age 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 6, 1989
Continued from Page 1
lent crimes against women.
Kristin Pope, a POWER mem-
ber, said the group is "outraged by
the administration's silence and
'Coach Berenson's insensitive and
uninformed statements about the
causes and effects of sexual harass-
i' ment and violence toward women,"
"-she said.
POWER members cited Beren-
son's remarks made before the four
men's Jan. 17 arraignment: "It's not
serious compared to robbing a bank.
.: Where the women are concerned, it's
not like they've been attacked, or an
assault charge, or rape," Berenson
Continued from Page 1
quirement. If it is approved, Univer-
sity 299 will be an option to fulfill it,
in addition to other courses
n "containing the same basic elements.
"I believe that racism is not a
tangible problem," Molesky said on
"the show, explaining that he does not
think racism exists as widely as
' some people say it does. If the class
becomes mandatory, he said, the
University will be forcing students
to pay hundreds of dollars to look at
their moral deficiencies.
But Railton said the racism that
'-'has surfaced on campus is a clear
"sign of problems in the University's
- institutional structure, and a lack of
understanding of minority concerns.
Railton said a mandatory class
will help to provide a multicultural
education to students who come
from diverse economic, racial, and
ethnic backgrounds. Through
discussion of shared issues, Railton
said he hopes that racial tensions and
understanding at the University will
As the structure of the course
stands, each section will taught by a
team of two professors from
Pope and other POWER members
said they are disturbed by Berenson's
statement that the four players did
not violate any team rules Jan. 3.
According to POWER member
Pam Kisch, a social work graduate
student, Berenson has refused to
meet with the organization concern-
ing the Athletic Department's re-
sponse to the crime. Members of the
group said they have been told by
the department that Berenson will
not meet with them until hockey
season ends, in April.
On Jan. 26, POWER demanded a
meeting with department officials.
Berenson and Assistant Athletic Di-
rector Jack Weidenbach would not
attend; Athletic Director Bo Schem-
bechler and University President
James Duderstadt were out of town
at the time.
different departments. This
arrangement is expected to provide
different versions of University 299,
with professors drawing on their
area of expertise and interest.
The course will provide a critical
discussion of the concept of race, a
description of historical and
contemporary forms of racial
discrimination and inequality;,-
exposure to the culture of people of
color through literature, and a
comparison of racism to other issues
such as sexism and homophobia.
Molesky expressed concern that
if University 299 becomes a
graduation requirement, other
courses dealing with social
oppression will also become
mandatory in two or three years.
Molesky was also fearful that the
course would force political views
on students because there are more
"liberal" professors than
"conservative" supporting it, he said.
But Railton said the class will not
require students to give up their
political ideas or make a decision
about racism. Instead, he said, it will
help them think through the issues
and provide them with a forum to
hear different ideas and work toward
resolving problems.
Prospective drug
czar visits Detroit
William Bennett, President Bush's
choice to oversee the war on drugs,
took a close look yesterday at the
havoc wreaked on one drug-ravaged
city, Detroit.
When asked what he learned dur-
ing his tour, Bennett, "Nothing
more than what everybody already
"They emphasized what I was
looking at was the heart of the
problem," he said. "Downtown De-
troit is as bad as it gets anywhere."
Detroit recorded 629 homicides
last year, an 8.3 percent drop from
the 686 homicides in 1987, accord-
ing to city police statistics. Only
Washington D.C. had a higher ratio
of murders per 100,000 people last
Bennett said the police officers
who took him on the tour - Cmdr.
Joel Gillian, chief of staff to Detroit
Police Chief William Hart, and Sgt.
Bruce Ford - told him they wit-
nessed some drug trafficking during
the two-hour visit.
"My eyes aren't sufficiently ex-
pert, discerning yet" to spot the drug,
deals, Bennett said. "It was also
Sunday afternoon, not Saturday
Poll shows U.S.-
Sovlet good
NEW YORK (AP) - A U.S.- Dec. 15-25 a
Soviet public opinion poll has found 1,000 adultse
good will among residents of New York Cit
Moscow and four American cities, in Boston, D
despite fears over their nations' cisco.
longstanding rivalry. The survey
Majorities in Moscow and in the well as politick
U.S. cities saw the superpowers as comparisons
friendly, the survey found, and more lifestyles of th
than eight in 10 agreed the two na- cans in the cit
tions were entering "a new era of ducted.
peace and cooperation." Muscovites
At the same time, nearly four in considerably m
10 Muscovites saw the United States government, w
as a serious threat to their nation, they always ca
and as many or more of the Ameri- right. Just 6 p
cans saw the Soviets as a threat to cans said thes
the United States, the survey found. ment.
The poll was sponsored by But more o
WCVB-TV in Boston, the Detroit great pride in1
Free Press, the Daily News and pending on the
WCBS television and radio in New 10 said they v
York, and KRON-TV in San Fran- Americans. In
cisco. It was conducted by telephone were very prou
mong approximately
each in Moscow and
y and about 600 each
etroit, and San Fran-
measured social as
al views, providing for
of the beliefs and
he Soviets and Ameri-
ies where it was con-
, for examples, were
pore confident in their
ith 37 percent saying
an trust it to do what's
ercent of the Ameri-
same of their govern-
f the Americans had
their nationality. De-
e city, about seven in
were very proud to be
n Moscow, four in 10
ud to be Soviets.
Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Bush's ethics counsel may
have conflicting interests
WASHINGTON - Boyden Gray, the man in charge of President
Bush's ethics policy, has found himself in the midst of a possible con-
flict-of-interest controversy because of his position as chairperson of a
multimillion dollar company.
Gray, who served as Bush's counsel when he was vice president told
The Washington Post and The New York Times that starting at the be-
ginning of this year he would no longer be accepting fees for his job as
the chairperson of the family owned, Atlanta-based Summit Communica-
tions Group Inc.
"Due to my promotion and due to the policies enunciated by (Bush)
during the presidential campaign, I cannot and will not take outside in-
come and so have instructed the family company," said Gray.
Last week, Bush appointed an eight-member commission to review
government ethical standards, including conflict-of-interest law. Bush has
not yet named a White House ethics officer, but Gray has been serving
informally in that role since before the inauguration.
Gov't advises energy industry
WASHINGTON - The Energy Department is quietly advising U.S.
companies of a growing threat of terrorist attack on vital domestic energy
facilities and is pressing them to fortify their defenses, The Associated
Press has learned.
At the same time, a special interagency task force has been created
within the National Security Council to assess the vulnerability of U.S.
energy systems and study ways of minimizing the risk of supply disrup-
tions caused by "techno-terrorism."
A catalyst for the government's campaign, according to department of-
ficials and documents, is concern about techno-terrorism, the use of hard-
to-detect plastic explosives, hand-held missiles, electronic surveillance
gear or other sophisticated devices to carry out politically motivated acts
of sabotage. The report cited incidents of such terrorism in Europe and
elsewhere, but officials said there had been none in the United States.
The heightened alert also reflects a fear of retaliatory strikes by Libya
and Iran, countries accused by the United States of supporting terrorism.
Billboards spur controversy
DETROIT - Billboard advertisements for alcohol and tobacco prod-
ucts targeted for Blacks here are being targeted themselves by critics con-
cerned about the health hazards linked to those products.
"You see them if you want to or not," said Alberta Tinsley-Williams,
a Wayne County commissioner who is campaigning to outlaw all such
ads in Detroit.
Billboard messages vary significantly between Detroit, where Blacks
comprise 63 percent of the population, and its predominantly white sub-
urbs, according to a survey published in yesterday's editions of the Detroit
Free Press.
Ads for alcohol or tobacco products appeared on 43 percent of the 895
billboards in Detroit surveyed last week by the newspaper. But those
products appeared on just 24.7 percent of the 93 billboards tallied in the
city's near suburbs, the newspaper said.
Press says Botha may resign
JOHANNESBURG, S. Africa - Newspapers said yesterday that Pres-
ident Botha, who stepped down as leader of the ruling party last week,
may retire soon.
Botha, who suffered a stroke Jan.18, resigned Thursday as head of the
National Party and was replaced the same day by National Education
Minister F de Klerk, who is considered Botha's heir apparent as president.
Botha said he will stay on as president, but he has appointed
Constitutional Development Minister Chris Heunis as acting president
while he recuperates.
The Sunday Times, the country's largest paper, said in a front-page
story that Botha's decision to step down as party chief "is a prelude to
complete withdrawal from public life."
Frosty Paws, ice cream for
dogs, hits the market today
DETROIT - A suburban Detroit ice cream distributor thinks dog
owners will be pawing to get their hands on a new product about to hit
the market.
Seymour Greenstein of Golden Valley Dairy in Oak Park is pushing a
non-dairy "ice cream" for dogs that will be sold in area markets beginning
The item will be sold in the ice cream section of the markets, not with
other pet foods.
"There's a lot of giggling and tee-heeing about it," said Bob Grayson,
Golden Valley's vice president for sales and marketing, "But they
(retailers) are buying it."
"Make no bones about it," Greenstein said, "We expect a lot of sales."
Frosty Paws, made by an Ohio company, will sell in packages of three
or four cubes each, Greenstein said. The ingrediants do not include milk,
which upsets dogs' stomachs. Instead, the treat contains soy flour, dry
whey and no less than seven percent crude fat.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
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Continued from Page 1
bf help to the Federalist Society and
the conference, a lot of important
issues are being raised," Bollinger
Student groups contacted yester-
day said they had no organized
protest planned.
"Edwin Meese has no power in
tociety anymore," said Chris Van-
denburg, National Lawyer's Guild
regional representative. "We have
* aSMs
discussed it, and have no plans to
.take action. Protests have political
costs as well as potentials gains,"
she said.
Neither the Black American Law
Students Association nor the Les-
bian and Gay Law Students have an-
nounced plans to oppose Meese's
This is this first year that the
Law School has been chosen as the
site for the annual symposium.
Twenty panelists will speak at the
symposium, entitled "Property: The
Founding The Welfare State, and
Michigan Daly
Mass Meeting
Monday, February 13th, 7:00 pm
The Daily is
seeking new
staff members.
No previous
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February 6
Composers Forum
New Music by U-M student
Recital Hall, 8 p.m.
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University Band and
Percussion Ensemble-
Eric Becher and Allison Shaw,
Schuman George Washington Bridge
Wagner Trauer Sinfonie
Arnold Four Scottish Dances
Hill, 8 p.m.
News Staff: Laura Cohn, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Usa Fromm, Kelly Gafford, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara Gruzen,
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Free Oral Screening
1 1 1 non
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Saturday, February 11,1989 All ages are welcome