*I OPINION 4 Page 4 Friday, February 3, 1989 The Michigan Daily 0 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No.89 . Ann Arbor, MI 48109 CBS News distorts international reality: Two sides of one story ,, ^ Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Jcers skate through THE FOLLOWING letter was delivered tb the Daily and to the Ann Arbor News the same day hockey players Jeff Urban, Mark Sorenson, Brad Turner and Todd Copeland entered a no con- test plea to the charge of verbal sexual harassment. Though it claims to be an apology, it is in no way an adequate response, and merely shows how un- concerned these players and the men who coach them are with the rights of women. We apologize to the University of 'Michigan community for our juvenile conduct on Jan. 3, 1989. We had no intention to frighten or harass anyone, but we now realize that what we did was of- fensive. We are sorry that we may have angered or embarrassed two fellow students, and the University as a whole. We regret that we embarrassed our teammates and our coach. Our only explanation is that we are young and acted impulsively. It was an isolated incident and will not be repeated. We know that we may be held to a higher standard than other students because ,ve represent the University in intercolle- giate athletics. It is a privilege to represent this University, and along with that privi- lege, we accept greater responsibility for pur public actions. We take responsibility for our actions, and we will serve our penalty. We hope that the University and the community accept our apology. According to the women and the po- lice report the men screamed, "I want to eat you" "I want to lick your pussy" These statements were yelled from the moving car as the men pursued the women down the street. As the women ran onto the Diag the men in the car followed and tried to corner them, screaming, "Are you ready for us?" "Where is your mace?" After pursuing the women to Stop and Go, one of the men turned to an- other and said, "Is that the one who's pussy you wanted?" *Yet according to the "apology" is- sued by the players, they, "had no intention to frighten or harass anyone." And according to the Ann Arbor News, "Parin [the detective] said they told patrolmen [sic] they had just left a local bar and were shouting at the women because they thought they knew them," (1/14/89). The notion that what these men did is an "isolated incident" is completely reprehensible and shows no under- standing for the magnitude of violence against women. Women are continually forced to accept violent and threatening behavior by men, and any power they have to fight back is taken from them when they are told to just ignore it. The players "regret that we embar- rassed our teammates and our coach." It is unclear what exactly the embar- rassment was - sexually harassing two women, or being stupid enough to get caught. In any event it is obvious that the least of their concerns is the lives of the two women they harassed. The excuse that "we are young and acted impulsively" is no different than the "I was drunk" excuse that men use all the time to justify irresponsible and violent behavior. It is completely unacceptable that the right of men to be impulsive and irre- sponsible should supercede the right of women to live in a safe community. The lesson these men claim to have learned - and there is no proof that they have in fact learned one - is at too great an expense. The hockey players are correct when they say, "we may be held to a higher standard...,because we represent the University." This does not imply that it is okay for other men to assault women. What it does mean is that when athletes commit crimes they will be held to a different kind of scrutiny, because they are public figures. They act, on and off the field, as representa- tives of the University. If athletes think this is unfair, or think that they are receiving particularly harsh treatment as public figures, then they should also reject all benefits they receive: public praise, scholarships, and celebrations in their honor. Unfortunately, hockey coach Red Berenson, isn't concerned about the safety of women on campus, or the crime his players committed. He de- scribed the incident as "a harmless prank" and said, "it's not serious com- pared to robbing a bank. Where the women are concerned, it's not like they've been attacked, or an assault charge or rape." So, remember, you Wolverines wearing hockey jerseys numbered 2, 3, 15, and 25, if you don't want to spend the rest of the season on the bench, don't get caught committing a real crime. By Cale Southworth Today, CBS News will be broadcasting live from the Law Quad. As the Daily and campus activists have already pointed out, CBS is planning manipulative coverage of the University and will fully cooperate with creating the positive image which the regents and President Duderstadt desire. But this is nothing out of the ordinary for CBS. According to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), CBS uses 70-80% of- ficial sources - meaning Pentagon, gov- ernment, embassy staffs. Its habitual re- liance on the established point of view means that CBS puts forth the agenda of the powerful and leaves the rest of us in the dark. This is painfully obvious when CBS News' routine lies about Central America and other arenas of foreign policy are ex- amined. On October 1, 1987, Juan Vasquez on CBS Evening News hailed the recent re- opening of La Prensa: "Nicaraguans can now read about steps to peace in an inde- pendent paper." This effectively obscured the fact that La Prensa is funded by the U.S. government and run by the CIA. Similarly, CBS has gone out of its way to indict the Nicaraguan elections while claiming that El Salvador has free and open elections. To achieve this analysis of El Salvador, CBS had to ignore the mandatory voting, ID checks, transparent ballot boxes, and thin-to-transparent bal- lots. In Nicaragua, by contrast, voting is not mandatory, the ballot boxes are opaque and closed, and the ballots are on thick paper. Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman summarize: "[T]he substantial merits of the Nicaraguan elections were never con- trasted with the procedure in the U.S. client states, a comparison that would have been most revealing and that would have thoroughly undermined the Reagan agenda to which the media were committed in their reporting of the [Nicaraguan] elec- tion... Newsweek and CBS News ignored these matters" (Manufacturing Consent, 1988, p.121). CBS News-maintains the general mass media outlook which terms the Sandin- Cale Southworth is an LSA senior and a former editor of the Daily Opinion Page. istas and the FMLN (the Salvadorean re- sistance) terrorists while the CIA backed contras are "freedom fighters." With great regularity CBS has described Nicaragua as "communist" (CBS Morning News, 9/11/87). This view was coupled with the moronic assertion that Nicaraguans actually want the contras funded (Wyatt Andrews, CBS Evening News, 8/5/88). CBS, as all the major networks do, adopts the nomenclature of the govern. ment when describing the power relations "Some journalists showed symptoms of short-term memory loss when covering the army's crackdown on the opposition [in Panama]. CBS Evening News (3/8/88) described the 'strange looking but highly effective riot control equipment' utilized by the military without noting the the U.S. had long supplied Noriega's troops with such equipment" (FAIR Newsletter, March/April 1988, p.3). This is done by ignoring the views of indigenous people and popular leaders. Chomsky and Herman observed this as an overwhelming factor in shaping the main- stream coverage of Central America. "Spokespersons for the [Guatemalan] insurgents - what in Nicaragua would be labeled the 'main opposition' - the smaller parties, spokespersons for popular organizations, the churches, human-rights groups, and ordinary citizens, were essen- tially ignored by the media. Time, Newsweek and CBS News almost never talked to ordinary citizens or spokesper- sons for the insurgents" (p.112). Moreover, CBS and other mainstream media have consistently refused to defend their coverage of Central America. Last year the Latin American Solidarity Com- mittee offered to pay for a CBS repre- sentative to come to Ann Arbor to debate coverage of Central America. CBS refused to respond. Given their record on foreign policy, students can expect the same manipula- tions here on campus. The CBS producers essentially picked students at random to represent the student movements. (Of course, CBS would not think of selecting some worker at random to represent the University). But the final selections were more than random choice, as the producers looked for students on campus who were not involved with the vital struggles with the administration over campus issues. CBS has flown into town to rescue the University's image with a controlled por- trayal of topics such as stress, safe sex, alcoholism, and sports. (Only 4 minutes of the two hour program will be devoted to racism.) This effectively obscures the issues of campus police, the protest code, the mandatory class on racism, or CBS record on foreign policy in favor of Duderstadt and Bo Schembechler cheerleading for "diversity day" and other meaningless reforms. CBS Morning News support trucks parked on State Street in front of Hutchins Hall. The Uni- versity grounds crew blocked off the sidewalk and the University electrical shop provided additional technical support. between nation states and indigenous peo- ple. This means the Palestinians are terrorists and Qadaffi is a madman while Israeli soldiers are defending democracy and Reagan is the great communicator. FAIR has noted this general tendency: "Lesley Stahl on CBS Face the Nation (7- 26-87) asked Democratic presidential Can- didate Richard Gephardt if he was 'prepared to let the Sandinistas export their revolu- tion all through Central America?' Like many other reporters, Stahl had been taken in by a State Department .propaganda" (FAIR Newsletter, October/November 1987, p.5). Similarly, U.S. involvement in Third World militarism is wholly ignored. I NCAA You WERE.r RIGHT COACH? ~ Come to the hockey game tonight: By David Maurrasse Proposal 42, a recent addition to the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) Proposition 48, is a vivid exam- ple of the institutional racism which min- imizes the participation of Blacks in higher education. Proposition 48, which went into effect in 1986, requires student athletes to achieve a 2.0 grade point aver- age in high school and a 700 on the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) in order to participate in collegiate athletics during their first year. On the one hand this initiative seeks to address the problem of exploitation in athletics, which often views Black athletes in a racist way as mindless gladiators without regard to their right to an education. However, essentially it is a misguided effort that blames the victim for their victimization. The fact that many college athletes never attain their degrees and fewer go on to become professional athletes is proof of this pervasive problem in our system. And secondly, since criteria for exclusion from the team and financial and aid oppor- tunities will be based largely on SAT scores, there is a built in bias. The SAT has been provento be racially, culturally, and gender biased and by no means deter- mines intelligence or future success in a profession. According to Sarah Stockwell David Maurrasse is a member of the steering committee of the United Coali- tion Against Racism. lames of the National Center for Fair and Open Testing: "It makes no sense to measure educational health with a broken ther- mometer. . . Scores of studies show the SAT is biased against women, minorities, and students from low income families." Proposal 42 also declares that student athletes not meeting the requirements of Proposition 48 will be denied financial aid. This exacerbates the exclusion of Blacks from major universities since un- fortunately athletic scholarships are one of the few sources of full financial aid for many poor Black youngsters. The entire system needs to be changed to allow Black communities to have greater access to education at all levels. In the meantime, however, Black athletes should not have to take the blame for these long-standing problems by being excluded from the opportunities for which 00 e victim they worked hard. It should not be the job of the student athlete to live up to stan- dards of the universities, but it is the job of the universities to make sure that all students receive a useful education. A university is supposed to help every stu- dent, including athletes, achieve their aca- demic goals and have viable careers after college. An alternative would be to upgrade sup- port services offered to athletes having academic difficulty such as tutoring or lessening the intensity of their athletic obligations. This would, of course, be re- sisted by the avid "Go Blue" sports fans, but the relationship between the Univer- sity and its athletes must be much more reciprocal with the priority being the edu- cation of the athlete, not the entertainment of professionally successful Michigan alums. Brown bag discussion BAKER- MANDELAros CENTER What are the racist implications of Proposal 42? What is the responsibility of the Uni- versity in educating athletes? What kind of changes can be made to alter the biases in the system? The Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela Center for Anti-Racist Education, a student or- ganized and run alternative resource center, is sponsoring a series of weekly brown-bag discussions. This week's topic is "Proposal 42." Bring lunch, drink coffee (free), and participate in the stimulating, informal discussion. Today at 12 noon in the Baker-Man- dela.Center, first floor of East Engineering, Room 3. I Lettes th eitor Boo Bo and Red ARE VERBAL AND physical ha- rassment and attacks parts of the Michigan Mandate? Which crime is sponse, is condoning these and similar attacks on women, people of color, gay men and lesbians. Students and community members 'Idles' shatter ice house actions. But that's a mistake Gill makes - he ignores the fact that these men are individuals - not to be hidden behind caged helmets or colorful jerseys. Tor wn fnnr *ndividAR wh and glass houses. Sports stars, more than any other people, are worshipped by young people. You don't often see Lego models of Pres- ident Reagan. These people are role models - and in public, must accept that responsibility. other sports simply because the players are more "down-to- earth." But that doesn't eclipse the fact that four individuals may have committed a serious crime. They'll have to accept whatever penalty law enforcers decide to hand down. And the Airhivan hrkPvi,