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January 24, 1989 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-24

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Bush supports
anti-choice rally

The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 24, 1989 - Page 3
Court strikes



President Bush called abortion "our
American tragedy" yesterday as
nearly 70,000 protesters marked the
anniversary of the Supreme Court's
landmark decision legalizing abor-
Bush, speaking by telephone
hook-up to the activists, said the
Supreme Court's 1973 Roe vs.
Wade decision was "wrong and
should be overturned."
I think America needs a human
life amendment and I think when it
comes to abortion, there's a better
way- the way of adoption- the
way of life," he said.
Nellie Gray of the March for Life
told the crowd Bush could not hear
their applause because the White
House communications office had
installed a one-way communications
Abortion opponents are hoping
that the Supreme Court may use a
case from Missouri to review the

legal doctrines governing abortion
and reverse the decision legalizing
Pro-choicers attacked Bush's com-
ments and warned about the conse-
quences of restricting women's
rights to abortion.
"Make no mistake about it:
President Bush wants to drag
American women back to a time
when they risked mutilation, humil-
iation and even death in order to take
the most basic control of their own
lives," said Kate Michelman, exec-
utive director of the National Abor-
tion Rights Action League.
Former federal appeals court judge
Robert Bork said yesterday he doubts
the Supreme Court is close to
overturning the ruling. Bork also
said the public pressure on the Court
about abortion illustrates a dis-
turbing tendency to make the court a
political rather than a strictly legal

works quotas

Supreme Court, in what three jus-
tices called "a giant step backward"
for racial equality, drastically limited
yesterday the power of the states and
cities to earmark public works con-
tracts for minority-owned busi-
Voting 6-3, the court said the
Richmond, Va., City Council un-
constitutionally discriminated again-
st whites in saying a contractor for
any city building contract must give
at least 30 percent of the value of the
project to firms at least one-half
minority owned.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor,
writing for the court, said the city
that was once the seat of the old
Confederacy and now has a majority
of Blacks on its governing body re-
lied on "past societal discrimination"

to justify the quota.
"None of the evidence presented
by the city points to any identified
discrimination in the Richmond
construction industry," she said.
But Justice Thurgood Marshall,
in a stinging dissent, said the ruling
"sounds a full-scale retreat from the
court's longstanding solicitude to
race-conscious remedial efforts."
For the first time, a majority of
justices said that when public offi-
cials are accused of reverse discrimi-
nation quotas, the courts must ana-
lyze affirmative action plans with
"strict scrutiny." Such analysis gen-
erally dooms race-conscious gov-
ernmental actions.
The ruling is expected to have far-
reaching impact on public works set-
aside programs, and possibly other
forms of affirmative action as well.

Local balloonist sees
fair skies in Soviet
''hot air competition

N. Campus starts
walking service

Ann Arbor resident Bruce Com-
stock was mowing his lawn one day
when he spotted a hot-air balloon
flying overhead. Fascinated, he
jumped in his car and followed the
balloonist for more than an hour.
At the time, Comstock was a 27-
year-old University economics grad-
uate student. Now 45, Comstock has
set two ballooning world records.
The visit to the Soviet
Union will be "one grain
of sand" toward world
peace, said hot-air bal-
loonist Bruce Comstock
This May, Comstock will be one
of four Americans to compete in the
Soviet Union's first balloon compe-
tition. The competition formed in
response to growing Soviet interest
in the sport - the first ballooning
store recently opened in Moscow.
"I'm looking at the whole thing
like a camping trip," Comstock said,
sitting behind a desk at his company,
Cameron Balloons.
His visit to the Soviet Union will
be "one grain of sand" toward world
peace, he said. -Just as a desert is
composed of millions of grains of
sand, he believes world peace will
eventually come from millions of

contacts - like the balloon
competition - to ease international
relations, he said.
Though many balloonists are try-
ing to enter the event, only 20 to 24
balloonists around the world will be
allowed to compete, Comstock said.
Americans Al Nels, the current
world champion, Jacques Soukup and
Malcolm Forbes will also fly bal-
loons during the Soviet race.
He boasts many ballooning
victories, including a world distance
record of 500 miles which he set
with General Motors worker Jeff
VanAlstine in 1981. It took the two
men nine hours, at times flying as
high as 17,500 feet above sea level.
Comstock also was the first to fly
in a balloon for more than 24 hours.
His flight totalled 24 hours, 7 min-
utes and 56 seconds, from Battle
Creek, through Indiana, and back to
Michigan, landing in the Farmington
Comstock attributed his accom-
plishments to his ballooning skills
and precise organization.
Over the years, he has won six of
18 national hot air balloon competi-
tions, placed second in the last na-
tional competition, and won the
1981 world championship in Battle
Creek, Mich.
Unlike most competitions, bal-
looning is not a test of speed, but of
accuracy. Balloonists drop markers
from their balloons and attempt to
hit a target miles below them. Each
flight varies in distance, but the ob-
ject of the sport remains the same -
hit the target - or as close to it as

To sleep, perchance to dream
Jennifer Westwalewicz, LSA senior, enjoys the sun by
taking a midday nap outside of the Michigan League.
Others behind her seem to share her sentiments.
North's notes are.

As of last week, students on
North Campus no longer need to
walk alone at night.
Northwalk, a Bursley Commu-
nity Volunteer project, is the North
Campus version of Safewalk, the
walking escort service on Central
A team of volunteers will walk
students, faculty or staff to or from
any building on North Campus at
Popular demand helped bring
Northwalk to life. Safewalk users
often asked if any similar service
was available on North Campus.
This term, Bursley RA's Michelle
Rosza and John Seavitt established
the organization in the tradition of
Safewalk, now in its third year.
Although the campus is described
as "relatively safe" by Leo Heatley,
Director of the Office of Public
Safety, sexual assault is a problem
at the University.
The Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center (SAPAC) re-
ported 38 sexual assault cases during

fall term this year. And FBI statis-
tics show that only 10 percent of
sexual assaults are reported to law.
enforcement agencies. FBI records
indicate that 90 percent of the sur-
vivors of sexual assault were ac-
quainted with their attacker, said
Julie Steiner, director of SAPAC.
"The University is not unsafe,"
said Ellen Ross, co-director of Safe-
walk and RC senior. "Northwalk and
Safewalk provide an alternative to'
walking alone. We try to keep,
[nightlife] options open to every-
one," she said.
"People are constantly being told
"you shouldn't walk here, and you
shouldn't walk there," said North-
walk volunteer and Engineering
sophomore Rick Waite. "We make it
so they're able to go where they
want," he said.
To use Northwalk, stop by the
office at 2333 Bursley, or call 763t
WALK to be picked up anywhere on
North Campus.
The service is available Sunday
through Thursday 9-11 p.m. and
Friday and Saturday 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

public e
government said yesterday that fired
National Security Council aide
Oliver North has no Fifth Amend-
ment privilege to withhold note-
books he compiled of his daily
activities in the Iran-Contra affair.
Independent counsel Lawrence
Walsh said in a court filing that
North's notebooks are "presidential
records over which the United States
has complete ownership and con-

North last week formally chal-
lenged Walsh's efforts to obtain a
subpoena for the notebooks, and a
hearing is scheduled tomorrow before
a U.S. District Judge.
"Production- of organizational
records is simply not protected by
the Fifth Amendment, whether the
documents incriminate a little or a
lot," Walsh's court filing said.
North's criminal trial is scheduled
to begin Jan. 31. He removed the
notebooks from NSC offices when
he was fired on Nov. 25, 1986.



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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"The Hydrolic Cycle as a
Major Variable in Earth
History" - Eric J. Barron,
Penn. State University, 4001 C.C.
Little, 4 pm. Coffee and cookies
at 3:30 pm.
"An Injury to All: the
Decline of American
Unionism" - Kim Moody,
Guild House, 7:30 pm.
"The Lost Revolution: Ger-
many 1918 to 1923" -
Revolutionary History Series,
B118 MLB, 7 pm.
"The Struggle ,for Gender
Equality in Taiwan" -
Visiting Asst. Prof. Catherine
Farris, Dept. of Anthro., Lane Hall
Commons, 12 noon.
Lesbian and Gay Rights
Organizing Committee -
3100 Michigan Union, 8 pm.
Undergraduate English
Magazine - 4000A Michigan
Union, 6 pm. All members please

German Club General
Meeting - 439 Mason Hall.
Comedy Company Mass
Meeting - 2105 Michigan
Union, 7 pm.


X-Country Ski Waxing
Clinic - 2230 CCRB, 7-8:30
pm. No fee.
Defining a Career Objective
- Career Planning and Placement
Center, rm. 1, 4:10-5 pm.
Applying to Medical School
- Career Planning and Placement
Center, Conference, 4:10-5 pm.
Job Search Lecture - 1040
Dana, 4:10-5 pm.
Employer Presentation -
Arthur Andersen and Co., Michigan
Union Terrace Rm., 6-8 pm; Harris
Bank, Michigan Union Pendelton
Rm., 6-8 pm.
Pre-Interviews - Auto-trol
Technology, 1303 EECS, 6-8 pm;
Baxter Healthcare, 1010 Dow,
4:30-6:30 pm; Apple Computer,
1200 EECS, 6:30-8:30 pm; Oracle,
1301 EECS, 6:30-7:30 pm.


.Lreadership Excellence Starts Here
Housing Division Resident Staff Positions for 1989-1990
Are You Interested In:
- Working with other students in a residence hall environment?
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- Developing and strengthening skills in group leadership and advising?
- Creating programming for a diverse resident population?
- Developing new lifetime skills and talents?
Resident Staff Selection
Information Meetings
Tuesday, January 24, 7-9 pm
This meeting is in MLB Auditorium 3
Alt new RD, RA/RF/MPA applicants must attend this meeting.
Applications for RA/RF/RD/MPA positions
will be distributed ONLY at this session.
For more information contact:
The Residence Education Office
1500 SAB, 763-3161.



Must be a registered Uof M student on the
A"' Arbor campus durng period of
RAiRFIRD/MPA/Trotter House Staff: Must
lave completed minhrmum of four terms or its
equivalent and 48 undergraduate credit
hours by end of spring term 1989.
Undergraduate applicants must have at least

Positions Available
Resident Directors
Asst. Resident Directrs
Minority Peer Advisors
Head Libraians
Resident Advisors
Computer Trainers
Trotter House Staff


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