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January 30, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-30

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. IC, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, January 30, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily

'M' ends
99 meet
Saturday, the fourth-ranked Wol-
verines ended Iowa's 99 match dual-
meet winning streak with a 23-17
win in the finals of the Great Amer-
ican Duals Classic in Indianapolis.
The Hawkeyes, winners of nine of
the past 11 national championships
and the last 15 Big Ten titles, had
not lost a dual meet since 1974.
Before reaching the finals, the
Wolverines defeated Purdue, 32-5,
and Indiana, 26-9. The Hawkeyes
advanced by defeating Ohio State,
* 33-8, and Minnesota, 26-13.
Michigan coach Dale Bahr waited
a long time to defeat Iowa coached
by his former college teammate, Dan
Gable. The two schools hadn't met
in a dual meet since 1983 when Iowa
won, 44-0. Gable felt that Michigan
wasn't competitive enough for the
Hawkeyes, so he left Michigan off
of the Hawkeyes schedule.
"Since I came to Michigan (in
1978) it has been a dream of mine to
get a crack at the Hawkeyes," said
Bahr. "We went here with the
intention of beating Iowa and we did.
It was a great win for Michigan."
See Wrestling, Page 10
*JOA ru
Although a U.S. Appeals Court
upheld former Attorney General Ed-
win Meese's approval of a joint op-
erating. agreement between the De-
troit News and the Detroit Free Press
last Friday, controversy with this
three year battle has not lost ammu-
nition among remorseful opponents.
Friday's 2-1 decision to back the
approval Meese made in August, lif-
ted a stay that had been in effect pro-
hibiting implementation of the merg-
ing agreement.
An agency created to administer

'U' urged
to begin
In an effort to push for a Korean
language program to be implemented
at the University, the Korean Student
Association invited faculty and
members of local churches and busi-
nesses to support the program at 'a
conference last Saturday.
The speakers urged the University
to support the program - one that
many other universities offer - to
meet growing student interest and to
recognize the Korean language and
culture as part of the Department of
Asian Languages.
About 90 people, both students
and community members, attended
the conference to discuss the forma-
tion of a Korean language program at
the University.
Graduate students have been vol-
unteering to teach Korean to students
for no credit because the University
does not have a Korean language
Members of KSA also collected
3,500 signatures in a petition drive
last fall in support of the program,
said Harkmore Lee, president of the
KSA needs to find a faculty ad-
viser for the Korean language pro-
gram before it can be proposed to the
LSA Curriculum Committee, the fi-
nal decision-making body for courses
at the University.
Though many professors have
supported the program, none have
agreed to be faculty adviser, Lee said.
And for a permanent Korean stud-
ies program to continue, a minimum
of $2 million is needed - to hire
two faculty members to teach Korean
and to cover library costs, said
Spencer Rhee, KSA's treasurer.
Korean studies programs are of-
See Korean, Page 2

It's not the Charleston...
Mike Kazarian, Ara Topouzian and Harry Dakesian (from left) do a traditional Armenian dance at the Seventh Annual Hye
Hop presented by the University's Armenian Students Cultural Association at the Ann Arbor Greek Orthodox Church
Saturday night. Some of the proceeds will go to earthquake victims in Armenia.

Lung fai
the JOA announced yesterday it
would implement the partial merger
Feb. 6.
The implementation will allow
the News and the Free Press to com-
bine advertising, circulation, produc-
tion and other business operations to
cut costs while keeping separate
news and editorial departments.
A JOA exempts both newspapers
from antitrust laws if the attorney
general determines that one of the
two papers is "a failing paper."
The newspapers, both among the
nation's 10 largest, said the Free

ils to'end

Press was in danger of going out of
Knight-Ridder Inc., owner of The
Detroit Free Press, said it loses
$35,000 a day on the Free Press, or
about $12.7 million a year. Meese
saw the Free Press in "probable dan-
ger of financial failure."
Michigan State Senator John
Kelly disagrees with the court's deci-
sion. "The JOA is a destruction of
the First Amendment and abolishes a
competitive and diverse press," he
"Raised costs of newspapers and

tion, and
the destru
ers and the
will go wi
Kelly 1
zens for ai
appealed t
spent the
the group
whether to
The gr
hearing b
the U.S. S

g is an automatic assump- Feedback from survey was "an
what's more horrifying is overwhelming consent to go ahead
ction of independent think- (on an appeal) and do the challenge,"
quality of newspapers that Kelly said.
th it," Kelly said. The executive committee of The
heads The Michigan Citi- Michigan Citizens for an Independent
n Independent Press, which Press met late into last night to
he August decision. Kelly evaluate the survey.
weekend calling many of Free Press publisher David
's 635 members to decide Lawrence has another view on the
appeal- ruling. "This is clearly good news for
roup either can request a the future of the Free Press, good
efore the full 13-member news for our readers and the people of

court or appeal directly to
upreme Court.

See JOA, Page 2

Opinions differ

Clevenger kicks

.on Peac
The University of Michigan, the
site where John Kennedy first pro-
posed the Peace Corps in October
1960, now has the sixth largest num-
ber of graduates who have entered the
peace corps.
As a state, Michigan ranks sixth
in the number of Peace Corps vol-
0 unteers it has produced, over half of
whom are in African countries.
Today the Peace Corps serves
over 60 developing countries world-
wide, reaching out to "help people
help themselves," said Daniel Gil-
bert, the public affairs speaker for the
Peace Corps' Detroit office.
"Peace Corps service is career
enhancing. In the Peace Corps, vol-
unteers are gaining skills which
make them more marketable," said
Gilbert. "In specialized areas you
gain invaluable experience."
The Peace Corps also offers
graduate job and education oppor-
tunities. After volunteers return, they
have access to a hot-line job listing
service. In addition, 34 schools na-
tionwide give special admittance and
financial consideration to returning
"There are possibilities for people
of all different backgrounds," said
Louise Baldwin, the Peace Corps co-
ordinator at the University's Interna-
tional Center.
Baldwin, who received a master's
degree from the University and is
currently a doctoral student in an-
thropology, served as a Peace Corps
volunteer in Afghanistan from 1973
to 1976.

e Corps
riod. The training usually takes place
in the country in which volunteers
will be serving. It consists of lan-
guage, cross-cultural, and technical
"We will not send a person any-
where where he or she will be in
danger" of encountering health prob-
lems, Baldwin said. However, she
admits the individual is always at
risk in a foreign country.
Part of the training entails a
medical orientation and immuniza-
tion and teaches volunteers how to
keep this risk at a minimum. Bald-
win said a volunteer will rarely con-
tract anything more serious than in-
testinal problems, if anything at all.
Peace Corps volunteers live as
part of the local communities, either
with host families, alone, or with
other volunteers. Volunteers are left
to decide what is the most desirable
living situation for them.
, "The Peace Corps is not for ev-
erybody, but it can be very reward-
ing. I encourage Michigan students
to think about it," said Baldwin.
And many University students are
thinking about the Peace Corps -
but not in the idealistic way that -
Kennedy proposed it.
Many people feel that the Central
Intelligence Agency is hiding behind
and working with the Peace Corps.
Others feel the Peace Corps is being
used as a tool to supply aid that only
serves to benefit the United States
economically and militarily, said a
member of the Latin American
Solidarity Committee.
"Peace Corps is an element of

off mayor
At yesterday's party beginning
Ann Arbor's Democratic mayoral
election campaign, Democratic can-
didate Ray Clevenger boasted of his
experience in different levels of+
government. Clevenger was joined
by about 100 Democrats and party
bigwigs at the Bird of Paradise.
Citing his experience as a member
of U.S. Congress and Chair of the
Michigan Corporation and Securities
Commission and of the Great Lakes
Basin Commission, Clevenger said,
"I know something about govern-
ment and the problems of govern-
ment. This is what convinced me to
Clevenger said he can apply his
experience in higher levels of gov-
ernment to solving problems in Ann
Arbor city government - the most
'I say let's put the city
bureaucrats to the test.'
-Democratic mayoral
candidate Ray Clevenger
important of which he identified as
the city's $1.6 million budget deficit.
Clevenger bucked the city council
and Republican Mayor Gerald Jerni-
gan by unequivocally coming out
against any rollback of the Headlee
Amendment to solve the deficit.
The Headlee Amendment to the
Michigan Constitution stipulates
that property taxes cannot rise faster
than the inflation rate without a spe-
cial city-wide vote. Some city coun-
cil members mntlv npmnrrntc

al quest
crats don't have the right attitude. We
need the most efficient government
we can possibly have... We have
never had responsiveness from city
government on improving effi-
ciency," he said.
Clevenger said when he was chair
of the state's Corporation and
Securities Commission in the early
1960s, he took steps to improie
efficiency, and "saved 17 percent of
that budget" by reorganizing the
commission's bureaucracy.
Clevenger said he could do the
same for Ann Arbor's city govern-
ment: "I say let's put the city bu-
reaucrats to the test."
Clevenger admitted that he may
have not been the Democrats' first
choice as candidate for mayor. "You
know when I was selected it was be-
cause the party could find no other
candidate," he said. "But I was asked
because of my experience in govern-
"The deal was that the Democrats
and independents would raise the
funds, and I would raise the hell," he

Associated Press
Michigan guard Rumeal Robinson dribbles the ball up the
court during yesterday's victory over Purdue. Robinson had
a hand in Michigan's first 12 points, scoring five and
assisting on the rest.
Bench leads cagers
past Purdue, 99-88

Playing arguably their best game of
the season, the tenth-ranked
Wolverines handed Purdue its fourth
consecutive loss, 99-88, Sunday in
West Lafayette.
1g,- - Al -

away complaining about our defense,
but they walked away and said
'they're easy.'"
"Michigan is allowed to shoot
off one pass. Rice would square up
and put it in the air before we could
get on defense," Purdue forward Kip
Jones said. "We couldn't do anything
ahnt it " Tanne had thi- mvinh


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