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February 13, 1989 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-13

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ge 12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 13, 1989


The University of Michigan Union February 13 to February 19, 1989

Nominate Students Who Excel in Cocurricular Activities:
The Tenth Annual Student Recognition Awards
donl't evertgettecognition thydsev.And teyivehei tmeerytlt n
And because-
It's our repniblt1a1olege ador pesr smmeso h om yt it
to, reward 0 tm a f ir tiniiaive; and ou tanding work-
Individual stu dent;sgand Studenit ognztoswohv eosrtdottniglaesi
qualities, showncX1 intaie1n aesgiiatcnrbtosbyon h sro oh
Pick up a nominra!on fomi frfom the ,C.1CDesk or the; SOD C otceiteUno:h1o
Campus C.ommons Snack Bar or!he (Compr-ehen1 Irfsivtudies Pormi 08Agl al
And rememr-hz
The deadline foen .L tris T February24'189^rin nmiaton ors o t eMihin o
Student Organiza>tion evlpmn Cner fi'you need 1more info1or nminatiofors,_1

Arts At Midday:
Music for Voice and Piano

Nominate Them for the Senior Leader Brunch

LU-M student Alicia Hunter's
beautiful soprano voice will be
accompanied by student pianist
Karen Walwyn's virtuoso
playing. Alicia is a studentlf
Professor George Shirley.>
The two will perform modern
and traditional works. Don't
miss this. They will sing and
play on Thursday, February 16
from 12:15-12:45 pm in the
Pendleto n Room at the Union.
Grab some lunch at the MUG
(something kind of quiet, so you
don't make distracting crunch-
ing noises) and come upstairs
for some fine music.
The free, informal, half-hour
Arts at Midday series and other
enriching cultural programs are
brought to you by Michigan
Union Arts and Programming.
Music with your midday repast.
You'll think you're in Europe.

Senirs ivolvd incocuricuar prsuisninthe ommnian
in U ive i d 're or tankandorvcngrT CAatul{os
J - -k t pig rnn _ sV f rt er o m te ntMV an



Goodifor Your !H-eart and Good" for %our Swee t eart!
DIONTgo and bu~yyoursweetie a 5-p ud t
D)ay! 'Tt 's trite. 'Besides, its not , n al rz i r.t
H9-eart Smart, elegant Puinchleon. -
'Whether you 're a ?North Campus 0r4e~irdart 4 s '" 'wt '.th
and'your honey taken care of for Vt'It;s 'Id"A i t (i i
the Mvichigan union and' the Wo.{rth
special 'iallen tine menus:
NQorthi Campus Commons
9pmaine Sat~ad with choice of dressing+J
1ine-poachedichicen breast with lemn s
Scallions and rice I
rBroccoli spears'
Sherbert Ij
'Th 'University Chili
!Poached scaffops
'Wild rice pilaf
.Snow peas KJi\. I - .
Fresh fruit medl[ey >J)=.~
ou. can have a vegetarian entree, if you'd' rather, at aithr4ocation.'Tie special
dinners are $6.95. fo'r U'lub funches, calf for reserva :-~n 763.4648. fobr
9North Campus Commons Punches, just show up.
Y ou canset idergla3tdytmb-engav'ute
monior i thehistricpeaefulMcia no td one
Y(Dr yo'eiterested, CaillJohn R i oel t 6c78,o
ScheuLing fie. at763591

a 0 o ap oeoi o n r9u l oi t angdiIan ne d a a for Ithe 19810 schoo
Ts bcrd!is m- c fup or tud -os ._'acul tyJI n lM h o n pT a a r l n hju y m ra e n fl~
p. o.-am, _. .ls_ n ... ofe ,. byt Un on, The Qchai an te hi lwas.
T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sm vh ~mnya huds~.omxtn potn en n ea o a' Orri and s exparisro



iilaol~iur. ;


Turtn Ovr 6a Newy Lef ...I

* The:.Uri y Club.:: :: : *::::....
NL-w Mistc:anid House with:the:Pipc Can:
.. . .ie . ... ih > :2.....:: : : : : :
W6dsd:th&:1:5th-: : .: 2Wgtrck,.
Thug i-te1th: .A:22:2: : . ..~a
« pfs:&d by LUAC ::::::::: ::::
~thDJIQ...... ...........
:22 . gts,:fcly:.staff, auni and their.".
:2:nytdjguests; :Qnfy m .b. m:qfiea!drik:
::: tn:gemy:purCiaseatwhi: :::::: ...

Open every day.
Service charges where applicable.
Witty fiddle, banjo, guitar,
hammer dulcimer and jaw harp player.
Tuesday, February 14
7:30 and 10pm at the Ark
Witty, hot, fun jazz dance
Thursday, February 16
8pm at the Power Center
Top pop CD: "Scenes from the Southside"
Saturday, February 18
8pm at Hill Auditorium
Kevin Burke, fiddler, Andy Irvine, bouzouki, Jackie Daly, accordionist,
and Irsh guitarist Arty McGlynn are the renowned members of this
legendary group. What's a bouzouki, you ask. Well, come see.
Sunday, February 19
7:30 and 10pm at the Ark

Mast' I acher ~,
Fantastic Students:
Nominate Them for This Award
Know ~f a Iheuhy member
who's WOti( flY I a ea~ dug,
research and/or public 5cfVic~?
How about a student who is
fabulous at seholarsiup. leader-
ship, and/or service? Could this
be r~ou?
(3l'vo haudworking students and
iheulty the credit they deserve,
and nominate them (or yau~) for
an a.ward ~ten by the Michigan
Association of Governing
Boards of Colleges and Univer-
This award is pmsented to
distinguished faculty and stu-
dents h~oin each of the 15 public
thoc--vear institutions in Much-
ann. See?. Somebody from U-Mi
will win, so it might as well be
that uprson vonire ininking of.
L'~onilm~te away
hAl yen need to do is send his'
I ~o-r nanse and a brief d~seript>r,
suu?.:a~ .1. 1 ~. .n ..~oiu. heft-
m.i-.n:i as Kac..n 40 Vhe hilehigen
~ x.~ea Sc. dent (Its mn~z thou
Ihess-lopasiom cieavi-, )7~iG
NilcIti -cc Lao a Non 1nanons
arc due by Lebx envy 24f
icr mare mao.

ABLEISM: Issu:es
The topic of this month's
"Understanding and Chal-
lenging Our Isms" luncheon
discussion/adventure series
will focus on the particular
problems of people with
The discussion will be
facilitated by Dar Vander-
Beek, Director of U-M's
Disabled Student Services, a
dynamic, challenging
The luncheon will be held in
dining rooms 4 and 5 of the
Michigan League, and free
beverages (coffee, tea and
hot chocolate) will be pro-
Join us. Together we'll
increase our understanding
and awareness of our
common humanity.
This part of the series, which
will be facilitated by Disabled
Student Services, is spon-
sored by the Michigan Union
Student Organization Devel-
opment Center, Michigan
Union Minority Student
Services, and several other
University Student Services

Billiards Tournament
This Week
Watch wheelchair athletes in
an exciting Billiards Tourna-
ment this Saturday, February
18 in the Michigan Union
Billiards and Games Room.
The tournament will last from
noon until 6pm, and specta-
tors are welcome.
The tournament is sponsored
by Michigan Union Arts and
Programming, U-M Disabled
Student Services, and the
Michigan Paralyzed Veterans
of America. For more info, or
to register, call Ken Huber at
V siting Wodworker
Q/fes Specja l'o rkc-hop
A lyillms nwho Aigh-
-Kquaidperip Ptueand car~vd <
si is rt4assachus" ~w~enghe isn't
vT tag" n , isvisiting Ain-
_rbb& A 4nd he ha ~gr ~iosy'eonsented
to do some w~rks ops in theitudYent


Th&s'wegk eahi bout Mortise a?
A~honjoitts a .he Mi iga lCnior s
Student Woodshop,Iqfrard in the~ rear of
the'SA Thicla scostsa 4r.,r.
I fft Thursday, Februai4 I, frm 6-
wihhseat er, uio knows zbhen
ndk w4comback to-Ainn ro S
'akadvqzntage of is ex1ertise whie



or dejis qd tfull "~zsA p -
sc~ule cll heStaident Wob~sholtat
\~y V 763-4035. °d

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