,wL,. ,n. .,,r.a.,,., . . ,~ . OPINION Page 4 Friday, January 6, 1989 The Michigan Daily *, be dt iviichiganU Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Misguided criticism 1", 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. IC, No. 69 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. More U.S. aggression HE DOWNING of two Libyan fighters by U.S. warplanes yesterday was the latest in a series of U.S. ac- tions beginning in 1981 intended to in- timidate and disrupt the Libyan gov- erment and continue a U.S "cops on the beat" policy in the middle east. In the words of Defense Secretary Car- lucci this latest act is, "nothing out of the ordinary." In March of 1986, the U.S. de- stroyed two Libyan military patrol boats miles off the coast of Libya, claiming the boats had displayed ";hostile intentions" toward the Fleet. The U.S. attack came after Secretary Shultz announced that the U.S. would not wait for proof of Libyan connec- tions in two airport bombings in Rome and Vienna, and must punish the Libyans irrespective of necessary evi- dence. Similarly, at the time of the U.S. bombing of Tripoli months later, U.S. intelligence acknowledged the lack of any substantial evidence linking Libya to the West Berlin discotheque bomb- ing. In fact, the Washington Post ob- ained months ater a memo from John Poindexter that concluded U.S. intelli- gence regarded Qaddafi's terrorist ap- paratus at the time as "quiescent" 08/25/86). The Reagan Administration justified the bombing of Libya's capital on the grounds that it had "conclusive evidence" the discotheque bombing was the work of Libya. It is now openly admitted by U.S. intelligence that the claim was fraudulent. ; Directly after the raid on Tripoli, U.S. State Department Spokesperson Bernard Kalb resigned over what he palled a Reagan Administration 1'disinformation program" against hibyan President Muammar Qaddafi. The current Reagan Administration $sinformation campaign against Libya ipgarding an alleged chemical weapons e Eco Iogis 1HE SLAYING OF primatologist Dian 0ossey in the mists of the Rwandan fountains became the plot of a recent ppular movie. Three days before Christmas, a Brazilian ecologist and Union leader met a similar fate in the Angles of Rondonia. , Francisco Mendes Filho was gunned down outside his home less than two Leeks after he warned in a newspaper itfterview that local cattle ranchers had taen a contract out on his life. nMeanwhile, the destruction of the in forest he died attempting to protect dontinues at a rate of one football field every second. The violent death of an ecologist at ',the hands of unscrupulous landowners ,has played out well in the U.S. media. : New York Times columnist Tom Wicker, for example, writes, ::"Francisco Mendes... fought not only :the rubber tappers' battle but the whole :planet's." - a But before a Hollywood scriptwriter b1nonizes Mendes as another ecological artyr, the larger forces behind his ath need to be examined more osely. Mendes challenged the underlying economic, political and legal structures :that transform Third World rain forests into export-producing cattle ranches. More than just a conservationist "concerned" about deforestation, Mendes used ecological issues as a tool for political organizing. As a union leader, he organized thousands of tra- ditional rubber tappers and nut gather- ers who depend on the rain forest for plant is likewise "nothing out of the ordinary." The U.S.'s "grave concern" over the alleged weapons plant is re- markable considering its own standing as the world's largest chemical weapons producer and supplier. In fact, a new plant has recently begun production in Utah while the Univer- sity of Michigan continues to serve as a center for research in the use of chemi- cal blistering agents. The latest act of U.S. aggression against Libya comes after an an- nouncement from the Reagan Admin- istration that a Libyan chemical plant was being targeted for destruction. Using Reagan Administration logic, it is now open season on U.S. chemical production facilities as their existence threatens the security of sovereign na- tions. These facts seem to escape attention in the mainstream media where discus- sion of the matter is framed in its usual context: the benevolent and peace seeking U.S. versus the "mad dogs" of the middle east. In light of the history of U.S. aggression against Libya, it is ludicrous to assert Libya has no right to patrol its own borders from U.S. fighters. It is in fact not "hostile" action but rather is standard and legitimate tactical procedure. The U.S. has historically justified unsolicited aggressive action through anti-terrorist rhetoric. Because Qaddafi has refused to obey U.S. dictates in the region and because he remains virtually powerless against U.S. military initia- tives in the region, he serves as an easy target and an example to those who stray from a U.S.-imposed agenda. This latest act also reflects the prefer- ence for conflict the Reagan Adminis- tration has demonstrated in the past eight years as opposed to peaceful ne- gotiation. ;ts at risk convictions are targeted for persecution all over the world. In Brazil's Rondo- nia - developed with the help of U.S. dollars - 14 Tukano Indians were shot to death this year along with six other of Mendes' union associates fighting to keep the bulldozers out of the jungle. In Nicaragua, more than 50 envi- ronmental workers employed by the government have been killed by the contras. In Borneo, Penan tribespeople have been blockading logging activities in their rain forest home for almost two years. Scores have been arrested and imprisoned without due process under a declared state of emergency. Those swept up in a 1987 dragnet included Malaysian ecologists who had been outspoken on the issues of radioactive waste dumping in Penan tribal forests. And here in the United States, a coalition of logging companies has launched a new surveillance program directed against people attempting to prevent logging in Oregon's wilderness areas. Working closely with local law enforcement agents, PEST (Prevent Environmental Sabotage Today) will also offer rewards for information about individuals who damage logging equipment or close logging roads. Even closer to home, 19 environ- mental activists were arrested last May at the construction site of the Detroit incinerator. Receiving almost no media attention, the group was recently ac- quitted after a seven-day jury trial by arguing that the environmental threat By Mary Jackman I feel compelled to express my reactions to the article published anonymously on the Daily's Opinion page on Monday, December 12 ("Prof's words offensive"). Two serious issues motivate my letter. First, I must express my dismay at the allegations made in the article against Professor Reynolds Farley. I cannot reconcile these allegations with my own knowledge of Reynolds Farley as a col- league in the Sociology Department. As a woman who joined this University as a young assistant professor in 1973, I have certainly had my share of unpleasant and offensive experiences over the years, but Reynolds Farley is someone whom I quickly learned I could trust to treat me with complete respect. Indeed in faculty discussions on a variety departmental matters over the years, Reynolds Farley has always displayed a personal and pro- fessional integrity that I have regarded as exemplary. In addition, Reynolds Farley's total body of research has been devoted to an understanding of racial inequality and racial discrimination. I see him as some- one who has been motivated by an endur- ing commitment to help resolve this pro- found social problem. I attended a meeting with Professor Far- ley, some students from Sociology 303, and other interested parties on Wednesday evening, December 14. At that meeting, some students explained that the shocking statements that appeared at the beginning of the December 12 article about Sociol- ogy 303 were not intended as literal quotes from Professor Farley. Some also said that Professor Farley's intentions were not be- Mary R. Jackman is a professor of So- ciology at the university of Michigan. ing challenged: rather, they were concerned about what they believed to be the impact of some of the lecture material on some students in the class. Unfortunately, the wording of the article itself would lead the reader to draw a much more negative im- age of Reynolds Farley's behavior in the classroom, and it is distressing to reflect on the instant defamation that is brought about by a few ill-considered words in a hastily written article. It is particularly distressing because the sentiments that were thus attributed to Reynolds Farley are dramatically at odds with the values that he has stood for all the time I have known the community are guaranteed the same rights. For these reasons, I feel that, no matter how ill-considered the December 12 article in the Daily may have been, the is- sues that surround it are too laden with significance to be dismissed. As we attempt to resolve these difficult and profound issues, we must all reaffirm the rights of both students and faculty to express their views freely and openly, without fear of ridicule, harassment, or defamation. In that spirit, I urge the stu- dents involved in this case, as well as other students who have any concerns or discomfort about how the topics of race, 0 'I feel that, no matter how ill-considered the December 12 article in the Daily may have been, the issues that surround it are too laden with significance to be dismissed.' him. A second issue motivates me to write this letter. I am acutely aware of the diffi- culties that women and minorities face as they try to negotiate their way through an institution in which they have historically not been included. I have also been deeply troubled by the racial incidents that have occurred on this campus and I have worried about their destructive impact on the qual- ity of life at the University of Michigan. The injuries that Blacks have suffered from these incidents, both directly and indi- rectly, have infringed on their most fun- damental civil rights on campus, denying them the same rights as other students to participate in this community as free equals. In this, we are all losers, because it is impossible to foster a free and open academic climate unless all members of ethnicity, or gender are addressed in the classroom, to express their opinions di- rectly to the pertinent instructor or de- partment. To provide a forum for discussion, this past fall the Sociology Department estab- lished a Task Force on Diversity and Dis- crimination (composed of faculty and stu- dents). We would much appreciate the in- put of concerned students on the issue of how race, ethnicity, and gender should be addressed in the classroom. Students with an interest in contributing to our discus- sions should leave a message with the Sociology Chair's secretary, Karen Gibson, (telephone 764-5554). Either I or another member of the Task Force will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting so that we can benefit from your perceptions and views. Dept. By the Executive Committee of the Department of Sociology We are deeply distressed and concerned about the article published on the opinion page of the Daily by twenty five concerned students in Sociology 303, entitled, "Profs Words Offensive." (Daily, 12/12/88). We recognize and encourage student feedback regarding teaching in Sociology and share the writers' goals of ensuring a non-racist and non-sexist environment and education at Michigan. We think, however, that the article has inhibited rather than advanced these goals. In both its content and the process through which it appeared the article unfairly violates the integrity of Professor Reynolds Farley and canons of due process and free and constructive dis- course in an academic, or any other, com- munity. The Daily article was published on De- cember 12, one week after the students had first communicated in writing their con- cerns about the teaching of Sociology 303 to Professor Farley. The article portrayed Professor Farley as racist and sexist and declared him not qualified to continue teaching the course. Professor Farley had agreed to meet with them on December 14 Members of the Executive Department of Sociology: Barbara A. Anderson, Renee Anspach, Jeffery M. Paige, Martin K. Whyte, Matthew S. Kinney, James S. House (ex officio), Donald R. Deskins, Jr. (ex officio) defe'ndE to discuss their concerns. The concerns were also expressed for the first time to the Chair of the Department of Sociology, James House, on December 9. Professor House agreed to attend the meeting on December 14. Thus, the article was pub- lished before hearing Professor Farley's response to student accusations and con- cerns. We strongly affirm our support of Pro- fessor Reynolds Farley's right and compe- tence to teach in the areas of his scholarly expertise. Professor Farley has been for decades an outstanding scholar of the his- tory and demography of racial and ethnic groups in America. For example, he has received the Sidney Spivak award for re- search on racial issues, he has served as senior research consultant for the National Academy of Science's Committee on the Status of Black Americans, and he has been elected to the presidency of the Population Association of America. Professor Farley has also for decades been an effective teacher of increasingly larger classes on the history and demogra- phy of racial and ethnic groups in Amer- ica. This is the first time any significant dissatisfaction about his teaching has been expressed to our Department. Ironically, this has occurred in a semester in which the course was increased from three to four credits to allow the addition of discussion sections - changes initiated by Professor Farley in response to his sense that more time was needed to discuss increasingly complicated and controversial issues.; We affirm the responsibility of the De- , prof partment of Sociology to teach effectively, fairly, and sensitively, and the right of concerns and to have them heard and re- sponded to by our faculty and the Depart- ment. We recognize the lack of clearly es- tablished University procedures for dealing with such problems, and will seek clarifi- cation of these. The Department of Soci- ology has been developing mechanisms to increase the responsiveness and sensitivity of faculty members and the Department generally to issues of discrimination and diversity. We have also been working to improve our curriculum in race and ethnicity, and other areas. Concerned stt- dents have already been involved in this process, and vie continue to seek involve- ment of other concerned students and fac- ulty in cooperative efforts to further im- prove in these areas. To that end, we have invited representatives of the Concerned Students in Sociology 303 and of Sociol- ogists of Color to meet with us during the first full week of classes of the Winter 0 Term. We strongly affirm, however, the right of faculty to teach freely and openly in ar-, eas of their competence, without fear of vilification in the press, especially before other channels and procedures for reporting and dealing with student concerns have been given sufficient time to work. We think that the decision to seek publication of such accusations (before using available avenues for discussion between the parties involved) will have a chilling effect on efforts both to maintain academic freedom and to promote a non-racist and non-sexist* climate in the University. 303 By Starry Hodge Sociology 303, which was a ch had last Fall term, offended me ve I am offended because the class w from a racist and sexist point o feel that Professor Reynolds Farl insensitive to the issues of race and sexism. Many negative stere Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Nativ cans and women were reinforce class, and I am deeply affected a woman! Many other students have been by some of the comments n offends s these two men were important to the Black Power Movement, the Black race, ass that I Black Nationalism, or to mention any so- ,ry much. ciological importance of these two people 'as taught in history. When someone asked Farley f view. I what Black Nationalism was, he said that ey is very it meant "Go Back to Africa." Apparently, e, racism Farley doesn't know anything about Black otypes of Nationalism. In fact, Farley didn't say e Ameri- anything positive about these two Black d in this leaders or any other Black leaders except s a Black for Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and W.E.B. DuBois. aoffended Farley also excluded Black women abo- nade by ,..... tudent over their communities, which is one of the essences of Black Nationalism and Black- Power. Malcolm X also stressed that it was important for Blacks to deter- mine their own destinies and future. Mar- cus Garvey developed the Universal Negro Improvement Association which teaches race self-help and self-reliance. Garvey also advocated Pan-Africanism and he called for race pride. I don't know if Farley reinforced nega- tive stereotypes intentionally or uninten- tionally, but the issue is that he has indeeda offended many students. The qualification