*I w OPINION Page 4 Friday, January 27, 1989 The Michigan Daily Police agents of repression By the Steering Committee of the United Coalition Against Racism This past week, the Overtown section of Miami has been the sight of Black com- "munity uprisings. This is the third such riot in Miami in this decade. The incident 'which allegedly sparked the rebellion was one in which a police officer shot an un- armed Black man on a motorcycle in the head. The shooting occurred over a traffic violation. The passenger on the motorcy- cie was also killed. The media coverage of this issue has been, as usual, biased afavoring the "official" police recounts of ,the incidents and the subsequent outrage. There are many underlying tensions sur- rounding this issue which are not clearly 1xanalyzed in the mainstream media. The uprisings have been characterized as racial riots." This is an inaccurate 'assessment. There are not Black, white and Latino people embattled in the streets. The Black community's anger does not stem from any general dislike or distrust of white or Hispanic people and the impetus 6or the rioting is not "common criminality." The community's outrage is clearly directed towards the violence and brutality of the police force, coupled with the denial of economic resources from government and private sources. the issue of police brutality is not new j.o Black communities across the country. r=In fact, one of the major complaints high- ighted by the Detroit rebellions in '67 was the violence of white cops against Black inner city residents. The struggle waged at one point was for the hiring of more Black cops. Since that time, most major police departments have been inte- grated, but the problem of brutality di- rected at people of color communities re- mains. Now black and brown faces carry on the role of defenders of the status quo and exemplify the same contempt for peo- ple of color as any white pig. Most news- papers now report that the officer who did the shooting was Hispanic. His race is ir- relevant, his job and his role in the society are more of a determinant of his actions. Other media attempts to characterize the uprisings as strictly Black against Latino also serve to blur the issues. Although probably not explicitly stated often enough, the Black community's anger is not directed towards individual Latinos, but instead toward a power structure which strives to maintain its reserve cheap labor force by keeping people of color fighting each other over crumbs. The unemploy- ment level for Blacks in Miami is almost double that of Latinos in this majority- Latino city. Black residents say they feel ignored by the government which gives more money and opportunities to immi- grants, Nicaraguans in particular. First of all, new immigrants are more than likely an even cheaper source of labor which can be used to undercut Black labor. In addition, the local government has cre- ated a pattern of giving token concessions to some incoming Nicaraguans. The pro- motion of within-class fighting and racial division between people of color only serves to strengthen the power of corpora- tions and businesses while lessening the bargaining power of workers. There is a large Cuban population in Miami which fled Cuba and Castro immediately before and after the revolu- tion. Many of this group are now in posi- tions of power. They are vehemently anti- Castro, pro-Reagan, overwhelmingly white and economically well-off. They have been successful integrated into the socioeconomic and political landscape of Miami. Their concern for impoverished people of color, even Latinos, is not evi- dent in any indirect manner. It is as much in their interest to exploit poor people of color as it is to support U.S. imperialism, Secondly, the immigration patterns in Miami must be examined to show both their underlying ties to U.S. imperialism and racial biases. While 54% of all Nicaraguan applications for asylum are accepted, only 3% of Salvadoran and 0% of Haitian (predominantly black) applica- tions are accepted. Obviously U.S. forays into Third world countries would be un- dermined if its government allowed immi- grants fleeing the oppression of an ally or puppet to enter. More recent waves of immigrants, especially those of less privileged class backgrounds, are not always warmly wel- comed as the media would like us to be- lieve. In fact, the recent incidents in Mi- ami have prompted discussion on reform- ing immigration laws to prevent such fi- ture large influxes of people seeking political asylum. Little discussion has been sparked on how to better the living conditions of the poor already living in the area. Overall, both poor Blacks and Lati- nos are being exploited and/or ignored by those in power in Miami, and the color of the face of the exploiter is transparent. Associoate Pressoag A~octed T O~JESSICA GRtEENE/Dally Police brutality against women and people of color is not new - or unique to Miami or Ann Arbor. Left, a woman faints after seeing a man injured in a chase with police in Miami's Overtown section Monday. The incident erupted into a major disturbance involving a crowd of about 75 people and about 125 riot-geared police officers. On the right, Ann Ar- bor Police and campus security officers push LSA senior Rollie Hudson to the ground in front of Hill Auditorium during the protested October inauguration of University President James Duderstadt. a I- ! Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. IC, No.84 Ann Arbor MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.- Miami's bad I. I a The objectivity myth AS PRESIDENT REAGAN prepared to leave office last week, newspapers around the country praised his eight years as President. Typically, The Ann Arbor News editorialized in glowing terms about the Reagan years, though it did concede that "there were humilia- tions...including the Iran-Contra affair and failure to bring down the Sandin- ista government in Nicaragua..." The News' editorial positions and news coverage exemplify the U.S. mass media's ideological and economic links to Washington. Mass media is business - big business. Twenty nine corporations control the majority of daily newspapers, magazines, televi- sion, book publishing and film mak- ing. The ruling class that controls these corporations sets much of the political ,-agenda of the U.S. government by formulating policy options through s corporate think tanks and by placing members in the government through such institutions as the Trilateral Com- mission and the Council for Foreign K Relations. Founded by J.D. Rocke- feller Sr. and J.P. Morgan in 1922, the Council for Foreign Relations' has placed members as Secretary of De- fense, Treasury or State in every ad- ministration since its founding. l The Iran-contra affair was indicative of the close relationship between gov- emient and the mass media. It was a humiliation, but only because the media would not criticize friends in high a NELSON- MANDFJA rmir x places. The Congressional whitewash of the roles Reagan and Bush played was bought wholesale by the media. The issues of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Nicaraguan contras smuggling cocaine to pay for arms and the deal the Reagan transition team made with Iranian leaders in 1980 to delay the release of American hostages until Reagan's inauguration day were likewise ignored by the mass media. Shared ideologies and policy goals influence mass media coverage of the government., This is easily done through decisions on what news is emphasized and what is not. Page one coverage differs significantly from page eighteen coverage. Coverage of an is- sue many times will make it a public priority, while stories covered once will be easily forgotten by the public. Word choice and emphasis within a story slant an article even more. Thus, the American media has consistently run stories portraying the Nicaraguan contras in a favorable light, while ig- noring or covering minimally the bombing of civilians by the U.S. backed Salvadoran government. The debate on Nicaragua centers on the means of destroying the Sandinistas, while Nicaragua's right to self determi- nation is never raised as an issue. Corporate elites, America's ruling class, are shaping policy and then pre- tending to report on it objectively. Those who want the real story should turn to alternative media sources. By Samuel I. Ruiz In Miami, Dr. King's day was celebrated with violent ethnic confrontations in the streets. For some this ocurrence was an unfortunate coincidence, for others it was another example of an endemic regional problem. I can think of a third interpreta- tion - it was an omen, an omen that emerges from the unlikely fusion of two elements, a minority community and prosperity. When Americans think about Black and Hispanic communities the word success is not the first thing that crosses their minds. There isn't really any reason to expect otherwise. Even the most likely destiny of white middle class Americans seems to be beyond the reach of all but a small portion of minorities. And although the glam- orous world of "the rich and famous" in- cludes a number of outstanding individuals from minorities, their existence is more beneficial for the conscience of whites than it is representative of the expectations for success in the communities from which they came. Americans, anyway, seem to have a fascination with the stories of those few fortunate that have risen from the ghettos to stardom. Somehow, they believe these stories validate the"American Dream." In reality, there is nothing particularly American about it. Non-chauvinistic minds can find similar stories all over the world. Even in the land of the "Communist inferno," a quick glance at the list of Soviet leaders will confirm that a number of them were born in poor peas- ant families. No, the greatness of this country and our free market system should not be evaluated in terms of individual ex- Samuel I Ruiz is a graduate student of Public Policy. 'While Black Americans have to resort to violence to express, their anger and frustration, whites can afford more sophisti- cated channels like the media and political propaganda to make similar points.' ceptions, but in terms of the advantages it provides for social groups. In the long history of the Hispanic communities in America, the successful Cuban experience in South Florida might give us interesting insight into what mi- norities can expect to find as they come omen insensitive to the way in which their progress has affected the course of other ethnic groups' destiny. As a result, yesterday's covert bigotry is becoming to- day's uninhibited, explosive racial con- frontation among the different ethnic groups - and street riots are just a small 0 closer to the realization of Dr. King's dream. As with all minorities, Cubans have produced remarkable examples of individ- ual achievement, from the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Coca-Cola to the leading members of Miami Sound Machine. But more than that, Cubans as a group have increasingly reduced the eco- nomic and political power gap that "Anglos" (the name Cubans use for non- Hispanic whites) used to enjoy. Cubans have generated a sizable number of people prepared to compete for any of the jobs that not long ago were almost exclusively Anglo. In South Florida it is not just the unskilled white Americans who have to worry about Hispanics taking their jobs, but also the bankers, the doctors, the lawyers, etc. Cubans have overcome the limited horizons of quotas and affirmative action, and instead have created an interpersonal network and support system that has per- mitted them to become a symbol of mi- nority community success. However, many whites and many Black Americans don't seem willing to accept the change. Meanwhile, Cubans have been somewhat part of it. The present blatant bigotry, more than a problem with external color, is a defensive reaction to internal insecurities and fears that arise with social change. At the same time, this makes the omen from Miami pretty clear: although minorities will have to deal with covert prejudice on their way up, once they achieve, as a community, a position high enough to challenge what other ethnics consider theirs, bigotry will become more intense, more open and more widespread. This omen is more disturbing in the face of population projections indicating that the proportion of minority Americans - especially Hispanic - will increase substantially in the near future. Those who think that open bigotry is a thing of the past are dangerously underes- timating the potential irrationality of their peers. Unless minorities learn to truly support and respect each other, and whites learn to accept that the price of real equal- * ity goes beyond sharing restrooms and bus seats, Americans will fulfill the omen. And Dr, King's dream will finally die, consumed by an old, well-known night- mare. ........... . & :::. ..........:. ..*.. .* L e tte rs....... th ......d.r...*. .* . .. * . A sleep without dreams To the Daily: The Unity March served its purposes: it unified, if only for the moment. But it's a begin- ning. Only one year ago, ITCAR felt forced to har the member of this community. The events scheduled today went far beyond what can be learned from any textbook. Why wasn't the Michigan League packed with students? Are students today really so apathetic? Do grades really take precedence over all? Do our social lives rule us? Imagine if today's activities were being graded on attendance. No doubt. Illinois and Pulitzer Prize Win- ner, read her poetry today could not help feeling inspired and optimistic. Lincoln West is Brooks' fictional, though frighteningly true creation of a boy who lived in a world sur- rounded by fair, blue-eyed neighbors who contrasted his black complexion and ugly hair. Brooks, rather than sur- room is infirmed in one way or another," she claims, but we are all "beautiful with my wing that is wounded." I left Mich- igan Ballroom feeling im- portant, inspired, and most of all, beautiful. Martin Luther King Jr. claimed "The function of education is to teach one to think intensivel and ti ihint Brown bag discussion _ __! * T *_ 0 "'