OPINION Tuesday, February 14, 1989 Page 6 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 96 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion Hof the Daily. Perspectives on Palestine Up in the air? PAN AMERICAN Airlines flight 103 captured front-page headlines when, on December 21, 1988, the passenger jet disappeared from radar screens, and crashed in a ball of fire in Lockerbie, Scotland. The days and weeks follow- ing the air disaster- which took the lives of all 259 passengers and crew, as well as 11 Lockerbie residents- were filled with feverish speculation as to possible causes. .Investigators had barely begun sift- ing through the wreckage, spread across hundreds of square miles of Scottish bog, when U.S. government spokespeople and network newscasters pinned the blame on "terrorists," pos- sibly Palestinians. Although it now seems certain that Pan Am 103 was brought down by a sophisticated explosive device, no leads as to those responsible for the apparent murder of the 270 innocents have been made public. No leads, that is, with the exception of a recent CBS News report, "conclusively" placing the blame on Ahmed Jibril, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine- General Command (PFLP-GC), a non- PLO, Palestinian political/military or- ganization. CBS asserted that Jibril's motivation was a desire to discredit PLO chair, Yasser Arafat, by conducting a cam- paign of worldwide terrorism, which would result in a U.S. pullout from talks with the PLO. According to CBS, this "scoop" was provided by, "Reliable sources within the international terrorist community." In an age when "objectivity" is touted as 'the cornerstone of journalistic in- tegrity, it is suspiciously convenient for a major network to about-face and refer to a "terrorist" as "reliable". It is unclear who constitutes the '"international terrorist community." . From the very first reports regarding flight 103, the U.S. public has been barraged by most of the mainstream media with the age-old myth of the Palestinian/Arab as terrorist while re- sponsible, accurate investigation has gone by the wayside. How else can it be explained that CBS failed to mention that the PFLP- GC has no history of such activity, and has aimed its armed actions almost ex- clusively against Israeli military targets inside Israel? It is the duty of the news media to publicize information regarding such events as the downing of flight 103. However it is certainly not within our mandate to make dangerous specula- tion, and present as fact stories based on questionable sources. . If CBS felt it possessed sufficient evidence to broadcast the PFLP-GC story in such a manner, the network was certainly duty-bound to investigate another angle which was considered by the Israeli newspaper, Al-Hamish- mar, organ of the Zionist Mapam party. "Faced with the U.S. decision to open a dialogue with the PLO, Israel is falling into a position where terrorist attacks on U.S. targets would be in its interest, an alternative to [opening] its own talks with the PLO." (Al- Hamishmar, 12/29/88.) If the Mossad (Israeli equivalent of. the CIA) or other Israelis were indeed responsible for the crash, the reasons for South African Foreign Minister, Pik Botha, (a close Israeli ally), and a group of Hassidic Jews' cancelling their reservations on flight 103 at the last moment, may be understood. A direct informational link between Israel and Pan Am involves Arik Arad, former head of security for El Al Israel Airlines, who, along with a Mossad operative, conducted a survey of Pan Am security in 1986, in which he warned of a possible midair explosion. The survey was conducted in part at Frankfurt airport, the point of origin of flight 103. Of course any ties between Israel and the explosion remain, as yet, spec- ulation lacking hard proof. But such speculation is certainly as news-worthy as a report gleaned from "international terrorist sources." In addition, the Israelis have good reason to specifically want to discredit Jibril and his guerillas. For many years, the PFLP-GC has been conducting some of the most ef- fective attacks against the Israeli mili- tary. In 1987, a lone member of this group flew under Israeli radar in a hang glider, penetrated an army base, and killed 6 soldiers, spreading panic throughout the country. More recently, a scantily-reported in- vasion of Naameh, Lebanon, by one thousand Israeli troops was thwarted by Jibril's fighters who shot down a helicopter gunship and captured eigh- teen Israeli soldiers. Branding a Palestinian organiza- tion- which is opposed to Yasser Arafat's policy of talking to the U.S.- as ruthless, anti-peace terrorists, can only covertly further Israel's already overt effort to undermine the PLO- U.S. dialogue, and discredit one of its. most troublesome enemies. Notwithstanding, if circumstantial evidence does indeed exist hinting at a PFLP-GC role, this information should be exposed as speculation, in addition to the Israeli angle. In either case, the issue must be ap- proached with extreme caution in order to avoid perpetuating fallacies about one party, while glossing over the his- tory of another, whose record, to say the least, is far from spotless. Prof. Norman Finkelstein teaches at Brooklyn College in New York. He re- ceived his doctorate from the Princeton University Politics Department for a the- sis on the theory of Zionism. He is widely credited with exposing Joan Peters' From Time Immemorial as a hoax. Finkelstein is speaking today at 4 pm at Rackham Ampitheater. He spoke yesterday with Daily news staffer Jonathan Scott. Daily: A growing body of original re- search has come out of Israel the last three challenging many accepted "truths" about the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian con- flict. You've been involved in some of this research. Could you explain the nature of it? Finkelstein: So far as what's now called the revisionist scholarship is con- cerned, I think one of the most important features of that scholarship is that it's in effect punctured some of the most endur- ing myths about the origins of the con- flict. To take one, which has been promoted relentlessly for the past 40 years, is the question, what happened to the Palestini- ans in 1948. The general view has been that, in 1948, the Palestinians fled on or- ders from the Arab governments - they fled because of what were called broadcasts from the Arab radio, calling on them to leave Palestine. The literature now shows that there wasn't a scratch of evidence to support the claim that there were Arab broadcasts. Now I want to make two comments. First of all, the fact that there weren't broadcasts had already been proven almost 20 years ago... Even though all the evi- dence showed, as long as 20 years past, that there were no Arab broadcasts, this fact had absolutely no impact on the literature and the discussion of the topic. It was only recently, when the Israeli scholar in particular - there are a couple - but in particular, Benny Morris, had published his book, namely, The Origins of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, that it was accepted these broadcasts had never oc- curred. So first of all, one interesting fact is that it required a sort of an imprimatur of an Israeli scholar before this fact would be documented. And as I say, it was already known 20 years ago. The other interesting point is that here comes an Israeli scholar and he totally de- molished the most enduring myth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, namely that the Palestinians had fled of their own volition in 1948, and his book had virtu- ally no impact in the U.S. And that is, I think, a very revealing insight into the whole nature of intellectual discourse in the U.S. on the Middle East conflict... Serious scholarship on the Israeli-Pales- tinian conflict has absolutely no impact on discussion in the U.S. What has im- pact are either threadbare hoaxes like Time Immemorial, potbroilers like The Siege, or coffee table items like Bernard Avishami's, The Tragedy of Zionism. Among the important insights that the whole revisionist literature provides, this is a rather interesting one. What the revisionist scholarship has also revealed is that, first of all, Israel was not the underdog - was not the kind of underdog we imagined it to be in the 1948 War. And secondly, that the claim Israel has been forever searching for Arabs for whom to negotiate a settlement to the conflict - that they've never been able to find these negotiating partners - is sim- ply untrue. A settlement of the conflict was avail- able almost immediately after the '48 War, but a settlement required some sort of res- olution of the refugee problem; and also, Nowadays what you hear Palestinians and the PLO saying is, they want to de- mocratize the Israeli state. And I much prefer that formulation, the idea of democ- ratizing the Israeli state, because the fun- damental ideological underpinnings of the Israeli state are indeed not democratic. In particular, the founding claim of the state of Israel that it is a state of Jewish people and not of its citizens. That's clearly not a democratic formulation. D: So one can be anti-Zionist on the principle that a Jewish state is undemo- cratic, and not be anti-Jewish? N.F.: Right - If you identify Zionism with the principle of a Jewish state. And one of the points I wanted to make was, there are many people, at least at one 6 6 6 6 Finkelstein (right) with his Mousssa was imprisoned in camp, soon after Finkelstein West Bank host Moussa, August, 1988. Ansar III, an Israeli desert concentration departed, apparently for hosting him. it required some sort of Israeli withdrawal from the territories it had conquered in violation of the U.N. Partition Plan. And these two issues - namely the refugees: allowing them to return or com- pensating them, and the question of returning to the borders designated by the U.N. Partition Plan, or at least making some sort of territorial adjustments - on those two issues, Israel was adamant. D: Those critical of Zionism - those who call themselves anti-Zionists - are often accused of being anti-Jewish because Zionism, they say, represents Jewish na- tionality and embodies Jewish ethnicity. So if you're opposed to Zionism, if you're against what it stands for, you're, in ef- fect, anti-Jewish - N.F.: - Well, my feeling is, there was a time that the PLO and its supporters talked about de-Zionizing the Jewish state, and it was a phrase, besides being 'unsolicitous, there seemed to be some- thing bothersome about the phrase. time, who called themselves Zionists but were opposed, I mean radically opposed, to the idea of a Jewish state, but called themselves Zionists. There was a time when many Zionists recognized thatathe idea of a Jewish state was undemocratic. As a matter of fact, some Zionists identified the principle of a Jewish state with, at that time, the Ger- man principle of an Aryan state. They recognized that in certain fundamental ways it resembled the kind of exclusivist state that European anti-Semites were championing at the same time. Now the point is that those elements - the ones who recognized these facts - were totally marginalized. And now what you have is individuals who were at one time clearly identified as Zionists, now being accused of not only being anti- Zionist, but anti-Semitic for saying the same things now as many Zionists said in the early 1930s and 40s. a 6 r.h ed__ Don't publish rumors To the Daily: I would like to comment on the article which appeared in Monday's (1/30/89) edition of the Daily. The piece reports the opinion of several members of the community concerning the issue of CIA involvement with the Peace Corps. Nowhere, however, is there any factual evidence cited to support the contention that there is any in- teraction between the two agencies. At first glance the article might be taken as an unsupported editorial which had strayed off from the op-ed page of the paper. The sort of groundless conjecture which appeared in the piece cannot be simply dismissed as silly and inconsequential, however, as it can impose a very high cost on the Peace Corps volunteers. I am aware of several in- stances in which Peace Corps volunteers have been threatened nr harmeA hv nenlewhn he- people often believe that their hearsay could be supported by the facts if only their govern- ment would permit them to know the truth. If the CIA is involved in the Peace Corps, there would be none more interested in uncov- ering this fact than those who have been volunteers. I believe that a great majority of those who join the Peace Corps do so in order the serve the basic needs of the poor who find themselves very much at odds with the objectives of the CIA in the third world. From my experience, I know that Peace Corps volunteers are aware of each other's affairs to an al- most unpleasant degree; I can- not imagine the CIA being able to use a volunteer without he or she being rapidly ex- posed. I would also point out that the CIA has not been very successful in keeping its operations concealed for a long period of time. If the Daily or any of its readers know of any facts concerning CIA involve- ment in the Peace Corps over the last twenty years, please inform us. T e.t..n~l P ....n.ratlP th Update on the S.B.E. To the Daily: On behalf of the Student Book Exchange, we would like to thank all of those students who participated in the Winter Book Rush 1989. We would also like to congratulate those same students on the money they saved by taking advantage of the services offered by this first book rush. The Student Book Exchange was extremely successful in its attempt to offer students the opportunity to sell used textbooks to other students at reasonable prices. The prices the students asked for the books were generally more conservative than those set by some commercial book stores, while still surpassing the amounts these other stores might offer the seller. Approx- imately 1,000 students patron- ized the event, bring $10,000.00 with them. All of this money, minus 15% for sales tax and overhead, went Af.: n-V ^sit ^ thnc t. nrt efforts and said they would support such an endeavor in the future. There is a future for the Student Book Exchange. We will return again next term to offer you unbelievable savings at the expense of no one. We would like to thank Al- pha Phi Omega, the honorary service fraternity that supplied a majority of the labor required. Without these hard-working people, Winter Book Rush 1989 would have been impos- sible. We would especially like to thank Brad Borland from the S.O.D.C. and all of the people who were so willing to make this event a success. Many students obviously benefitted from this event. We did not. We are a non-profit organization. A portion of af- ter-cost proceeds are donated to Friends, a local A.I.D.S. sup- port group. We are very open to any suggestion or comments about how we could make this orga- nization more beneficial to the student populace. Please ad- dress all correspondence to S.B.E. World Headquarters, 1520 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MT A21(4 '101