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Ninety-nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. IC, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 26, 1989 Copyright 1989, The Michigan Daily
gets an'F'
0 *
in the Ann Arbor Figure
for the Fraser Precision
PIRGIM criticizes
state's toxic cleanup
Slip-Sliding away
Members of the Hockettes Precision Skating Team,
Skating Club exhibition yesterday at Veteran's
Competition, which takes place Saturday.
made up of
Ice Arena.
to 19-year-olds, skate
team is preparing
LSA rejects
The LSA Executive Committee Monday re-
jected a Black candidate to fill an open tenured
faculty position in the Sociology Department,
despite the unanimous recommendation of two
search committees.
A University of Wisconsin professor of Soci-
ology was removed from consideration for the
position by the committee of assistant LSA
deans and their head, LSA Dean Peter Steiner,
because of her "failure to fulfill our hopes and
expectations," according to a Jan. 23 University
9 memorandum.
Steiner and LSA Associate Dean for Academic
Appointments John Cross have both declined
comment on the matter.
After an 18-month search, the Department of
Sociology and the Program in Women's Studies
both decided on the Wisconsin tenured professor
as the best qualified candidate for a joint position
in Women's Studies and Sociology. Members of
the Sociology Department have requested that her
name not be publicized.
"She is very well-qualified, and well above
the average of our and the College's tenured fac-
ulty, and other relevant criteria," read a Jan. 16
University memorandum. "And she is a highly
valued tenured member of the only Sociology
Department consensually rated higher than
Psychology Prof. Abby Stewart, director of
the University's Women's Studies program, said
the decision "reflects the unquestioning applica-
tion of very narrow and traditional criteria for the
evaluation of academic scholarship."
She said the decision also questions the over-
all credibility of the Michigan Mandate, Univer-
sity President James Duderstadt's plan to increase
the number of minority faculty on campus.
"Not only do I think they won't deliver on the
,k prof.
Michigan Mandate, they can't as long as they use
this criteria. What that suggests is that someone
hasn't thought through exactly what it will take
to implement the Michigan Mandate."
Sociology Department Chair James House
called the Executive Committee decision a
He said that the Executive Committee usually
follows the recommendation of the search com-
mittee when considering a candidate, but it
"didn't happen in this case."
Both House and Stewart have requested a
meeting with Duderstadt, Steiner, and the Execu-
tive Committee to review the decision.
Stewart said the rejection of the candidate is
especially destructive because the Sociology De-
partment is losing two of its Black faculty
members. Professor Aldon Morris has left the
University for Northwestern and is reportedly not
See Denial, Page 2
Michigan's environmental laws
are too lax to make effective use of
the $425 million that voters have
authorized for toxic waste cleanup,
according to a report released yester-
day by the Public Interest Research
Group In Michigan.
The report compared Michigan's
laws with those of other states and
the federal government, giving the
state a letter grade of an 'F' on 10
out of 14 criteria for operating an
effective cleanup program.
Michigan currently ranks fourth
in the nation for the number of toxic
waste sites considered to be danger-
ous, according to the PIRGIM re-
Washtenaw county contains 35
hazardous waste sites. Two of these,
owned by the University, are on the
state's "low priority" list.
"This. report shows that under
present law, Michigan simply does
not have the ability to use the funds
from the Environmental Bond to
clean up the state's 2000 toxic waste
sites," said Andy Buchsbaum, PIR-
GIM program director and co-author
of the report.
Buchsbaum said state agencies
must be given stronger powers to
negotiate with polluters to get them
to investigate and clean up sites, or
to clean up sites themselves when
In November, Michigan voters
passed 2-1 a proposal to authorize
the sale of $425 million in bonds to
be spent, in addition to federal funds,
on hazardous waste cleanup.
PIRGIM compared Michigan's
environmental laws with those of
New Jersey, California, New York,
Washington, Minnesota, Mas-
sachusetts, Oregon, and the federal
government. Massachusetts' laws
were rated the highest, with an A-
minus, as a result of that state's
passage of a state version of the fed-
eral Superfund.
The report criticizes Michigan
law for giving the Department of
Natural Resources no new express
authority, to clean up sites. When
Oregon's Department of Environ-
mental Quality issues a cleanup or-
der, in contrast, the recipient cannot
appeal until they have first cleaned
up the site, and only then can peti-
tion to be reimbursed.
The reports adds that Michigar
law is weak because it lacks penal-
ties for violators. New Jersey law
provides that a person who violates
any provision of the law shall be
subject to penalty of up to $50,000
each day, if a daily amount is appro-
The federal Superfund - man-
aged by the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency - currently specifies
the cleanup of 1,177 hazardous sites
nationwide that are eligible for the
$1.8 billion program. But the list
leaves hundreds of sites in Michigan
and tens of thousands of sites na-
tionwide currently ineligible for fed-
eral attention.
"Taxpayers voted to make the
down payment on cleanup in
November by passing the Bond,"
Buchsbaum said. "That was ,the first
step. Now, it's up to public officials
See Waste, Page 2
W. Germans raid offices
in weapons investigation
BONN, West Germany (AP) - ducted the searches in cities special session yesterday to discus
Authorities raided the offices of three throughout the country seized a huge official handlin of the affair.
companies and the homes of 12 quantity of material, especially from Members of the opposition S
people yesterday in an investigation Inhausen-Chemie, that will take cial Democratic Party singled of
of allegations that West German time to examine, Voegele said. Foreign Minister Hanx-Eietric
firms helped Libya build a suspected yAllegations of West German in- Genscher and Finance Minister Ge
chemical weapons plant.
Some politicians, meanwhile,
accused Chancellor Helmut Kohl's
government of bungling West Ger-
many's initial response to the
allegations, and a magazine reported
that companies had helped Iraq build
a rocket factory.
Customs authorities searched the
offices and homes "on suspicion that
export laws had been violated" with
deliveries to the Libyan plant, said
Hubertus Voegele, spokesman for
the prosecutor's office in Offenburg.
U.S. officials say Libya intends
to produce poison gas at the plant,
but Libya says it is a pharmaceutical
West German officials who con-
volvement in the Libyan plant came
to light late last year.
Kohl's government at first denied
any wrongdoing by West German
firms, and exonerated Imhousen-
Chemie after an investigation earlier
this month.
But officials have acknowledged
over the past two weeks that several
companies appear to have provided
materials or know-how to the
Libyans, including a company
owned by the government, Salzzgit-
ter Industriebou AG.
A day after U.S. senators accused
Kohl's government of looking the
other way during such operations,
the Foreiign Affairs Committee of
the West German parliament met in
hard Stoltenberg for criticism.
Lawmaker Norbert Gansel said
Stoltenberg "did nothing" after
learning from the U.S. embassy in
Bonn last may that Washington
suspected West German firms of
involvement with the LIbyan plant.
Another prominent Social
Democrat, Karsten Voigtt, said it
was "unbelievable" Genscher could
have been uniformed for months
about intelligence reports that West
German firms helped with the plant.
Bronfman said Genscher assured
him West Germany would do its
best to see that the Libyan plant
would not be used to produce
chemical weapons.
Visiting Prof. Christina Jose-Kampfner speaks about the experiences of Chicana and
Black women in Michigan's state prisons yesterday in the Women's Studies lounge.
Speaker says women inmates
are really victims themselves
. Court delays exam
for alleged dealer
The majority of women inmates are victims of cir-
cumstances beyond their control, Dr. Christina Jose-
Kampfner said yesterday at a presentation on "Black
and Chicana Women Prisoners."
Kampfner said that 99 percent of all women pris-
oners have been sexually abused as children, 79 percent
are single mothers, and some have been victims of
abuse from their husbands.
Their motives for committing crime are mostly acts
of self-defense - a way to protect both themselves
and their children, Kampfner said.
"A lot of the cultural differences are taken in court
as a negative thing," she said. "Minority groups get it
in court if they kill their husbands unless they have
LSA senior and suspected drug
dealer Christopher Brown's prelimi-
nary examination in Ann Arbor's
15th District Court was delayed until
Feb. 15 yesterday.
Brown was arrested last week on
Goldstien asked Judge Pieter
Thomassen to lower the original
bond of $100,000 to $50,000, and
requested a "10 percent-ruling."
A 10 percent ruling - originally
denied by the judge - allows the
accused to be released from jail after
beyond her control is made into a criminal. But
Kampfner said it is an accurate one, and a common
problem for the majority of the 70 prisoners that she
has interviewed.
Kampfner herself has experienced some of the hu-
miliation involved with being a prisoner, she said.
Part of her visitation "privileges" include a routine
strip search by male guards from the Huron Valley
Women's facility.
The prisoners themselves can be stripped and
searched at the discretion of the guards and don't even
have privacy when going to the bathroom. Specifi-
cally, Kampfner described a situation where a male
guard opened the stall of a bathroom door while one of