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February 16, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-16

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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 16, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily

56 killed
*In Sri
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) -
As a result of bombings and gunfire
at least 56 people were killed,
including 7 by police, during the
first parliamentary elections in 11
years, authorities reported yesterday.
Police said terrorists of the Sin-
halese majority for 47 killings. They
say the government has given too
much to Tamil rebels, who seek an
independent homeland in the north
and east, in an attempt to end the
civil war that has taken at least
8,500 lives since 1983.
Tamils, who are predominantly
Hindu and make up 18 percent of Sri
Lanka's 16 million people, claim
discrimination by the Sinhalese,
most of whom are Buddhist. The
Sinhalese, 75 percent of the popula-
tion, control the government and
Sinhalese extremists began an
anti-government campaign in July
1987 and opposing the elections was
a part of it.
Election officials said about 65
percent of the 9.3 million eligible
voters cast ballots despite the vio-
lence and threats of intimidation
from Sinhalese and Tamil extrem-

Duderstadt picks
new PR director
Reorganization puts public relations'

office directly under
University President James Duderstadt has
announced the appointment of Walter Harri-
son, head of a national consulting firm for
colleges and universities, as chief of Univer-
sity public relations.
Harrison's official title will be executive
director of University relations, a position
formerly dubbed University communications
The title was changed because the office
of University communications - formerly
part of the University Development Office -
now reports directly to Duderstadt, a
spokesperson for the president said yesterday.
The change is an attempt to increase
interaction between Duderstadt and
University communications, she said.
"The hiring of Walt signals a new direc-
tion of the President, in a more energetic,
modem approach to education... He wants to
reach out and make more positive communi-
cation with our constituents. He knows the
University and how to put it in touch with the
public," said James Beck, director of Uni-
versity Marketing Communications.
"You can't have efficient communication
without the support of central administration.
They've worked with him and they know him
well," added Beck.
Harrison began his work with the Univer-
sity three years ago .as an external public
relations consultant for the College of Engi-
neering, the School of Business Administra-
tion, the Law School, and the Office of the

the president
In his new position, he will be responsible
for the University's News and Information
Service - which publishes The University
Record, the Office of Marketing
Communications, and the University's public
radio stations WUOM and WVGR.
Keith Molin, who filled the vacancy when
Bob. Potter left the post about two years ago,
has been acting as director of University
communications. He will resume his former
position in government relations at the Uni-
Harrison entered the field of public rela-
tions in 1982 as director of college relations
at Colorado College. In 1985, he became
president of Gehrung Associates, a national
public consulting firm for colleges and uni-
"This is an important position and I be-
lieve we have made an outstanding choice,"
Duderstadt said in a press release. "Walt
Harrison is highly respected nationally and
across this campus for his exceptional
personal achievements. His academic
background and interests also are important
assets in working closely with faculty,
students and staff."
"There are not many positions that could
have tempted me to leave Gehrung Associ-
ates," Harrison said in a statement. "But I am
delighted that Jim Duderstadt has offered me
the chance to serve one of the world's great
universities. And the University of Michigan
means a great deal to me personally."
Harrison will assume his post full time in

Something fishy
Mike Monahan, co-owner of Monahan's Seafood Market in
demonstrates cooking in Kitchen Port store.



Dems square off in



After six years of representing the city's Fifth Ward
on the Ann Arbor City Council, Democrat Kathy Ed-
gren is stepping down.
But you'll still see her name on campaign fliers.
Edgren has endorsed Democrat Verna Spayth to take
her spot in Monday's Fifth Ward primary election.
Spayth, who faces opposition from Democrat Ed
Surovell, hopes to go on to face Republican Joe Borda
in the April 3 general election.
The Fifth Ward, which encompasses the west side,
is the only one of the city's five wards in which there
is a contested primary for, city council.
Both Democratic candidates boast of extensive
experience in the city and in Ann Arbor politics.
Spayth, who works at the Ann Arbor Center for

Independent Living, an advocacy and service organiza-
tion for the disabled, and is disabled herself, is cur-
rently President of the Community Development Cor-
poration Board of Directors and chair of the Local Ad-
visory Committee to the Ann Arbor Transportation
She has also been chair of the Ann Arbor Human
Rights Commission and a member of the Zoning
Board of Appeals and the Citizens Advisory Commit-
tee on Rape Prevention.
"I've got a wide range of tastes of what city gov-
ernment is all about," Spayth said.
Surovell, President of Edward Surovell Realty
Company, said he "has been involved in city politics
for a long time," and was once chair of the Ann Arbor
Planning Commission.

"Good citizens have a responsibility to serve pub-
licly. I am glad to take my turn in line," he said.
And both Democrats said they want to use their ex-
perience to solve city problems.
Both see Ann Arbor's $1.6 million budget deficit as
an urgent concern; both plan to vote for the Headlee
rollback in order to raise city revenue on the April 3
election; and both believe the city must find ways to
cut costs.
"We're missing some creative ways of streamlining
and saving money," Spayth said. "We've got to start
nickel-and-diming it."
Surovell said he isn't sure what the long-term
solution is to city's budget crunch, but said, "A re-
sponsible city council takes steps to cut costs when it
is essential."

And both candidates support recycling to lessen the
burden on the city's overflowing landfill.
Spayth stressed she is "absolutely supportive of re-
cycling" and said it will have eventually have to take a
mandatory form.
Surovell said, "the question of recycling is not a
question of if, but of when."
However, Surovell said a mandatory recycling pro-
gram may be too costly. "It will have to be balanced
against other costs to the city," he said.
As for city relations with the University, Surovell
expressed a desire to increase the amount of student
parking spaces.
"Nobody is running to build a parking structure for
student cars. It wouldn't be a bad idea, would it?" he

Stanford prof. reflects
on activist movements

Standing before an audience of
close to 50 yesterday at the Law
School, Prof. Clayborne Carson said
that he wanted to tell a story.
His story was a contrast between
two Black civil rights groups, the
Student Nonviolence Coordinating
Committee (SNCC) and the Black
Panthers, both of which were made
famous by the racial turmoil that
characterized America in the late
Though the groups collectively
sought racial unity and equal civil
rights, said Carson, they maintained
different political ideologies and
According to Carson, the "Black
Panthers emphasized the lump and
proletariat of the community - the
lower strata of Black society." He
described the Panthers as the more
"militant" of the two, a group who
opted for radical confrontation of the
key issues facing the Black
SNCC, on the other hand, he
said, chose more cooperative
strategies, working with all classes
of Blacks as well as influential
Carson, an associate professor of
history at Stanford University,
played tapes of various interviews he
conducted with key members of
SNCC and the Black Panthers.

organization...that, for a variety of
reasons, didn't attain its potential."
He stated three main reasons for the
group's failure: internal conflicts,
ideological problems with the
SNCC, and repression by the Federal
Bureau of Investigations.
To back up this claim, he cited
figures that between 1967 and 1969,
the FBI carried out 233 separate
projects designed to thwart the
Summarizing the material he had
presented, Carson attempted to draw
a conclusion to his story.
"It's a very complex
issue.. .Leadership and competition
mattered more than ideology .. .We
should never get to a point where we
get so wrapped in our day to day
affairs that we have to ask where we
are going."

Forum to
focus on
Does government serve public or
private interests?
That is just one of the questions
to be discussed by speakers and in
seminars during a two-day conference
on ethics in government starting to-
The conference, entitled, "Ethics:
The Cornerstone of Public Trust,"
features Archibald Cox, the first
special prosecutor who investigated
Watergate, as keynote speaker. Other
speakers include Doug Ross, director
of the Michigan Department of
Commerce, Andrew Stark, policy
advisor to the prime minister of
Canada, and Otis Smith, former
Michigan state supreme court jus-
Besides the speeches, the confer-
ence will also include seminars.
Panel discussions, moderated by
University professors and comprised
of government officials, journalists,
professors, and business people, will
address campaign financing defense
contracts, ethics in federal, state, lo-
cal government, and AIDS.
This conference, said co-sponsor

Class discussion ALEXANDRA BREZ/Daily
Thomas Fujita, of the University of Michigan Aisan Student Coalition, Prof. William Alexander,
UCAR member Michael Wilson, and Minority Organization of Rackham President Jocelyn Sargert
discuss a proposed mandatory class on racism. See story, Page 3.
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan

TERMEZ, U.S.S.R. (AP) - The
Soviet Union ended its nine-year in-
tervention in Afghanistan yesterday
when the last soldier, the com-
mander of the Red Army contingent,
walked across a border bridge
clutching flowers.
"I wasn't looking back," said Lt.
Gen. Boris Gromov after leaving
Afghan soil where 15,000 Soviets
died in a civil war that still rages on.
The nllunnt thrnAthe hnrder

Moslem guerrillas was a costly mis-
"It was a clear error, so many
died," said senior Sgt. Asgat
Husayinov. He said Afghanistan was
"a hell after which you fear nothing,
except maybe yourself."
About 200 cheering, windburned
soldiers clutched automatic rifles as
they rode mud-spattered armored
personnel carriers across the
Fri;ndchin hri;aP n--..t.e A m~

"I thought about those who were
left behind, but most importantly
about those who have come home,"
said Gromov, who took command in
Afghanistan in 1984 on his third tour
of duty there.
The Afghan government
yesterday night expressed its
appreciation to the Soviet Union for
its assistance. But it also said
rflitifnc hetween ihe two hnuihi

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