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February 03, 1989 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-03

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 3, 1989 - Page 5

'Super Max',
jail approved

Lansing (AP) - Legislation to
permit prison officials to get tough
with the worst-behaved inmates
won unanimous approval yesterday
in the Michigan Senate.
The bill which was passed 33-0,
was sent to the House. If it passes
there, the bill would clear the way
for "Super Max," a program delayed
by a circuit court order which offi-
cials said would limit its effective-
A second bill passed by the same
vote, would require that inmates who
commit crimes while on probation
for an earlier offense would serve the
new sentence only after their original
sentence was served, not concur-
rently with the first sentence.
Both bills are sponsored by
Senator Jack Welborn. He said Su-
perMax is intended to crack down on
the most assaultive and predatory
"They're the people who can't
live in the system without... trying
to kill somebody, trying to stab
Continued from Page 1
Knight-Ridder, owner of the De-
troit Free Press, has threatened to
sell the Free Press if the JOA is de-
"I worked for a JOA in St.
Louis, but it collapsed not long af-
ter.... (It was) a very unpleasant end

somebody, trying to start a riot,"
Welborn said.
The bill would clear the way for a
new Super Max prison in Ionia, to
house about 330 inmates. But We-
born said it also would apply to
other prisons in Michigan.
Based on rules used at the federal
penitentiary in Marion, Illinois, Su-
per Max would deprive inmates of
most of the limited privileges ac-
corded maximum-security inmates.
Inmates largely would be re-
stricted to their cells, wear prison
uniforms, be limited to non-contact
visits, and be stripped of most be-
longings that could be fashioned into
But a recent Ingham County Cir-
cuit Court order, issued in a lawsuit
filed by inmates, has blocked a rule
calling for prison garb and a reduc-
tion of personal property.
To get around that ruling, Wel-
born sponsored the bill to make the
Super Max program a law, instead of
a rule.
to a quarter of a million-dollar pa-
per," McKay said.
University Communications
Prof. Buckley also said that even
with a JOA the Free Press could fail.
JOA opponents contend that De-
troit can support both newspapers
and asked for a stay in the imple-
mentation of a merge on the grounds
that the newspapers would suffer lit-
tle harm for the delay.

Bill to
LANSING (AP) - Businesses
owned by minorities and wometi
would be able to get temporary seed
money from the state under a bill
proposed by Rep. Joseph Young
Jr.(D-Detroit), who plans to intro-
duce the legislation in the House
next week.
"The state would give them the
money they need up front, and at the
end of the contract, they would re-
imburse the state. That way we
wouldn't be just handing out
money," said Young. "Our interest
is giving them the opportunity to
compete, not to create a situation
where the state is granting money."
Under the bill, the state would
provide loans to minority and
woman business enterprises and cre-
ate a minority and woman develop-
ment financing board within the De-
partment of Commerce.
The measure may offer an
alternative to Michigan's set-aside
program, which awaits a decision by
the U.S. Supreme Court.
Last week, the U.S. Supreme
Court struck down a Richmond, Va.,
set-aside program that required that
minorities get 30 percent of the
city's construction business. Michi-
gan's set-aside law requires 7 percent
of all purchasing and construction
grants to go to minority-owned
businesses or and 5 percent to go to
businesses owned by women.
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Holli Norton of Dexter takes part in the festivities at the "Millionaire's Party". The party is
a benefit for the Michigan Theater and will continue through tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Inn.

Continued from Page 1
fruitful lines of research in eco-
nomics in the the last several
He said "traditional" cardinal util-
ity theory has, in fact, been discred-n
ited in the field. But he said neither
Cross nor any other University eco-
nomics professor uses the rejected
Cross has denied using the cardi-
nal utility theory.
Applying the traditional theory,
Apeople thought they could measure
happiness quantitatively and then
compare these measurements be-
tween individuals," he said, adding
that the modern treatment of cardinal
utility is quite different.

The use of utility theory for
which Cross is known, Courant
said, is derived from the respected
work of mathematician John Von
Neumann and economist Oskar
He said Cross's treatment of car-
dinal utility theory is "at the heart of
micro-economic theory."
Economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld
said that cardinal utility as a whole
has, as the doctoral students claim,
been discredited in economics. He
said that "nobody uses cardinal util-
ity anymore."
Most economic theorizing in-
volves "ordinal utility," not cardinal,
he said. Ordinal utility allows
economists to study the way people
treat uncertain events without
quantifyinghand comparing individual
happiness, he said.

Neither Courant nor Fusfeld
would comment on the allegations
against Steiner's scholarship, which
were based on a January, 1987, arti-
cle published in the Southern Eco-
nomic Journal. The. professors said
debate over such matters should be
addressed outside a newspaper.
The students said the SEJ article
indicates that both Steiner and Cross
have presented work in the field of
economics that is "sloppy and often
consists of absurdities and esoteric
The SEJ article said Steiner has
taken credit for a theory which had
actually been presented by another
economist 22 years earlier.
Steiner has declined comment on
the charges.

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Continued from Page 1
She suggested forming a group of
six MSA members to act as a liai-
son between assembly committees
and SODC; forming a group of three
MSA members to compile a report
of the assembly's accomplishments
over the past two terms to give to
the regents; and asking SODC to
compile a list of improvements and
suggestions for MSA.
"Some of the problems should be
delegated down," Hayes said.
Hayes said she will meet with
other MSA representatives tomorrow
afternoon to formulate a specific
proposal and will bring it to MSA's
general meeting Tuesday night for a
However, many MSA members,
including President Mike Phillips,
said the SODC representatives failed
Continued from Page 1
be unmanageable and will institu-
tionalize prisoners, rather than inte-
grating prisoners back into the
"We're trying to find a site where
we can put all the prisoners in the
area," Quarles said. She said
centralization of county halfway
houses will be a way for the DOC to
achieve "optimum administrative
efficiency" and will save money.
Leo Lalonde, another DOC

to address what MSA has been doing
He described in detail all that
MSA had done since September and
explained that he has been meeting
with SODC and informing them of
MSA's activities since July.
"I am disappointed and hurt by
comments made at last January's
meeting by Johnson and Borland,"
Phillips said.
Wilson said one of the main
problems is that there is not enough
communication between MSA, its
constituents, and the regents.
"At this point we're looking for
documentation about what you've
done and what you're planning to
do," Wilson said. "If you have done
everything the president (Phillips)
said you've been doing, the problem
is not what you've been doing but
how you've been communicating
Deputy Director, said the "prisoners
who will be selected for the halfway
house are prisoners who are least
The DOC, which has temporarily
halted the plan, also pledged to seek
more community involvement in an
attempt to find an alternative site to
the Varsity House.
However, Quarles apparently
worried the crowd when she
indicated there might be two
halfway houses of 50 to 60 beds

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