OPINION Page 4 Thursday, February 2, 1989 The Michigan Doily ,b £iribgjn &tilg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No. 88 Ann Arbor. MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. rteCBS coverage ,.Protestcoverage THIS FRIDAY the University wel- comes CBS News to campus. CBS has chosen the University as the site of a live broadcast on "collegiate issues." However, the visit should be recog- nized for what it is: a propaganda coup for the University administration. Our esteemed president will be happy to have positive press coverage of the University. This will be an excellent chance for him to plug his adored "Michigan Mandate." In recent years, Michigan has suffered serious blows to its national image through student protests of racist and sexist University policies and the administration's inade- quate response to these issues. CBS is here to revive Michigan's sagging im- age. CBS, like other mainstream media, is not an objective news source. It is owned and run by corporate America and that bias is reflected in its news coverage. Asked about CBS news, the watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Media (FAIR) said: "CBS, with rare exception, frames the news in a fashion duly obedient to White House and State Department descriptions of the political terrain. Sourcing depends largely on official ("friendly") sources, with the dissenting view neglected. What is fo- cused upon is also revealing - for ex- ample, the murder of one polish priest, Popieluszko, has the newsworthiness over tens of murders of Latin American priests." CBS' coverage of the University will not differ significantly from its cover- age of other stories. Content and sources will be manipulated to let those in power come out looking good. Sources have been picked on their ability to support the University's image and the content of the program will shy away from issues sensitive to the University, such as institutionalized racism. Issues CBS will cover include personal testimonies about the existence of racism, stress, alcohol abuse, safe sex, and "our generation." However, CBS' commitment to ex- amining an issue such as racism in earnest is suspect at best. While the other issues to be discussed are rele- vant to the students' lives they are not the ones that students have been organizing around on this campus in recent years. The panel which is supposed to be representative of different student voices on campus will include Mark Salinger, Editor in Chief of the Michi- gan Review (the right wing monthly funded by Ford Motor Corp.) and football star John Kolesar, a full schol- arship football player. Students on the panel will respond to a pre-set agenda. CBS has decided that it knows better than the student body what is important to students. More- over, the broadcast will be from a locked room. This control over content and environment demonstrates CBS' wish to homogenize powerful campus issues. By de-emphasizing grass roots organizing of students in response to the University's institutional racism, CBS' coverage will attempt to improve the University's image. The stage will be set with the actors CBS and the administration have cho- sen; the administration will write the script and CBS will produce. CBS will naturally interview president Duder- stadt and athletic director Bo Schembechler, but no one from Concerned Faculty or Faculty Against Institutional Racism. If CBS wanted to cover the real issues, it would turn to the students and activist organizations in an open and unadultered atmosphere and ask. Honor By Kimberly Smith and Cathy Cohen February is the month that those outside the Black community celebrate Black History. However, as Black students, it is our responsibility to celebrate our history year-round, every year. To celebrate Black History is to recognize our history as a history of resistance and struggle against the forces that have sought to exploit and oppress us. To celebrate Black History is to understand Frederick Douglas' and Sojouner Truth's vision of an America free from racism and sexism and realize that this goal is yet to be achieved. To celebrate Black History is to believe as Ella Baker believed "that no man [or woman] is free until all men [and women] are free." It is to honor Martin Luther King Jr.,who fought for economic as well as social justice, and to honor Malcolm X whose words empowered Black youth to challenge racism. To celebrate Black History is to honor our parents, our grandparents, great-grandparents and so on for their efforts to liberate our generation and future generations from the enslavement of racism. The only way to honor them and to celebrate Black History is to continue the struggle. The fight against racist oppression and exploitation is at a critical point, and our generation is the key variable. We must be the impetus and guiding force for change. Change takes place whether or not we consciously take part in guiding it. Each year, larger and larger percentages of Blacks and other people of color are enslaved by chains of economic deprivation. As you read this letter, the gains of past struggles are being rolled back through quiet, seemingly unimportant Supreme Court decisions on Civil Rights issues, and access to jobs and education is continually decreasing for people of color. These are the changes that take place when we sit idle. However when we struggle to guide the direction of change, we can force the Kimberly Smith and Cathy Cohen are members of the United Coalition Against Racism. Black I change to be toward social and economic justice, rather than racial and economic disparity. When five Black high school students, the Little Rock Five, stood up for their right to attend an illegally segregated public school in Arkansas in 1955, it forced a change toward racial equality and equal educational access. When Black students decided to sit down at segregated lunch counters until they were served or arrested, it forced a change toward social justice. When Black and white students set up Voter Registration Campaigns and Freedom Schools to challenge Mississippi racism in the History the struggle for access to education. It is our aim to make "Education a Right not a Privilege." We believe that this is the type of change that can have tremendous positive impact upon the lives of people of color, now and in future generations. Education determines the quality of our lives. Yet access to education is determined through "black box" methods evaluated by boardrooms full of rich white men (and a few tokens). Thus the lives of generations of people of color are determined by a privileged group of individuals who, throughout history, have fought to keep Blacks and other people of a0 'When we demand education as our right , we echo the rev- olutionary demand made by our brothers and sisters since the days of slavery, and we honor their efforts to bring about this change. 1960's, it forced charge toward political empowerment for Blacks. History has shown us that we have the power to guide the course of change through struggle. When we demand education as our right, we echo the revolutionary demand made by our brothers and sisters since the days of slavery, and we honor their efforts to bring about this change. It is by continuing the -struggle that we truly celebrate Black History and honor those who have struggled before us. The United Coalition Against Racism and the Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela Center for Anti-racist Education are continuing color underprivileged socially and economically. The university system, by systematically excluding certain groups, is one of the key ways this society maintains the status quo, with white men in top level positions and people of color disproportionately in the lowest paid, lowest prestige positions. Thus, when we, as people of color, come together today to demand education as our right, we are demanding a radical change in an institution of oppression that has maintained a pyramid of racial disparity for 200 years. Join us and continue the struggle. Throughout Black History Month we will be sponsoring several events geared at increasing our understanding of the political issues that impact upon the Black community. This is an attempt to further the dialogue on these issues and raise our consciousness to levels of political action. On Saturday, Feb. 11 we will host a Black History Month Forum on "Issues Confronting the Black Community." Discussion topics include: the war on drugs, the Black family, "Mississippi Burning", educational access and the struggle for Southern Africa. This event will be held in the Michigan Union Anderson room from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. On Thursday, Feb. 16 students from an alternative high school in the South Bronx, NY will present a video oral history project on the Civil Rights Movement in the Michigan Union Anderson room at 6 p.m. Beginning Feb. 6- Feb. 24, the Baker-Mandela Center will house a photo exhibit on Racism and the Law: The Scottsboro Case. In addition, UCAR meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 6:00 in the Michigan Union, and the Baker-Mandela Center in open Mon-Fri 10:00 - 3:00pm. and is located in Rm #3 East Engineering building. 10 I Letters to the editor... Is mandate rhetoric? THE LSA Executive Committee's re- jection of a Black woman candidate for a senior position at the University is a clear confirmation that President Dud- erstadt's pledge to substantially in- crease the number of minority faculty at the University is, like the rest of the Michigan Mandate, merely empty rhetoric. The much-publicized Mandate promises, as "Objective 1," to "Substantially increase the number of tenure-track faculty in each underrepre- sented minority group over the next five years." It is a necessary and commendable goal, especially con- sidering the University's miserable track record on minority recruitment and retention. Last year, only 3.1 per- cent of LSA faculty was Black, and there was only one Black woman tenured professor. Two Black profes- sors in the Department of Sociology, Aldon Morris and Walter Allen, are leaving this year. The conspicuous lack of minority faculty at the University confines stu- dents to an education - represented almost exclusively through the eyes of white people - which provides a very limited and elite perspective of the world. Recruitment of minority stu- dents can not be effective if there are virtually no people of color in leader- ship positions at the University. Assuming that Duderstadt's Mandate is more than an attempt to improve the University's image, the opening of a joint senior faculty position in the So- ciology Department and Women's a place to which minorities would nat- urally flock" - the Executive Commit- tee attempted to justify its highly un- usual overruling of the search commit- tees' recommendation with the excuse that her researching activities had de- clined. Associate Dean John Cross has stated that the only regret he has about the search process and decision was the "very unfortunate imposition on Chuck Vest's time..." Steiner, Cross and Vest are three se- nior administrators who, according to the Mandate itself, are responsible for carrying out its stated objectives. But apparently, these men do not take the Mandate seriously. Their role in the fi- nal decision to prevent a qualified Black woman from joining the University faculty calls into question the administration's purported commitment to fulfilling the Mandate's The Executive Committee claims its decision was based on the candidate's failure to meet the standard criteria. Evaluations from both search commit- tees indicate that this is untrue. Because of the Executive Commit- tee's irresponsibility, both the Director of the Women's Studies Program and the chair of the Sociology Department are calling for a reconsideration of the decision. Traditional standards, created and used primarily by white men, however, are problematic in them- selves. Criteria historically used to evaluate white, male candidates should not necessarily be applied to women and minorities. The University must develop an alternative set of criteria, and the Executive Committee must not be allowed to use the current No home court advantage To the Daily: My wife and I have been at Illinois for the last eight losses. Sure Michigan should have lost some of them, but the home court advantage helped Illinois win the rest. Michigan does not have that advantage. The recent Indiana game is a good example of how the fans are taken out of the game at Michigan. Let me explain - Michigan went on an eighteen to seven run against Indiana, to take the lead. The crowd was going wild during the following time out, but the cheering was drowned out and stopped by the 1000- plus-watts amplification of a guitar player, joined by a "Buddy Rich" type drummer and then the cheer leaders, all doing the "HOKE POKE." The crowd just cannot compete. Our number one fan tries to get the crowd back in the game by running ar und the arena trying to get the wave going, but the ushers stop this. The guitar, drums, and dance are great, but should be done at Hill Audito- rium. Now let me give you the same situation at Illinois. Illi- nois goes on a run, the crowd goes wild, the band sustains this with the Budweiser song, the cheer leaders get on two levels and run around the arena raising their hands to get the wave going and each group is lead by an Illinois flag, the ushers do not stop this, but help by getting the fans out of the way. 1 - That, my friends, is a home court advantage. - Cliff Morris 1/25/89 Steiner defended To the Daily: Jonathan Scott's brief, unin- formed, and sophomoric attacks on the research of Dean Peter Steiner and Associate Dean John Cross would be unworthy of response were it not for their extremity. We feel compelled to point out that Professors Steiner and Cross have both been formally and informally reviewed on many occasions by their colleagues and the chairs of the Department of Eco- nomics, and never has their competence in economic re- search been doubted. Both are superb economists who deserve their high reputation in the discipline and of whom we, their colleagues, are extremely proud. -Harvey E. Brazer Edward M. Gramlich Saul H. Hymans Richard C. Porter Frank P. Stafford 2/1/89 40 to \K7 0