it's just ethically wrong," Lowenstein

Grade A Notes ... Another note service
Grade A Notes, offers student-written notes for about
15 different courses offered at Ohio State U. In fall of
1987, 200 students paid $18.95 to buy notes for one
course for the whole quarter. By the spring that
number had tripled, said Kathy Gatton, president of
the business. Grade A Notes hires graduate students
to take notes within their major. "We hire them on a
temporary basis for a week to make sure they do a
good job," Gatton said. Although the university has
allowed Grade A Notes to operate on campus, the
service has received mixed reviews "We have no
otticial poticy restricting note taking husinesses
said Charles Corhato, associate provost tor adminis-
tration. But, he added, "we really don't encourage
them." Jeff Grabmeier, The Mirror,
Ohio State U.
Paying for papers W...While some stu-
dents may choose to staf up alt night to create the
masterpiece term papervor speech, others plan ahead
and send away for one at one of several companies
across the nation who sell them. One such firm,
Research Assistance, publishes a catalog listing
more than 16,000 topics for papers in 141 academic
areas The average price per page for a basic paperis
ff7. More specialized popers coo cost rip to $22 per
page 'gur theory is simple said Art Stekelpa
partner in the Los Angeles based firm. "The best way
to learn sound research techniques is through study
ing letter-perfect research papers in the exact areaof
your assignment . Editorial Staff, Kansas
State Collegran, Kansas State U.
Mail-order unacceptable ... Although
several mail order companies sell research papers to
students claiming they can improve writing skills
fes students at Bowling Green State U. use the
services. Peter Hutchinson, associate vice president
of academic affairs, said problems arise when stu
dents try "to pass the papers off as their own." He
said the university's academic policy specifically
addresses the penalties Iplagiarism and "the
purchase of research papers is definitely considered
to be plagiarism." Thomas Klein, English professor,
said he assigns papers that probably would not be
available through any company. "I ask my students
to do unigue writing assignments that reguire very
original thinking." he said. EAngie Biandina,
The BG News, Bowling Green State U.,

Continued From Page 5
Jackson said.
"I think if a male would want to take a
class in this program, he would have to
be someone that could sit next to a
woman that doesn't shave her legs or a
woman that is a lesbian and not feel
uncomfortable," Jackson said.
In the past, Wolf said she has had
students from fundamentalist back-
grounds in women's studies classes, and
their perspectives often added new
dimensions to class discussions.
"If he or she was willing to give digni-
ty to another position, hear the discus-
sion and argue their position, the situa-
tion worked," Wolf said. "Their minds
may not have been changed, but at least
they were aware of other attitudes."
In some cases, Wolf said she has
found herself playing devil's advocate,
defending very conservative arguments
in order to stimulate and balance dis-
cussion on controversial subjects.
"We don't tell the truth," Wolf said. "I
don't know the truth. We simply want to
get all the arguments out there."
"The word feminism intrigues me in
how people react to it," Wolf said. It's
* almost like saying Marxist or commun-
ist, but there is nothing subversive ab-
out feminists."
Feminism in the UI Women's Studies
Program means a cross-disciplinary ex-

amination of the female role and pers-
pective in culture, society and history,
Wolf said.
"Feminists believe that women and
men should have equal opportunity and
rights economically, socially and politi-
cally," Wolf said.
"That doesn't mean that they should
have more opportunity, that men
should be put back or that men are bad.
"If you are living in a society, as we all
are, where there is not equal opportun-
ity, then feminism also implies that
things should be changed," Wolf said.
"And that is probably what is distres-
sing to many people."

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