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February 20, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-20

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 20, 1989

Coffin speaks on
society, and envi
BY ANDREW KAPLAN into a moral stupor and that Einste
Rev. William Coffin, President of the "Imagination is more important thanl
SANE/FREEZE national nuclear disarmament should be posted at every college.
organization, gave a sobering yet inspirational Furthermore, he proposed that cv
address last night on the topics of nuclear disar- of the senior class "pledge to seek or
mament and its relationship to environmental and ployment as beneficial to his fellow
social issues. ings and not harmful to the environm
Speaking to a large group of students and Regarding the present day nuclea
Michigan residents at Rackham Auditorium, situation, he said "The whole worldi
Coffin stressed that the "Big news of the day is oner in a cell condemned to deatha
the survival of the entire human race and the en- uncertain moment of execution."
vironment. The whole world as a whole has to be
managed and not just its parts. Today its the The threat of nuclear weapons isn
whole that can't protect itself against its parts." ited to use by governments, he said.
Coffin commented on universities and stu- to stop research and development to s
dents as well, saying that universities had sunk eventual private terrorist usage+


ein's words:
cry member
ly such em-
human be-
ar armament
is as a pris-
awaiting the
not just lim-
"We've got
save us from
of nuclear

"But global health is not only threatened by
nuclear weapons", he added. He cited Chernobyl,
acid rain, the depletion of the ozone and the ef-
fects of deforestation as "knowing no borders."
With regard to Bush, Coffin said that he be-
lieves the new President has no other choice but
to deal with Gorbachev faithfully. Without
strong support, he warned, Gorbachev may lose
power and his successors will follow the
"conservative" policies of earlier Soviet leaders.
In conclusion, he stressed that "We've got to
commit ourselves to the long run. Too many
Americans are sprinters."

Students rock for Multiple Sclerosis

While many University students
were studying for mid-term exams
on Saturday night, others rocked
away at the Nectarine Ballroom, lip-
synching their favorite rock tunes
and raising money for the National
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
Seven groups of University stu-
dents raised funds and performed, but
the group from Triangle fraternity
won the contest.
"It feels really great to have won,
since we put so much time into this.
I did it because I knew it'd be a lot

of fun for a good cause," said Rick
Griskie, a junior in the School of
Griskie said about $1500 was
raised from the contest for MS.
Students Against MS is a na-
tional organization that raises money
for MS research. Last week, college
students all over the United States
raised money for MS through simi-
lar lip-sync competitions.
Jim Feiste, campus chair of Stu-
dents Against Multiple Sclerosis and
engineering senior, organized the
Rock-A-Thon through Triangle fra-

ternity, of which he is a member.
"I have a personal friend from
home who has MS. We never had a
local philanthropy, and this year I
decided that it would be a good idea
to choose MS," said Feiste.
Joe Bennett, a first year student
who participated in the contest, said
he found the experience rewarding.
"The competition was pretty
tough. We didn't win a prize, but
that wasn't the main objective of the
Rock-A-Thon. We're happy since we
raised almost $600 from Mosher
Jordan for MS," said Bennett.

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A videotape taken Saturday night
of the winning group was submitted
to MTV studios in New York City.
MTV will select six winners from
the videos submitted, one from each
of its six regions in the United
States. Each of the six winning
teams will travel to Daytona, Florida
for the national competition.
The grand prize winner will have
their video shown on MTV.
The winner was chosen on the
basis of money raised and talent. The
panel of judges included Rosebowl
MVP Leroy Hord.
Continued from Page 1
currently underway, the administra-
tion would not respond.
If the proposal is agreed upon,
TAs would not be required to teach
sections with more than 20 students.
The proposition would not increase
TA salary, but would employ more
However, limiting class size
would force departmentsatoscreate
more sections and hire more TAs,
thereby requiring more money from
Since departments' budgets are
decentralized and limited by the Uni-
versity's budget, state appropria-
tions, and research grants, funding
for such a policy would require sig-
nificant reprioritization by depart-
Statistics compiled by the Office
of Academic Planning and Analysis
show the weighted average LSA
class-size for Fall 1988 to be 29
The statistics combine lecture and
discussion sections because they be-
lieve distinguishing between the two
is not important, said Marilyn
Knepp, director of Academic Plan-
ning and Placement.
The GEO and SSC hope to raise
enough support by Marl, the GEO
contract expiration date - it hopes a
University-wide class size limitation
will ,be included in the negotiated
Tomorrow-update on GEO ne-
Continued from Page 1
"When one speaks of reform, one
doesn't question principles," he said.
Ture's speech was part of the
Black Student Union's week-long
celebration Malcolm X, a leading
civil rights figure in the 60's.
"Malcolm X came to take Black
nationalism to Pan-Africanism.
Malcolm X was a revolutionary, not
a reformist. He didn't wan't to inte-
grate into a sinking ship."
"Once Africa is liberated, world
imperialism will be destroyed," Ture
said. He added that the capitalistic
system is crumbling and America is
more ripe for revolution today than
it was in the 60's.
"We must go to Africa culturally
physically, in every way," Ture ad-
vocated, "Africa is our home, until
she is free, we will never be free."
Continued from Page 1

cumbent Democrat Kathy Edgren,
who supports Spayth.
Spayth, who works at the Center
for Independent Living, an advocacy
and service organization for the dis-
abled, and is disabled herself, is cur-

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Police question Mandela's
bodyguards in murder case
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Police, investigating the murder
of a young Black activist, detained four men yesterday at home of Winnie
Mandela, wife of imprisoned leader of the African National Congress
Nelson Mandela.
"This is a thorough search of the premises where the alledged attacks
and assaults took place, according to witnesses," said Jaap Joubert, chief
of the investigation into the death of Stompie Seipel.
Police said they found traces of blood during a pre-dawn raid at the
The men detained, according to radio reports, were members of the so-
called Mandela United soccer team, who live at Mandela's home and act as
Mandela's bodyguards.
Three Soweto men have said Mandella's bodyguards abducted them and
the boy and beat them at the Mandela house.
Mandela has denied being at home when the four were brought there
and has reportedly decided to remove the men from her home.
Afghan President strenghtens hold
KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan President Najib, in an attempt to
solidify his control over the embattled government and military, has
announced that he will form and lead a military council which will be
responsible for coordinating the ongoing fight against the U.S.-backed
Moslem guerrillas, the foreign minister said yesterday.
Najib's announcement came one day after a nationwide state of
emergency was declared as he worked to replace seven members of the'
Cabinet who were not members of his ruling People's Democratic Party
of Afghanistan.
The guerrillas, meanwhile, claimed to have captured a provincial
capital in central Afghanistan while capturing government soldiers and
supplies in the process. The guerrillas are launching an offensive against
the capital of Kabul in the wake of the final Soviet troop withdrawal last
Khomeini rejects writer's apology
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini yesterday
rejected the apology of British writer Salman Rushdie and exhorted
Moslems around the world to "send him to hell" for his novel "The Sa-
tanic Verses."
In a statement issued by the official Islamic Republic News Agency,
Khomeini said the "imperialist mass media were falsely alleging that if
the author repented, his execution order would be lifted. This is denied,
100 percent.
"Even if Salman Rushdie repents and becomes the most pious man of
time it is incumbent on every Moslem (to) employ everything he's got,
his life and wealth, to send him to hell," Khomeini was quoted as saying.
Khomeini, patriarch of the Islamic revolution, last week sentenced
Rushdie to death for his novel, which Moslems say insults Islam.
Study shows increase in number
of complaints against Det. police
DETROIT - The number of criminal complaints against Detroit
police officers has risen rapidly in recent years, resulting in high public
dissatisfaction with the department, a newspaper reported Sunday.
A four-month study of department. records showed the number of
complaints rose from 497 in 1985 to 725 in 1987, while the number of
investigations against officers increased from 215 in 1985 to 361 in
1987, The Detroit News said in a copyright story.
In 1987, investigators found evidence that 36 officers committed
crimes; in the first nine months of 1988, the figure was 45 officers, The
News said. The newspaper didn't indicate comparable numbersfor 1985.
Among the crimes alleged against officers, either by their own
department, the Wayne County prosecutor of federal grand juries, are rape,
car theft, insurance fraud, cocaine and heroin possession, armed robbery
and hiring an assassin to kill someone.
Get that bug outta my ear!
BOSTON - Doctors were excited when a patient came to the hospital
with a cockroach in her ear. It was a long-awaited chance to try out the
latest in bug-removal technology.
The best roach approach, according to a report four years ago, is to
squirt it with the anesthetic lidocaine.
"With hurried anticipation, we sprayed the drug briskly into the ear
canal and quickly jumped back, fully expecting the beast to come hurling
forth at first contact with the noxious substance," they said in a letter in
Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

Alas, nothing happened. They tried again, this time dousing the in-
truder with a bigger dose. Still nothing.
"Get that sucker outa my ear!" the patient screamed.
"What a brilliant idea," the doctors agreed.
They hooked up a wall suction device and gently slipped the tip into
the young women's ear. With a satisfying "schloop!" they nabbed the
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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Photo Staff: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Jule Holman, Jose Juarez, Ellen Levy, Lindsay Morris, Uz Steketee, John weise.


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