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February 03, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-02-03

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lIn Weekend.Magazine:I

Regent Deane Baker in profile " Clockwork Orange
revised - Bombay Bicycle Club reviewed 9 The List

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. IC, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 3, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily


court delays



Detroit Free Press-News
merger back in question

A U.S. District Court of Appeals
yesterday said a Joint Operating
Agreement between the Detroit
News and Free Press must wait until
there is a decision on opponents' re-
quest for a rehearing.
An appeals court last Friday up-
held former Attorney General Edwin
Meese's approval of a JOA, but op-
ponents refused to accept the ruling.
The 500 member Michigan Citizens
for an Independent Press, appealed
the three judge decision to a 13 judge
U.S. Appeals Court on Monday.
A JOA approval would allow a
partial merge, between the Detroit
Free Press and the Detroit News, and
exemption from federal antitrust
The newspapers had planned to
begin implementation of the JOA
Feb. 6.
The delay was not much of a sur-
prise to Free Press employees who
are getting used to the ups and

downs of the three-year debate, said
Detroit Free Press Night City Editor
David McKay.
"Some feel jerked around and
many people stand to lose their job
if the merger does not go through...
Let's get on with it already," said
The group that appealed the JOA
said it is a violation of the First
Amendment, said committee leader
and State Sen. John Kelly.
"They moved ahead without try-
ing to think through the human
consequences. For whatever trauma
they've caused their own employees;
they bear the guilt for," Kelly said.
The newspapers first applied for a
joint operating agreement three years
ago, saying the merge will help save
Free Press claims of a "failing pa-
per." The two papers, the ninth and
tenth largest in the nation, will share
equal profits and losses after five
years if the JOA is implemented.
See JOA, Page 5

Bargain hunting
Cynthia Scott and Joyce Jones sift through a pile of rings at the 63rd Annual
through tomorrow but the best bargains are going fast. See photostory, Page 2

Kiwanis Sale at the Kiwanis Activities in downtown Ann

LSA profs. react to
criticism of deans

MSA meets with SODC

about regents'

Members of the University's
Economics Department yesterday
criticized recent charges that ques-
tioned the scholarly competence of
LSA Dean Peter Steiner and Associ-
ate Dean John Cross.
On Monday, three University
economics doctoral students dis-
closed published articles challenging
the legitimacy of both Steiner and
Cross's work in economics.
But yesterday, Economics Prof.
Ann Arbor citizens and area
politicians expressed dismay with
state Department of Corrections
officials last night at a public hearing
about a proposed plan to convert the
Varsity House Motel into a halfway
house for 120 to 160 prisoners.
The state's halfway house plan
has many opponents, who argue that
the proposed facility, next to the
Denny's restaurant on Washtenaw
Ave., would contain too many pris-
oners and be located too close to
homes, businesses, and a day-care
The hearing, held at the Ann Ar-
bor Pioneer High School auditorium,
allowed DOC officials to defend the
proposed halfway house to the more
than 1,000-person crowd and to
answer the public's concerns.
A panel including Mayor Gerald
Jernigan, two city councilmembers,
State Reps. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) and Margaret O'Connor (R-
Ypsilanti), and State Sen. Lana Pol-
lack (D-Ann Arbor) peppered the
DOC with questions and concerns,
which DOC officials addressed in an
apparent attempt to make peace with
the community.
DOC Deputy Director Denise
Ont.c P-nl;in,1 that a halfwa,,

Paul Courant and Prof. Emeritus
Daniel Fusfeld defended both Cross
and Steiner.
The doctoral students, requesting
anonymity because of fear of aca-
demic reprisals, had said Cross uses
an economics theory that has since
been discredited in the field. But
Courant said the cardinal utility the-
ory "is not only completely cred-
itable in economics, it is at the heart
of what has been one of the most
See Profs., Page 5

After more than a week of confu-
sion and delays; members of the
Michigan Student Assembly and the
Student Organization Development
Center met and began to develop
strategies to improve MSA's rela-
tions with the University's Board of
The board, at its January meeting,
threatened to cut MSA's funding if it
did not improve working relations

with different University student or-
ganizations, including SODC, and
said -MSA failed to comply to a
similar request last July.
Some MSA members maintain
they have already tried to do every-
thing they can to meet the demands
of the regents, but others say they
must work more effectively with
SODC to create a structure for im-
proving those things the regents feel
they have not done.

At the meeting, which included
Assistant to the Vice President for
Student Services Roselle Wilson and
Director of the Union Frank Cianci-
ola, MSA Rep. Heidi Hayes sug-
gested three strategies that the two
organizations could use in order to
improve their rapport with each
other, and ultimately, with the re-
See MSA, Page 5

...defended by professors

State to consider
holiday for

The Michigan State Legislature
will soon deliberate a bill calling for
a May 7 holiday in honor of Viet-
nam veterans.
The holiday, said State Rep. Bill
Martin (R-Battle Creek), the bill's
co-sponsor, would be "an appropriate
response to what has been a long
time coming."
Local Vietnam veteran Charles
Tackett, who has lobbied state and
national governments, organized ral-
lies and concerts, and even gone on a
hunger strike for the holiday, was
unavailable for comment last night.
Martin, a member of the House
Military and Veterans' Affairs
Committee, said having a holiday
solely in honor of Vietnam veterans

is "fitting." Soldiers returning home
from other wars were given heroes'
welcomes, but veterans of the Viet-
nam War never received such honors,
he said.
Before reaching the floor for a
vote, the bill must first pass Mar-
tin's committee. He said that he
would be "surprised" if the bill were
to encounter resistance from the four
other committee members.
Martin introduced the bill with
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor),
who was unavailable for comment
last night.
On May 7, 1975, President Ger-
ald Ford declared that the "Vietnam
era" had come to an end and that
"America is no longer at war." Other
states, including Maine, have already
passed similar holidays.

The stage is set The CBS cameras roll this morning from the Law Quad. CBS'
morning news show chose the University as the site for today's broadcast. The program
begins at 7 a.m. and will feature panel of four students.

Bush may sell arms to Middle East

Bush Administration has opened
arms-sales talks with Congress that
potentially include shipping 35
Abrams tanks, considered the world's
best, to Saudi Arabia and 40 sophis-
ticated FA-18 jet fighters to the
United Arab Emirates, congressional
and other sources said Thursday.
Other Arab states would be in
line for U.S. armaments under the

Charles Redman, the State De-
partment spokesperson, declined to
identify the weapons under
consideration for sale. He stressed
that a classified document - listing
the proposed weapons for sale - did
not amount to a "sale plan," but
rather to the administration's "best
estimate" of other countries'
weapons needs.
"Each item has to be reviewed by

Jordan would receive no American
weapons under the proposed sale.
Since1985, Congress has prohibited
military aid to the Arab kingdom
until it agrees to peace terms with
With the plan now being dis-
cussed, Egypt would be sold150
Hawk missiles, 24 helicopters, ar-
tillery radar and tank equipment. Is-
..,a ~ ...isA lu orA ( -ohn r :- f~o~

Also: 24 F-16 jet fighters, 100
Mavericks and 100 Sidewinder air-to-
air missiles for Morocco, and seven
of the battlefield rocket systems for
Saudi Arabia. Greece would get 60
M48 tanks and 100 Harpoon anti-
ship missiles.
The list is classified; a copy was
obtained by the Associated Press.
Wx .es n . -h- ta ron a . h.


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