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January 11, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-11

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. I CNo. 72 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 11, 1989 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

*Soc. 303
Students upset with Sociology
Prof. Reynolds Farley - who was
accused last term of being insensi-
tive to issues of racism and sexism
* by some of his Sociology 303 stu-
dents - will meet with the Sociol-
ogy Department's Executive Com-
mittee next week to ask that he not
teach the class in the future.
"(Farley's) just insensitive to the
issues of sexism and racism," said
LSA senior Starry Hodge, who was
enrolled in Sociology 303, "Racial
and Cultural Contacts," last term.
Many students have expressed
concern about comments Farley
made in his lectures, including
negative characterizations of Mal-
colm X and Marcus Garvey. Farley
referred to Malcolm X as "a red-
headed pimp who grew up in Lans-
ing," Hodge said.
"People who have never heard of
Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey take
his word for it," she said.
Farley, who is on sabbatical at the
U.S. Census Bureau in Washington
D.C. until September, denied that he
is insensitive to issues of racism and
Farley said he discussed Malcolm
X's importance and significance in
the Black movement, but said he
also "pointed out that he had a
checkered career" and spent time in
"I'm certain that I never said he
was a red-haired pimp," Farley said.
"To this day, I don't know what
color hair Malcolm X had."
"In a course like this, you give a
number of examples of prejudicial
statements" to help describe the his-
tory of race relations, he said. "To be
sure,I was quoted out of context."
Some students, after a Dec. 14
meeting with Farley, said the prob-
lems with Sociology 303 reflect the
larger problem of an insufficient
number of minority professors at the
A common student complaint was
that Farley treated questions from
minority students in a condescend-
ing, sarcastic manner.
In addition, "(The class) perpetu-
ates a racism that is in the University
as a whole," Hodge said. "Now we
feel that we've come together as
students and will be able to do
something about this."
Hodge said she wanted "someone
who's sensitive - preferably a per-
son of color, but not necessarily," to
teach the course in the future.
Sociology Department Chair
James House said the Executive
Committee would meet with con-
9 cerned students sometime next
week, but said a precise time has not
yet been determined.
"We listen to input from students,
we listen to input from faculty, we
listen to input from everyone, and
then we try to make the best deci-
sion," he said.
Sociology Prof. Mary Jackman is
chairing a task force on diversity and

discrimination in the Sociology De-
* partment, and encourages students
with concerns about Sociology 303,.
or any other Sociology course, to
contact her.
"Perhaps professors would be-
See Farley, Page 3.

Heads up
LSA Senior Mark Trafeli looks at a Roman sculpture of "An anonymous old man" in the Kelsey Museum of Archeology at 434 State St.

PARIS (AP) - The Soviet
Union yesterday publicly joined the
United States in opposing Third
World demands to link bans on
chemical and nuclear weapons.
Delegates to the 150 nation con-
ference on chemical weapons worked
toward a compromise final declara-
tion that could be delayed by U.S.
resistance on linkage and other is-
"We are against making the reso-
lution of nuclear disarmament a pre-
condition for chemical disarma-
ment," Soviet Deputy Foreign Min-
ister Victor Karpov told a news con-
In an upbeat remark, Karpov also
told reporters the conference was
"doomed to success" - signifying it
would achieve progress despite
Western delegates said a final
declaration will be issued when the
five-day conference closes today.
The declaration will have no legal
power but will carry weight as an
expression of international political
The final declaration is reached by
consensus, so any disagreement
could mean delay or even failure.
Since the conference opened Sat-
urday, Arab states demanded linkage
between nuclear and chemical
weapons bans. These Arab States
want to retain chemical weapons to
offset what they claim is Israel's
nuclear capability.
Non-aligned nations offered
changes to modify Arab language,
eliminating explicit references to
nuclear arms. But the United States
remained opposed, conference
sources said on condition of

BY VERA SONGWE King's birthd
A T-Shirt going on sale today an LSA Juni
with the words 'Diversity Day' nority Affa
crossed out in place of 'Martin want to celeb
Luther King Jr. Day' may best epit- spite the dive
omize an emerging conflict about Harris sa
the proper way to name the Univer- day was calle
sity's commemoration of the civil a day when
rights leader's birthday. and think of
And although diversity may mean and how m
a different thing to all, students and done.
administrators appear to be at odds But Vice
about the best way to highlight the Affairs Char
message of King and the day itself. University's
Programs leading up to the Jan. Martin Luth
16 celebration of the day - in Day. "We a
which classes have been cancelled - people unde
begin tomorrow. King's birthday is moving towa
officially Jan. 15. is enlightenr
"The whole idea of Martin Luther equity."
King is that people should be equal He added
not diverse, we could celebrate Di- March is anf
versity day but not on Martin Luther together to w

iay," said Delro Harris
or and chair of the Mi-
irs Commission. "We
brate the similarities de-
id he would rather the
ed a day of reflection -
students could sit back
f all that has happened
uch more needs to be
Provost of Minority
les Moody defended the
s commemoration of
her King as Diversity
re trying to make sure
rstand the University is
ard diversity. The theme
ment, empowerment and
J that the Jan. 16 Unity
effort to bring everyone
/ork for a common goal.

arks dispute

But some students maintain that
the official naming of 1989 Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr/ Diversity
Day celebration takes away much of
the day's meaning.
"Diversity does not mean equality
it means variety and that means
nothing really. I feel like in a way it
is cloudiig the issue, and draining
the importance of what Martin
Luther King stood for," said Natasha
Raymond, an RC Senior and mem-
ber of the University of Michigan
Asian Student Coalition.
Francis Matthews, an LSA senior
and delegate to the Black Student
Union, said the day loses its in-
tegrity when the name is changed.
The day, he continued, should just
have been called Martin Luther King
Yet Moody maintains that the day
is an event for everyone.

"It is a day for everyone not just
for Blacks," Moody said. He ex-
plained that Martin Luther King's
efforts were to liberate and free all

from oppression and inequality.
"Dr. King was not given a No-
bel peace prize because he fought for
See Diversity, Page 3

Council shies away

from tax increases

Although the Ann Arbor City Council
wants to find funding for City Hall renova-
tions and a looming $1.6 million budget
deficit, the council appears reluctant to ask
the voters to approve any tax increase.
At its weekly meeting Monday night,
council rejected 9-1 a $24 million millage
proposal for a City Hall renovation and ex-
pansion plan and postponed a ballot request
for a one-year rollback of the Headlee
Amendment until at least April.
The Headlee Amendment to the Michigan
Constitution stipulates that property taxes
cannot grow faster than the inflation rate
without a special city-wide vote.
Although the council voted 6-5 at a special
meeting Friday to put a full rollback of the
amendment - which could add $1.1 million
to the city's general fund - on the Feb. 20

primary ballot, the council voted unani-
mously Monday to reconsider its divisive
Liz Brater (D-Third Ward) said that even
though Friday's action was "the correct thing
to do," she voted to take the rollback proposal
off next month's ballot because there will be
more time to build support for the proposal
for the April 3 election.
Fifth Ward Republican Thomas Richard-
son said, "I'm glad some of my colleagues
have reconsidered... (Putting the proposal on
the February ballot) is just not the democratic
thing to do. We know there will be a minis-
cule turnout in the February election."
A property tax hike primarily hits home
owners and could easily translate into higher
"Any property tax increase usually means
increased rents," said Moe Fitzsimons of the

Ann Arbor Tenants Union.
Fitzsimons said that landlords are allowed
by law to immediately pass any property tax
increase on to tenants.
But it appears that the time for a property
tax increase will eventually come. A $1.6
million city budget deficit from overspending,
unexpected retirements and unexpected pen-
sion arbitration losses has forced the city to
cut back on city services.
For example, unless the city finds addi-
tional revenue, positions for 12 fire fighters
and 4 police officers will remain vacant, said
City Administrator Del Borgsdorf.
And although councilmembers are in
agreement that City Hall is in need of repair,
plans to finance extensive renovation and ex-
pansion with a one-mill property tax hike for
20 years were defeated Monday night for
many of the same reasons.

Councilmember Larry Hunter (D-Firs
Ward), a longtime supporter of City Hall ren-
ovation, introduced a resolution to kill the
millage proposal and to effectively put off
City Hall renovation for 1989.
"(The present City Hall) does hamper our
ability to provide services to the people we're
elected to serve. But I don't think (the mil-
lage) is the top priority that we can approach
the voters with knowing the limits of the vot-
ers," Hunter said. "We better hold on this un-
til there is time to build a better a case to pre-
sent to the voters."
Most councilmembers agreed with Hunter.
"If we put this to voters now and fail, it will
be very damaging. The mood out there is not
to raise taxes," said Mark Ouimet (R-Fourth
Complaints about City Hall center around
its asbestos insulation, limited parking space,
appearance and lack of working space.

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Old Main hospital
walls come down

When an eight-ton demolition
ball tore into the former Neuropsy-
chiatric Institute of the University's
Old Main Hospital complex yester-
day, it symbolically started the end
of an era.
The 63-year old building has
been doomed for years, since the
University began planning for its
eventual replacement.
The estimated cost for the
demolition project - which is ex-
pected to be completed in July - is.
in excess of $8 million, said Paul
Spradlin, University Director of
Plant Extension and director of the
demolition project. This includes

Since then, "Old Main" has
slowly been readied for its demoli-
tion days. Although it was originally
slated for demolition by explosives,
O'Rourke Construction Company of
Cincinnati is demolishing it with a
series of wrecking ball strikes in an
attempt to save money.
Most time consuming was the
removal of asbestos from the build-
ing's structure. "You can't demolish
(the building) until the asbestos is
removed," Spradlin said.
The asbestos removal took sev-
eral months because it was in the
"insulation pipes, floor tiles, doors,
and just about everything," Spradlin


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