OPINION qI The Michigan Daily: ?p Page 4 Wednesday, January 25, 1989 Jai By Herb Hall and Anne Martinez On January 16, 1989 the University, the nation, and the world celebrated the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition, many members of the University ac- knowledged Diversity Day. The King hol- iday, as most of us know, was a salute to the man, his struggle and his vision of unity. For African Americans and Latinos at the University, it was a renewal of our declaration of unity. As the so called "diversity" at this university, we have no need for Diversity Day. The vision of unity, for us, is not limited to one day. At the University, King's birthday "jes grew" into the Martin Luther King (hyphen) Diversity Day anomaly. Why was there a need to amend King's Day? Was the fear that students would demand a C6sar Chavez Day or a Malcolm X Day the motivation for turning MLK Day into Diversity Day? If so, Diversity Day be- came a way in which to reduce the birth- day of this great African American to something less than his agenda of unity. The student leaders designed an agenda to keep Duderstadt from diluting this day and reducing its intent to, perhaps, a fashion- 4ble event. On January 16, Happy Birth- Jay was the ticket! The celebration of King's birthday is the sruggle for unity. The glory of this day is Herb Hall is a Rackham graduate stu- ent. Anne Martinez is a LSA senior. . 16: greater than the idea of Diversity Day. Unity is not the administration's agenda. Unity belongs to students, gay males, the homeless, alumnae, workers, faculty, les- bian females, non-students, males, greeks, females, alumni, and other participants. Any one of these people is a minority; and any two are representative of diversity. Diversity is not pretentious, but the idea of a diversity day, of pretending to actually suspend sexism, racism, and homophobia, or pretending to include ethnic minority scholars and artists for a day is preten- tious. Was the administration's observance a commitment to the idea of diversity, or to the day? We believe a commitment to the idea of diversity would enhance the university's future; a commitment to the day only, however, encourages selective amnesia tomorrow. Diversity Day was created to include ethnic minorities and themes of diversity otherwise excluded from the University's agenda on a day-to-day basis. Would a more appropriate name be Inclusion Day? By Inclusion Day, we mean to indicate a day during which Latinos, African Ameri- cans, and other ethnic minority groups are included in this agenda. The University was no more or less diverse on January 16 than on any other day. The day was obvi- ously meant to appear inclusive from the way in which ethnic minorities, from elsewhere, were invited to temporarily fill the ethnic void on campus. On Inclusion Day, did ethnic minorities, long excluded from American history, culture, text- Inclusion books, lectures, and daily conversation, (at last) gain due recognition? The illusion of Inclusion Day is over. Inclusion Day and its observers are gone. For us, it's busi- ness as usual, meaning the struggle against sexism, homophobia, and racism. Who are these groups that are represen- tative of this diversity, and how are we to identity their presence? The ethnic "minorities" the University "discovered" are: the Native Americans, the Hispanics, the blacks [sic] and the Asians. The Uni- versity is not exegetic in how it chooses to identify these groups. Day until 1989 that the administration is ready to acknowledge those who precluded the University? We believe the administrative observance was designed to enhance noth- ing but its own image. Are we in fact ob- serving these peoples - ethnic minorities - as some sort of bizarre discovery? It seems strange, suddenly being discovered by the University and being dubbed "diversity". Thousands of years of dis- parate histories reduced to "diversity". On January 16, the people who were united brought something with them. An understanding, at least, of what the real 'Why was there a need to amend King's Day? Was the fear that students would demand a C6sar Chivez Day or a Malcolm X Day the motivation for turning MLK Day into Diversity Day?' racism, intolerance, and ignorance will be replaced by the fever of unity. Again, unity is not an administrative agend 9 unity is students' activity. What are we to think of Inclusion Day, now that it's over? What are we to think of the University, now that the Latino and African American scholars and artists have left and returned to their homes? Now that the campus has observed diversity, what can we expect the University to know about us, about Latinos and African. Americans? Can we expect to be identified by the administration as we identify our- selves? Can we expect to be acknowledged for our histories, our struggles, our uniqueness from centuries past through today? Can we expect to come across "The Chicano Movement" and "African Ameri- can women and gender politics" in thb next course guide that comes out? Can we expect even one single Latino faculty hire? Can we expect African American staff ins, positions other than custodian? Can we celebrate ethnic diversity in the Fleming Building or only in Building Operations? Inclusion Day should not be the only measurement for the presence of Latino or African American scholars. The "U-M' scholar-for-a-day" must be a supplement, not a substitution for a vibrant, ethnically heterogeneous faculty, staff, and student community. We should never again have to ask "Who are the African Americans?" We should never again have to ask "Where are the Latinos?" Who are today's Latinos and African Americans? The African Americans today are descendents of twenty African inden- tured servants in Jamestown, Virginia, circa 1600, and other African freepersons and slaves, who followed them into America's slavocracy. Today's Chicanos are the descendents of the Mexicans who were already present and settled in Califor- nia by the time Anglos fell upon Ply- mouth Rock. Are today's African Ameri- cans and Latinos, the descendents of these early Americans, to be the beneficiaries of Inclusion Day and its observance? Is it not intent of this day was about. We can even say that perhaps for this one day the racist marched along side its object of racism. People, all of us brought to this campus from elsewhere, are the carriers of a selec- tive bias. If not diagnosed and addressed, this bias can grow into racism; for exam- ple, and become institutionalized. The virus of racism, intolerance, and ignorance thrives at the University. Duderstadt pre- scribed Inclusion Day - as if all the members of the University's diverse community were suffering from the identical social disease. The virus of P' 4.i * ' !, beirb T~xtwn4~ .liI Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan ........................................*...-....* .*.... ..... .. ... . .... ... ...... .. . . :"...., :. .i::?>::::::::::::"::::. . ::.:::: ::::::.. ::: ::::::": :"..:...:":::..:::... :...}: :::.}":..is........}....f......:'.'. rB-.E " 8~ UE L e U. U.EE W-~~ -.-4 14 ............... 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. IC, No.82. Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Fraternity rush: Don't buy the hype FRATERNITY RUSH, the biannual plague, is here again. Campus is strewn with flyers encouraging would- be frat men to come along and "become a part of the picture," and to understand that "membership has its privileges." The kind of exclusivity represented in slogans like these is exactly the kind of exclusivity fraternities promote. Though American institutions like fra- ternities believe in exclusivity, and as- pire to it, it is critical to examine their existence based on who they exclude, and why. Like the college campuses where they 'are found, fraternities have a history of white male supremacy. They were designed by and for white men. Women are now admitted to histori- cally male colleges, and sororities - originally called fraternities for women now exist. Some people of color are now admitted to historically white col- leges and fraternities. Yet change on individual levels has little to do with the institutionalized exclusion fraternities .and colleges practice. Until World War Two, the charter of one fraternity stated that a requirement for membership was "men of full Aryan blood". As a result of Hitler's use of the word Aryan, and the impli- cations he attached to it, the charter was amended to read "white Christian men." And in the fifties, when fraternities first came under scrutiny for being racist institutions, the charter was again amended to read "men in keeping with the traditions of the fraternity." In keeping with the tradition of full Aryan blood. The kind of evolution this particular charter underwent is exemplary of the evolution of fraternities, and the stan- - -- .e tional change is going to occur, these standards must be replaced with stan- dards inclusive of all people, not ex- clusive of virtually all people. Fraternities, through their exclusiv- ity, establish networks which are ina- cessible to women and people of color. Because frat men go on to become "leaders" these networks continue. Those in the know benefit, while ev- eryone else is marginalized. It comes as no surprise that 95 percent of the people in Congress are fraternity alums. It is no coincidence that at a time when the University is taking increas- ing control in the lives of students, and becoming increasingly restrictive, frats are thriving. Because they are "off campus" frats are not under the juris- diction of the student harassment pol- icy. Music and demonstrations on the Diag are allowed for one hour a day, yet fraternities can pollute and litter the community with screaming parties and plastic beer cups until dawn. Commu- nity awareness attempts like spray painted slogans on sidewalks or shanties on the Diag are called 'eyesores' and washed away and torn down while offensive frat advertise- ments - like "Get A Heart On"- hang from trees and stick to benches, rails, bark, walls, sidewalks, chalk- boards, bulletin boards, kiosks, doors. It is not possible to walk across the Diag and avoid the rush signs, yet ev- ery day people ignore the significance of the shanties. Like the University, fraternities ex- clude more people than they include. Both institutions choose to do so be- cause they believe in the classist notion that exclusivity implies higher quality. Yet they still want us to helieve that In defense of Farley To the Daily: As graduate students of soci- ology and economics who have been associated with Professor Ren Farley through courses, dissertation committees and as trainees at the Population Studies Center, we find that the accusations of racism and sex- ism printed in the Michigan Daily in December are incon- gruous with our knowledge of Dr. Farley as a researcher, teacher and individual. Professor Farley has spent most of hiscareer examining aspects of race and gender; in so doing he has helped bring the study of these issues into the mainstream of sociological inquiry. Students have benefit- ted from his enduring interest by having courses offered in which race and gender differen- tials are discussed dispassion- ately and objectively. In our experience, no racist or sexist remarks or incidences have ever been attributed to Professor Farley. We find the manner in which he was publicly ma- ligned in the Daily not only inappropriate, but damaging to the pursuit of scholarly re- search and teaching in these ar- eas. We wish to express our sup- port and appreciation for Pro- fessor Farley, and hope that this incident does not drive him from the kind of effort which produced his excellent recent book, co-authored with Walter Allen, The Color Line and the Quality of Life. Anyone read- ing this book would be forced to question the validity of the accusations against Dr. Farley. It is especially saddening to us, living in a society in which racism and sexism continueto have a strong foothold, that a man who has devoted his career to focusing our attention on these areas through his careful scientific research, should be the ill-chosen target of this at- tack. -29 Population Studies Center Graduate students January 12 T1 the instigation of coup at- tempts across the African con- tinent, it is incredible that the Opinion Page staff can still find it in them to declare the United States the aggressor in this most recent clash between American and Libyan aircraft. The assertion that the United States was somehow preparing to attack Libya's disputed "pharmaceutical" plant is in- sulting, and absurd. The en- gagement between the Libyan and American aircraft came some 70 miles north of Libya's coast, in international airspace, and over 500 miles from the Libyan chemical weapons plant at Rabta. Above and beyond this the American aircraft in- volved in the clash were not even equipped with an air-to- ground capability. More amaz- ing still is the suggestion by the Opinion Page staff that the two Libyan jets were unarmed. It is clearly evident, even to apprentice aero-engineers such as ourselves, that the plane de- picted in the photographs printed by the Daily is a MiG- 23 Flogger armed with two air- to-air missiles on its under- wing pylons, and another two on fuselage hardpoints. This is supposed to be a newspaper, not a vehicle for advancing it staff's political agenda irrespective of the facts. Aerial encounters occur be- tween U.S. and Soviet-Bloc aircraft all the time, and with- out incident. But there are cer- tain rules that are understood and followed. Of course we'll shoot down a pair of Libyan jets that ignore five warnings to keep their distance. As for the alleged "pharmaceutical" plant, that is a separate issue. We will only add that both American and British intelli- gence agencies have indepen- dently verified that Quadafi in- tends to use the plant for chemical weapons production. There is a difference between being critical of certain U.S. policies, and being anti-estab- lishment to the point of blind- ness. There is a difference be- tween being liberal, and being stupid. Our compliments to the Daily's News staff for sticking to the facts. -John Blow Aa..r e ..n opinion on misconceptions. Particularly upsetting was the caption under the photographs taken from the American fighter planes. The caption read, "Is this evidence of Libyan terrorism? Draw your own conclusions. The State Department did." This imma- ture attitude is something I might expect to find in a scan- dal sheet at the grocery store. This is not the type of journalism that should be en- couraged at the University. The inference in the caption is that the pictures are blurry. Of course the pictures are blurry. These photographs were taken from real fighter planes engaged in real combat. We cannot expect photographic documentation produced under such circumstances to be as clear and breathtaking as the film Top Gun. In spite of the crudity of the pictures, the average person can see that a jet aircraft is the subject, and that there are cer- tain objects hanging from the wings. I do not claim to be an expert on Soviet-built weapons, but I can guess that these objects are missiles de- signed for air-to-air combat. Expanding on this point, the American planes were ap- proached by the Libyans in a hostile manner. The Libyans maneuvered their planes as if they were attacking. Our pilots were forced to respond in self- defense. This situation is anal- ogous to pointing a gun at someone and switching the safety off, which would inar- guably be considered by a sane person as a threatening move, and would most definitely cause that individual to act in his own best interest. The point here is that there is no reason to believe that the downing of those Libyan fighters had anything to do with terrorism. The Daily, in fact, tried to create a new issue out of a story that apparently was not exciting enough to begin with. The smug, smar- tass caption under the pictures was clear evidence to me that the author did not put a great deal of thought into this edito- rial. It served very well as an insult to my intelligence. I would exnect a newsnaner from frustrated and angry because the, posters are put up in areas n'ot designed for advertisement. II see posters on benches, on the sidewalks, on the shanties, on wastebaskets, on the signs of buildings such as the Graduate Library, and taped onto they outside wall of the Natural Re- sources building in the form of a fraternity symbol. I also find posters on they handrails of the bridge by CCRB, on the handrails of the Graduate Library, on light poles, taped to the back of' trees, on the doors of Mason; Hall, and in the bathrooms of~ Residence Halls, even after no- tification by Housing that the' fraternities cannot post in the bathrooms. Nor do I forget the 31 large signs tied to the trees, of the Diag. Try this: sit in the Diag forO one minute and look at one tree. Are trees created to have ropes all over them? The posters, large and smaffi are unattractive and disturbing. to me. They usually end up on the ground as litter. Being posted in non-designated areas makes them litter anyway. The advertisements look like gar- bage and ruin the appearance of campus. I wish that people would; post advertisements and notices for any organization where posters are supposed to be posted: on kiosks and bulletin boards. I also wish that when rush is complete, represen- tatives of the fraternities would take down all of their posters a and save them or dispose ofO them properly. I wish for a clean campus. -Keith Vahlbusch January 17 The Daily Opinion page is actively seek- ing women and mi- norities who are in- terested in writing editorials or doing investigative work. Tha , i rv;ir.r,.s.o Or