r a A 4 OPINION Page 4 ''4 Monday, January 30, 1989 Free feminism from the ideology of population control The Michigan daily a', t Defend, reproductive rights By Camille Colatosi This is the first of a two-part article. Along with many other feminists last fall, I tried to defeat Proposal A, a proposition that stopped the medicaid funding of abortions in Michigan. Though I was uncomfortable with much of the campaign's message, I felt that the issue was important enough to work on despite my objections. Like many liberals in the 1980s, the People's Campaign for Choice allowed the tight to set the terms of the debate. While proponents of the proposal emphasized the savings taxpayers could expect once medi- caid funding of abortions ceased, oppo- nents argued that ending benefits would actually increase taxpayers' costs. The price of carrying a baby to term, our literature and advertising argued, and then supporting that child on welfare for eigh- teen years, greatly outweighed that of a two or three hundred dollar abortion. This unfortunate racist and sexist mes- sage implied that continued medicaid funding of abortions would slow down the breeding of the poor and eventually would d crease the number of people in need of public assistance. Contrary to the rhetoric 6f the Vote No on A campaign, however, miost welfare families do not remain on rlhe rolls for eighteen years, the entire mi- nority of a child, but for only two years before the head of the household - usu- Ally a single mother - finds another neans of support either through marriage or low-paying employment. The majority of the poor in Michigan, and throughout the United States, are women and children. Over half of all female-headed households in this country live in poverty; and three- quarters of all families headed by women ,of color live below the poverty line. One- Camille Colatosi is a doctoral candidate T English and a member of Solidarity. A quarter of all U.S. children are poor and for minority children, statistics are one in two. Simply put, the majority of those on welfare are single mothers of color and their children. The language of the pro-choice cam- paign illustrates a confusion between feminist goals and racist, classist eugen- ics. Rather than emphasize women's need for autonomy over reproduction, bodily self-determination, expanded options and improved social conditions, the People's Campaign for Choice aligned itself with racists concerned about the "population explosion" of people of color. As the Dukakis campaign took for granted the votes of the poor and courted the Reagan democrats, so feminists assumed the sup- port of liberals and tried, along with the right, to win votes from the fiscally and socially conservative. Playing on the fears of middle-and upper-class whites, the campaign suggested a portentous future. If we end medicaid funding of abortions, the ads implied, we may have more poor chil- dren of color than we'll be able to afford or control-- and then what? In order to find language and feminist politics that address the concerns of all women - and not only those of white, middle-and upper-class women - we need to understand that this confusion between feminist aims and racist, populationist ideology has plagued the reproductive rights movement since its inception in the United States in the nineteenth century. The recorded history of the reproductive rights movement in this country is rela- tively short. Until the post-Civil War era, abortion was not criminalized and women's control over reproduction was not really questioned. Before the profes- sionalization of medicine in the nineteenth century, most abortions either were self- induced or were administered by midwives. Societies where women's kinship relations and female networks were strong experi- enced a high incidence of abortion and contraception. Contrary to what the media suggests, control over reproduction de- pends more on social relations than on medical technology. Until the attack against abortion waged by the medical profession in the 1860s and 70s, most people did not regard the voluntary early termination of pregnancy as a sin. Abor- tion was seen as "morally neutral" prior to "quickening" - the stage of pregnancy when fetal movements are noticed, usually between the twenty-fourth and twenty- eighth week. In order to establish economic and ideo- logical hegemony over their principle clientele - upper- and middle-class, mar- ried white women - the medical profes- sion sought to centralize and monopolize women's health care. But the politics of those who oppose women's reproductive freedom have never been monolithic or without contradiction. While the medical profession emphasized the importance of maternal duty for its wealthy female pa- tients, it simultaneously urged the steril- ization of the criminal, the insane, and the poor. From 1907-1945, 45,000 people were involuntarily sterilized in U.S. hos- pitals; half of the victims were termed mentally ill, and the other half were poor women. The weakness of the first wave of U.S. feminism, the 1920s to the 40s, a weak- ness that continues to plague the women's movement, involved its support of forced sterilization and its belief that birth con- trol should take different forms for poor women than for the wealthy. In 1920, Margaret Sanger sought the legitimacy of birth control by soliciting endorsements from influential doctors. By opposing the work of midwives and supporting "doctors only" bills that gave the predominantly male medical profession absolute charge of women's health care, she effectively worked to end women's control of the technologies of reproduction. This shift from midwives' control to doctors' control of women's health care increased the cost of reproductive services and widened the gap between the type of care middle- and upper-class women received versus that given to poor women. The professional- ization of medicine drove inexpensive al- ternatives underground, decreasing their availability and increasing their danger. fewer health risks than does carrying a pregnancy to full term; in fact , an early abortion is seven times safer than natural childbirth. This fact the surgeon general - and many other members of the new right - would like to ignore. Dr. C. Ev- erett Koop has been working busily and unsuccessfully to prove that women suffer long-term psychological trauma as a result of abortion. For if anti-choice activists could support this claim, they could argue that, in the interests of protecting women's health, abortion should be pro- 'The language of the pro-choice campaign illustrates a confusion between feminist goals and racist, classist eugenics.' Antoinette Konikow, a socialist doctor who lived in the early part of the twentieth century, accused Sanger of transforming birth control from a popular women s is- sue into a medical interest. There was nothing inherently unsafe about the meth- ods used by midwives as compared with those employed by doctors until the medi- cal profession, consolidating its control over women, denied midwives and lay health practitioners access to antiseptics and other safety devices. Sanger did not advocate the legalization of abortion, and she accepted without opposition the medi- cal profession's insistence that abortions were in themselves dangerous. Yet, as Stella Browne, another early twentieth- century socialist-feminist and activist wrote in 1922, "It is open, perhaps, to question whether the effects of abortion itself have been sufficiently separated from the appalling bad conditions of nervous terror, lack of rest and lack of surgical cleanliness in which it is generally per- formed..." Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, abortion related death has decreased by 73 per cent. A first term aspiration abortion exposes a woman to significantly hibited. But, unfortunately for the new right and fortunately for women, over 250 studies conducted by right-wing and gov- ernment organizations seeking to prove the negative psychological consequences of abortions have again and again revealed the safety of early abortions. Still, the fact that the abortion debate continues to be focused upon safety rather than on women's right to control our own bodies, is in part a consequence of the mistakes of early reproductive rights ac- tivists. The strategy of early feminists such as Sanger, a strategy that became that of Planned Parenthood, was to sacrifice female control for the rhetoric of medical safety, and to oppose abortion in favor of contraception without recognizing the connections between these two methods of reproductive control. After all, no contra- ceptive device is foolproof, and history has shown that control over reproduction means more to most women than safety does. In order to maintain control of our bodies, women rely on birth control methods known to be dangerous, such as the Pill, and seek abortions even when such procedures are illegal and, as a result, often unsafe. -e I, . 'A 4 _ c rbe £irbiguu. itai1U r: r :r . 1 . : 1:.:h'"4 :"l:. ".1: :': h'." .{... ..... :. ..1 .. ..i .. . ..h . ti. 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As a result of this narrowly ,whitewashing, see-no-racism, hear-no- focused ruling, 33 states (including racism philosophy resounds loudly Michigan) and almost 200 municipali- :through the halls of American Justice. ties could be challenged to defend their "set-aside" laws by proving that they Last week the Supreme Court struck are designed to redress specific prob- down Richmond, Virginia's require- lems of discrimination. ment that 30 percent of construction sub-contracts be "set-aside" for firms The Supreme Court's lack of vision controlled by minorities. The court de- does deliberate disservice to all minori- lared that this requirement was not ties who encounter discrimination and justified by the fact that less than one bigotry in all aspects of their lives. This percent of city projects were being kind of decision negates the progress ,,warded to such firms, even though the made by civil rights advocates over the population of that the city is half Black. last three decades expressed in legisla- - ichmond city officials, the court de- tion mandating affirmative action and blared, did not show specific evidence equal opportunity. Contrary to rulings that the imbalance occurred as a result that promoted civil rights during the of racial discrimination, and thus their Warren Court era, the present court is 'set-aside" law was unconstitutional. embarking on a reactionary path. As a result, the court stands to lose the The ruling amounts to a formal judi- minimal credibility it has in the eyes of vcial confirmation of the Reagan admin- minorities. istration's assertions that systematic racism in this country is a relic of the past. Minorities everywhere can easily Justice O'Connor saw special :disprove such distorted history significance in the fact that the law was ;lessons. The residents of Richmond are passed by a Black majority on the :among them. Richmond city council, This is espe- cially disturbing. It serves only to rein- Before the city passed the "set-aside" force Reagan's peculiar accusation that law, two-thirds of one percent of sub- Black leaders opportunistically perpet- contracts were awarded to minority uate the illusion of prejudice in order to firms. During the time that the law was secure higher status positions and thus n effect the number jumped to almost somehow undermine the capitalist forty percent, more consistent with lo- virtue of competition Such accusations cal demographics. Since 1987, when a frumn privilcged whites are absurd. state court ruled against the city, the Mitzvah Proj ect helps To the Daily- I am a Jew,free and well adjusted. I have found that the more deeply I become identified with the values of my own people, the closer do I come to an under- standing of the hopes and desires of mankind as a whole. -Anonymous On January 17, 1989, Mitz- vah project, a non-profit, apo- litical, University recognized organization of which I am a member, made a commitment "to be of help where help is needed," as our slogan states. The day was devoted toward a solely humanitarian effort in the hopes of reuniting the re- maining 10,000 to 15,000 Ethiopian Jews living in a community of "mostly women, children, the elderly and infir" (A report form the Ethiopian Association for Ethiopian Jews) with their families already in the land of Israel. In reference to the arti- cle, "Ethiopians exploited," (Daily, 1/23/89), it is of the utmost importance to immedi- ately correct two blatant errors the Daily's failuie to rec- ognize the proper organizatiOn responsible for this campus day of awareness and secondly, the group's purpose. Upon this clarification, there is a fact of history which was exploited and used out of con- text by the Daily : The Law of Return This docur1ient was passed unanimously by the Knesset on July 5, 1950 and written into the State Legisla- Palestinian people living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and settle there is totally unre- alistic. In actuality, the Ethiopians longing to emigrate to their homeland, will arrive in Israel with no knowledge of modern society, few communicative skills, and money barely enough to buy food for a single individual for one week. Not to mention the fact that the Ethiopian's language, Amharic, is not widely spoken by Israelis. While possessing the understanding of all of these hardships awaiting them in Israel, the Ethiopian Jews still find the will to leave their country to obtain their ultimate life goal: freedom. This is a reality with which we as Jews identify. But even greater, this is a reality which we as human beings, regardless of political or religious beliefs, must be aware. People need to address issues such as this in the present for in the future it will only be too late. As Hil- lel, a Jewish scholar, once said, "If not now, when?" -Lisa E. Jacobson January 24 Israel wants to help To the Daily: Never have I been so dis- turbed by a Daily editorial as I was when I read the article "Ethiopians exploited" (1/23/89). This article is based on untruths and misrepresenta- tions of the plight of Ethiopian Jews. The article leads the reader to believe that Ethiopian Jews want to leave Ethiopia to es- For 2,700 years, Ethiopians have called their Jews "Falashas," a derogatory term meaning "stranger" or "landless" in Amharic. Throughout their history, Ethiopian Jews have been vic- tims of anti-Semitism, physi- cal destruction, prohibitions against owning land, and forced conversions. More recently, after the revolution of 1974, Ethiopian Jews have been im- prisoned without trial and forced from their homes. The second major problem is family separation. The Opera- tion Moses airlift of 1984-5 brought 7,000 Jews to Israel. But 10-15,000 still remain in Ethiopia. The government re- fuses to grant these Jews exit visas. During Operation Moses, only young Jews were able to make the two to three week walk to the Sudanese camps where the airlift took place. They had to leave their parents and other older relatives in Ethiopia. Currently, 1,100 Israeli Ethiopian children are separated from both of their parents. No "comprehensive plan to end the brutal civil war, and feed and shelter its victim- ized people" is going to reunite these families or get rid of the long standing anti-Semitism of Ethiopian society. The only solution is an increase in im- migration to Israel. The second premise of the opinion page article, that Ethiopian immigration is a ploy to push Palestinians out of the West Bank, is also false. No widespread immigration has occurred since the 1984-5 air- lift, two to three years before the beginning of the Intifadah. The Israeli government could not have forced young Ethiopians to leave their fami- lies and walk for weeks in the desert This was not anv-ern. But, for the thousands of Ethiopian families who have already undergone four years of separation, each and every re- unification is very significant. -Debbie Bodin January 24 0 Stop attacks on * Farley To The Daily: I took Reynolds Farley's Sociology 303 class last year and did not once see Farley ex- hibit racist or sexist behavior. I am extremely vigilant with re- spect to racism and would no- tice if Farley made any state- ment that bordered on racism. I believe this is perhaps an over- reaction on the part of a couple students and I hope that Farley does not have to suffer through any more attacks on his character. -Alec Lenenberg January 24 0 No more baseless attacks To the Daily: Your recent article enti- tled,"Ethiopians Exploited", causes me to questio not only your journalistic abilities, but your integrity and basic moral' values as human beings. I fully understand the outrage about the Palestinian situation in the West Bank. I fully appreciate the right to express your opin-~ ions about the situation. I cer- tainly do notappreciate the use of unbased attacks to further