. ,,, U 0 0, awash in cheese 0 GosDel according to Weekend: An exclusive Vw I--= __ Ma Philosophical questions come and go. Thousands of years ago, it was "Why am I here?" Today, it's "Why don't you go away?" But one has remained constant throughout the eons- namely, "Is there a God?" Well, wonder no more - in the true spirit of investigative journal- ism, we recently had Weekend magazine columnist Jim Poniewozik killed so he could find out for us. So, thanks to intrepid reporting and miraculous advances in cellular phone technology, we have, direct from the afterworld, an exclusive in- terview with everyone's favorite de- ity: DAILY: Nice place you've got here. GOD: Thanks. Smoke? D: No, thanks. Well, let's start with the big question. Bad things happening to good people. Hurri- canes. Plane crashes. How do you plead? G: Guilty. I love destruction! The terror, the bloodshed, the pathos! And I do it for NO REASON! Sim- ply because I AM GOD! HA HA HA HA! AND, AS A MATTER OF FACT, I THINK I FEEL LIKE WIPING OUT SRI LANKA WITH A PLAGUE OF AARDVARKS RIGHT NOW! (Laughs) No, just kidding - don't print that. Actually, I'm not as bad as you might think. In the first place, half of your train wrecks, terrorist bombings, and mine cave-ins are actually staged by the major networks on the very same set where they did the moon landing. And in the second place, there really isn't anything I can do about them. All that omnipotence stuff is basi- cally hype. Hell, it took me half an hour to figure out how to set the time on my clock radio. D: So you're saying we're basi- cally set adrift, alone and uncared for, in a random universe where any hor- rible fate can befall us with no ex- planation? G: Whoa - you really ought to drop that philosophy class you're taking, kid. Well, I mean, I'm not that much of a slouch. I did do a few of those on my own - you know, the Flood, the sinking of Atlantis, the cancellation of Buffalo Bill... D: And you don't feel at all guilty? G: Look - you cheat on your taxes now and then, I knock off a 747 once in a while. We'll call it even. I mean, yeah, suffering, inhu- manity, blah, blah, blah - but there has to be some room for aesthetic considerations. Take the Hinden- berg... (sighs). Anyway, it's not like it's easy on me, either. The reason PON JIM OZIK the Second Coming's taken so long is I can't show my face on Earth anymore -every time a few houses get blown away by an "Act of God," somebody puts a warrant out for my arrest. So until the statute of limita- tions runs out, all I can do is make my face appear as a ring in some poor schmuck's bathtub every once in a while. D: I hope you don't mind my getting personal, but what sex are you? G: Any. I switch back and forth at will. Actually, there's thirteen different sexes total, most of which I rarely used on Earth. There's one, for example, which can have sex tele- pathically - Eddie Van Halen's one, which is why he smiles so much - and another which doesn't actually have sex at all, but derives a similar pleasure from eating foods that are high in riboflavin. D: I always wondered what that stuff was for. Anyway, let's solve another age-old debate. What's the best religion? G: Scientology. Mind you, I look at it strictly from a profit angle. Any group that can get people to pay $1600 for a set of L. Ron Hubbard tapes is doing something right in my book. The Catholics had a good thing going for a while, but it went downhill after they stopped selling indulgences. D: A couple of years ago, in its April Fools' Day issue, the Michi- gan Daily printed a mock editorial, the headline of which read, "God is Dead." This caused quite a stir on campus. Did you ever consider' avenging yourself against the Daily for this? G: Of course I did. Did you think Deane Baker got re-elected on 'his own? D: But didn't Alexander Pope once say, "To err, is human, to for- give, divine"? G: Divine? Alexander Pope obvi- ously didn't live in Sodom. To for- give is for wimps. But what's done is done. There's a funny story behind that, you know - Nietzsche actu- ally coined that phrase because of a typo. It was originally supposed to read, "God is Dad." D: You mean -- G: Oh, sure. I've had tons of kids over the centuries. The deity busi- ness gets pretty lonely, you know; I'd go nuts without a big family. Friedrich was just one of the more famous ones - there's also Sun Yat Sen, Joanne Worley, Simone de Beauvoir, three out of the last five Morris the Cats... D: ...and, of course, Jesus. G: What? Oh, no - I forgot some of you still believe that one. D: What do you mean? G: Oh, come on. A woman gets pregnant without having sex, she gets a vision in a dream - (Laughs) didn't you even get a little bit suspicious? OK, here's the story. This nice young Nazarean couple falls in love, decides to rewrite a couple of pages from the Song of Solomon before they tie the knot, they get in a little trouble, and they come to me with this idea. Well, what could I do? I'm a hopeless ro- mantic and a sucker for a creative story. So I play along with it; pop a little star into the, sky at just the right time, scare the hell out of a couple of shepherds, and I figure that's it. Turns out everybody winds up taking it seriously; Joseph and Mary never had the heart to tell the kid the truth - not to brag, but it would be a pretty big letdown - and he winds up making a career out of it. D: Kind of like Charles Manson? G: No, Charles was my son. He's out of the will, though. E __.EZINN YEP. y - "SREP o~l : bN K OfV W ~ 1tRMmr14...' tIed Smothered Chicken ($7.95). The menu also features a Smothered Steak, but whatever the real differ- ence happens to be is still a mys- tery, since the toppings leave the underlings indistinguishable. At least the item is true to its name, first smothered in mushrooms and onions, and then awash with Mon- terey Jack. The dessert selection is limited. There's hot fudge cake ($2.45), chocolate mousse cake ($2.25), New York-style cheesecake ($2.75, and $.50 more for strawberries), and var- ious ice creams. The hot fudge cake, like most of the food in this restau- rant, was smothered - this time in hot fudge. The chocolate cake below was moist and flavorful, making the pairing a feast for a chocolate lover. However, the chocolate mousse cake had more of a chocolate pudding taste than the richness necessary to deserve the appellation "mousse." The service was prompt and friendly - one thing that can't be overdone, even at the Bombay Bicy- cle Club. This restaurant has a repu- tation for great happy hours, espe- cially on Thursday nights - Ladies' Night - when the place is packed like sardines. In this context, the food would be fine. But for a serious meal, going to the Bombay Bicycle Club is like going to an obscure Viking spam cafe from Monty Python-- only here at the Bicycle Club, the precious commodity is cheese: Customer: "I'll have the cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, chicken, and cheese, but without the chicken, please." Server: "Would you like a side order of cheese with that?" THE BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB, located at 3150 Boardwalk (off State across from Briarwood), is open 11:30 a.m. until 11 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and open until midnight on the weekend. The bar is open until 2 a.m. Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club, and American Express are accepted. Read Jim Poniewozik Every X~-e e -- U/XMAKXXX)O(VVW)(XX X(X X(XXA)()XW M PLMASM'~AX DONORS $ Earn extra cash $ Earn $20 on your first donation. You can earn up to $120 a month. Couples can earn up to $240. Repeat donors who have not donated in the last 30 days receive an additional $5 bonus for return visit. YPSILANTI PLASMA CENTER 813 W. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti MILES Monday thru Friday 8:00am-4:00pm cal Plasma donors are people helping people today ' _ ~1'L J/ X/MI l[~li Xv .. EEKEN SINCE 1989 4LMAN N W i Ten Years ago... February 3, 1979 "The nude body of punk rocker Sid Vicious was found in a Greenwich Village apartment Friday and police said he apparently took an overdose of heroin at a party celebrating his release from jail. "Vicious, bass guitarist with the now defunct Sex Pistols band, was bailed out... Thursday and left jail saying he wanted a slice of Pizza." 24 Years ago... February 3, 1965 "The Student Government Council tonight will act on a motion designed to discourage local realtors from insisting on 12-month leases for students living in off-campus housing. "The motion will call for th University to enforce a. student's lease only for the duration of the academic year." "SELMA, Ala - Negroes protesting the arrest of Martin Luther King, Jr. and still demanding the right to register as voters marched trhough the streets of Selma again yesterday and hundreds were arrested. "It was the second consecutive day of mass arrests as Negroes continued their voter registration campaign without letup and with every indication that it will go on for days." Items in the Weekend Almanac are culled from past issues of the Daily on this date in history. All articles are taken from Daily files which are open to public review in the Daily's library. OFF THE WALL What am I doing at the University of Michigan? (In response) Keeping the means low! Thanks! Re-elect Nixon for president (In response) Why are people so stupid about politics? Nixon was a blatantly corrupt man, a bad politician, and a conservative bigot. (In response) But he had nice hair! Matt is fatt Jay is gay Gene is mene Lou can pooh Lee can pee Rick can kick Dale can't spell -Graduate Library ... Who are the Grateful Dead... and why do they keep following me? --East Engineering SKETC IAA PAC4(AFRM W(4t~? .YEP WH1AT kiNO OF SOM 15 '[N 5? Heading for the sun t SPRING BREAK? Let Key Largo help with a $200.00 SHOPPING SPF - Australian Fashions by Ken Don " Raisins and Cruz swimwear " Beach Towels/Sandals Com plete line of Florida tanning loti Fill out your registration form t( * Must present current Student l.D. *NO PURCHASE NECESSARY *DRAWING FEB. 18, 1989 *Need not be pre r ..3=...--- ammm- SHE'S tLA'(aN& Itr N 11 CAME W1il A~ PRAY THiK SWTSiJxr- 7M wR VIDW*of MR 91TINE.G -f4 5i6-.' a s L UK Patrons enjoy Bombay's diverse menu in the restaurant's glass-enclosed sideroom. CL ASSIFIED ADSI Call 764-0557 I') PAGE 12 WEEKEND/FEBRUARY 3,1989W WEEKEND/FEBRUARY 3,1989 ! 0