Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. I C, No. 70 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, January 9, 1989 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
British jet
Ten killed
LONDON (AP) - A jetliner bound for Northern
Ireland with 125 people aboard slammed into a highway
embarkment in central England yesterday while trying to
make an emergency landing, authorities said. At least 10
people were reported killed.
The Civil Aviation Authority said the British Midland
Airways Boeing 737-400 was en route from London's
Heathrow Airport to Belfast, Northern Ireland, when it
developed engine trouble.
The British Broadcasting Corporation said the pilot
reported an engine on fire.
The aircraft was trying to land at East Midlands
airport near Nottingham, about 100 miles north of
London, when it hit an embarkment beside the highway,
the airline said.
The plane broke apart on impact.
Police in the country of Derbyshire reported several
bodies scattered on each side of the highway. The BBC
reported 10 dead. The local fire brigade and police
reported some fatalities but did not give figures.
The Derby Royal Infirmary hospital said it was
treating 27 causalities, none critical, most of them
suffering fractures. It said it expected 30 more.
British Midland chairman Michael Bishop said 117
passengers and eight crew were aboard. Police and the
Civil Aviation Authority put the number at 126.
After the plane hit the embarkment at 8:30 p.m. (3:30
EST), the tail section embedded in the ground and the
fuselage broke away and was scattered over nearby fields,
said inspector Neville Cotterill of the police of the city
of Leicester.
There were "considerable injuries," he told the
Associated Press. But he said no cars were known to
have been hit as hie plane thundered alongside the Ml,
England's main north-soutn highway. The highway
remained partly opened to traffic, he said.
Bishop said the pilot report::d "sever vibrations in one
of the engines" and asked for an emergency landing in
East Midlands Airport.
"He undershot the runway," Bishop said. He said the
company had taken delivery of the plane only 12 weeks
Civil Aviation Authority spokesperson Ann Noonan
said survivors were ieing removed from the aircraft.
She said the pilot reported problems in one engine and
and was having trouble climbing. The twin-engine
aircraft disappeared off radar screens at 8:15 p.m., she
Thirty ambulances clustered around the wreck as
firefighters doused it with foam. Airport manager Terry
Lovatt told the BBC he saw "a handful" of survivors
walking away from the broken tail section down the
It was the second major plane crash in Britain in three
weeks. On December 21, a Pan Am jet bound for New
York from London blew up over Lockerbic, Scotland,
0 killing 259 people on board and 11 people on the
ground. That jet had also left Heathrow. A bomb was
blamed for the crash.
The Boeing 737-400 is a version of the Boeing 737
with a longer fuselage and can carry 146 passengers. It
was introduced last year.
to exit
arms race
PARIS (AP) - The Soviet
Union has stopped producing chem-
ical weapons and will start de-
stroying its massive stockpiles this
year, Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze announced yesterday.
Addressing an international con-
ference on chemical weapons, She-
vardnadze said the Soviet Union is
finishing construction of a chemical
arms elimination facility that will
go into operation this year.
He said his country would not
wait for an accord to be reached at
the Geneva talks on chemical wea-
pons before beginning to destroy its
American delegates to the con-
ference said the Soviets were just
playing catch-up. A senior U.S.
official said the United States had
been routinely destroying aging
chemical weapons since the early
Shevardnadze said representatives
of other countries will be invited to
visit the Soviet facility, but he did
not specify when.
Shevardnadze said the Soviet po-
sition had "changed quite radically"
in the recent past, going from man-
ufacturing chemical weapons to a-
bandoning them altogether.
"When you get into the facts of
the matter, it is that we have been
doing the same types of things," said
Lynn Hansen, director of the Bureau
of the multilateral affairs at the U.S.
Arms control and Disarmament
The Soviet position "now cor-
responds to our own position," Han-
sen said. "We simply don't get the
press, because for us it's more
routine... When they do it, all of a
sudden it's news."
Senior U.S. delegates here said
the new aspect of the Soviet posi-
tion was that the chemical weapons
would be destroyed before a con-
vention in Geneva is signed banning
use, production and stocking of
chemical arms.
The U.S. position, Hansen said,
is "that we will begin destroying
chemical weapons in advance of the
treaty and that will continue to
destroy these chemical weapons,
albeit on a limited scale, whether or
See Arms, Page 3
Glen Rice, recovering from the flu, sickened Northwestern with 25 points in
Michigan's 94-66 victory on Saturday.
Michigan tops 'Cats
Bigen ner
proposal to
Michigan basketball fans have to be
encouraged by Saturday's 94-66 blowout of
Northwestern in the Wolverines' 1989 Big
Ten opener at Crisler Arena.
Five players scored in double figures as
No. 7 Michigan improved its record to 13-1.
Glen Rice, recovering from the flu, led the
Wolverines with 25 points, followed by
Terry Mills (20), Loy Vaught (18), Rumeal
Robinson (16), and Kirk Taylor (10).
Northwestern fell to 7-4 overall and 0-2
in the Big Ten.
The Wildcats, unlike someone else, didn't
throw in the towel, pulling to within 58-48
with 13 minutes 53 seconds left in the
second half.
Michigan coach Bill Frieder then called a
time-out. He slammed down his towel
several times, his face turning redder and
redder. "Frieder got a little upset because we
weren't controlling the tempo of the game,"
Robinson said.
The Wolverines, scared they would get
the same treatment as referee Ted Valentine
had earlier in the game, then outscored the
Wildcats, 36-18, the rest of the way.
Robinson scored 13 of his points after the
Valentine's run-in with Frieder came with
Michigan leading in the first half, 34-28.
Frieder became upset at what he called a "bad
foul" and let his towel fly, hitting Valentine
in the face. Frieder said it was an accident.
"Before you (reporters) write ripping me
on the technical, if you watch the films,
you'll find it was an honest mistake,"
Frieder said. "I just jumped up
spontaneously and it slipped. I'm truly, truly
See 'Cats, Page 11
Residents of both Stockwell and
Mosher-Jordan residence halls have
voted down a proposal that would
have limited residents' entry to the
front doors and posted a security
guard during certain hours to check
ID's and sign guests in.
Stockwell residents, however, did
agree to hire an extra security guard
to monitor the front door Friday and
Saturday nights. The security guard
would not check ID's.
Residents at both dorms voted for
one of four systems: the original
proposal, status quo, and two others,
which were different on each dorm's
Of the 378 Mosher-Jordan resi-
dents who cast ballots, 230 voted to
keep the current security system in
which Jordan front doors are open
from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and resi-
dents use a key to open other doors.
Sixty-one percent of the 345
Stockwell voters elected to upgrade
dorm security by posting an extra
security guard at the front door on
the weekend between 9 p.m. and 3
a.m. The security guard would not
sign guests in. Although the initial
proposal to tighten security received
only one percent of the Stockwell
vote and 20 percent in Mosher-Jor-
dan, both building directors were
satisfied with the results.
"It was important that residents
looked at how they felt about secu-
rity... If anything, residents are more
aware of following the rules we
have," said Stockwell Building Di-
rector Barry MacDougall.
Tonya Adams, a Resident Advisor
in Stockwell, thinks the proposal
"helps solve the problem without
being too drastic."
Jenni Gunn, an LSA sophomore
at Mosher-Jordan Hall, however, was
disappointed with the results.
"On my hall already someone's
lwallet and Walkman were stolen... I
personally would feel a lot safer with
someone posted at the door signing
guests in," she said.
Although residents of Stockwell
voted to add another security guard,
the plan has not yet been approved.
Joel Allan, manager of Housing Se-
curity Services supports an increase
in security, but said there would be
"difficulty finding enough people to
fill the security guard position."
Allan also said he plans to begin
replacing outside door locks on all
dorms to prohibit former residents
from using keys they have kept after
moving out. Every year, residents
will get new keys to the outside
Preliminary radon tests by University officials
have confirmed the Daily's report of unsafe radon
levels in the Graduate Library. However, the lev-
els discovered by officials were considerably
lower than those the Daily reported.
The preliminary tests, conducted late last
month, show a radon level of nine picocuries per
liter, said John Jones, director of the University's
Radiation Control Services. The level is five
picocuries above the Environmental Protection
Agency's recommended "safe" level for radon.
earlier test showed a radon h
ries, but the laboratory that p
has come under fire by a con
p for alleged inaccuracies.
he University's results haveI
ng using a different procedu
n levels over a three-mon
liam Shurtliff, facilities m
.uate and Undergraduate Libr
,ong-term testing is needed b
do not adequately measure
according to time of day a
radon in Grad
level of 37.7 pic- said.
produced that re- The consumer group Public Citizen, founded
nsumer advocacy by Ralph Nader, charges that a lack of certifica-
tion and government-enforced controls among
prompted further such testing facilities allows a wide margin of
ire that measures error in the results.
nth period, said The University's tests were made with char-
nanager for the coal canisters that monitor an area for three days.
aries. The canisters were evaluated at the University of
ecause three-day Pittsburgh, Jones said.
radon levels that
nd season, Jones
See Radon, Page 7
Classes off for
'Diversity Day'
Margrette Taylor, an LSA senior,
has been an active member of the
Commemoration of a Dream Com-
mittee for the past four years. With
each passing year, Taylor attends her
committee's candlelight vigils and
marches, joining with others to
honor a distinguished civil rights
"This has been a common goal of
the committee's," Taylor said, "to
get Martin Luther King's birthday
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