OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, February 8, 1989 The Michigan Daily 'U' ignores By Anne Martinez Four years ago, on February 6, 1985, the legislature of the state of Michigan adopted a resolution declaring February 2-8 Chicano History Week in Michigan. Concurrent Resolution No. 43 says that Chicano History Week is "in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848, commonly regarded as the birthdate of Chicanos [and Chicanas], in recognition of their heritage and contributions to the state of Michigan and the nation." In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, half of Mexico's territory (all or part of present day California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Colorado and Utah), and several thousand Mexicans became part of the United States. Under the treaty, these new Chicanos were guaranteed "the en- joyment of all the rights of citizens of the United States according to the principles of the Constitution; and... shall be main- tained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty and property, secured in the free exercise of their religion without re- striction." (Acurfa, Occupied America, 1988). The treaty further guaranteed the legitimacy of titles and grants valid under Mexican law, in newly occupied Mexico. All aspects of the treaty were denied and violated by the expansionist, gold-digging Americans who encroached on this terri- tory. Chicanos and Chicanas were robbed of their property and water rights; their homes stolen and/or destroyed. They were ,Anne Martinez is a Chicana in LSA unfairly treated in courts; the l bing Anglos being backed by the judicial system. The early Chic Chicanas were systematically dei language, culture, and religion. T economically, educationally, ai cally oppressed in "the land of the Today, 141 years later, Chic Chicanas - born citizens of th States - face the same deplorab tions as the first Chicanos and C We, like other natives of America to be acknowledged for the land stolen from us; this land was o Chicano and-grab- canos and Chicanas are still economical ir corrupt excluded from America's wealth. Accor anos and ing to the Bureau of the Census, in 198 nied their 30 percent of "Hispanics" were livingi 'hey were poverty, compared to 15 percent of the t nd politi- tal population. free." Chicanos and other Latinos across th anos and United States are now being cultural ie United oppressed by the ethnocentric and xen le condi- phobic "this is America - speak English Chicanas. movement which has led numerous stat have yet to outlaw Spanish. Chicanos remain u that was derrepresented in political bodies duet urs. Chi- gerrymandering, discrimination, and oth History ly underhanded techniques practiced by their d- opponents. The Census and the University 2, continue to rob Chicanos and other Lati- in nos of their unique cultures and heritages o- by lumping all groups into one, and la- belling that group "Hispanic." he Chicanos remain deprived in terms of ly education received; Anglos averaging 12.5 o- years of schooling compared to 9.9 years h" for Chicanos. At the University, Latinos es continue to graduate at a significantly n- lower rate than Anglos. The 1987-88 Mi- to nority Student Report indicates that more er Latinos in the 1979-83 entering classes graduated than Latinos in the 1975-78 en- tering classes. However, the difference be- tween the percentage of Latinos and Ang- Week los graduating appears to be growing. Un- der the circumstances, this isn't too sur- prising. At the University, some members of the Spanish department discriminate against Chicano and Chicana native speakers of Spanish. At the University, Chicanos and Chicanas are denied, not the opportunity, but the right to study their history and culture by departments, deans, and administrators who have ethnocentric agendas. One might ask how the History Depart- ment has commemorated Chicano History Week; or how the administration that cre- ated, promoted, and produced "Diversity , Day" has acknowledged Chicanos this week. The answer is they haven't; Chi- cano History has not been offered since Winter 1986; the University still has no Chicano faculty. We are reminded that those who stripped Chicanos and Chicanas of their identity, culture, and recorded con- tributions to society in the Southwest in 1848 are continuing that tradition in Ann Arbor in 1989. The administration that chooses to ignore state legislated Chicano History Week complains when the same legislative body cuts its funding. 'The early Chicanos and Chicanas were systematically denied their language, cul- ture, and religion. They were economically, educational, and politically op- pressed in "the land of the free..."' '...Today, 141 years later, they face the same deplorable conditions.' Students protest the lies about Latino students and programs in the University admin- istration's Annual Report on Minority Affairs released last fall. In the "enlightened" environment of this self-proclaimed prestigious university, Chicanos and Chicanas are left with the same oppressive conditions as the first Chicanos and Chicanas. The only differ- ence is the name has changed. The promise, once called the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, is now called the Michigan Mandate. Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 92 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Good riddance to CBS CBS protects the master's house: The truth comes out t r ; 't By Kevin McClanahan WITH ALL THE appropriate fanfare and hullabaloo, CBS News has Waltzed onto campus, made mush out of any possible discussion of the problems which plague the University, and breezed out. The two-hour broad- cast from campus last Friday morning easily lived up to the aspirations of an image-conscious administration and the dismal expectations of concerned crit- ics. The issues were neatly parceled up in advance: stress, racism, sports, alcohol abuse, legendary activism. Each one was given its moment in the spotlight, then dismissed back into the real world. Aside from a few extremely callous and insensitive remarks by the show's hosts, most of the belittling of the issues was more subtle. Racism, when it was discussed, was confined to an analysis of "racial incidents," whether Black and white students sit together in'the cafeteria, and what the hosts viewed as a worrisome trend to- ward "separatism" by oppressed groups. Any good faith attempt to get to the heart of the matter (and there were a few) was quickly dismissed. Focusing on specific "racial" events, while occasionally useful, fails to rec- ognize the depth and sophistication of current institutional racism. Anchor Harry Smith perfectly exem- plified this patte- r of hasty obsoles- cence when he introduced the segment on alcoholism by saying, "Let's talk about alcohol for a few seconds..." " And it got worse. After Black Greek Association President Audrey Wright quite articulately summarized some of the problems Black students face on campus, anchor Kathleen Sullivan suddenly woke up from her football fever-induced daze to cut in, basically saying that Wright sounded so dissat- isfied that she might bemore happy somewhere else. Cut to commercial. CBS did not act alone in its presenta- tion of campus issues. From electricians and telephone hookups to the plush (and protected) environs of the Lawyers Club and the use of secu- rity personnel, the University put itself at the service of the show. The Univer- sity Record quotes producer John Costello as saying, "the cooperation from the University... has been won- derful." Taking advantage of an obvi- ously favorable publicity situation, News and Information Director Joe Owsley added, "We think the media exposure is an excellent opportunity..." Although CBS has reportedly been billed for services provided during the preparation and shooting of the show, the Administration will surely never find a better deal for national advertis- ing. According to the administration, the University did not ask to censor the content of the show, "We respected the freedom of the press to report on the campus as they saw fit," Owsley said. One student standing outside of The League on Friday morning with a sign reading "CBS Lies," learned CBS's definition of that freedom when Costello, arguing the validity of the show, told him it was "freedom of the press," before telling campus security guards to "clear him out." The University administration's col- laboration with the network served it's, purpose. CBS used its "freedom" to ignore reality, distort important campus issues, and showcase the administra- tion's rhetoric. My grandmother told me that the truth would always come out, invited or unin- vited. The University used 'CBS This Morning' as an attempt to improve the public image of the institution, to prove to America that love overflows and that all the students are bright-eyed and socially aware. The public saw civic involvement by our alumni, the Michigan campus, and the marching band. Yet, reality reared its ugly head and may be a Freudian indicator of Michigan's destiny. The representative of the Pan Hellenic Council was critical of the University en- vironment and articulated the frustrations felt by the Black community in a round- table panel discussion. These sentiments were expressly shared by the white female participant on the panel. However, at the end of the discussion, Kathleen Sullivan, the co-anchor of the show, quipped to the Black representative that "Maybe you should go to some other university if you're so unhappy." First,this quip revealed the ignorance of the journalist since minorities in general and Black students in particular experience the same intolerance and blatant disrespect at all of the major universities. More importantly, however, is the proprietary assumption underlying these words. Only the master of the house has the authority or standing to suggest that someone leave. Furthermore, this speaker must view the object of the request as, at minimum, a guest, and, more likely, an outsider. Kevin McClanahan is a third year law student The term "outsider" best describes the position of the Black students at the Uni- versity. It is unimportant to the Univer- sity community that these students pay their tuition like every other student and assume the added burden of culturally edu- cating the white student body. They orga- nize unity marches and symposia to openly discuss differences in the face of '[CBS] voiced the widely held notion that Black students have not earned their position in the halls of academia and the soci- ety at large; we are freeloaders and, as such, we can be dis- missed by our benefactor whenever we get out-of-hand or fail to give thanks for all this benefactor has done for us.' . you will - of the University community and the nation as a whole. The fact that Sullivan directed her quip solely at the Black representative and did not include the white female who had also lodged com- plaints of racial insensitivity was only natural. The University belongs to the white female; she has a right to be there and, concomitantly, a right to criticize its 4 administrative apathy and indifference. And more, they excel. They demonstrate levels of excellence not dreamed of by their white counterparts - for to succeed where it is expected of you pales in comparison with success in the face of overt hostility, lack of role models, and institutional invisibil- ity. Yet, with all of these contributions, the culture and well-being of Black stu- dents are marginalized and made a political football by this administration. So it is no wonder that a total stranger would pick up on these institutional vibes and feel free to excuse the Black represen- tative from these hallowed halls. This was her instinctive and protective response to the system. In every sense, her request that the Black representative leave was the ar- ticulation - the achievement of voice, if structure. But the Black representative is without the family circle and cannot raise her voice in legitimate protest. Instead, she should leave. The absence of Black students is preferable to change. As Aretha Franklin so proudly pro- claimed, "We're doing it for ourselves."! We have done it for over two hundred years and the young minds on this campus are following in this glorious tradition, voluntarily or by necessity. Thus, not Sullivan, the University, or this country can hand us our walking papers; nothing or no one possesses that power, as our survival has so aptly demonstrated. No, Sullivan, the Black representative will not leave her own house. The University be- longs to the Black community as well as to those students who were instinctively protected by your quip. :?. _ __c _ ± L: ;%' : ::":':{ :;;;; } ::. _ ;:: : i' % _ ' _ _ } } : 'r;::It; :;::ii:'';i~si t{;:::"i'::' " : :;:'i?::: r::v i:.:}? ::" ". :::::::::. ::::. :. . : :". :: ;.;{::.::".}::::.. : :".:.... :.: ....::...::.:..".:.. :...: :"...:::. r. "::::::::. : :"::. ::::::. : :":::::::::::::::::: :"::.:.::::. ::.:.::::::::::::. . ::". ...... .:::::::...................... .. ...... ......r "-?Y i" :: }::::$:?:i:' ;:;7:;: ::'}:: ?::::4:ti: :5:::}:i "' ::?4: .. :: :'r: i::titi:::;:;t::ti:;'r:}:titii:vi..::. ;: i r: :" tip':":t::":i? ........... ". ii' Colleagues defend Cross To the Daily: In last Tuesday's issue of the Daily, anonymous graduate students in economics are quoted as suggesting that Dean John Cross's work uses a no- tion of cardinal utility that is "perhaps the silliest notion of human nature ever employed in social science." A Harvard pro- fessor (not anonymous) is quoted as saying that "cardinal utility is a concept that has realize that this attack on his scholarship is unjustified. Pro- fessor Cross's use of utility theory in his famous work on bargaining theory, and also in the journal article cited in the Daily article, is in accordance with the modern treatment of utility theory as used in eco- nomics, game theory, political science and psychology. The modern treatment of measur- able utility originated with the classic work of John von Neumann and Oskar Morgen- stern The Theory of Games (1943). An extensive treatment of this theory and its applica- tion to both the physical and informed charges of scholarly incompetence. - Theodore Bergstrom Kenneth Binmore Hal Varian January 31 Editor's note: In the article in question, "Doctoral students scrutinize deans" (1131189), The Daily did not charge the deans with in- competence nor did the Daily evaluate technical criticism. The article quoted anonymous sources in the University's Economics Doctoral Program who charged LSA Dean Peter Steiner and LSA Associate These sources remained un- named because they feared reprisals from members of the Economics Department. The Daily believes that the aca- demic work of University pro- fessors should be open for dis- cussion in the newspaper. Stu- dents and faculty who work closely in the departments and/or programs they choose to criticize often risk losing grants, being denied tenure, or being rejected from the depart- ments or programs they criti- cize. Therefore, to provide the University community a forum where academic criticism may be freely voiced, the Daily oc- 1- cn n~ a~l. f l I c ~a ..a flrr~tf l' q -- l