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February 13, 1989 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-13

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 13, 1989

Fundraising. Bash
arwulf arwulf and Marc Taras perform original poetry at the "WCBN Fundraising Bash" at the Michigan Union. Live bands
at the radio Station workers tallied pledges and donations throughout the night.

also performed

Soviet soldiers turn over last Afghani post

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -
Soviet soldiers yesterday handed over
their last and most dangerous out-
post as they prepared to return home
and leave the Afghan army to defend
the capital against Moslem guerril-
Afghan soldiers raised their na-
tion's red, black and green flag, and
cheered with Soviet troops as the
changeover was completed.
The last soldiers were guarding

the Kabul airport while the Soviets
completed a food airlift to. the capi-
tal, which the guerrillas are expected
to besiege when the Red Army is
A Soviet Foreign Ministry
spokesman said the remaining 300
Soviet soldiers in Kabul would leave
tomorrow, weather permitting.
The departure would be a day
ahead of the deadline set by a U.N.-
sponsored accord to end nine years of

Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.
The Soviet- backed Afghan gov-
ernment renewed its offer to negoti-
ate with the guerrillas.
The guerrillas have been fighting
the government in a civil war that
began in 1978 when the communists
seized power in a coup.
Kabul's population has grown to
more than 2 million because of
refugees seeking food and shelter,
and the city is facing a severe food
But a U.N. airlift which was
originally expected to supply Kabul
with 360 tons of food, medicine and
blankets was suspended yesterday af-
ter Ethiopia pulled out of the pro-
gram, officials said.
An Ethiopian airliner made one
flight to Kabul, unloaded 32 tons of

wheat and then refused to return to
the city, said Sadruddin Aga Khan,
coordinator of the U.N. Office of
Economic and Humanitarian Assis-
tance to Afghanistan.
Khan said he was trying to find
out why the Ethiopians pulled out of
the airlift.
"I'm not able to say if or when
the next flight will be," Khan said
at a news conference in Islamabad,
Last week, Egypt Air refused to
fly into the embattled city, saying
security at the airport was inade-
The airport, the capital's key link
to the outside world, has been a fre-
quent target of guerrilla rocket at-
tacks. It has not been hit in more
than a month.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
U.S. novel sparks riots in Pakistan
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Police fired on hundreds of protesters
yesterday who stormed a U.S. government office to demand the United
States ban a novel they consider offensive to Moslems. At least five
people died and 65 were injured, doctors said.
Police repeatedly fired semi-automatic weapons, rifles and shotguns at
charging protesters who yelled "American dogs!" and hurled rocks and
bricks during three hours of fierce clashes.
The rioting erupted when more than 2,000 fundamentalists tried to
march to the U.S. Information Center to demand the United States ban
"Satanic Verses," a novel by Salman Rushdie.
Three U.S diplomats and 15 Pakistanis employed at the center were in
the building during the riots but were not hurt, U.S. diplomats said.
Pakistan has banned the novel on grounds that it offends Moslems by
suggesting the prophet Mohammed was fallible. India also banned the
Baker meets with W. German leaders
BONN, West Germany (AP) - Secretary of State James Baker
opened critical talks yesterday with West German leaders who have balked
at a NATO plan to upgrade short-range nuclear missiles in Europe.
Baker, on an eight-day trip to visit the 15 U.S. NATO allies, told
reporters during the flight he was not worried about West German Chan-
cellor Helmut Kohl's statement last week that the Lance missiles now
deployed are adequate until 1995.
Under the proposal before the NATO, the current 70-mile range would
be extended with new rockets that could hit targets about 320 miles away.
"I think what we need to do is to find out exactly what the German
government's position is going to be," Baker told reporters.
Genscher pledged to "work cooperatively together."
Mich. health officials say death rate
will remain higher among Blacks
DETROIT - The death rate among Blacks in Michigan will remain
substantially higher than that of whites until the cycle of urban poverty
and crime is broken and health care improved, said health officials.
The death rate for Black males in Michigan in 1986 was 1,136 per
100,00 residents, compared with 685 per 100,000 for white males,
according to state Department of Public Health statistics. For women, the
death rate for Blacks was 632 per 100,000 compared with 404 per 100,00
for whites.
Homicide was the third leading cause of death among Black males in
Michigan in 1986, but was not among the top five causes for death
among whites.
A white baby born in 1986, the latest year for which figures were
available, can expect to live to age 75, compared with age 68 for a Black
Rise in number of 'drug baby' births
may strain Detroit's social services
DETROIT - A sharp rise in the number of babies born to drug
addicts in Detroit threatens to add decades of strain to social service
programs in the city and state, health officials say.
The number of babies born to drug abusers rose from 231 in 1986 to
573 in 1987, an increase of nearly 250 percent, according to Detroit
Health Department statistics. More than 500 such babies had been born in
Detroit from January through mid- September 1988, city hospitals
The increase already is straining Michigan's foster care and juvenile
court systems and likely will do so past the year 2000, according to social
service officials.
The number of Michigan children in foster care has increased by nearly
one- third over the past four years, while foster care costs have jumped
from $40 billion to $143.5 million annually. More than half of the
state's foster care cases come from Wayne County.
Fifth grader makes 'slimy' deals
OKEMOS, Mich. - Slime is selling like hotcakes at an elementary
school, teaching young entrepreneur Sam Worland- Esquith the basics of
"You've got to know what people want at the time and sometimes you
just aren't lucky enough to get customers," he said. Luckily for him,
"kids seem to like slime a lot. Maybe it just seems fun to them to have
something kind of gross."
Worland- Esquith was one of 13 fifth- grade retailers at the Wardcliff
Elementary School participating in a project this month to teach them
about the elements of small business.
"I just mix cornstarch with water, add some food coloring, put it in

Zip- Loc bags, and sell it for 25 cents," he said. His clients also get notes
informing parents that slime is not toxic, might stain and should be
stored in the refrigerator.
With costs at $6 and revenue at $8, Worland- Esquith counted a $2
profit in the first wave of selling on Wednesday.
He noted that private enterprise has its pitfalls.
"I don't think it's easy to make a good profit," he said.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550


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Editor in Chief
News Editors
Opinion Page Eitors
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List Editor

Adam Schrager
Victoria Bauer, Miguel Cruz,
Donna ladipacdo, Steve Knopper,
Usa Pollak, David Schwartz
Elizabeth Esch, Amy Harmon
Robin Loznak, David Lubliner
Alyssa Lustigman
Andrew Mills
Angela Michaels

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Associate Sports Editors
Arts Editors
Graphics Coordinator

Mike Gill
Adam Benson, Slave Blonder,
Rich Eisen, Julie Hdlman,
Lory Knapp
Andrea Gadd, Jim Poniewoik
Marie Wesaw
Mark Shaiman
Cherie Curry
Mark Swartz
Kevin Woodson

News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara Gruzen,
Kristin Hoffman, Mark Kolar, Scott Lahde, Kristine LaLonde, Michael Lustig, Jennifer Miller, Fran Obeid, Gil Renberg, Jonalhan Scott,
Anna Senkevitch, Noelle Shadwick, Nicole Shaw, Monica Smith, Vera Songwe, Patrick Staiger, Jessica Strick.
Opinion Staff: David Austin, Philip Cohen, Bil Gladstone, Laura Harger, Marc Klein, Daniel Kohn, Karen Miler, Rebecca Novick,
Marcia Ochoa, Elizabeth Paige, Cale Soutworth, Sandra Steingraber.
Sports Staff: Steve Cohen, David Feldman, Lisa Gilbert, Andy Gottesman, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Jodi Leichtman, Eric Lemont,
Taylor Lincoln, Josh Mitick, Jay Moses, Miachael Sainsky, John Samnick, Adam Schefter, Jell Sheran, Doug Vdan.
Arts Staff: Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Ian Campbell, Beth Cokquil, Sheaila Durant, Brent Edwards, Greg Ferand,
Michael Paul Fischer, Mike Fischer, Robert Flaggert, Forrest Green, Liam Flaherty, Margie Heinlen, Brian Jarvinen, Alyssa Katz, Leah
Lagios, D. Mara Lowenstein, Lisa Magnino, Kim Mc Ginnis, Kristin Palm, Jay Pinka, Jill Pisoni, Mike Rubin, Lauren Shapiro, Tony
Siber, Chuck Skarsaune, Usha Tummala, Pam Warshay, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo Staff: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Julie Hdlman, Jose Juarez, Ellen Levy, Lindsay Morris, Liz Stektee, John Weise.

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