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February 15, 1989 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-15

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Wage 2 - The Michigan Doily - Wednesday, February 15, 1989
Small town takes
vote on banning a
new state prison

Residents of this Gogebic County
town went to the polls yesterday to
decide whether the city council
should ban prisons within city lim-
4 A vote for the ordinance would
-advise Michigan against building a
proposed prison work camp within
Wakefield limits, even though city
leaders at one time solicited the
camp, city Clerk Marsha Fetters
Said. Wakefield has 2,591 residents.
The prison would house 125
minimum security inmates and em-
ploy 27 people, which isn't enough
to.chance scaring away tourists, one
development council says.

"I'm expecting the vote to be
overwhelmingly against it," said
Tom Nemacheck, executive director
of the Gogebic Area Convention and
visitors Bureau. "But I don't know if
the vote has any bearing on what the
state will do."
The development agency has
taken a stand against the prison, not
only in Wakefield but in any small
western Upper Peninsula commu-
"We believe that a prison creates
a negative atmosphere around it,"
Nemacheck said. "In a small com-
munity, it creates a greater atmo-

Continued from Page 1
The revised policy also provides
for a 12-member committee, chaired
by the affirmative action director,
that will monitor all complaints.
The committee will have an equal
number of faculty, student, and staff
Some of the changes in the re-
vised policy were made by the Gen-
eral Counsel's Office to make it
conform with federal laws and regu-

Therelease of the draft was ac-
companied by a request for faculty
and staff input that may lead to
changes before it goes to the Execu-
tive Officers for final approval.
Swain said that if any substantive
questions are raised about the policy
by faculty, the drafting committee
will need to hold another vote.
Faculty members who have con-
cerns about the policy can send them
to Mary Ann Swain via MTS or at
3060 Fleming Administration

Gunning for victory Associted Press
With a huge stack of ammunition crates behind them, Afghan
mujahedeen clean AK-47 assault rifles at a guerilla base near the
Afghan border.


Reach 40,000 readers after class,
advertise in
gt Aldim 1.. a1g

Continued from Page 1
Invitations to the symposium
were issued to over 70 student
groups. Walter said the symposium
will identify safety problems and
offer solutions to students. She said
she plans to use all the compiled in-
formation to lobby the University's
Board of Regents and the Ann Arbor
City Council "for better safety
The committee will soon begin
MSA's first scientifically-performed
survey of the student body. Bell said
the survey will enable MSA to get
accurate opinions from students on a
variety of questions about the quality
of University life.

Bell said all of these projects have
been planned with 35 percent of the
committee's budget left to spare.
"One of the biggest problems about
MSA is it wastes money," Bell said.
" I hope to return that 35 percent
back to the student body."

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Immigration opens facility to
process political asylum applicants
HARLINGEN, Texas - The Immigration and Naturalization Service
said yesterday it will begin processing political asylum applicants at a
detention center outside the city, which evicted the agency last week for
health and fire violations.
A lawyer for Central American immigrants said the sight of a prison
will intimidate some people from applying for refugee status.
The applicants will not be locked in the minimum-security Port Isabel
Service Processing Center, but INS District Director Omer Sewell said
detention is being considered as a way to manage more than 100,000
Central Americans expected to pour into southern Texas this year
The city evicted the agency from a former furniture store on the edge of
town Friday. The city also obtained a temporary restraining order in state
court to prevent the agency from reopening an unsafe and unsanitary
INS official responded by obtaining a federal restraining order to regain
access to the building.
Bush's budget faces debate
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration, saying its 1990 budget
speaks for itself, declined yesterday to provide additional details on spend-
ing cuts and insisted they are shaped through negotiations with Congress.
"This budget is alive and is an active force subject to change in
negotiation and discussion," presidential spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater
He said the administration would have no separate proposal for filling
a spending gap estimated at $9.6 billion to $11 billion to help pay for
social programs Bush advocated in his $1.16 trillion spending plan.
"We'll be providing details as we go along. Everybody knows cuts
have to be made," Fitzwater said.
Judge rejects Justice
Department proposal
WASHINGTON - The judge in the Oliver North case rejected a pro-
posal he said would have allowed the Justice Department to object in
"bits and pieces" to disclosure of classified information after the trial got
under way yesterday.
U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell also challenged Attorney General
Dick Thornburgh to end the case by submitting an affidavit that would
bar the disclosure of state secrets needed for North's defense.
Only if the Justice Department determines it must stop the case can it
file an affidavit barring further disclosures under the classified Information
Procedures Act, the judge ruled.
"It is the responsibility of the attorney general to ensure that before
classified information is disclosed in the case, that the national security
can withstand such a disclosure," said Thornburgh aide Stephen Saltzburg.
Court supports bus wheelchair access
PHILADELPHIA - Advocates for the disabled yesterday hailed a fed-
eral court ruling requiring wheelchair lifts on new public buses, but a
spokesperson for transit agencies said the ruling doesn't address vexing
Albert Engelken, deputy executive director of the Washington-based
American Public Transit Association, said wheelchair lifts receive limited
use and are an- added expense to transit agencies. M
On Monday a 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled 2-1 that
Congress has made its wishes on accessibility clear, and that lift-equipped
buses are part of that mandate..
The court ordered the U.S. Transportation Department to rewrite a reg-
ulation allowing communities to offer "paratransit" service, such as van
rides, to the disabled.
It said the 24-hour reservations that riders need to make for such, ser-
vices hinder spontaneous use of mass transit.
Loveland's postal service
saddened on Valentine's Day
LOVELAND, Colo. (AP) - Postal workers were running a little
short of their goal but still managed to put this town's special
endorsement on nearly a quarter of a million Valentine's Day letters.
"We even had 10 from the Kremlin," said Mabel Thompson, who has
been running the volunteer program with her husband since 1947.
Postmaster Lane Edstrom said workers had put the Loveland mark on
245,000 letters from more than 100 countries Monday night.
He speculated that the ailing Colorado economy and the rise in first-

class postage to 25 cents last year has kept volume below the office's
goal of 300,000 love letters. Last year, people sent 275,000 pieces of
mail to Loveland for its special Valentine's Day posting, Edstrom said.
But Mrs. Thompson thinks the recent wave of winter weather may
have chilled the hearts of lovers.
"The storm in the East probably hurt quite a bit because we didn't
come up with as many from there as we usually do," she said.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550







Available every monday.



The University of Michigan
University Players--
Euripides The Trogan Women
Andre De Shields, director
Tickets $7 and $10 general,
$5 students with ID, available at MI
League Ticket Office;phone 764-0450
Mendelssohn, Thursday-Saturday, 8:00 pm
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Project Theatre-The Last American in
Paris! Le dernier Americain a Paris,
by Travis Preston and Royston Coppenger
Travis Preston, director
Tickets $12.50 general, $5 for students with
ID, available at MI League Ticket Office;
phone 764-0450
Trueblood Theatre, Frieze Building
Thursday-Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
(Performances also February 23-26)
University Choir-
Jerry Blackstone, conductor; Michael
Costantino, assistant conductor
Four settings of "Ave Maria":
Gregorian Chant and compositions of
Brahms, Bruckner, and Villa-Lobos Stevents
Te Deitm
Bernstein Chichester Psalms, with
Bruce Khailany, boy soprano
Hill, 8:00 p.m.

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*INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: nutrition/diet and exercise
*ASSESSMENT: body composition, resting metabolic rate, cholesterol, fitness level


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Editor in Chief
News Editors
Opinion Page Edtors
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Associte Weekend Editor
List Editor

Adam Schrager
victoda Bauer, Miguel Cruz,
Donna ladipadio, Steve Knopper,
Usa Polak, David Schwartz
Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon
Robin Loznak, David Lubiner
Ayssa Lustigman
Angela Michaels

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Associate Sports Editors
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Graphics Coordinator

Mike Gill
Adam Benson, Steve Blonder,
Rich Eisen, Jule Hdknan,
Lory Knapp
Andrea Gacki, Jkn Poniewozk
Marie Wesaw
Mark Shaiman
Cherie Curry
Mark Swartz
Kevin Woodson

Wind Ensemble--
Donald Schleicher, conductor.
Mendelssohn Notturno
Beethoven Oktett
Lutoslawski Dance Preludes
Ligeti Sechs Miniaturen
Rackham, 8:00 p.m.



News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Usa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara Gruzen,
Kristin Hoffman, Mark Kolar, Scott Lahde, Kristine LaLonde, Michael Lustig, Jennifer Miller, Josh Mitnick, Fran Obeid, Gil Renberg,
Jonathan Scott, Anna Senkevitch, Noelle Shadwick, Nicole Shaw, Monica Smith, Vera Songwe, Patrick Staiger, Jessica Strick.
Opinion Staff: David Austin, Philip Cohen, Bill Gladstone, Susan Harvey, Marc Klein, Daniel Kohn, David Levine, Karen Miller,
Rebecca Novick, Marcia Ochoa, Elizabeth Page, Cle Southworth, Gus Teschke.
Sports Staff: Steve Cohen, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Jodi Leichlman, Eric Lemont, Taylor Lincoln, Jay Moses,
Miachael Salinsky, John Samnick, Adam Schefter, Jeff Sheran, Doug Vdan, Peter Zellen.
Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Ian Campbell, Beth Coquitt, Sheila Durant, Brent Edwards, Greg Fedand,
Michael Paul Fischer, Mike Fischer, Robert Flaggert, Forrest Green, Liam Flaherty, Margie Heinlen, Brian Jarvinen, Alyssa Katz, Leah
Lagios, D. Mara Lowenstein, Lisa Magnino, Kim Mc Ginnis, Kristin Palmn, Jay Pika, Jill Pisoni, Mike Rubin, Lauren Shapiro, Tony
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Photo Staff: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Jule Himan, Jose Juarez, Ellen Levy, Lndsay Morris, Uz Steketee, John Weise.


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