OPINION Page 4 Thursday, January 26, 1989 The Michigan Daily Kittrie should apologize By Bruce Belcher Last semester Student Body President, Mike Phillips, asked me to prepare a report on the actions of MSA represen- tative, Zach Kittrie, with respect to Kit- trie's treatment of minorities working with MSA and the way in which Kittrie has misrepresented himself to various agencies at the University. Many representatives were aware of Kittrie's conduct; my task was to compile the information. I have found that Kittrie undermined members of MSA on fourteen occasions. Of the fourteen people undermined, eleven were minorities. This is unusual because only about twenty percent of MSA members are minorities. In fact, the probability that atmleast eleven of the fourteen would be minorities is only four in one million. Therefore, it seems that Kittrie was singling out minorities. The various incidents are described below. While none of these incidents seems-that bad when one looks at each of them individually, it is clear that a pattern exists and that they should not be treated as isolated incidents. ; Many members of MSA have tried to take a strong stand against racism and other forms of bigotry. For example, MSA has supported sanctions against Bruce Belcher is the computer consutant to Advice magazine. student organizations which organized an attack on the diag shanties. This year MSA has passed resolutions against Cornerstone Christian Fellowship for their attack on gays and lesbians and on Tagar for their attack on Arabs. Within MSA, there has been an attempt to put minorities in positions of leadership. Therefore, it is clear that attacks on mi- nority members of MSA should not be tolerated. The actions of Kittrie are de- scribed below. Kittrie went to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) in September of 1988 and told them that he was MSA's liaison to SACUA. He said that he was in charge of making appointments of SACUA committees and that any correspondence about such appointments should be ad- dressed to him. In fact, the MSA President is the chief spokesperson of MSA, and the Chair of Campus Governance is the liaison to SACUA with respect to appointments. Kittrie was undermining the authority of Mike Phillips and Vir- ginia Chang. Kittrie went to a meeting of the Civil Liberties Board (CLB) and stated that he had been appointed to the Board as a student representative by MSA and that any correspondence should be directed to him. MSA was not informed that CLB would be discussing MSA because the Chair of CLB told Kittrie about it rather than telling Mike Phillips or Virginia Chang. Again, Kittrie was undermining the authority of Phillips and Chang. Kittrie went to the Board of Student Publications and said that he was ap- pointed to fill a student seat on the Board. In fact, Campus Governance had not made a recommendation for the Board and was looking for a minority to fill the position. Kittrie undermined Virginia Chang whose committee was responsible for making the recommendation. When MSA members participated in a protest against an administrative code, Henry Park was chosen by the group as This is clearly an attempt to slander Phillips and Overdorf. A memo to MSA's Steering Commit- tee written by Kittrie in December criti- cized the Rules and Elections Committee for not making a report about vacancies on MSA. Kittrie never criticized Rules and Elections for not making such a report while Jeff Gauthier was Chair, but as soon as Lily Hu became chair, Kittrie criticized her. Moreover, if Kittrie was really concerned about the report rather than in criticizing a person of color, then he would have asked Hu privately for the 'Within MSA, there has been an attempt to put minorities in positions of leadership. Therefore, -it is clear that attacks on minority members of MSA should not be tolerated.' and Teschke. Kittrie never questioned whether letters of appointment existed when Ken Weine was President of MSA, although Weine once allowed representatives from Engineering to be seated before they had given him letters of, appointment. Kittrie also had no reason to believe that the appointments made by Rackham were not in order. Mike Phillips met privately with Kittrie after the first series of attacks, and, the problems stopped for some time. Kittrie resumed his actions against minorities in late November with the memo to MSA's Steering Committee. It became necessary to confront Kittrie publicly to try to get him to stop his attacks on minorities. More importantly, the attacks have had a real effect on MSA. A coalition has been formed by MSA members who oppose minority interests. This group was able to rescind the resolution which imposed sanctions on Tagar for its attack on Arabs, and MSA representative, John Coleman, has stated that he will try to get MSA to rescind the resolution which imposed sanctions on student organizations which had organized an attack on the free South Africa shanties. Kittrie has not denied -that any of the facts stated here are true. The best solution is for Kittrie to apologize for his actions and agree to attend workshops on racism. This might help to prevent this type of thing from happening again. s spokesperson. Kittrie presented himself to the media as the spokesperson for the protestors. This was an attempt to un- dermine the authority of Henry Park. Kittrie told MSA representatives Rob Bell and Gretchen Walter that Mike Phillips and MSA Vice President Susan Overdorf had established an account from which they have embezzled $70,000. MSA is audited annually and the MSA Treasurer monitors MSA expenditures so there is no way that this could be true. report instead of publicly criticizing her. Again in the same memo, Kittrie asked to see the letter of appointment from Rackham for George Liu, Tim Scarneccia, and Gus Teschke. If Kittrie was really concerned whether they had been appointed, he could have asked Mike Phillips privately to show him the letter or he could have called Rackham Presi- dent, Tracy Ore. Instead, Kittrie chose to publicly question the integrity of Phillips as well as the integrity of Liu, Scarneccia, 0i 4bz £irb wu &dlg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Focus: Black F '.M I~ Vol. IC, No. 83 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Stop Club Fed THE FEDERAL Reserve Board is on a power quest. Its recent decision to amend the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 by allowing banks to enter the corpo- tate bond market shows its desire to simultaneously take on Congressional ;duties andderegulate an extremely :volatile market. Bonds, usually issued to raise funds for corporate and government use, pay a higher rate of interest than a savings account. Banks were previously al- lowed to sell government bonds which are as safe as a savings account because the government is the backer. Corporate bonds, on the other hand, are a gamble because they are backed by corporations which can go bankrupt and renege on the bonds. The Glass-Steagall Act, a response to the overwhelming number of banks that failed during the Depression, was designed to regulate an industry filled with an unethical practice: the selling of corporate bonds at artificially high prices to offset bad loans. - The Fed had no right to make this decision because Congress failed a bill last year which also amended the Glass-Steagall Act. The Fed's recent decision contradicts that of Congress and even surpasses the Presidential veto as a power move because it is not only rejecting a Congressional deci- sion, it is enacting its own decision. The Fed's main duty is to set interest rates, which determine whether people save or spend their money. Spending strengthens the economy while saving .makes it stagnant. Spending also de- creases unemployment while saving increases it. While there are other fac- tors that affect the economy, interest rates are the main determinant. The Fed is already empowered with the autonomy to control the economy by determining interest rates. It should not be allowed to create major legisla- tion. The members of the triad com- posing the U.S. government power structure are the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch +- the Federal Reserve Board is not included. Supposedly, the three main branches serve as checks and bal- ances for each other, ultimately con- trolled by the U.S. electorate. The Fed, however, operates without even the pretense of a check. The Federal Reserve Board's inter- ests are with the banking industry. It is not qualified to make impartial deci- sions that will also affect U.S. citizens, who currently face the threat of an overwhelming number of bank failures similar to those during the Depression. Savings and loan banks are currently plagued by bad loans, as were banks before the Depression. Despite the parallels between then and now, the Fed is allowing banks to drown in the quagmire of bad loans. By allowing banks to work at offset- ting these loans through the selling of corporate bonds, the Fed is merely creating a superficial solution. The corporate bond market is not large enough to save the troubled banks. Eventually, the banks will fail, and federal insurance will lack the funds to reimburse the people who lose their savings. A depression similar to that of the 1930s could result. The Fed's decision favors major U.S. banks, which want to become more competitive with larger foreign banks. Big banks, however, are not in the interest of the United States - a stable economy is. The Fed is also endangering the economy by adding more competition to an extremely competitive market. Currently, only a handful of securities firms can afford to sell corporate bonds because of a small profit-margin. The introduction of more competition will drive prices lower and could result in a monopoly. The Fed has enough power as it is. This elite little club of economic experts is operating as if it is beyond reproach and must be stopped immediately by Congress. By The Black Student Union, Linda Stafford, The Diamond Club, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity This article is a rebuttal to the editorial "Exploitative Pageant" (Daily, 1/10/89). The Daily has a very misinformed opinion of the 'Ms. Black University of Michigan Pageant,' and wrote a piece that is full of inaccuracies and misconceptions. First and foremost The Ms. Black U. of M. Pageant' IS NOT A BEAUTY CONTEST! This, in itself, disproves any and all accusations that this pageant is sexist, exploitative, and will be an event where women will be judged by their faces and bodies. The insinuation is offensive, and shows the ignorance of the Daily edi- torial board. The purpose of this program is to exhibit and exemplify the talent and accomplishments of Black women on this campus, and in so doing highlight the achievements of Black women throughout history. This is not an event sponsored so that Black women can compete in the same types of competitions as white women as mentioned by the Daily. It is a cultural event designed specifically for Black women to accentuate Black heritage and pride. This Pageant is full of tradition and was an annual event sponsored by Kappa Al- pha Psi Fraternity. The last winner of this competition was Ms. Angela Deaver, who won in 1980 and is currently a recruiter for Harvard University. The Pageant has not been produced in the last several years, but dedicated individuals are bringing it back to its former prominence with the ex- pressed intention of bringing the achieve- ments of Black women to the forefront. This is an opportunity for the University populace as well as the community at large to learn about Black history and cul- ture. The contestants will be judged in five areas of competition: talent, question and answer, formal wear, athletic/sportswear, and how well that present historical in- formation about a famous Black woman by- five judges, three of whom will be women from the community. We are ap- palled at the statement by the Daily that ulture another whether we are of the same sex or not. There was an informational meeting held on January 17, 1989 where many of the Daily's misinterpretations could have been corrected. There was not a Daily staffer present, nor did the Daily approach anyone involved in the Pageant's produc- tion with questions about its purpose and orientation. The opinions of Black women * on this campus were ignored completely, except for a quote from a friend of the per- son assigned to write the editorial who is, biased against pageants in general. There was no interviewing of -Black women to get a consensus of their feeling towards 'This is not an event sponsored so that Black women can com- pete in the same types of competitions as white women as men- tioned by the Daily.' we will impose some Eurocentric value of beauty upon the young women in the Pageant, and -that Black men should not celebrate Black women. We are proud of our African heritage, of the perserverance of our people in our never ending struggle for equality. It is a reflection of society as a whole and its stereotypical treatment of Black issues in which the media blames the problems of victims (Blacks) on the victims when society (whites) themselves are the perpetraters of the crime. We accept and respect our women for the traits and attributes they possess and not some fan- tasy that white people try to impress upon us. In this day more so than ever it is necessary for Black people to support one the Pageant. This letter states the facts which the Daily refused to cover and the research needed to expound a fact based opinion. The sheer fact that the Daily has the audacity to dare to print such an asinine, biased and uninformed opinion shows their lack of professionalism and morality. If the Daily staff can not ' cover a story or event and give an accurate portrayal then they have no business covering it, or for that matter publishing a paper PERIOD! We demand not only a public apology from The Daily, but also an improvement in their coverage of Black stories and events. 0 0 "Ito .'" " -:::----:::---: - - - -.----":--.-:.--.-":::.v.:.":: -vr.- Lettes tothe'edito HE~-------- Daily shows its bias To the Daily: . For months, a debate has been waged on the opinion page of your newspaper. Editorial and letter after edito- rial and letter argued whether the avowedly anti-zionism of your staff and others sharing such views can be equated with anti-semitism. Professor Mazrui defended himself. Members of the Palestine Solidarity Committee asked, "How can we be anti-Semitic when the Palestinian people are a Semitic neonle?" truly seem to be: anti-Jewish. Your editorial entitled "Ethiopians Exploited" (Daily, 1/23/89) was a racist piece of journalism, plain and simple. Your staff tries to stand at the forefront of the struggle to end all bigotry and racism; editori- als daily explain that fact to us. While you recognize the plight of the Ethiopian people as "a situation of virtually un- paralleled suffering," you claim that any attempt to lead thou- sands of those sufferers out of their dire situation is a ruse: "a ruse disguised as humanitarianism." That these Ethiopians are Jewish is your only justification for prevent- ing their departure from that civil war-torn nation. This ity that thousands of sufferers may no longer suffer, that the lives of individuals and fami- lies may move on to a better, easier situation, where health care, food, and shelter are available. Are there any other people anywhere in the world that your opinion page staff would tell to stay put and endure suf- fering, despite the opportunity to flee to a better life? Please tell us if there are. Until then, I shall continue to believe that it is only because these Ethiopian people are Jewish that you will not allow them to escape their suffering. -Ted Deutch January 25 harass anyone, but we now realize that what we did was offensive. We are sorry that we may have angered or embarrassed two fellow students, and the University as a whole. We regret that we embarrassed our teammates and our coach. Our only explanation is that we are young and acted impulsively. It was an isolated incident and will not be repeated. We know that we may be held to a higher standard than other students because we represent the University in intercollegiate athletics. It is a privilege to represent this University, and along with that privilege, we accept greater - --;nn mi rm. y . n . nihic± al - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->«";: I-I 1T^ I