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January 25, 1989 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-25

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rage 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 25, 1989

Ann Arbor blood supplies down

The demand placed upon blood supplies by the
number of people who wait until after the holi-
days to have their elective surgery done is
prompting blood shortages throughout the area.
"We have been experiencing a shortage for the
past two weeks," said Carleen Parks, an
administrative assistant at the American Red
Cross Washtenaw County Chapter Blood Donor
Since many people who have a choice post-
pone surgery until after the holidays, this causes
an increase in both the number of operations
performed this time of year and the needed supply
of blood.
Parks said there are two times of the year
when there is a large decrease in the blood supply
- between late August and early September, and

"At the beginning of last week, we made a
media appeal for blood," said Parks, "The Ann
Arbor community responds very well to ap-
Fortunately, however, the Red Cross shortage
is not currently affecting the University hospi-
tal's blood supply.
"Right now we're doing pretty well," said Dr.
Harold Oberman, director of the Blood Bank at
the University Hospital.
This may be due in part to the hospital's
blood bank at the Medical Center, said Toni
Shears, hospital spokesperson, "People can give
autologous donations," when people give their
own blood prior to their elective surgery to in-
sure availability when they need it.
Oberman predicts a blood shortage at the Uni-
versity Hospital in the next two weeks. "During
the first part of February there is often a trough

of blood donation."
"There is an imbalance between supply and
demand," Oberman said, "There needs to be a
better way to recruit donors regularly - to get
people in the habit of giving blood."
Until the early '70s most blood was donated
not for altruistic purposes but as part of insur-
ance incentives in which agencies offered rewards,
monetary or otherwise, for giving blood, said
Oberman said he agrees with the altruistic ap-
proach. The type of person who donated blood for
money often fell into the "undesirable, high risk"
Although limiting blood donors to those who
give for altruistic purposes restricts the total
amount of available blood, if everyone who could
give blood would do so just once a year, said
Oberman, there would be more than enough.

Jewish group favors teaching values

NEW YORK (AP) - A leading
American Jewish civil rights
organization is endorsing the
movement to teach values in public
schools, claiming "moral relativism"
represents a greater danger than the
possibility of church-state abuses.
The American Jewish
Committee, overcoming fears that
Continued from Page 1
head offices, a two-day intensive
program on political and
governmental issues which would
involve several thousand students,
and the organization of student
community service programs.
a"It was a signal that students are
being taken a lot more seriously in
the electorate," said LSA junior Su-
san Overdorf, MSA vice president,
after the meeting.
To help the student representa-
tives better understand the position
of the state government, State Bud-
get Director Shelby Solomon started
yesterday's meeting with a presenta-
tin of the state's budget.
'Federal aid to the state of Michi-
gan and local governments in the
1980's has significantly reduced
compared to the 1970's, Solomon
said. However, he said total spending
from all state sources on higher edu-
cation has increased by 72 percent
since 1983.

values education could be a
"smokescreen for teaching religious
precepts," has approved a report
encouraging schools to define, teach
and "put into action" values that are
the foundation of a democracy.
"I think what happened over the
last 20 years ... was a certain kind of
moral relativism did enter in. There

was confusion about right and
wrong," said Irving Levine, the
committee's director of national
The report, to be released next
month, is considered significant
because of the past reluctance of
many groups representing minority
religions to enter into the issue.

"I think it's a natural evolution of
our attitude and the ability to
distinguish between matters of
religious faith and shared values,"
said Arnold Gardner, vice president
of the American Jewish Committee.
The Jewish committee's report
said that in many cases, religious
and civic values are identical.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Japanese Cabinet member
resigns over stock scandal
TOKYO - Japan's Economic Planning Agency chief resigned.
yesterday, becoming the third Cabinet minister in less than two months
to fall victim to a major stock-trading scandal.
Ken Harada stepped down after news reports said he had received regular
political donations from Recruit Co., the company at the center of the
stock scandal.
Harada's resignation was a serious blow to Prime Minister Noboru
Takeshita, who had reshuffled his Cabinet on Dec. 27 with a pledge to
restore public trust in political ethics.
The Japan Socialist Party, the largest opposition group, quickly called
for Takeshita and the rest of the Cabinet to resign. Opposition criticism
of the administration also was expected to delay parliamentary debate in
coming weeks over the 1989 budget.
Skill test results released
LANSING, Mich. - Results of the latest statewide skills tests of
Michigan students show science scores up, reading scores down, and math:
results about the same, according to reports released yesterday.
All of the fourth, seventh, and tenth graders in the state- about
320,000 students- took the Michigan Educational Assessment Program'
tests last fall. The $420,000 annual test is designed to find out how
many students have minimum competency in essential areas.
Donald Bemis, the state school superintendent, said in addition to
showing how schools should strengthen themselves, the individual test
results show parents, students, and teachers where each student needed
more help.
Killer Bundy gets chair
STARKE, Fla. - Serial killer Ted Bundy was executed yesterday
morning for a murder he committed almost 11 years ago.
Bundy was a 42-year-old law school dropout. He insisted for years,
that he was innocent, although he had been suspected of as many as 36
killings and disappearances.
Late last week he began talking to investigators, giving emotional
confessions to the gruesome slayings of 20 women in four states.
Included were two women in Chi Omega sorority at Florida State
Bundy also confessed to killing 12-year-old Kimberly Leach, the
murder for which he was electrocuted. Leach was kidnapped from her
junior high school on Feb. 9, 1978. Her'body was found three months
later in an abandoned pigsty.
Bundy was reported to be remorseful at the end for his bloody trail of
kidnappings, sadistic sexual mutilations and slayings.
His last words were to his lawyer and a minister: "Give my love to my
family and friends."
Bush vows budget changes
WASHINGTON - President Bush pledged yesterday to submit
detailed revisions to Ronald Reagan's budget next month and suggested,
high-level negotiations between the White House and Congress to
produce an early agreement.
Amid the glow of bipartisan good will on the fourth day of his
presidency, Bush met at the White House with Democratic and,
Republican congressional leaders to seek cooperation on the budget and.
foreign policy.
"Generally there is a very hopeful sense that we are going to be able to
find bipartisanship almost everywhere," said Rep. Jim Wright, D-Texas
after two hours of talks with Bush.
Republicans and Democrats alike said Bush gave no clue about his
budget priorities, but said his proposals would include steps to deal with
the nation's savings and loan crisis.
Bush will address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 9 to reveal
proposals for revising Reagan's $1.15 trillion budget for fiscal 1990.
Dog has first auto accident
NORWALK, Conn. - A car struck a building after a dog sitting in
the front seat bumped the driver out of the vehicle, police said.
The 8-month-old, mixed-breed shepard named Ebony was riding.
shotgun with owner.Joseph Vellone on Sunday when he stopped at a red
light and opened his door to spit.
The dog pushed the Norwalk resident out, and the car rolled through
the intersection toward a utility pole and a building, with Vellone giving

The car, which came to rest against the building, sustained only minor
damage, police said. Vellone received a minor abrasion on his left leg.
The building and Ebony were unharmed, said authorities.


outside the Governor's residence in

Gov. Blanchard greets MSA President

Mike Phillips

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A Beginner's Course is taught by Sensei Takashi Kushida, 8th
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Re actor
Continued from Page 1
These samples often contain
small traces of gold, silver, copper
or iron, Kerr said.
A relatively new service of the
laboratory is neutron radiography -
a complement to the x-ray. By
shooting neutrons at heavy systems
like automative transmissions, re-
searchers can see inside the systems
while they are running and can detect
flaws in the design.
In the past, the problems of waste
disposal and health risks from radia-
tion have raised opposition to nu-
clear power in the United States,
but, Kerr remembers only once when

the Phoenix project was subject to
this opposition.
"On the first anniversary of Three
Mile Island, we got word that there
would be a march from central cam-
pus to the building. About 20 peo-
ple made it. They released black bal-
loons and said, 'If the Ford reactor
were to have an accident, the radia-
tion would spread like these balloons
in the wind."'
The actual number of people who
marched in the demonstration spon-
sored by the Arbor Alliance was over
70. The demonstrators marched three
miles to commemorate the Three
Mile Island accident and urge an end
to the use of nuclear power.
The Phoenix Project currently
sponsors 12-15 grants a year for fac-
ulty members, Kerr said. Including
projects that are renewed or carried
over, about 20-30 people use the
laboratory each year.
The project has funded research
not always considered important by
the government, Kerr said. One of
these projects by former University
Prof. Donald Glaser won the 1960
Nobel Prize in physics for the
development of the space bubble.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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A sexy, steamy, late 1920's musical
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Eitor in Chief Rebecca Blumenstein Sports Edibor Jetf Rush
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News Staff: Victoria Bauer, Scott Chaplin, Laura Cohn, Miguel Cruz, Maricn Davis, Paul De Rooij, Noah Finkel, Kelly Gafford, Alex
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Warshay, Nabeel Zuberi.
Photo Staff Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Jose Juarez, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Lisa Wax.



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