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January 10, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-10

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Ube Mdtgan al
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. IC, No 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 10, 1989 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

The Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium
Committee - organized by the University's
vice-provost's office - is being criticized by
students concerning their impact on the
committee's decisions in observing the
national holiday.
"Students were involved in the 'process',
but there was a conflict," said graduate student
Todd Shaw, a committee member. "The lack
of communication [between students and
faculty] didn't create a good environment."
The committee, which has organized the
opening ceremony and closing events for
"Diversity Day," is composed of 24 faculty



Day input

members and two students.
Prof. Homer Neal, chair of the Department
of Physics and co-chair of the symposium
committee, said the committee was was
responsive to students. He added that he was
unaware of any conflict, saying "Diversity
Day" is for the students and they should get
involved with the various activities.
However Tracyc Matthews, also a
student representative on the committee and a
United Coalition Against Racist member,
expressed further concern toward the MLK
Symposium Committee.
"The committee needed more represen-
tation from the people who had been engaged

in the struggle for the Martin Luther King Jr.
holiday for the past couple of years."
Matthews added she would often receive
announcements concerning the committee
meetings the day after the meeting had been
LSA junior Cornelius Harris, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's Minority
Affairs Committee, said the administration's
lack of sufficient student representation on the
committee shows its uninterested attitude.
The University wants to have students
involved in programs but does not want to
give them input in the development and
formation of the programs, he said.

Neal responded saying the committee
system was trying to be responsive to
students when planning the agenda, noting
students who were on the committee had a
great deal of say.
Although some students are disappointed
with the lack of commitment the committee
showed toward their opinions, they feel that
the acknowledgement of Dr. King's struggle
for civil rights is a good step.
Matthews said, "It's a good start for the
University to finally catch up with the rest of
us (the students) on this idea."
See Diversity, Page 2

dent Reagan's $1.15 trillion budget
for 1990, released yesterday, pro-
poses millions of dollars in spending
on Michigan projects, but the state
could feel the pinch if Congress goes
along with eliminating and cutting
of federal programs.
Among the largest potential eco-
nomic losses to the state would
come from reduced orders for M-1 A-1
tanks made by General Dynamics
corp. in Warren, Mich.
The Defense Department proposed
reducing its 1990 tank order by 11
percent from the previous year, and
by another 14 percent in 1991.
Reagan proposed $33.1 million
in spending on U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers water projects in Michi-
gan, but the budget contained no
new projects.
Military construction in the state
See Budget, Page 2



may reverse
Roe vs. Wade

Brighton-Midland United Van Lines employees Mark and
chairs on the second floor of the UGLi. Rackham student
come to the UGLi for its old, padded chairs. "Now it's
study," she said. See Extras, page 2.

Bob Merchberger unwrap the new
Janet Hudolin said she has always
not worth coming to the UGLi to

The Supreme Court, 16 years
after legalizing abortion nationwide,
agreed yesterday to hear an appeal
seeking reversal of its landmark
1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.
The move alarmed pro-choice
forces, prompting one feminist
leader to declare "a state of
emergency for the women of
America." But there was nothing in
the court's brief order to suggest the
justices would reconsider the 1973
The justices said they will study a
federal appeals court ruling that
struck down key provisions of a
Missouri law regulating abortions.
Missouri's law would ban
abortions at public hospitals or other
government-run facilities, ban public
employees from assisting in an
abortion, and prohibit the use of tax
funds for "encouraging or
counseling" women to have
It would also require doctors to
determine if fetuses older than 19
weeks could survive outside the
womb and would declare that life
begins at conception..
The Missouri law was challenged
by the national office of Planned
Parenthood and the Missouri chapter
of the American Civil Liberties
Missouri officials, spurred on and
supported by Justice Department
lawyers, are urging the high court to
use the case to overturn its 1973
case of Roe vs. Wade.
The court's decision, expected by
July, could resolve the Missouri
controversy without significantly

changing the 1973 decision of other
rulings on abortion.
Locally, Right To Life member
and Cornerstone Church Preacher
Mike Caulk, recognized the Supreme
Court's decision as positive
momentum for the Pro-life
"People are beginning to
understand that fetuses aren't just a
disease or blobs of flesh but actual
human beings," he said and added
that Pro-lifers are "not trying to take
away rights but trying to protect
Concerning the probability of
the Roe vs. Wade case being
reversed, President of People's
Campaign for Choice Molly Henry,
a Social Work graduate student, said,
"On purely ideological lines there is
a big possibility, that it will be
overturned." However, she added that
the Supreme Court tends to be "very
reluctant to overturn previous
"It's scary in that what it will do
is make each state have a different
law," forcing women who want to
have abortions to travel to states
where it's legal, and "poor women
will be left behind again."
Eleanor S meal, president of the
Fund for the Feminist Majority,
said, "It's possible the court will not
even consider the attack on Roe, but
we think it's important that people
know what could happen."
If the 1973 decision were
overturned, Smeal predicted, "at least
six states would outlaw abortion
immediately" and "about one-third of
the states would revert to bans on
abortion or greatly restrictive

MSA members

question release

Many Michigan Student Assembly represen-
tatives expressed concern last night over the
release of a report investigating LSA Rep.
Zachary Kittrie to a source outside the assembly.
MSA President Michael Phillips released the re-
9l port last week - before the assembly itself dis-
cussed the investigation.
Phillips said he will not release the report of
possible ethics violations by Kittrie to the as-
sembly until tomorrow.
In a related incident, at the assembly's last
meeting in December, representatives questioned
Phillips' decision to tell the press that Kittrie
was the representative under investigation prior

to informing the assembly.
"As an assembly member I should have a
right to know what's going on and not have to
read about it in the Daily," said Budget Priorities
Chair Hillary Olsen.
When asked why the information was released
Phillips said, "Their (the assembly's) opinions
have been biased to the facts, they just think
Zack is a nice guy."
Some assembly members said they would
consider looking into the investigation itself and
would question Phillips about it at tonight's
weekly meeting.
"I would not be surprised to see the assembly
initiate an investigation as to the real motives

behind this particular investigation," said Com-
munications Chair Robert Bell.
"If this is true (that the information was re-
leased) then Mike Phillips has seriously out-
stepped his bounds as the chief executive of the
Phillips could not be reached for comment on
Bell's statement.
LSA Rep. Heide Hayes said, "We have to be
responsible for actions of MSA and when infor-
mation is released before we know about it, it
reflects poorly (on the assembly)... It looks so
poor, like we don't really care about what's go-
ing on when we do."

* Libyan official accuses Israel
of keeping chemical weapons

PARIS (AP) - Libya said
yesterday the United States has
launched a "vile campaign" against it
with allegations over a chemical
weapons plant, and accused Wash-
ington of helping Israel stockpile
nuclear, chemical and biological
Foreign Minister Jalalah Azouz
Ettalhi, speaking at an international
conference on chemical weapons,
dismissed U.S. charges that Libya
has a chemical weapons plant as

"clearly false."
The Libyan minister mentioned
the United States only once by name
- to condemn the downing of two
Libyan jet fighters last week - and
referred to Israel as the "racist Zionist
He urged the international com-
munity to condemn the incident Jan.
4 over the Mediterranean as a mili-
tary aggression. The United States
has said its action was in self-de-

Charges that Israel has nuclear
weapons are at the heart of a cam-
paign by Arab states to link bans on
nuclear and chemical arms.
Ettalhi said the U.S. position on
chemical weapons was discrimina-
The united States and the Soviet
Union admit to having large stock-
piles of chemical weapons - the
only two countries to make such an
admission of about 20 nations pre-
sumed to possess the weapons.

Ni fight
KFAR MELKI, Lebanon (AP) -
Rival Shiite Moslem militia hacked
each other to death in "horrific"
fighting yesterday in which Syrian-
backed guerrillas recaptured strategic
,W, villages from fundamentalists, police
At least 80 people have been
> xkilled and 200 wounded as the
embattled villages changed hands in
~ house-to-house combat between the
4 mainstream Amal militia and
fundamentalist Hezbollah since
daybreak Sunday, police said.
R It was the highest 36-hour toil
since the power struggle began in
April to dominate Lebanon's one
million Shiites, the largest sect in
x this nation of four million. Nearly
~ 500 people have been killed and

'U' students press
harassment charges

Four members of the Michigan
hockey team are suspected of
harassing two female University
students on their way home from the
NMr.rini-.Ra lrnnm Tan ' rordins

charges under the University's anti-
discrimination and harassment
"I don't like it," Berenson said.
"Obviously, it's not something that
anybody should do - particularly
when vou're an athlete. This miiht

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