OPINION Monday, February 6, 1989 Page 4 The Michigan Daily Challeng By Camille Colatosti This is the second in a two part series. Unlike feminists of the early twentieth century, activists of the second wave of the U.S. women's movement did not hesitate to support the legalization of abortion, but they did unfortunately, per- petuate some of the racist strategies of the movement's predecessors. Even at their strongest, feminists did not correlate the demand for legal abortions with the de- mand to end sterilization abuse. Though many doctors still hesitate to administer abortions to white middle and upper-mid- dle class women, they frequently engage in the sterilization of poor women, especially of Puerto Rican and Native American women. In the 1970s, the percentage of sterilizations performed by U.S. hospitals increased threefold, while the growth in abortion services occurred not in hospitals but primarily in abortion clinics. Today less than half of all obstetricians and gy- necologists perform abortions; and only eighty per cent of public hospitals, and sixty per cent of private hospitals administer abortions (Petchesky 157). While medicaid funding for abortions is denied poor women, sterilizations of these women increase. Routine in teaching hos- pitals are so-called "elective hysterec- tomies" on poor, minority women. Such hospitals frequently require that abortion be performed only on consent of steriliza- tion (the "package plan"). Sterilization patients often are not informed fully about the release forms they are made to sign; many women do not understand the irre- versibility of the operation. I do not mean to suggest that the con- nections between sexual and population control policies stem solely from the racism of a few feminists. Rather, these contradictions are inherent to the institu- tions of a patriarchal society, and have not yet been analyzed sufficiently by the dom- Camille Colatosti is a doctoral candidate in English and a member of Solidarity inant feminist organizations in the U.S., including the National Organization for Women (NOW). Planned Parenthood, for example, an institution promoting safe, inexpensive abortion and health care ser- vices in this country, engages in abusive sterilization practices in the third world; the International Planned Parenthood Fed- eration is largely responsible for the dis- tribution of Depo-Provera, a dangerous drug that keeps women sterile for six months, and that was banned in the U.S. in 1978 because it was linked to breast cancer in dogs and endometrial cancer in monkeys. Foreign aid to third world countries frequently depends on their par- ticipation in "family planning programs" that require the use of Depo-Provera and forced sterilization. U.S. concern about overpopulation is not a benevolent one. Reproductive rights activists must re- member that it is not abortion that is the disturbing idea - it is feminism. In the late 1970s, not long after the Row v. Wade decision, sexual control again arose as a more pressing domestic policy than population control. The strength of the women's movement forced social changes that threatened male domination. Though the victory of Roe v. Wade had significant feminist consequences, the motivation be- hind the Supreme Court decision was not a feminist one. The Roe v. Wade decision came as a response to the militancy of the feminist movement, and not as a result of the feminist or liberationist beliefs and practices of Supreme Court judges. Even before Roe v. Wade, abortion was a safe practice in communities with strong women's structures. In the 1960s, the Chicago Women's Liberation union, for example, originated a number of clinics, named Jane, where paramedic volunteers provided safe and inexpensive abortions, charging women only fifty dollars for the procedure and never turning away a woman who could not pay. Likewise, abortion and birth control were prevalent in the U.S. during the 1940s, when the nation was at war and women had power in the society at home. The media often give the Supreme Court more credit for the women's move- ment, and for the Civil Rights movement, than the activists involved in the day-to- day struggles. But the Supreme Court le- galization of abortion was not the final feminist victory; in many ways it was simply one of several gains feminists fought for and women need before we will achieve equality in this society. res to Women must once again organize - organize for the sake of organizing, even if we do not immediately win concessions - in order for us to unify and build alter- native institutions, such as women's health clinics and cooperative child care facilities. We must realize that reproduc- tive rights include access to safe, free abortions as well as the end of sterilization abuse. We need to detangle the ideology of population control from that of sexual control and birth control. feminism The issue of abortion is in itself not nearly so significant as the issue of who controls the social relations involved in abortion, that is, who determines when, where and how women get abortions, who performs the procedure, and, finally, who profits from it. Abortion is a social and political issue, not a moral one. The battle over who controls the abortion decision is a fight over who controls women. Yet the issue is not only abortion. It is feminism. In the 1970s, abortion became a symbol of the liberated woman, a woman more concerned with her education and career than with marriage and childrearing, a woman deliberately and loudly pronouncing her feminism. Today, women must fight the media images telling us that we live in a postfeminist age. Women, still earning 63 percent of what men earn, must fight as feminists and activists in this society if we are ever to gain control over our lives. Questionable motives By Jeff Gearhart and Mark Weinstein Earth First! (EF!), a direct-action envi- ronmental group, has been active and suc- cessful in attempting to halt the environ- mental destruction which is being waged by civilization and in challenging the bureaucratization of traditional environ- mental groups. However, the words of certain EF! dignitaries, such as Dave Foreman, former editor of EF! Journal, have led many to question the motives behind their actions. For example, Foreman's comments re- garding the so-called "overpopulation problem" often sound more like the ideas of racist, imperialistic social planners like Garret Hardin than a radical environmentalist. According to Foreman the solution to the overpopulation and poverty in Ethiopia and Latin America is to let nature take its course. "...[T]he best thing would be to just let nature seek its own balance, to let the people there just starve...and likewise, letting the USA be an overflow valve for the problems of Latin America is not solving a thing. Its just putting more pressure on the re- sources that we have in the USA...and it isn't helping the problem in Latin Amer- ica." Foreman further elaborates his grand plan by conceding that turned away immi- grants would have to go back to Jeff Gearhart is a graduate student in the school of Natural Resources. Mark Wein- stein isan activist for gay rights. "...unfortunate and, in some cases, bloody fates..." but that is OK because this would help build the "...anger and the rage..." necessary for change in Latin America. While some EF!ers have defended Foreman as a seeker and guardian of the truth many people both within and outside of the movement have challenged the racism in Foreman's ideas. Not only is closing off the borders unrealistic, it implies an alliance with the rich, white power brokers of this country who are largely responsible for the condi- tions in Latin America today. The "unfortunate" fates that Foreman is refer- ring to are none less then U.S. financed death squad murders. The ideas Foreman is advocating play well with racist hysteria of those in the Southwest who seek to protect their wealth and status. Foreman has repeatedly advocated the same human genocide which industrialism has been carrying out for hundreds of years as solutions to the ecological and social problems which face the world. They have tended to simplify these problems to one main cause, overpopulation, with one main solution, a mass die off of up to 80 percentof the human population. While it is true that population pressures have had significant effects in many parts of the world, it is more of a symptom than a cause. However, most of the problems that are blamed on overpopulation - poverty, environmental destruction, etc.- have their root causes in the denial of women's right to control their bodies, un- just and unsustainable land distribution, and authoritarian political structures. The most shocking expression of these ideas was an anonymous article which ap- peared in the March, 1987 edition of the Earth First! Journal which discussed the merits of the AIDS virus. According to the article ."...the AIDS epidemic, rather than being a scourge, is a welcome devel- opment in the inevitable reduction of hu- man population..." While it's probable that Jerry Falwefl did not write this article, it would certainly sit well with the funda- mentalists in this country. Yet, people within E! are increasingly challenging the centralization and the ideas which Foreman represents. According to Mikal Jakubal of the Washington EF! "As EF! has evolved over the last 9 years a split personality has emerged whose two faces are best described by their dominant characteristics - one centralized, the other federative." The centralized tendency pri- marily includes the EF! Journal and those around it, including Foreman. Jakubal points out that the movement has not stood idle in the face of Foreman's com- ments and that there is a "...growing an- tagonism towards the activities of the centralized EF!..." including a "considerable radicalization" of people in the grassroots movement. Jakubal's comments from within EF! are a welcome contribution to a deep critique of Dave Foreman's politics. According to Jakubal, "Much change for the better, is happening. Soon EF! will likely be unrecognizable from what it was just a few years ago, if it isn't already so. Movements, as the name implies, move - and those who fail to keep up must in- evitably be left behind." Foreman and David Brower, founder of Earth Island Institute will speak tonight at 7:00 PM at the Rackham Auditorium. 0 V Protect Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 90 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Keep landlords out A PROPOSED NEW privacy ordinance for city tenants, including students, will be reviewed this month by Ann Arbor's City Council. The ordinance offers valuable and necessary new protections for tenants at risk of having their rights abused by landlords. In most rental situations landlords hold all the cards. When tenants are unfamiliar with their rights or landlords choose to violate them, it is the tenant who stands to lose. Repeated instances of privacy violations which include sexual harassment and threats have un- derscored the need for such a law. People need to be safe in their own homes, and when that safety is threat- erled they need legal recourse. Currently, landlords are required to give "reasonable" notice before entering an apartment or sending a repairperson. Landlords too often interpret this to mean that knocking before entering an apartment is sufficient notice. Tenants deserve better. When landlords com- plain about increased beauracracy, they need to reconsider the nature of their business. Respecting someone's right to privacy at home is not an imposition on landlords; it is essential protection for tenants. aware of the threats they face. Some leases include clauses which in them- selves are violations of privacy, and and tenants need a formal legal escape route. Inexperienced renters - often stu- dents - are especially at risk. Land- lords' power over their tenants is often accepted as inherent to the renting situation, and landlords have no incen- tive to correct this misperception. On the contrary, many landlords see the financial value of tenants who don't understand the law, and choose to ig- nore their obligation to encourage in- formed tenants. The opposition is formidable. Land- lords carry weight beyond their own financial strength. They tend to have links to the construction industry and, therefore, influence the health of the local economy. They often use this in- fluence to introduce scare tactics against legislation that infringes on their "territory." In the case of protecting renter pri- vacy, these threats are unfounded. The law will not create any sort of hardship for landlords who respect tenants rights. But the City Council will need to be .persuadeI that such a law has enough public support to justify an- By Lisa Russ and Christine Fulton Does your landlord have the right to en- ter your apartment without notice? Many tenants accept a landlord's entrance as an ordinary aspect of life in rental housing, and current law is unclear about what a landlord can do. Common occurrences in- clude landlords walking in to do repairs or at odd hours for no apparent reason and cases of verbal and sexual harassment. Privacy invasions from landlords occur while the tenants are showering or sleep- ing, or when they are not home. Some landlords include this "right"-to entry in their leases. A privacy invasion places you in an ex- tremely vulnerable position. Having a landlord walk into your apartment while you are in the shower is obviously disconcerting, and the knowledge that this, or worse, can happen is frightening. Often landlords do not respect the basic rights of tenants. Landlords enter the agreement with an advantage: it is at theirdiscretion to make repairs or improvements, and they have a key to your home. Many times this last factor - the key - is used by land- lords astanother way to assert power, or to blatantly disregard the rights of tenants. Landlords have the power to enter at any time and can use this power to intimidate or harass tenants and make them feel as if the right to their apartment is based on the landlord's whim. Because landlords so of- ten make tenants feel powerless, tenants are afraid to protest if repairs go undone, or conditions of the lease are not met. Landlords may enter unannounced because it is their house and they want you to remember that. You are living there by their good graces, and at great expense and heart-ache to them. They remind you, through invading your home and with threats of eviction, just how dependent you are, and how your "cooperation" is integral to insuring your continued tenants lords use these invasions to make you feel powerless and dependent; you need to have a way to respond. Currently the City-produced housing booklet, "Tenants Rights- and Responsibilities," says that landlords need to provide tenants with "reasonable notice" before entering their apartment. "Reasonable" is never defined, however, and there is no recourse for the tenant in case his or her privacy is invaded. Under current law, a tenant who is suffering even severe privacy violations does not have the explicit right to break his or her lease. A coalition of housing groups and women's organizations have written a Privacv Ordinance which takes imnortant a. at.',y p n ua'x'i w"' "'N privacy. steps toward insuring your right to pri- Landlords claim that privacyinvasions vacy. We feel it is important to empower are not a problem, but tenants know that tenants to assert their right to privacy in it is a sros u TePacy Ordi- their homes. The Privacy Ordinance it is a serious issue. The Privacy Ordi- written so that tenants would have clearly nance will be read by City Council on defnedrihts an epliit ousesofac- February 23. A public hearing will likely defined rights, and explicit courses ofac follow at which people can speak or pre- tion if their right to privacy is violated. How the Privacy Ordinance sent informal written testimonies. We en- works: courage you to write letters to your coun- " Landlords are required to give tenants cil-members. If you are interested in help- three days written notice and to get tenant ing out, or would like more information permission before they or a repairperson or advice on a privacy problem, call us: comes in to make repairs, except in the Tenants Union 763-6876, or Sexual come into mke epais, xcep inthe Assault Prevention and Awareness Center case of an emergency. Also, a landlord and 763-5865. tenant can agree to a notice period of less Please clip this out and send it to your feresthan withree dayswtenant's comforto city council members. You can find out fere wih te teants cmfor. wichward you are in by calling the City - Tenants have the right to require iden- Clerk 994-2725. tification of any person seeking to enter Ward 1: Larry Hunter 801 Barton their home and deny entry to persons Drive; Ann Marie Coleman 16-1 without proper identification. Pontiac - Landlords and repair people must re- Ward 2: Ingrid Sheldon 1416 spect tenants' personal possessions. The Folkstone Ct.; Terry Martin 1565 landlord or repairperson does not have the Roxbury right to look through tenants' drawers or Ward 3: Liz Brater 1507 Wells; Jett cabinets and should only be in the area(s) Epton 1501 Shadford specified in the entry notice. Ward 4: Jerry Schleicher 2906 Logan * Tenants have the right to be free from Ct; Mark Oiumet 1382 Esch Ct landlord sexual harassment. Requests or Ward 5 Kathy Edgren 606 Linda Vista; demands that the tenant perform or permit Tom Richardson 209 Bona Vista sexual activities are an invasion of the Mayor: Jerry Jernigan 2700 Gladstone pinminm---in-----m--mm- "" mm"""-----------"mm mm- mmm 9 1 " rigahts right to privacy. -nTenants who experience privacy viola- tions from a landlord (or a landlord's agent) may claim rent money back or ter- minate the lease in addition to other relief provided by current law. Landlords object to the ordinance be- cause they say it creates more paperwork for them, and "giving all that notice is impossible." However, three days notice is not at all unreasonable, but considerate, and that the extra work for the landlord is minimal. Landlords owe tenants respect. For conscientious landlords, the ordinance would mean little change in the way they work. The ordinance would effect landlords who are now violating tenants' rights to 0 '0