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January 23, 1989 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-23

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 23, 1989-- Page 9

FI p Wp

Time and Tide

Polish-born Basia Trzetrzelewska,
pronounced Basha Tshetshelevska,
(for many, her last name is a
mouthful; hence she goes by Basia)
is emerging as a singer known for
her style and personality.
Her funk, jazz and Latin styles
work to make her debut album,
Time and Tide, a potpourri of great
grooves. Her latest single, "New
Day For You," has a slightly Latin
feel, as do many of the cuts on her
album, and has been steadily climb-
ing up the charts for the past seven
weeks. Her breezy samba tune,
"Astrud," is a tribute to her idol,
Astrud Gilberto, and does its best to
feature the peaks, valleys and incred-
ible range of her vocal instrument.
Aretha Franklin is another one of her
idols, and her sassy, "How Dare You
Talk To Me Like That" commands
some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. The tune
"Time and Tide" flows smoother
than a canoe in the Huron river and
has the power to lull even the most
die hard insomniac to sleep without
* being boring.

"Freeze Thaw" is way up tempo
with a lot of hard-driving percussion
- boom boom boom - to main-
tain its momentum. The carefree
swing, "Miles Away" will have you
burning your books and hopping the
first plane to Utopia. Busy seniors
should be able to get into this tune
- definitely study break material.
While you're on that study break
you may want to check out some
TV - not just any TV, but Basia's
stirring, Manhattan Transfer-sound-
ing commentary, "Prime Time TV,"
in which she sings about - what
else - prime time TV. "As we look
inside/ the private lives/would Cecil
B. DeMille be turning in his
grave?/In just one week,/you'll be
hooked so deep/ a daily dose of soap
on the screen." Now that wasn't so
hard to figure out, was it?
Her album is made special not
only by, as Billboard says, her
"enormous vocal prowess," but by
the talented cast of musicians like
keyboardist/collaborator Danny
White, Steve Gregory and Kevin
Basia manages to maintain a high
volume on any tune on the album
she wants to. But, although she has

the wonderful gift of vocal elasticity,
she, at times, seems to stretch it
too much. I found myself having to
get up and adjust the equalizer be-
cause it didn't seem natural that she
could be singing so loud throughout
the duration of some of her songs.
But I guess I shouldn't complain.
It's better than listening to vocalists
with low range and weak voices,
who sound rather monotone
throughout a song... i.e., Sade.
"Time and Tide" is without a
doubt an album whose time has
come, and Basia is a remarkable
singer who's going places - fast.
-Sheala Durant
The Fall
I Am Kurious Oranj
Beggar's Banquet/RCA Records
Adjective overdrive - The Fall:
clean, grungy, sharp, blunt, noble,
brutal, red hot rockin'. Writer/
vocalist/white rapper extraordinaire
Mark E. Smith: cynical, visionary,
literate, pisstaking, funny, godless,
I Am Kurious Oranj is the
soundtrack to hip contemp dance

group Michael Clark & Company's
ballet I Am Curious Orange. Said
ballet commemorates the anniversary
of England's King William (of Or-
ange) and Queen Mary. Clark in leo-
tard and doc martens leads pirouetting
cohorts (in sartorially inelegant '70s
apparel) over stage while The Fall
stand behind and thump out the most
primal r'n'r beat since those white
trash boys tore loose in the Sun stu-
Mark E. Smith shines light on
the rancid truth, smartly makes the
connections between ye olde days and
contemporaneity. As sure as Mar-
garet Thatcher is hellbound, Smith
cuts through white liberal crap and
Tory bullshit; William Blake's
"Jerusalem" is updated; "Kurious
Oranj" is a psycho Protestant history
of Western Civilization, told in
Smith's characteristic verbal jabbing;
the band tackles King William's
legacy with a rocksteady beat and
masterful first person narrative from
Smith's poison pen. He's the hip
priest Zarathustra with an acid
tongue. On the front cover he stands
in front of the Houses of Parliament.
On the back cover The Fall cluster
around a giant hamburger. Now chew

Mark E. Smith and the rest of the Fall grow kuriouser an"
kuriouser on their soundtrack album, I Am Kurious Oranj.

on those semiotic morsels!
"New Big Prinz" is an example of
how The Fall take the simplest r'n'r
riff and beat (circa 1955) and make it
work again. American rhythms press
against a northern British sensibility.
Back on their first album, Live At
The Witch Trials (1978), Smith
rapped: "I believe in the r'n'r
dream/R'n'r as in primal scream."

The Fall have always been true to
this utopian vision in their way 'apd^
are, hyperbole notwithstanding,;
without a shadow of a doubt the
world's greatest rock'n'roll band. No'.
two ways about it! Either listen to.
this record or punch yourself in th
face and drop dead.
-Nabeel Zuber'



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of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conference announcements
with other events happening each week on campus. It is based on The University Record
calendar, and is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations recognized
by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in writing by 5 p.m. the
Tuesday before publication. Address all information to: Marcia Bennett, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes events to which
admission is charged.
Canterbury House--Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm, 218 N
Division. 665-0606.
Taekwondo Club--Mtg, 6:30-8:15 pm, 2275 CCRB. Begins welcome. Call 662-
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha PI Mu/Eta Kappa Nu--Math, Sci & Engr Tutoring, 8-11
pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining Hall; 7-9 pm, Markley Lib; 8-10 pm,
Bursley Sdt Lounge. 994-4803.
LSA/Rackham/Germanic Lang & Lit--Lec, L Weissberg, "Utopian Spaces:
Bloch, Lukacs, Pontoppidan," 4:10 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
*ICLE--Video course, "flow To Handle the Auto Negligence Case in Michigan," 9 am-
4:45 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533.
OAS--4-day course begs, "Intro to Wang Word Processing," 8 am-noon, 201 FE
Hoover. Reg req. 763-0107.
U-M Flint--Debate, "Should Nonresident Taxpayers Have a Vote in Increasing Their
Flint City Income Tax Rate," 7:30 pm, Murchie Sci Bldg 107. 762-3200.
*Intercoli Athlet--Men's Basketball, Indiana, 9:30 pm, Crisler Arena.
Computing Ctr--Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: MTS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Lotus 1-
2-3, 1-5 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Guild House--Reading, M Barrett & S Lasser, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St.
*Hith Svc--"Smoke Free" Prog, noon-1 pm, Mich League. 763-1320.
Women for Guatemala--Mtg, 5 pm, 236 W Engr. 769-1298.
Chemistry--Sem, R L Kuczkowski, "Charge Transfer & van der Waals Complexes of
S02," 4 pm, Chem Rm 1200.
UAC--Auditions for talent contest, 6 pm, 2105 Mich Union. 763-1107.
Career Plan & Place--Practice Interviewing on Video, 3:10-5 pm, CP&P Rmn 1;
Wkshp, "Business Opportunities with a Liberal Arts Degree," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P
Conf Rm; Employer Presentation: CNA Insurance, 6:30-8 pm, Mich Union
Kuenzel Rm. 764-7460.
Senate Assembly--Mtg, 3:15 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LAGROC)--Mtg, 8 pm,
Mich Union Rm 3100. 763-4186.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry--Basics of Christianity Std, 8 pm, Mich
Union. 662-0663 or 761-6362.
Sports Club--Karate, 8:30-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 930-0025.
WCBN--Talk Show, "Closets Are For Clothes," 6-7 pm, 88.3 FM.
Gifts of Art--Piano Concert, J Goldblum, 2 pm, Hosp Lobby 1st fl.
*U-M Flint--Concert, Univ Orchestra, 7:30 pm, Thtre. 762-3377.
*MedSport--Smokeless System Class, 7-8:30 pm, 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. 763-
Ecumenical Campus Ctr/Intl Ctr--*Lunch & Forum, P White, "Breaking The
Ice: Cross-Cultural Friendships," noon, 603 E Madison. 662-5529.
*HRD--Wkshp, "First Steps," 8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req.
Computing Ctr--Courses, MTS Visual Editing Basic Skills, 10 am-noon; MTS
Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; MTS Visual Editing Basic Skills, 1-3 pm; Access & Intro to
Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 3-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Reg req. 763-7630.
Sch Business--Lec, D Petersen, "Product Quality," 4 pm, Hale Aud.
CRLT--Wkshp, "Strengthening Students' Writing Skills," 2-5 pm, 109 E Madison.
Reg req. 764-0505.
Turner Clinic--Divorce after 60 Mtg, J Merritt, "Wellness: Living the Healthy
Life," 1:30-3:30 pm, 1010 Wall St. 764-2556.
Rec Sports--X-Country Ski Wax Clinic, 7-8:30 pm, CCRB Rm 2230. To reg, 764-
Peace Corps/Intl' Ctr--Discuss & Film, %F2Let It Begin Here, 7:30 pm, 603 E
Madison St. 764-9310.
UAC--Mtg for comedy show, 7 pm, 2105 Mich Union. 763-1107.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible Std, D Lumpp, 7 pm, 1511 Washtenaw Fireside
Lounge. 663-5560.
Biopsych--Colloquium, R B Payne, "Behavioral Traditions Cultural Evolution &
Population Structure In Songbirds," 12:30 pm, MHRI Rm 1057. 747-0933.
Career Plan & Place--Wkshps, "Defining a Career Objective," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P
Rm 1; "Applying to Medical School," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Job Search
Lec, 4:10-5:30 pm, 1040 Dana; Employer Presentation: Arthur Andersen & Co,
6-8 pm, Mich Union Terrace Rm; Employer Presentation: Harris Bank, 6-8 pm,
Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-7460.

Ctr Russian & E Europ Stds--Brown-Bag Lec, A T Sheikah, "Soviet Withdrawal
& the Future of Afghanistan," noon, Lane Hall Commons; "Gorbachev's New
Political Thinking & the USSR's Muslim Neighbors," 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
*HRD--Brown-Bag Lunch for single parents, J Parsons, "Making Tax Sense," noon-
pm, Mich League Conf Rm 6; Wkshp, "Caring For Aging Relatives," 1-4:30 pm,
1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Psychiatry--Conf, S Dager, "Biological Markers in Anxiety Disorders," 10:30 am,
Child & Adoles Psych Hosp Aud; Sem, "Central Effects of Lactate Infusion in
Primates," 2:30 pm, MHRI Waggoner Conf Rm. 764-9527.
*Univ Musical Soc--Montreal Symph Orchestra, 8 pm, Hill Aud.
U-M Dearborn--*Piano Concert, F Varani, 8 pm, Henry Ford Estate-Fair Lane;
Film, The Last Emperor, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr. 593-5390.
U-M Flint--Bring or buy lunch for folk music, B Gerics, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, Univ
Ctr Brewery; Sem, "Briefing on Housing," 7 pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms C & D. 762-
*MedSport-See Jan 24.
Bioengr--Sem, W Schramm, "Analytical Potential of Antibodies," 4-5 pm, 1017
D~ow Bldg.
CRLT--Wkshp, "Discussion," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg req.
Chemistry--Sem, V MGuffin, "Laser Fluorescense & Photoioniation Detecto for
Liquid Chromatography," 4:10 pm, Chem Rm 1200; C Retherford, "Transition
Metals promoted Addihers of Carbon Nuclephiles to Alkenes & Dienes," 4 pm,
Chem Rm 1300.
Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class for New Shop Users Pt 1, 3-5 pm, SAB.
UAC--Comedy Show, G Hardwick, 10 pm, Mich Union Univ Club; Dance Wkshp, 9
pm, Mich Union Balrm; Mtg for "Chicago," 7-8 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
763-1 107.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Devotion, 9 pm, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Lesbian & Gay Law Sdts/Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing
Committee--Lec, "A Very Proper Discussion of the Gross Indecency Laws," 7
pm, Hutchins Hlall Rm 150. 930-6810.
Career Plan & Place--On-Campus Recruiting Prog Info Session, 8:10-9:30 am,
MLB Lec Rm 1; Employer Presentation: Ford Motor, 5:30-6:30 pm, CP&P Conf
Rm; Pre-Conf Wkshp, 6-7:30 pm, Mich Union Anderson Rm. 764-7460.
Intl Ctr--Std Abroad Wkshp, B Denman, 4-5 pm, 603 E Madison.
*Zen Buddhist Temple--Intro Zen Meditation, S L Murray & V S Sunim, 6:30-
8:30 pm, 1214 Packard Rd. Reg req. 761-6520.
*Mich League--Intl Night, Canada, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet.
Tau Beta Pi/Alpha Pi Mu/Eta Kappa Nu--Math, Sci & Engr Tutoring, 8-11
pm, 307 UGLI; 8-10 pm, S Quad Dining Hall; 8-10 pm, Bursley Sdt Lounge. 994-
Sports Club--Karate, 8:30-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 930-0025.
Visiting Writers Series--Fiction Read, A Shammas, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
Evolution & Human Behav--Sem, M Lombardo, "Offensive Reproductive
Tactics: Egg Removal & Intraspecific Brood Parasitism in the European Starling,'
4 pm, Rackham E Lee Rm 3rd fl. 936-2526.
Ctr Japanese Stds--Brown-Bag Lee, M Hane, "Reflections on Rebel Women in
Prewar Japan," noon, Lane Hall Commons. 764-6307.
*ICLE-Course, "Estate Planning for the Elderly," noon-5 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg
req. 764-0533.
*Turner Clinic--Sem, E Zaret, 'The Making of a TV Newscast," 10-11:30 am,
Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud. 764-2556.
U-M Dearborn--Film, The Last Emperor, 7:30 pm, Rec & Organiz Ctr.
Arts & Progs--Music At Mid-Day, U Kay, noon, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-
U-M Flint--Bring or buy lunch for movie, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, Univ Ctr Brewery;
Wkshp, "Info Night: School of Management," 6:30 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva; *Film,
Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. 762-3431.
Vision Training Prog--Sem, P Hitchcock, "Dendritic Growth of Ganglion Cells in
the Carassius Auratus Retina," noon-1:15 pm, 2055 MHRI.
*MedSport--Smokeless System Class, 7-8:30 pm; Nutrition to Heart Healthy
Eating Series begs, 7-8:30 pm, 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. 763-7400.
*HRD--Wkshp, "Creative Welness Strategies For The '90's," 8:30 am-noon, 1111
Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Computing Ctr--Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft Word Review Lab (IBM PC
& Compatibles), 8:30-9:30 am; MTS Visual Editing with Commands, 10 am-
noon; Microsoft Word Advanced Formatting (IBM PC & Compatibles), 10 am-
noon; MTS Visual Editing with Commands, 1-3 pm; HyperCard Basic Skills, 1-3
pm; MacDraw, 3-5 pm; In 4212 SEB: Macintosh Basic Skills Lec/Demo, 10 am-
noon; Basic Concepts of Data Communications, 1-3 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Women's Crisis Ctr--Training for crisis phone line begs, 7-10 pm, Call for info,
Info & Lib Stds--Lec, J Mika, "Preparing Retooling & Charting a Career Path for
the Future," 1:30 pm, Mich League Vandenberg Rm. 764-9376.
*Labor Stds Ctr--3-day Winter Leadership Institute begs, 7 pm, 2900 Jackson Rd.
Reg req. 764-0492.
Medicinal Chem/Pharmacy/Rackham--Grad Sdt Mtg, 3 pm, 4567 CC Little;

Career Plan & Place--Wkshps, "Intro to Career Plan & Place," 2:30-3 pm, CP&P
Lib; "Summer Job Search," 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm 1; "Applying to Law School,"
4:10-5 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Interviewing: Employer Perspective, 5:10-6 pm,,.
CP&P Lib; Resume Writing for Education Sdts, 5:10-6:30 pm, 2346 SEB;
Employer Presentation: Ford Motor, 5:30-6:30 pm, CP&P Conf Rm; Employer
Presentation: Great American Insurance, 7-8:30 pm, Mich Union Welker Rm.
Acad Women's Caucus--Awards Recep for B Reed & H M Graves, 3:30-5 pm, Mich
League Hussey Rm.



__ s

Taekwondo Club--Mtg, 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB. Begins welcome. 662-8637.
*ICLE--3-day wkshp begs, 8:45 pm, Ann Arbor Inn. Reg req. 764-0533.
*Kelsey Mus--Jazz Entertainment, Dancing & Refreshments, "Olivia Street
Stompers," 8 pm-mdnght, Mich League Ballrm. 763-3559.
OAS--Course, "Intro to Wang Word Processing," 1-4 pm, 201 E Hoover. Re.g req.
*AAFC--Film, Alice, 7, 8:40 & 10:20 pm, MLB 4. 769-7787.
Ctr S & SE Asian Stds--Slide Show/Discuss, L F Tucker, "Pilgrimage to Mount
Kailash: A Difficult Journey to Lhasa through Central & Western Tibet to Sacred
Mount Kalilash & Lake Manasoraovar," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
*U-M Flint--Film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. °762-.
*MedSport--See Jan 24.E
*HRD--Wkshp, "Overview Of University Budgets & Accounting," 8:30 am-noon, f
1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
U-M Dearborn--Film, Rebecca, 8 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 138; Lec, C Williams,
'The Galileo Mission to Jupiter," 2:30-4 pm, Classrm & Admin Rm 144.
Computing Ctr--Courses in Rm 3001 SEB: dBASE III Plus Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30
pm; Excel Basic Skills, 1-5 pm; In 4212 SEB: Intro to Computing, 1-3 pm. Reg
req. 763-7630.
Sch Art--Slide Show, R Sperry, "Boldly Textured Enormous Ceramic Tile Murals & A
Series Of Platters, Pots & Ideas," 7:30 pm, 2104 Art & Arch Aud. 764-0397.
Christians In Action--Mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich League Rm D. 973-6675.
Hillel Fdn--Grads & Professional Potluck Dinner & Lec, M Bernstein, "The
Problems of a Jewish Bodybuilder & Other Tales," 7:30 pm, Lawyer's Club Law
Quad. 769-0500.
Table Tennis Club--Practice Mtg, 6 pm, Coliseum (Hill & S Fifth).
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Video & Game Night, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw. 663-
Anthropology--Colloquium, O Arewa, "Servants & Savages: Tarzan & the Image of
Africa," 4 pm, 4560 LSA.
Career Plan & Place--Employer Presentation: Camp Bnai Brith, 9 am-4 pm, Mich
Union Kuenzel Rm. 764-7460.
Mus Art--Opening recep for exhib, "Elements of Persistence," 4:30-6 pm, 525 S
*Exhib Mus Planetarium--Shows: "Star Talk," 10:30 & 11:30 am; "First Light--
The Space Telescope Story," 2, 3 & 4 pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, comer Geddes-
Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Sports Club--Karate, 3-5 pm, CCRB Small Gym. 930-0025.
*Armenian Sdts Assoc--Armenian Dinner & Music, 8 pm, 414 N Main. 747-
Women's Athletics--Gymnastics, Ohio, 7:30 pm, Crisler Arena.
*Ofc Major Events--Folk Festival, 6 pm, Hill Aud. 763-TKTS.
*AAFC--Film, Betty Blue, 7 & 9:15 pm, MLB 3. 769-7787.
Sch Art--Lec, J McQueen, 'The Basket as Art & Other Oxymorons," 8 pm, Chrysler
Aud. 764-0397.
Hillel Fdn--Film, Rebecca, 7:15 & 9:30 pm, 1429 Hill St. 769-0500.
*Exhib Mus Planetarium--Show: "First Light--The Space Telescope Story," 2, 3to
& 4 pm, Exhib Mus 4th fl, comer Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Korean Svc, 11 am; Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard -
Rd. 761-6520.
Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible study, 8:45 am; Worship, 10 am, 1360
Pauline Blvd. 662-0663 or 761-6362.
Canterbury House--Worship, 5 pm; Dinner, 6 pm; Prog, 7 pm, 218 N Division St.
*Women's Athletics--Swim & Div, Mich State, time TBA, Canham Natatorium.
Sch Music--Concert, Chamber Players, 8 pm, Recital Hall. 763-4726.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible Std, 9:15 am; Worship, 10:30 am; Supper, 6 pm,
1511 Washtenaw. 663-5560.

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