FEBRUARY 1989 Opinions U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER T FEBRUARY 1989 U U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 7 By presenting a wide range of opinions and ideas reprinted from hundreds ofucampus newspapers, we hope to T E N C E E A enhance the quality of campus life as we inform, entertain and engage the national student body. We acknow- ledge the commitment of studentjournalists across the nation, supported by their media advisers and journalism professors, to report the activities, issues and concerns of their fellow students. PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER EDITORIAL EDITORS ON FELLOWSHIPS Sheena Paterson-Berwick Rebecca Howard, News Features Editor Brent Anderson, Daily Nexus, ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER BrentAnderson, Life and Art Editor U. of California, Santa Barbara Mike Singer Marc Bona, Dollars and Sense Editor Marc Bona, The Daily Iowan. Mark Charnock, Student Body Editor U. of Iowa DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS RELATIONS Liz Camfiord, Assistant Editor Mark Charnock, The Breeze, Dick Sublette James Madison U., VA CIRCULATION AND DISTRIBUTION ADVERTISING SALES JmnMannUV COpratIon NManagr: AnaDeR yr nSaleskManager:AvaWeintraubn Rebecca Howard, Kansas State, New York Account Executives: Collegian, Kansas State U. MARKET RESEARCH Joseph Finkelstein, Karen C. Tarrant Director: Steve Nachtman Los Angeles Account Executives: PROMOTIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Laurie Guhrke, Athar Siddiqee Manager: Julie Du Brow Sales Assistant: Claudia Malis, MARKETING OPERATIONS Midwest Representatives: Laine Meyers, Inc. CHAIRMAN: Albert T. Ehringer Account Executive: Ross Fischman VICC T Yoshieani *Coordinator, Data Systems:Troy Renneberg EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL DR. J. DAVID REED, Immediate Past President, DR. FRANK RAGULSKY, Manager of Student Society for College Journalists, The Eastern News, Media Daily Barometer. Oregon State U. Eastern Illinois U. JAN T. CHILDRESS, Director of Student Pub- FRED WEDDLE, Immediate Past President, lications Uniersity Daily Texas Tech U. Western Association of University Publications ED BARBER, General Manager, Independent Managers. Oklahoma Daily. U. of Oklahoma Florida A/ligator, U. of Florida MONA CRAVENS, Director of Student Publica HARRY MONTEVIDEO, General Manager, The tions, Daily Trojan U, of Southern California Red & BlackU, of Georgia EDMUND SULLIVAen Direr. Cetumbkia Schee aUs D PresU AereAine Corumbkee u i Y BRUCE D. ITULE, Manager of Student Publica- rssociat ,C , tions, State Press. Arizona State II. TOM ROLNICKI, Executive Director, Associated ERIC JACOBS, Immediate Past President, Col- Collegiate Press lege Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers DR. DAVE KNOTT, Immediate Past President. The Daily Pennsylvanian,U. of Pennsylvania College Media Advisers, The Ball State Daily RICHARD C. LYTLE, General Manager, Texas News, Ball State U., IN Student Publications, The Daily Texan, U. of W. B. CASEY, Publisher, Daily owan U. of Iowa Texas, Austin U. is published eight times a year by The Amer- Copyright 1988. All rightsreserved. ican Collegiate Network, 3110 Main Street, Santa BPA Consumer Audit membership applied for Monica, CA 90405. Tel: 213 450-2921 August 1987. a qftas al loQvi i V*AQ he ode yam1 '00 .0 Zm m E K~~ ~o~y~cw Y O~IS~ Qu~t~e ~ Q~' + Ib ~O~i1G1Ow SIQ~f~i~4Atylfric Dead men do endorsements; items resurrect the famous By David Ball The Daily Tar Heel U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill It is the not-too-distant future. The subject at hand? Socrates. "I was in- teractingwith the master the other day. The probing questions! The sheer mas- tery of contemporary educational con- cepts!" "Not to mention the graphics and the 60-day warranty!" Yes, that's right. What makes the use of Socrates' name on an educational computer unique is that he's dead. I've decided that dead celebrity endorse- ments are the wave of the future for several reasons: Dead celebrities can't refuse to endorse your product. Dead celebrities won't suddenly lose popular- ity. And, dead celebrities don't get paid. With this potent new marketing tool in hand, I've developed a range of pro- ducts associated with famous people who are six feet under. Louis Pasteur for Pasteurex mold and mil- dew stain remover. Who knows more ab- out mold than the self-proclaimed "God of Fungi" himself. Let's face it - the stuff that's growing in your bathroom is only going to show you're a bad home- maker. Pasteurex uses patented clean- ing agent, Petri 5000. Ho Chi Minh for Ho Chi Minh weed killer. From the jungles of Vietnam to the lawns of America comes a guaranteed way to get rid of weeds. It comes with its own bulldozer applicator so you can de- foliate in comfort. We all know that these plants are used as cover for insur- gent rodents, so liberate your home from weeds today. Henry VIII, for "O' Hank" condoms. Hen- ry VIII was known for his gourmet taste, benevolent leadership and his women. That's why the people here at Goodyear have developed "O' Hank" condoms, in the spirit of England's chubbiest king. Henry VIII didn't have to deal with AIDS, but you do. As 01' Hank says, "Don't behead - be safe!" To pay for all these items, you'd need a whole lot of credit, which brings me to the final endorsement. Karl Marx, for the American Express Red Card. "Do you know me? Sometimes when I'm out combating the imperialist lackeys of the bourgeois ruling oligar- chy I run out of the people's money. That's why I carry the American Ex- press Red Card. You charge,, but you don't have to pay your bills, further hastening the decline of the capitalist elite. I recommend it to every proleta- rian. The American Express Red Card - don't leave your commune without it!"