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January 25, 1989 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-25

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Women's Swimming
vs. Michigan State
Sunday, 2 p.m.
Canham Natatorium


vs. Ohio State
Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Crisler Arena


The Michigan Daily

Wednesday, January 25, 1989

The Holl Truth

Sir Frieder falls again to
the mighty Red Knight

Once upon a time, in a fieldhouse
far beyond the lowland valley,
reigned the fearless Red Knight of
the Hoosiers. The Red Knight had
ruled the Indiana territory for 17
years. He was known across many
borders to intimidate his subjects
with a temper as hot as burning
coals and an iron chair-flinging arm
that made referees of the flat lands
cower in fright.
Two starry nights ago, the
mighty Red Knight stormed into
Crisler Arena to joust with his long-
time archrival Sir Frieder of Ann Ar-
bor. Whispers of the battle were
sweeping steadily from village to
Ironically, the Red Knight and Sir
Frieder were leading into the contest
two bands of warriors whose for-
tunes have reversed.
ONLY THREE fortnights ago,
Sir Frieder was being hailed as the
more noble and apt leader with an
unconquerable force of superbly
athletic players. The Red Knight on
the other hand, had been relegated to
a season of mediocrity.
CTwo yearshago, Bob The
Conqueror, as the Red Knight was
once dubbed, was the supremetruler
of~the land. But since then, his grasp
upon the throne hath weakened.
Ritnors sayeth a mid-reign crisis.
Indiana was not mentioned when
Merlin predicted who would emerge
the4 ultimate victor of the valley.
Instead it was Sir Frieder's mighty
mih of Michiganders who some said
would wear the Big Ten crown.
Recently however, the situation
h0th flipped. Sir Frieder has slipped
from his high ranking and subjects
in humble villages beyond the Arena
are questioning His Majesty and the
warriors of the square court. Now the
peasants are singing the praises of
the Red Knight and his band of
Hoosiers. Of course, it is such a
well-kept secret what exactly a
Hoosier is, for no squire in the land
dare sayeth.

BEFORE the first of the week,
Bob The Conqueror had won 12
straight contests after starting off the
season 3-4. This season the Red
Knight also gained his 500th career
win, the most ever by a Big Ten
coach. Sir Heathcote, Leader of the
Michigan State Spartans said he was
not surprised at the Red Knight's
recent surge. "I've never seen a
Bobby Knight team not progress as
the season moves on."
Sir Frieder, on the other hand,
before Monday had lost two
conference games, one in the waning
moments, as well as a game to a
Division II outfit. Some subjects
dismissed the loss to Alaska-
Anchorage as a fluke, others were
not so kind and criticized Sir Frieder.
Monday night was important to
both combatants. Sir Frieder needed
to climb back up in the rankings and
show the fans his team could defend
its kingdom and make a strong
charge for the coveted crown. The
Red Knight wanted to establish dom-
inance in foreign territory while con-
tinuing his swift ascent to the top of
the Big Ten. Moreover, both leaders
were still nourishing the rivalry in
which the Red Knight led, 10-8.
On the fated night not a peasant
was sleeping as 13,609 people came
to watch the joust. Indiana's Jay
Edwards and Michigan's Glen Rice
were the main attractions and by
9:30 p.m. they had sharpened their
lances to a deadly point and were
ready to go. Both Edwards and Rice
finished the night leading their teams
with 29 and 19 points, respectively.
IT WAS A hard-fought battle
the entire way as neither side could
gain a convincing lead. The point
margin between them teetered and
not even the boisterous villagers
could rally Michigan past the
Kirk Taylor and Demetrius Calip,
who had recently been but mere
bench knaves, saw some action in
the contest and performed well with

Michigan's Glen Rice tried to
attempt at the Big Ten crown.
Knight prevailed 70-71.
strong defense and supporting roles.
Still, Sir Frieder limited their
playing time, even after Rumeal
Robinson fouled out with 7:38
remaining. Sir Frieder hash been
bemoaning his lack of a true guard,
but yet when Robinson sat down,
Taylor and Calip remained seated.
Sir Frieder, trailing by one with
14 seconds left, called time out to
set up a play. The nail-biting crowd
was looking for Rice to shoot and so
was Sir Frieder. The Red Knight
also thought Rice would be the hero,
so he made sure his players denied
him the ball.
THE FANS then looked to
Sean Higgins to save the day, but
when Higgins saw Terry Mills with
him on the wing, he felt he had to
give Mills the ball. The court jester
laughed at Mills for he was not
usually seen so far from the basket.
Mills, Sir Frieder's best inside
player when he puts his mind to it,
tossed up a three-point hail Mary,
but she didn't answer. Instead the
ball fell to Mark Hughes who also
failed to score.

slam the lid on the Hoosiers'
But Jay Edwards and the Red
Time expired and the Red Knight
had beaten Sir Frieder again, exten-
ding his win streak to 13. And
Michigan had lost a close one again.
Sir Frieder's subjects were won-
dering what went wrong and what
their heros could have done to win
the essential contest. The poor folk
felt betrayed.
"We played our butts off," Hig-
gins said. "It's hard to say what we
should have done or could have done.
It was a heart breaker. Every-body is
down, but we're Michigan and we're
going to have to bounce back."
The villagers of Ann Arbor spent
the rest of the night shaking their
humble heads as the Red Knight and
his Hoosiers retreated in jubilation
to Indiana. Sir Frieder's subjects
have almost conceded the Big Ten
title to a more worthy band, for they
know only a miracle can stop
Illinois or Indiana.
The Ann Arbor land can only
hope its band of warriors can bounce
back, lick their wounds, and mount
up again in time for their quest to
conquer Seattle's Sherwood Forest.

Page 12
'M' tops list for
many recruits
The Rose Bowl is fading into fond memories, and next season is many
moons away. But for Michigan's football coaches, this may be the busiest
time of the year.
It's recruiting time!
It is also the busiest time for recruiting coordinator Bob Chmiel, who
organizes coaches jetting all over the country, and recruits coming from all
over for paid weekend visits.
The official signing period begins February 8, and Chmiel, under NCAA
rules, can't confirm that players have made verbal commitments to sign.
We can.
At least nine high schoolers have said they will accept Michigan
scholarship offer. Several others are rumored to have decided to come to Ann
Arbor. And a bunch more say Michigan is either the favorite or co-favorite
for them.
OF THE NINE athletes who have committed, Ninef Aghakhan may be
the best prospect, and the most interesting. Born in Iraq, and fluent in
Assyrian, Aghakhan is a 6-foot-4, 255 pound defensive lineman. The nex
Messner? Could be. Aghakhan, from Mt. Pleasant, Illinois, plans to study
Kickers don't usually make recruiting news, but for Michigan in 1989, it
may be the key position to fill. Chris Stapleton was an All-State tight end
out of Springfield Illinois, but his foot is what really brought Michigan's
Tight end Marc Burkholder and fullback Mike Nadlicki led Traverse City
to a state championship this year. Next year, they have said they will play
for the Big Ten champion Wolverines.
Todd Martens, a 6-4, 270 pound defensive lineman, knows about champ-
ionships. He won three as a wrestler in high school.
Todd, meet Tim. Alvarado, that is. You'll probably be seeing the 61
offensive lineman quite a bit in practice. Alvarado, at 255 pounds, knows h
has to work on his upper body strength.
TWO OF THE nine who have verbally committed are linebackers and
homegrown products. Steve Rekowski out of Dearborn Divine Child, and
Dave Dobreff from Mt. Clemens.
Finally, Troy Plate, cousin of Michigan's Todd Plate, has also made a
verbal commitment.
Rod Smith may be the best center prospect in the land. Smith attends
Cleveland St. Joseph. Former teammates, Elvis Grbac and Desmond Howard
(two names to remember) were redshirt frosh for Michigan this season.
Running back, Wagner Lester (see story) has said Michigan is number
one. Published reports say the same is true of Eric Graves, a highly touted
lineman from Akron and Bill Lange, a tight end from Palatine, Illinois who
played both offense and defense as well as on the kicking team, in high
school. Some reports say Lange has already committed to Schembechler",
but sources at his high school were unaware of a decision as of yesterday.
Michigan has landed some prizes. Some real cream of the crop players
with the Wolverines high on their lists, however, have yet to decide.
Defensive backfield coach Bill Harris was out in California a couple of
weeks before the Rose Bowl. But it wasn't to scout out a good hotel
Harris' recruiting area includes California and his main goal was 6-7, 280
pound, offensive lineman Bob Whitfield from Wilmington. Harris is oh-so
close, as Whitfield's choice is down to Michigan, Miami and Stanford.
MICHIGAN IS also among the final three for the services of
quarterback Doug Musgrave from Boulder, Colorado. Michigan lost out on
all-everything QB Rick Mirer, who has committed to Notre Dame. Monday,
they lost another signal-caller when Michigan's best product, Rob Woolfork
from Detroit Henry Ford, reportedly committed to Colorado. These twO
losses may make Musgrave a top priority.
Closer to home, Sylvester Stanley from Youngstown, Ohio may be
better than any defensive lineman who has already committed. According to
his coach, Bob Beal, it looks like either Michigan or Ohio State, with
Michigan State on the outside.
Stanley exemplifies the big-time college recruit. He was 6-3, 235 iq
ninth grade, and was a three year, All-City selection. If you were recruiting
and didn't know Sylvester, you weren't doing your job. Stanley visited Ohio
State last weekend. During the week, Michigan's head coach Bo
Schembechler paid a visit to Youngstown East High School to talk td
Stanley and his mother and prepare him for his visit to Ann Arbor:
Schembechler gets around this time of year.
Stanley has come and gone and should be deciding soon.
With all the attention on football, all these guys may sometimes forge
that they're deciding where to go to school.
"I try to tell him, 'first of all it's education. You're there to get ai
education first'," Stanley's coach Beal says.
Considering Michigan's academic reputation, Chmiel and the rest oQ
Michigan's staff are hoping the players take heed.
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