Ii Weekend Magazille'
Dearborn and Flint, U of M's
Campuses* Modern Jazz Quartet 9 Julius Lester
Ue Ifdirtrnlaait
Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No.94 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 10, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily
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could go
Student tuition could increase as
much as 11 percent next year if state
lawmakers follow through on Gov.
James Blanchard's proposal for the
University's state funds.
During his budget message yes-
terday, Blanchard proposed a 3.7
percent, or $51 million, increase in
the University's state funds. The
Governor's proposal will now go
before Senate and House committees
for deliberation.
The University's budget proposal
last term predicted an optimistic
eight percent increase in state funds,
which would incorporate a nine per-
cent student tuition increase.
} But Blanchard's proposed lower
figure did not surprise University
"The state budget is as tight as
we thought it would be," said Vice
President for Government Relations
Richard Kennedy.
But Kennedy would not comment
on any possible tuition increases.
"We won't give any thought to tu-
ition for a long time," he said. Gen-
erally, the University's Board of Re-
gents finalizes its budget and tuition
increases in July.
Next week, a four month process
of lobbying and appropriation hear-
ings begins, where state lawmakers
listen to arguments by lobbyists be-
fore:deliberating and voting on the
final state budget.
LSA junior Zach Kittrie, Michi-
gan Student Assembly External Re-
lations Committee chair, will also
attend the hearings as a representa-
tive of the Michigan Collegiate
Coalition, a student lobby group.
See Tuition, Page 5
RC d
The Residential College, which
has been conducting an open search
for a new director since the end of
last year, has announced that present
Interim Director Herb Eagle will fill
the position for a three-year term.
Although Swarthmore Prof. Her-
man Blake was offered the position
last month, he recently withdrew
from consideration, said University
History Prof. William Rosenberg,
chair of the search committee.
Blake, who was chosen by an RC
search committee as its first nomi-
nee, withdrew from candidacy fol-
lowing an invitation from LSA
Dean Peter Steiner to come to the
college for negotiations regarding his
Blake was unavailable for com-
ment yesterday.
Rosenberg said considerable ef-
forts were made to speak with Blake.
He said both he and Steiner were
scheduled to travel out of state for a
meeting with Blake when he with-
drew his candidacy.
"Blake was concerned whether he
would be able to achieve what he
wanted to achieve at Michigan,"
Rosenberg said. "I don't think he
appreciated what he could do here.
He felt other possibilities were more
In the event that Blake had be-
come director, search committee
members said Eagle had expressed
his desire to continue working with
the RC, alongside Blake.
Eagle said he will continue to do
the work he has been doing as in-
terim director and the fact that he
will become permanent director in
July merely means a change in title.
Although Eagle does plan to
make changes within the RC, he
said he will not do anything imme-
See RC, Page 5
Garage fireROBIN LZNAK/Doy
The garage behind the house at 324 East Jefferson exploded into flames late last night. At about 10:50
p.m., "We heard a bang, and then it looked like sparks were flying from the ceiling," said Saif Sadicki, a
nearby resident. Liz Maizer, who lives in the house in front of the garage, said a local vagrant lives in the
garage, and "keeps trash, garbage and stuff from his shopping cart in there."
War survivor recalls experiences
Fred Karematsu considered him-
self a life-long American citizen,
until the U.S. government sent him
an "evacuation notice" in 1942.
The notice informed him that he
was to live in a "relocation camp"
for Japanese Americans during World
War II. But Karematsu did not go.
Instead, he had plastic surgery and
changed his name, hoping to remain
inconspicuous to the government.
Karematsu told his story to about
250 people at Hutchins Hall yester-
But his hopes were shattered
when he was arrested in the heart of
San Francisco while waiting to meet
his girlfriend, who later jilted him
because of political intimidation
from the FBI and family pressures.
After placement in a San Fran-
cisco Federal Jail, Karematsu was
approached by an American Civil
Liberties Union member who sug-
gested bringing his case to court.
"I felt bad, because I thought I
was an American citizen," Kare-
matsu said in his speech, sponsored
by the Asian American Law Stu-
dents Association.
In 1944, Karematsu took the
U.S. government to court for Ja-
panese Americans' freedom.
Karematsu lost the case in the
Supreme Court, which upheld the
U.S. government's decision to relo-
cate Japanese Americans because of-
ficials said they posed a threat to na-
tional security.
Karematsu was subsequently sent
to a camp.
In the late '70s, the issue of
Japanese American internship during
World War II was reopened. Many
demanded that the U.S. government
offer compensation to those who
were imprisoned during the war.
But this prospect poses no real
possibilities, Karematsu said. "A lot
of the affected war prisoners are dy-
ing off so the government keeps on
pushing the issue of war reparations
to these people," he said, suggesting
that people write letters to urge
government officials for compensa-
Forty years later, Karematsu said,
See Karematsu, Page 3
...discusses Japanese internment
Justice Dept.
. h
* fails to thwart
North's trial
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Justice Department
attempt to stop Oliver North's Iran-Contra trial on
national security grounds was denied by a federal
appeals court yesterday. The Bush administration
vowed, however, to continue trying to put the
proceeding on hold.
U. S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell sent the newly
picked jury for North's trial home yesterday, saying he
had to "close up shop" until Monday because of the
appeal that declared national security secrets were at
The possibility of airing state secrets as North de-
fends himself has threatened all along to scuttle the
trial. Two major charges against North were dropped
last month for that reason.
Assistant Attorney General Edward Dennis said "the
risk to national security would be significant" under
current rules laid down by the trial judge. He added that
the government would lack control over "disclosure of
very sensitive, classified information."
"It would be a complete crapshoot," Dennis said.
By the time the appeals court acted, U.S. District
Judge Gerhard Gesell had already sent the newly picked
jury home for the weekend with instructions to return,
ready for swearing in, at 9:30 a.m. Monday.
In a two-sentence order, the appeals court dissolved
its temporary stay of the proceedings, saying it was
denying the department's motion to stop the trial
"substantially for the reasons cited by Gesell." Judge
Gesell had ruled that the attorney general did not have
authority to intervene in the prosecution, which is be-
ing handled by independent counsel.
The jury was selected early yesterday, with layers
from each side eliminating prospective jurors from a
panel of 45 without stating a reason. All of the people
on the panel had said in open court they had read, heard
or seen little of North's earlier testimony before con-
gressional committees.
The Justice Department had appealed a Gesell ruling
that department officials could not routinely censor
High Drama in Iowa City
Bush unveils
his first budget
dent Bush proposed more money for
domestic programs and restraint in
Pentagon spending last night as he
summoned the Democratic Congress
to work with him to "ensure a better
In a well-received, 50-minute ad-
dress to a joint session of Congress,
the president vowed to proceed with
caution in his dealings with Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev. He added,
"We will not miss any opportunity
to work for peace."
Bush devoted most of his speech
to domestic issues, as he sketched
the outlines of a $1.16 trillion bud-
get. He called for $2.6 billion in re-
ductions from President Reagan's
Pentagon spending plan and modest
increases in selected domestic pro-
grams such as education and the en-
He repeated his longstanding vow
of no new taxes.
Less than one month on the job,
the new president echoed the cam-
paign of 1988 with his declaration
that he wants to be an education
president, wants the death penalty for
drug kingpins and favors a cut in the
capital gains tax.
He made a noticeable bow to the
environmentalists with a call to su-
spend three oil leases; and another to
the anti-abortionists with his call for
an increased tax break for parents
who adopt a child.
He called for a society "free from
support for making Puerto Rico the
nation's 51st state and called on
Congress "to take the necessary
steps to let the people decide in a
national referendum."
Bush proposed a new Task Force
on Competitiveness, to be chaired
by Vice President Dan Quayle. Say-
ing, "The most important competi-
tiveness program of all is one that
improves education in America," he
traced a number of schooling initia-
"I don't propose to reverse direc-
tion," he said. "We are headed the
right way." Nonetheless, he pro-
posed a string of initiatives that sig-
naled an end to some of the restraints
set by the Reagan administration.
The Bush speech was not a State
of the Union address - but it stood
for one, touching upon key foreign
policy issues as well as a wide range
of domestic problems.
Michigan guard Kirk Taylor is fouled by Iowa
forward Wade Lookingbill on the fast break in
the first half of last night's contest.
'M' blows 18-point halftime
lead, but prevails 108-107
IOWA CITY, Iowa - Last night was a
true is that the final excitement transpired in
the last 59 seconds of the game. After a
Vaught jumpshot to bring the No. 9
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