OPINION Page 4 Faculty hiring process exposes Tuesday, February 7, 1989 The Michigan Daily recurring Droblems of institutionalized racism: 1 i - - ) AAAA lali. &'A W%'%.,JV VL1L.,WLY%/U 1 False promises revealed By Susan Harvey Today there will be an informational picket line at the LSA building at noon to publicize and protest the racist and sexist faculty hiring process that has most re- cently been manifested in the University's refusal to hire a distinguished Black female faculty member in Sociology and Women's Studies. The case of this scholar, who was enthusiastically recom- mended for hire by two university search committees, points to the type of tacit, subtle racism and sexism institutionalized and buried within the very structure of this University. Clearly, even when candidates of color obtain the credentials deemed necessary to teach and do research, a core of established white male scholars still possess extraor- dinary and unchecked discretionary power to deem their work "acceptable" or 'unacceptable." They say: "We must up- hold the standards." What standards? Whose standards? And what if the candi- date in question is a social scientist and many of her critics are chemical engineers, Susan Harvey is a steering committee member of the United Coalition Against Racism. as is true in this case? Never mind. But what if individuals trained in the same field and already tenured by the University conclude that she is more than qualified for the position? Never mind. But what if, to survive the isolation felt as a Black woman in white male academy, and to give back something of value to her community, a minority scholar takes a leave from academia. Won't her C.V. ap- pear somewhat different than those of her white male counterparts? Perhaps, but never mind. We are told : "We can't find qualified minority faculty to come here." But when they finally do, there are yet more barriers such candidates must sur- mount, and then they are likely to be ca- sually dismissed in the end. Ironically, faculty are hired or rejected, promoted or ignored, based on a vague set of so-called standards that purport to be an objective measure of another set of equally vague principles the University purports to hold dear. Moreover, the secrecy around how decisions are made, why, and by whom, further encapsulates the biases, protects those who exercise them, and makes no one, least of all President Dud- erstadt, accountable to the larger commu- nity. This incident exposed some problems and contradictions that go to the very core of what learning, teaching, and scholarship are all about, and how institutions like this one serve as a self-perpetuating model of inequity and intellectual rigidity. Why doesn't the University openly dis- close what its standards are, and what spe- cific criteria lie behind the ambiguous terms of "excellence" and "quality." Is it not have time to talk to students for more than five minutes? Or researchers that publish volumes concerning communities they would never spend more then fifteen minutes in themselves. Students of color and progressive whites have complained about the few minority faculty, and the virtual absence of Black women faculty. But this case testifies to '...when candidates of color obtain the credentials deemed necessary to teach and do research, a core of established white male scholars still possess extraordinary and unchecked dis- cretionary power...' the internal university process of hiring. But such blind trust has left us with the lack of diversity we have lived with for years. What is Michigan's Mandate, and how will Duderstadt keep his promise of diver- sity if he is truly external to the very pro- cesses that will potentially affect that change? After eleven minority groups wrote to Duderstadt, we were referred to Dean Vest, who is conveniently out of town, and of course no one wants to discuss this or any other case because it is a "personnel mat- ter." Students have been the force that have put racism on the University's agenda, and if we remain silent now, the Michigan Mandate and Duderstadt's flow- ery promise will never become a reality. In his inaugural address, Duderstadt asked students of color and anti-racist whites on this campus to continue to challenge him and his policies to affect substantial insti- tutional change. Come to today's picket at 12:00 p.m. in front of the LSA building and join many other anti-racist student and faculty groups in voicing our intolerance of this latest case of blatant institutional racism. the number of books published? A degree from an Ivy League school? A prominent mentor, or a consistent output in terms of publications? Are these facts irrelevant? Of course not, but they are marginal in the selection and hiring process at the Univer- sity. How many of us know professors with all of these qualifications who are so self-consumed and distracted that they do how and why the current abysmal situa- tion persists. If we allow the process to remain secret and unchallenged, we are complicit. The issue is not the confiden- tiality of candidates. Rather, there is a greater insult to a candidate in an unfair rejection than in our efforts to redress that discriminatory treatment. Secondly, where does the silence stop? We are told to trust &be ftbdgan 1aiIy Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No.91 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Rep. Q uayle or vulture? LAST FRIDAY, Vice-President Dan Quayle visited El Salvador. While there he delivered this message to the rulers of that country: future U.S. aid will be conditional on an end to death squad killings. Quayle's trip and the reasons for it have several implications. Speaking to government officials was acknowl- edgement of the fact that the Salvado- ran government has some control over the death squads. This is interesting given that our government has always held that the death squads are rightist extremists not connected with the gov- ernment. The Bush administration is now tacitly admitting what many peo- ple already know: that the members of the death squads are members of the government security forces. Another implication is that the U.S. ~ is concerned about human rights in El Salvador. The U.S. has sponsored an indiscriminate air war against civilian supporters of the FMLN. The death squads share intelligence with the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency and work closely with the U.S. embassy in choosing targets. These facts make it hard to believe that suddenly the U.S. government cares about the lives of the Salvadoran people. Quayle claims that the U.S. will ac- tually follow through on its threat to cut off aid to the Salvadoran govern- ment if death squad killings continue to increase. The U.S. government has in- vested three billion dollars in El Sal- vador. Though by defense spending standards this is nothing, also at stake is the U.S.'s new "walking tall" im- age. Ideologues who pledge to roll back "communism" in Nicaragua and see El Salvador as the next test case will not give up so easily on a close ally. The Bush administration is worried about El Salvador's strategic position in Central America. The civil war in that country has reached critical pro- portions.The FMLN, the guerrilla coalition fighting the U.S. backed gov- emment, has increased its popular sup- U.S. aid to El Salvador. This consen-. sus was built around the image of moderation and democracy put forth by Jos6 Napoleon Duarte, the chosen can- didate of the U.S. embassy in the 1984 presidential elections. Duarte and his party, the Christian Democrats, were to be the "moderate" alternative between the guerrillas and their political allies and the far right. Duarte has never been a moderate, but his image helped win U.S. aid. Now the Christian Democratic Party is in disarray, having failed to keep any of the promises that were made in the 1984 election campaign and having corruptly used U.S aid for personal gain. The party of the far right, ARENA, is now likely to "win" the presidential elections in March, indi- cating that the U.S. embassy is losing control of the Salvadoran political scene. The shift of power from the U.S. backed Christian Democratic Party to the far right has already oc- curred and can be seen in increased death squad activity. Death squad killings are likely to keep increasing. ARENA is the party of the death squads. It is led by Roberto D'Aubuisson, long recognized as the center of the death squad net- work in El Salvador and author of the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980. As the FMLN continues to gain power, the government will continue to kill civilian supporters of the guerrillas because it is unable to strike directly at the guerrilla army. Given the United States' relationship with El Salvador, the Quayle trip should be recognized for what it really is: a ploy to maintain Congressional support for aid to the Salvadoran gov- ernment. U.S. policy is not going to change no matter how many people are killed by the death squads. Then Vice-President Bush made a similar trip with a similar message in 1981. What followed were the three most intense years of death sauad ac- By Zachary Kittrie Anybody, including Bruce Belcher, is entitled to an opinion ("Kittrie Should Apologize,"Daily, 1/26/88). It is de- plorable, however, that the Daily permit- ted unsubstantiated accusations and con- clusions, by one who is not an MSA officer, to take the lead over a wide range of more substantial issues they should be dealing with at this time: the possible cutting of the MSA budget, tuition in- creases, the proposal of a Black student lounge by the Black Student Union, the student-led movement for a Korean lan- guage course, and the need for a greater student role in the shaping of University policies. Bruce Belcher masquerades as some one else's agent in writing his biased report on my activities. But, the MSA rules are clear: no investigation of any officer can be undertaken without the approval of the assembly. Yet , Bruce Belcher seeks to circumvent these democratic procedures. Not dwelling on due process and fair procedures, let me go to the heart of the Belcher accusations - what are the facts? During my two and one-half years at the University I have: sought to contribute as much as possible to the quality of student life on campus, to the advancement of student interests, to the improvement of student government, and to a more effec- tive working relationshipsbetween the ad- ministration, faculty and students. As chair of the External Relations Committee I have been committed to in- creasing financial aid, improving Univer- sity priorities like recruitment and reten- tion, and lowering tuition and fees. As a student on the University's Budget Priori- ties Committee, I have been committed to pressuring the University to watch its Lefends waste and consider cost-cutting. These is- sues to me extend across the demarcation of race and ethnicity. This past Fall Term, I helped to direct an effort to register over 6,700 students to vote, the most successful voter registration drive in Ann Arbor since 1972. All students deserve an opportunity to register to vote. Last year, as president of the East Quadrangle Representative Assembly, I strove to bring stability to that residence hall government. My commitment to hard-working student government actually dates back to high school where I served as president of the Amnesty International chapter, and student government president for 1 1/2 terms. I helped to institute a se- ries of speakers in connection with Black History Month and Martin Luther King's Birthday. record was heard, and at times I was indeed overzealous in carrying out responsibilities that I perceived to be required of me as a representative of the Michigan student community at large. Did I seek or try to undermine MSA members as Belcher claims? No. Most, if not all, of those people have been carrying out their duties responsibly. A woman or man who discharges his or her responsibility in good conscience is not usually threatened by honest questioning or disagreements. Nearly all of the MSA members are my friends and colleagues. When I disagree, I should have the right, indeed the duty, to speak my mind. Finally, let me ask who Bruce Belcher is. What are his credentials (racial, ethnic, gender or otherwise) to accuse me of big- otry? I have not thus far worn my creden- tials on my sleeve, because I abhor racial, 'If I am guilty of anything it is of an overabundance of will- ingness to work for student causes.' In all my activities I have made a- sin- cere effort to work with the student leader- ship, its committees and personnel - of whatever race, gender, nationality or political persuasion they might be. I have served just once with Bruce Belcher on any assignment, task or com- mittee. None of his alleged accusations are based on first hand experience. If I am guilty of anything it is of an overabundance of willingness to work for student causes. Indeed, I plead guilty to the following: I have taken the student gov- ernment business very seriously (often to the detriment of my academic work); I have often volunteered to do MSA work even when not ordered to do so; when other MSA representatives were absent or could not attend I set out to fill the void - to make certain that the student voice ethnic and other stereotypes, and because I believe every person should be judged as an individual. Unfortunately, Bruce Belcher, you tried to fire your assassin's gun at the wrong person: for I too am a minority- the son of a Hispanic immigrant mother. Yet, I am afraid that this won't worry Bruce Belcher too much. After all, facts are not his strong suit. But if facts are of concern to him - he@4 is the one who owes an apology to me. He owes an apology because my com- mitments and programs on this campus have never wavered: seeking to further the common good of all students, rather than to permit internal squabbles and pettiness to reduce the ability of a richly diverse student body to play a strong, constructive and unified role on this campus. Zachary Kittrie is an LSA junior and the Chair of the External Relations Commit- tee of the Michigan Student Assembly. L e tte s..o the..d..o ... . . . ............. :::...::::: :::: "::: "."::?.:<:.":.::?:":". .': ::}. y :.... Greeks are not evil To the Daily: .I would like to respond to the recent attack on the Greek system, fraternities in specific, by the editorial staff of the Michigan Daily in the January 25 article "Fraternity Rush: Don't buy the hype." I am a member of the Greek system, an alumnus of Alpha Epsilon Pi at the University of Virginia, and am personally offended by the article. that one be a student in gc standing at that fraternit3 university, it was not ur recently that sororities beg forming and "men of colt were admitted into fraternities The majority of Greeks li in their chapter house. Becat of this aspect of Greek life, is imperative that all memb be able to live with o another. This is why the ru system was instituted. It % important for the fraternity a sorority members to adr persons who would be able live and interact with I existing members; it was a everyone who rushes, thus, ends up with a bid to become a member; likewise not every house gets the people who they give bids to. The Daily seems to believe that the Greek system is an evil institution. This is far from the truth. What the Daily fails to recognize are the many good points of the Greek system. To mention a few, there is community service. I know that the Greek system at the University of Virginia is a major force in community service. The Big Brothers-Big Sisters program is composed chapter. And, believe it or not, one learns responsibility. The Daily quotes the statistic that 95 percent of the people in Congress are Greek alumni. I don't know the numbers offhand but a large number of " successful businesspersons are also Greek. I would say that is a big plus for the Greek system. Perhaps the Greek system here at Michigan has its problems, but, I dare say, so does any system of any kind anywhere. that still does not make the Greek system inherently bad. I think that the 0 ua