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February 20, 1989 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-20

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IMARCH 1989 News Features



Campus drug dealer gets time ... A former
Southern Illinois U. student was convicted Nov. 28, 1988
for dealing cocaine under a new law that mandates prison
time for dealing drugs on school property. Former journal-
ism student, Steven Goldstein, was prosecuted for deaing
co ne twice on Oct. 10, 1988 in the U s Mae Smith hall
a nce on Oct. 15, 1986 in Morris Library. Goldstein's
case was the first trial and conviction since the law went
into effect in 1986. The new law provision changes the drug
dealing charge from a Class It felony with probation to a
Class I felony with no probation for dealing on school
property. The law carries a minimum tour-year prison term
and a maximum 15 years in prison with a $250,000 fine for
each count. Circuit Court Judge David Watt sentenced
Goldstein to four years in prison on each count He was
also fined $10,000 for the offense and $1,100 in drug fines
for the amount of cocaine he sold. "It's a warning to anyone
dealing drugs on school property," Burke said. "It they are
ca ht they will go to prison." Jackie Spinner,
1Wy Egyptian, Southern Illinois U.
Let there be pride ... Indiana U. (IU) has
developed The African Social Studies Program (ASSP) to
help instill a sense of nationalism in independent African
nations. ASSP allows for 11 educators from 10 African
nations to obtain a special master of arts degree in teaching
social studies from IU. The degree will allow the Africans to
teach social studies to the people of their country and
enable them to be proud of their ethnic background while
r zing their national identity. When colonized, the
in ivdual ethnic backgrounds of each country were largely
ignored. The United States Information Agency (USIA)
provided a grant of $200,000 to fund the project. IU was
contacted by Peter Muyanda-Mutebi, executive director of
the ASSP in Nairobi, Kenya. Muyanda-Mutebi came up
with the idea of using social studies as a means of uniting
ethnic backgrounds into nationalistic feeling. "Social stu-
dies is, in a sense, the way a society expresses itself, to
define their own nationality," said C. Frederick Risinger,
associate director of the IU Social Studies Development
Center. Bill Allen from Liberia said, "I will learn all I can as
best as possible so when I get back home I will be in a
p on to help my people," said Allen. Brenda E.
, Indiana Daily Student, Indiana U.,
Tutu fund aids refugees Many colleges
and universities otter scholarships ton deserv ng students
who meet specific criteria, and Berea College in Kentucky is
no exception. The college supports The Bishop Desmond
Tutu Southern Africa Refugee Scholarship Fund for refugee
students from South Afica and Namibia. The fund grants
t ear undergraduate scholarships at United States co-
loW Tutu made the first contribution to the fund after
receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. The purpose of the
lund is to help qualitied young people flen their homeland
because 01 apartheid. Chosen from South Arican reugee
camps, these students will return to their homelands to fill
the need for trained manpower. To qualify, students must
pass a series 01 tests and be interviwed by a Scholarship
Fund stall member. Generally, students chosen represent
the upper 10 percent of the approximate 200 students who
take the exam. Participating colleges cover tuition, room
and board while the fund covers costs like clothing, travel,
books, insurance, special equipment and stipends.
S ria Mosher, The Pinnacle, Berea Col-
In search of a vaccine ... Horses are among
several animals that could help Louisiana State U. (LSU)
scientists find an AIDS vaccine. Equine Infectious Anemia
(EIA), found in horses, is similar to the AIDS virus, said
Robert Montelaro, chairman of the Biochemistry Depart
ment "This (EIA) is very exciting because it is the only
example of an AIDS-related virus where the animal wins the
b " Montelaro said. LSU scientists are currently testing
h ftective the drug AZT - the only drug licensed to
treat AIDS patients - is with the EIA virus, said Dr. Chuck
Issel, professor of veterinary virology. A horse will go
through six to eight cycles of the disease and each time the
horse will produce antibodies to fight that particular strain
of the disease, Montelaro said. The antibodies that are
made in the horse, after about a year, are the kinds
scientists would use in a vaccine for an AIDS patient.
Montelaro said. About $1.5 million worth of equipment is
being used to study the proteins that make up the virus,
Montelaro said. Kathy O'Brien, The Daily Re-
veille, Louisiana State U.
Not enough women here ... Wr en are
underrepresented in student governments nationwide and
do not have an equal say about the allocation of student

ees although they pay one-half of those fees. says a 1988
study of college campuses Women are 54 percent of
college undergraduates, which is a majority. but are under-
represented in positions of leadership " said Tamar
Raphael press secretary for the Fund for the Ferinist
Majority in Washington. D.CO. The group s nationwide sur-
vey of student governments at 50 colleges and universities
showsuthat at publc institutions 24.5 percent of student
government presidents are women Executive boards are
32.9 percent women and 37.8 percent of legslative bodies
are women The Fund for the Feminist Majority is a non-
profit organization whose goalis "to inspire unprecedented
numbers of women to seek positions of pubc leadership.
Raphael said. Women s concerns and services such as
on-campus chld care, rape crisis faclit es and womens
health care. are bypassed in funding decisions. the report
says. Female students also face a financial-aid gap. receiv-
ing 68 cents in work-study earnings and 73 cents in grants
for every dotlar male students receive. said Eleanor Smeal
president of the group and former president of the National
Organization of Women . Veronique de Turenne.
Dai/ Lobv, U. of New Mexico

Stolen moment with a Skull . .. Syracuse U.
freshman Kevin McQuain was arraigned last fall for charges
of body theft of a skull from Oakwood Cemetary. McQuain
confessed to stealing a skull that Police believe was that of
John Crouse Sr., founder of the university's Crouse Col-
lege. Resident advisers discovered McQuain boiling a skull
in a garbage can on top of a stove, according to police
reports. In a signed confession, McQuain stated, "I was
boiling it so that I could get it cleaner, and get rid of some of
the germs and dirt." McQuain said he intended to use the
skull as a model for his sculpting class. McQuain, who has
been suspended indefinitely from Syracuse U., claims he
took the skull from the "mausoleum (that) had the name
John Crouse on the front" but was not responsible for
vandalizing it. "I never did anything mischievous or caused
any damage," he said. "Many people are going to think
he's a Nazi punker ... because of he way he dresses. He's a
down-to-earth guy," said Jim Corbo, one of McQuain's
floormates. Eric N. Tully, The Daily Orange,
Syracuse U., NY

Frat IDs prevent crashers ... No more party
crashers in fraternities, thanks to a new identification card
that enables them to have closed functions with more
security. "(The card) was created for the purpose of allow-
ing sororities and fraternities to carry on closed meetings
when they choose to do so," said Drew Smith, assistant
coordinator of fraternities and sororities for Student De-
velopment. Smith said there have also been a lot of prob-
lems with people attending fraternity parties who are not
students at the university. He cited high insurance ratesand
underage drinking as reasons for having the card Smith
said the card is like any other ID: it will enable different
sororities and fraternities to intermingle, encouraging more
unity among Greeks. The InterFraternity Council unani-
mously passed the motion approving the card. "It is not
meant to set the Greeks apart as better or worse," Smith
said. "It's just a way for them to identify each other when
they need to." Jeanie Taft, Technician, North
Carolina State U.


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