01 UNION UAC MINI COURSES WINTER 1989 REGISTRATION DATES Monday, January 9 - friday, January 27 REGISTRATION SITE Michigan Union Ticket Office M-F, 7am - 6:30pm Sat., 9:30am - 6:30pm Sun., 1llam -6:3Opm MINI-COURSES ISA COMMITTEE OFTIHIE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER (UAC). UAC IS TIIE LARGEST STUDENT-RUN ORGANIZATION ON CAMPUS, PROVIDING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS TO BECOME INVOLVED IN ANY OF ITS EXTRA- CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: MUSKET, SOPIR SHOW, IMPACT DANCE, SOUNDSTAGE, COMEDY COMPANY, SPECIAL EVENTS, LAUGH TRACK, MEDIATRICS, MIC- IIIGRAS, HOMECOMING, VIEW-POINT LECTURES, COLLEGE BOWL, DEBATE, STARBOUND, AND MINI-COURSES. THI ERE ARE ALSOOPPORTUNITIESES TO WORK WITH I ACCOUNTING, PUBLICITY, TICKETS, AND TECH CREW. UAC IS LOCATED ON THlE SECOND FLOOR OF THE MICHIGAN UNION. 0 1 4 Q 66 MIRM %A -Ax U a a ,, y yNo Mail-in Registration 'ass t G t CAFURTHER INFORMATION reare~ Call 763-1107 A1eA s ,# e toa~,a c o Ov i oo°,ay? a a - 9 ° 'L~ Jd~e 0 G °J'feP1G~ #*a V, tie a' 0 t*Z sye spe Jue op, yg a n aaE si G- Q~eaate a PG4 i2 \ fac %ag2 n 1r 21'9, y 1d S '%5pJSSK ~ a Gebuty a et h ~a " cA z.ae A j &, ta° g~a4 S y #. fi; " t- _ to _ 2 b pl \aw6. \ qe 3#t+* *ou v' \" ' use a' 't " \o r# ar e, 4 Ole' e1 ~ee es;v-v~~s *\o 114 -~ ,&\ 2 2 2 \"-- a e fi a~ etG eS °igobo, k© r er~c esoG "o \ X2 Sr 2s R te\\ Z Jn aG-pzp\ ° %r4\ \2 0 ~ o1g? , \ 3 eta 0 , 44 00, l a al p16 e~°\~ ~%# o%~COD $3 te0 otySe e- \ S l ti a~ ,%S t e a? \eaw e \ e eo ,re.a~\saar°a a0 'I-, 6l _ W ecr a°_ 9 t) i 06 a @ . t c ttonc as et ° o 6 c $t ge@ . STUDENT WOODSHOP A recreational woodworking facility for university affiliates in the Student Activities Building, Thompson St. side. Walk-in schedule: Sun. 4-11 pm, M-F 5-11 pm, Sat. 11- 6pm. Safety Glasses: You must complete four hours of safety class instruction in order to use the shop. Shop Fees: students $1 .25/day, $25/term; staff/faculty $2.50/ day, $45/term; alumni $4.50/day, $85/term. Call 763-4025 for more information. Woodworking Workshops Special workshops are offered throughout the term. Topics include advanced joinery, how to sharpen tools, how to dye, stain and finish wood, decorative wood inlays, woodturning, and more. Introduction to Woodworking al REGISTRATION INFORMATION TUITION AND) LAB FlEES ARE P'AYAB3LE A'T Tm.lETIME OT REGCISTRATION. (P'RICES wqp