Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 19, 1989 CTLASSIFIED ADS 764 -0557 r-m I -1 I 0 LOST & FOUND LOST: antique silver inlaid bracelet w/ small gr stones. Great sentimental value. Reward. Anne 996-9332. LOST: BLACK CARIBOU BACKPACK contains glasses, calc. Call George 763-0873. PRESCRIP. GLASSES: Lost Mon. (Div. Day) Rosebeige Diag. So. U. area Reward Betty at Crisp 763-5174. A FOR SALE ****FREE SINGLE LOFT! BRAND NEWTl****Fits any room! Must give awaj'! Please take it- it s really surdy and realy free! Call Eric anytime. 764-9688. AUDIO TAPES FOR SALE Maxell, XLIIS-$2.50, XLII-$1.95 LN-$.99, TDK SAX-$250 SA-$1.95, D-$.94 Call Keith 761-7256. DYNASTAR COURSE GS skis w/marker bind. 207 CM. Like new! $200 Don 994- 6689. FULL SIZE COMPLETE BED Great condi- tion Less than 1 year old $75/neg 665-8977. HOME STEREO SPEAKERS for sale. $250 for the pair. Call 769-5737. HP28S- Box unopened. Top of the line cac. B.O. Call 763-3819. Leave message. S6FUGI ESPRE sport bike near perfect. Suntour comp. $210/OBO Asha 747-661. STEREOS FOR HOME/CAR, TVs/VCRs Nak. Blaupunkt, Carver, etc. Save big s,call Jeff Mader 763-3303 day, 668-1011 eves. FOR RENT 3 and 4 bedroom furnished apartments. Per- fect for 3-6 who want something nice. Mostly bilevels. Cam pus Rentals. 1335 South U. at Washtenaw.665-8825. *** SINGLE ROOM FOR WINTER TERM ***SP/SU optional-3 Blks. from campus-rent only $215+util. M/F-Ldy. 747-6517. : O SUMMER RESPONSIBILITY**" Share 2 bdrn. a pt. w\3 other males only $1501 GOOD LOCATION! CAL CHRIS AT 665-6793. 1 BDRM. AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY near CCRB. $200/mo. neg. 665-2499. All util. paid. I BDRM. LUXURY apt. avail. Feb. South- west A2. 3 min. to campus. Pets OK. Wish/dryer, dishwasher carport, cable in- c d in neg. rent. Phil-days 994-4726 eves. 66-8539. 1 BLOCK FROM FRIEZE pretentious yet livable 6 bdrm. house (801 Ann) May 89- Aug. 90. Paint brush incl. $1650 996-3807. 3 BDRM. APT., furnished, carpet laundry, parking, fireplace, Sept. lease, 485-$225. 3 GIRLS looking for a fourth to sublet from Ma throu Au . Looking for a female non- se ' er. Ca 99 1256. 4 BEDROOM, fumished, newly renovated, neiral tones parking, nice campus location $ 20 includes heat. MAY to MAY. Cal 69,7955. 6 .DRM. HOUSE, furnished carpet, laun- dry, parking, year lease, 485-825. 6 EDRM, fumished, country kitchen, large living room, den, 2 baths, laundry parking, 2 blocs from diag $1980 includes heat. MAY to MAY, Call 66;7955.P ACT NOW! One room available in 2 bed- ropm apt. Great location. Heat and water in- cluded. Call 662-4528. APT LEASE for sale: Jan thn April or Aug. 2'min from Union 2 bdrmns furished, latn- d , heat and water incl. $'20/month CALL 7ยข9-5708. ARE YOU TAKING fall abroad? Come back to a large, beautiful efficiency at Catherine and State. I love this apt. but graduate Dec. S lit a lease w/ me. Sarah 996-9346. A ACTIVE ROOMS on Hill & State, clean, kitchen, $239. For male. 995-3276. AVAIL. FEB. 1 4 person apt. in the most de- sirable complex on campus: THE ABBEY. 3 min. to campus. All modem conveniences, btand new carpet, completely furished, rea- snably priced. Util. inc al 747-8646. AVAIL. MAY 1: 2 to 5 bdrm. apts. $800 to $1550/mo. Call Navin Shah 994-1200, ext. 3400 days, 665-2723 eves. wevx'kends. AVAIL. NOW Own room in apt. on cam- pus, fum. Must lease. Rent neg. 939-6305. FOR RENT FOR RENT PERSONAL AVAIL. MAY 1: House for 5. Year lease, close to Yost. $1400/mo. plus util. Call Navin Shah 994-1200, ext. 3400 days, 665-2723 or 769-6683 eves. & weekends. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Single bdrm. in large remodeled house near U of M Hospital. $245/month. Call Sherri at 761- 9766. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Rooms & efficiencies. Great locations. Short-term leases. Call 994-9272. AVAILABLE2IMMEDIATELY Campus large rooms with kitchen privileges. Super 1 bedroom, one block from Frieze Bldg. Modem campus 2 bedroom, newly fur- nished. Call for details: 668-6906. AVAILABLE NOW: Super 2 bedroom on Forest and Hill. Modern building and newly furnished. 769-6478. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1 room in 5 person house. Furnished, Idry., prkg. carpet. Rent neg.! June-May. Wendy 994-6347. AWESOME PAD on S. State! Sublet fur- nished efficiency $300 or best offer. Incl. util. Call David 769-1823. BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS 6 BDRM. HOME; living room,Ldinin room6kitchen 2 baths. Furnished, no pets. May-Dray. 663-N861. BIG ROOM for rent: 335 E. Ann St. Fire- Iacein r sunny, lease option avail. Feb. , $126.a Rick at 662-3682. CAMPUS AREA-2 & 3 person apts. for May & Sept. All have new kitchens carpet, fumi- ture, Laundry. No pets 769-1534. CAMPUS AREA-Houses with May leases. 6 bdrm on Catherine. 4 bdrm on Hill. Remod- eled homes, new kitchens baths, carpet, fur- niture, laundry. No pets. 79-153 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT- We are cur- rently showing a variety of houses and apartments for fall rental. Call 663-4101. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT 5 bdrm. apt. at 1218 Washtenaw Ct. Apt. #2. Suitable for groups of 5 or 6 eople. 1-block from diag & across from CCRiB.eatures a/c, microwave, dishwasher, security & fire sys- tems, parkin & laundry. Avail. May '89. Ideal for studens coming out of the dorms. Call Chris at 663-4101. CENTRAL CAMPUS-6 bdm. house fur- nished, carpeted, laundry facilities, mi- crowave oven, parking, May-May. 662-9806. EFFICIENCY, 1 BDRM., 2 bdrrn. apts. 618 Packard. Also 1 bdrm., 2 bdrm. units 503 Elm Ann Arbor campus. 747-6895. FALL '89 Top campus locations. Deluxe accom..for 1-6 people. Rooms, large 1 or 2 bdrm. apts. Furnished with exceptional amenities. MODERN MANAGMENT: 668-6906 OR 663-3641 appts. avail. Mon.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. 11-4. FALL RENTAL: 4 BDRM. 1 block from State & Packard. Furnished, very clean parking and laundry mcl. Aug. to Aug. Calf Alex #747-8552. Leave message. FALL: Modem 2 bdrm. apts. large balconies and newly decorated secured building. 769- 6478. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Big room in 4 bdrm. apt. (Hill & Tappan). Fum., Indry., parking, veggie/Kosher kitchen. Jan. rent free. Please call996-0937. GREAT APARTMENTS FOR RENT!!! Available IMMEDIATELY. A/C and mi- crowaves incld. Fully furnished. $350 neo- tiable. Parking available. CALL Dave 79- 1823. GREAT SINGLE ROOM! I'm renting my large single in a seven bedroom house. ood location, great roommates, all aliances, furished,wsh/dry, cale tv,VCR. Please call Jen-764-7005. P rice neg. JANUARY TO APRIL. Rent ne. on large room in great 5 bdrm. house. 769-478. LARGE I BDRM. apt. available immedi- ately. Rent negotiable. Call early or late. Sandy 662-5202. LARGE 1 BDRM. Lots of windows, wood floors. Close to campus. Room for two peo- ple Jan rent pd. $525/mo. All util. paid. A great deal! Call Dave 769-2091. LEASE AVAILABLE-WINTER TERM-- dbl. ms. 10 meals/wk. 24 hr. kitchen, prkng. cable, free Indry.-Sigma Phi society-Jeff 663- 8037. $425/month. LISTINGS AVAILABLE for Spring and Fall Apartments, Houses, and Duplexes. Oakland Management 761-7491. MUST SELL NOW: 1 or 2 bdrms. in 4 Perfect condition! Washer/dryer, parkin cable $286/mo. neg. Call 66-8909 ONE ROOM for rent--many extras $250/mo. & utilities. Call 665-7309. ONE ROOM in 3 bedroom apt. Available $300 a month plus utilities. 412 E. William. Call 996-2644 for info. OWN ROOM in Hill St. apt. for female roommate Jan. Rent free. Pets OK. Heat incl. Parking avail. nonsmoker grad/Rrofessional student p referred. Rent neg. Call 930-0478 or 1-389-1b46. ROOM AND BOARD available in frat. Parking, laundry, call Ray 769-0374. SHARE COZY, 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, laundry, nice yard, ample parking. $230/month including utilities.769-1785. STATE AT FULLER: large 2 bdrm. Fur- nished. $660/mo. Includes heat & parking. Call 663-6829 or 1-528-1767. STUDIO APT for rent one person M Ground level Hardwood floors, Parking, Utilities included. $420 Available now. Great apartment call Stacie 769-9384. SUBLET MAY-AUG.: 1 bdrm. apt. on Packard. Convenient loc. Laundry, a/c, balc., cable, NICE! Rent neg. 996-2682. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE. Halfof duplex on S. University. Formal dining room new kitchen with dishwasher, fire place in living room. Lots of parkin Campus Rentals,51335 S. University. 665-885. UNFURNISHED, LARGE EFFICIENCY and 1 BDRM. apartments. Including utilities, parking, washer dryer. $450-$590. 63-9338. University Towe* 5 AND 6 BEDROOM HOUSES DAVID M. COPI Furnished. Year leases. No pets. May and Sept. Call 663-5609 SQUARE DANCING Free Lessons, No partner necessary. Mon. Jan 16 & Jan 23, 6:30-8:30 pm First Methodist Church (Wash. & State). CAll 572-9317 or 971-5547. The Question Is: What is the only non-secret, non-hazing fraternity? STUDENT SERVICES ***** A-1 TYPING On campus. Profes- sional. Rush service available. 668-8898. **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING** Fast/professional/campus/Sandi/426-5217 *FREE PIANO LESSON!* Casio Rental Available. Mike 994-0371. BUDGET TYPING SERVICE! Term papers, thesis, resumes. FAST & ACCURATE 381- 2227. COVER LETTERS, resumes, term papers, word process., & transcriptions. On campus call Thielma 747-7470. LINDA'S WORD PROCESSING Electronic Spell-checking $1.25 pr double s aced page Pone: 662-8622 QUALITY TYPING & WORDPROCESS- ING Fast, efficient. Call Joy 764-6771. TYPING SERVICES-$2.50/page-Letter Quality. Call 663-1871. WORDPROCESSING: $1.50/page. Spell- checked/Laser printed. Call Steve 764-3003. WORDPROCESSING: $2/pg. Sellchecked and laser printed. 936-1328 or 668-1346. ERCH INIORMATION Largest Library of In formation in U. S. -! all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COO TL8FEE-5 -0222 in Calif. (213) 477-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave, #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 I DORM DOINGS LEASE FOR SALE: Markley double. Loft. Please call Brad at 764-8702. GREEK GAB ***1989 WINTER RUSH*** Mass meeting: 7:30 pm Thursday, Jan. 19th MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM Are you well connected? Have fun and make lots of money making presentations to soror- ities. Salary + commission. Call 665-6031. The Question Is: What is the only non-secret, non-hazing fraternity? There's something fishy in the Fishbowl! That's right. A goldfish sale. Hel ChiSigma support SADD. Buy agoldfish. Tues.-Thurs. in the fishbowl want to get involved? COMPUFAIR '89 NEEDS YOUR HELP! Make contacts in the computer industry. Learn more about computers & HAVE FUN. For more info. call Kevin @ 761-7269. Acheive the GMAT Score You Need with EXCEL * Organized, Up-to-Date Materials " Comprehenive Exam Strategies - Videotapes for Additional Practice - Your Best Value in Test Preparation Classes for the March 18th GMAT begin Thursday, Jan. 26th E)(CEL996-1500 , Test Preparation 1100 South University ApI MCA T Achieve Your Maximum Potential Score with the EXCEL MCAT Program " Organized Science Instruction " Comprehensive Exam Strategies " Videotapes for Additional Practice -AlI with Affordable Tuition Next Classes start Saturday, January 14th and Wednesday, January 25th E)5EL 996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 South University STUDENT SERVICES MR. STADIUM COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING SERVICE Open 24 hours/day 361 days 668-7928 1958 S. Industrial HELP WANTED ENTREPRENEURS WANTED AAA Student Painters looking for persons who want practical business experience. Earn $5-12,000 this summer. Must be hard work- ing. Manager territories available across MI, OH, and IN. For more info call 1-800-543- 3792 or 665-7309. TECHNICAL DIRECTOR AND STAGE MANAGER FOR THE MUSICAL "CHICAGO" INTERESTED? CALL 763-1107 FOR MORE INFORMATION **** * 30 SUMMER JOBS available near Michigan. June 5 thru Labor Day. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Mary C. Ott, Sunny Brook Resort 68300 CR 388, South Haven, MI 49090. (616) 637-4796. ADVICE needs a computer assistant. Must know MTS-esp. MTS visual editor. Flexible hours. Good experience in magazineroduc- tion. Call Colleen or Michele at MSA 763- 3241. ASSIST in PSYCH RESEARCH. Work study pref. Contact Bob Josephs at 747-8418. ATTENTION Some jobs pay well. Some jobs change the world. This ,lob does both. Work for the Michigan Citizens Lobby. Work full/part time. Hrs. 2pm-lOpm. Earn $275/wk. full time. Call 9-5,663-6824. BABYSITTER for a 6 . old boy. My home, non-smokin fMon. oThurs 4:30-9:30. $35/week. Must have own transportation. Phone Claudia 971-1667. BABYSITTER FOR INFANT Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-4:30 p.m. 996-3964. Expe- rience and references required. BABYSITTER in my home for 3 r. old boy and after school for two siblings Wed. 1:30 to 5:15. Own transportation 971-5604. BAKERY SALES: Energetic individuals for new bakery near State and Liberty. Flexible hours, non-smokers only! Phone 662-1443 noon tll 7pm. BARTENDERS NEEDED, No experience necessary. Contact University Bartending at 769-5564. BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE - Volunteer at SOS Community Crisis Center. You'll earn valuable work experience in crisis counseling that can be used in your professional pursuits as well as skills that can be used in daily problem solving. Call now for an interview. 485-8730. CHILD CARE NEEDED after school, Mon- days & Frida s; non-smoker, must have transportation. Call 662-4340 eves. CHILDCARE NEEDED: Responsible person with experience sought for two children (1 & 4), oneeor two days per week on regular scedule. Own trans. preferred. Call 662- 3552. PERFECT FOR STUDENTS! Part time jobs with MAJOR telemarket- ing company working evenings. $5- $8/hour. Flexible hours. Located 2 BLOCKS from Student Union. Call 996-8890. Ask for Mr. Rush COUNSELORS For boys' camp in Maine. Openings in most activities (WSI, tennis, basketball, etc. Up- 75 cassmen preferred. Write: Camp Cedar 8Beacon St., Brookline, MA 02146 or call 617-277-8080. CPI PHOTO FINISH needs full & part time help for 1 hr. photo lab. Photographic back- ground helpful. Apply @ Briarwood. DO YOU NEED EXTRA CASH? Excellent opportunity to sell suits and earn commis- sions. Convenient work schedule. For more info. call 996-2644. HEALTHY PEOPLE: young (8-35) taking no medications are needed to participatekin clinical research studies. Compensation varies with study. For more information, call U of M Geriatric Medicine at 936-2168. HISTOLOGY TECHNICIAN, part-time, ex- erienced, for a rivate patholo laboratory. Send resume: Pthlab,83001 Plymouth Rd. #101, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. HOUSECLEANER. $5/hr.- longterm. Reli- able, mature person wanted. 668-8818. KIDS 'R US 800 Eisenhower ParkwayAcross from Briar- wood MallNow Hiring Part TimeApply in Person M-F 9am-6pm LOOKING for enthusiastic, reliable instruc- tors. Positions open for pre-school and be- ginning thru intermediate boys and girls classes. Part-time. Gym America. 971-1667. MARKETING ASSISTANT Office of Major Events, Work study preferred, B-School not necessary. Some computer entry required.Call Katie at 763-8587 MARKETING ASSISTANT Office of Major Events, Work study preferred, B-School not necessary Some com puter entry Required. Call Katie at 763-8587. MODELING. Attractive females can make good mone in spare time. No exprience needed. PO3 Box 389 Walled Lake, MI 48088. PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD!!!!! If you find an error in your classified ad, please call the Classified Correction Hotline-764-0557. The Michigan Daily is only responsible for errors in classified ads if notified by 5:00 pm on the first date of publication. THANK YOU! PROGRAMMER-experienced d-base+lotus user to implement data base system for re- search project. Call 763-5224. PROGRAMMER-experienced pascal graph- ics user to develop PC charting packg o research project. C all763-5224.ggpfor by Berke Breathed HELP WANTED STOCK PERSON WANTED. Days: Tue, Thur, Sat. Time: 4-7 pm. Duties: Stock, de- liver, janitorial. Must be 18 & have driver's license. Ask for Mr. Kreye. Village Apothe- cary, 1112South U. 769-0666. SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS OVER 5,000 OPENINGS! National Parks, Forests, Fire Crews. Send stamp for free details. 113 E. Wyoming, Kalispell, MT 59901. TEX-TYPIST to typone or more mathe- matics manuscripts. Call 6624841. THE OFFICE OF MINORITY AFFAIRS is hiring student leaders to work with 7th & 8th graders in the King-Chavez Parks College Day Program. Pick up an aplication at 2503 SA or call 936-1055. WANTED: DATA entry clerk. Must have excellent typing skills. Call 663-8686. WORK STUDY opportunities available with arts organization. Graphics and general office duties.-For more information call 662-3382. BUSINESS SERVICES VIDEO RESUME up front and pe al. Great for job search graduate schools. Why wait? Call now, 663-0285. WORDPROCESSING done quicklyon Mackintosh. Good rates! Call 9730794. GOING PLACES ** SPRING BREAK 1989 ** r NASSAU, BAHAMASI Includes roundtrip airfare, 7 nights hotel transfers, 3 hr. Rum Cruise, more! Limited space, so hurry. Call Doug at 665-5441 after 6 PM. *SPRING BREAK CRUISE SPECIALS* 1 week cruises departing February 25, 1989. Sail the Mexican Riviera or the Yucatan. Starting from $735.00 up, includinR air meals, and port taxes. Motivational Travel Consultants. For more information contact John @ 668- 7884 or Andrea @ 993-8369. DETROIT-LA. Rnd. Tp. 2/24-3/6 $250 o.b.o. Dave 663-4705. Ad. ends 4/2 GO SKIING! Cabins w/ fireplace. Resort lo- cated on lake, surrounded by forest. Outdoor spa. X-skiing. Cozy, romantic getaway at- mosphere. Night $38-58. Traverse City area. (616) 276-95 2. ORIENT SUPERFARES SAVE 30%+ Bangkok fr. $859, Hong Kong fr. $759, Seoul fr. $729 Taipai fr. $751 Tokyo fr. $752. REGEN(tY TRAVEL, 29 S. State. Call 665-6122 for details. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND $254 Spring Break-Join us. Alisa 764-1763. SPRING BREAK Acapulco fr. $489. Bahamas fr. $419. Ja- maica fr. $509. Puerto Vallarta fr. $549. Ask about ACAPULCO Hotel El Cano SPE- CIAL. REGENCY TRAVEL, 209 S. State. Call 665-6122 for details. SPRING BREAK Barefoot Bahamas Cruise Sail 50 ft. Yachts in the Bahamas. Food in- cluded $435/person. Call Don 769-1845. SPRING BREAK in BAHAMASI Roundtrip air/7 nights hotel. From 329. LIMITED SPACE. Call Kiki 769-8499 Charlene 665- 0504. SPRING BREAKI South Padre Island from n $99. Call Faber Travel. 769-9011 (located at the corner of Liberty & Maynard). SPRING BREAK IN CANCUN! from $547 includes roundtrip air, 7 nights beach front hotel & private party! Call Michele 761-5244 or Lana 769-5557 now! Limited space available. SPRING BREAK air to Asp $318 roundtrip. Feb 25-March 4. Faber Travel (corner of Liberty and Maynard) 769-9011. MUSICAL FLUTE INSTRUCTION: teacher with 3 colleges. ALL LEVELS. Saline: 429-1389. UAC/SOuNOSTAGE ANO 1 PRESENT... PERSONAL DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1, Resting 5 Can emblem 10xelf-images 14yEvaluate 15'Came up 16- me tangere 17 Treat from the sea 18tScourges of serges 19' Fly alone 20 Maryland blossom 23 Follow 24-Parrot 25" East Indian herb 28 Columnist Bombeck 30 Fraternity letter 33 Sun-dried brick 34 Cosmetic 3ngredient 35 Angered 36 South Carolina blossom 39 Xoko's weapon 40 Glowing review 41 Straws in the wind 42 CIA's predecessor 43 Simple 44 Biblical landing place 45 Ashen 46 Abbr. on an envelope 47 Patriotic bloom, with 29 Down 54 Challenge 55 '- cab 56 Love personified 58 WacGraw and 4 Moot 5 "The Jazz Singer" was one 6 Bay window 7 Broadway award 8 Ferrara family 9 Matrons, in Metz 10 Result 11 Stickly stuff 12 Stew pot 13 Capital of Valais, Switzerland 21 Type of role 22 Place to slim and trim 25 Authority 26 Utopias 27 Shoe parts 28 Pupil, in Paris 29 See 47 Across 30 Town - 31 Hair rinse 32 That is, to Caesar 34 Not quite shut 35 Kant and namesakes 37 Twisted 38 Main artery 43 Avril follower 44 Command to the troops 45 Take forcefully 46 More talented 47 First lady's spouse 48 Bamako's locale 49 "- go bragh" 50 River to the Rhine 51 Diamond number 52 Shipshape 53 Time long past 57 Fiddle "BLACK GAY BROTHERS UNITED" A new support and social group for black gay men. First meeting, Thursday Jan. 19th at 8:30pm - 3rd floor Michigan Union (next to Counseling Services). Call 763-4186 or 663- 5319 for more information. Sponsored by the Lesbian & Gay Male Office U of M. ** LISA ANTON ** HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Thanks for best years of my life! love, Rob ************** ************************ RUSH ACACIA Membership Has Its Privileges **************~'*4*****'*** *** ***1989 WINTER RUSH*** Mass meeting: 7:30 pm Thursday, an.19th MICHIGAN UNON BALLROOM ***1989 WINTER RUSH*** Mass meeting: 7:30 pm Thursday, Jan. 19th MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: P LAT CAME R TERR E AGAR A A N N E B 0L E Y N G TENOR DAIS TARA SEND0 PRESTIGE IR H E L S A ME P R I NK Y T ER AI LO0E SS E E R ELM0 AN N A N E A A C ED R E IN S T D E RE A R L 0 E J ENR LGA LEN ANT RA A A a Emergency test prep help for the imminent MCAT and DAT. As you see below, the exams will be here before you know it. And ifyour vital signs include sweaty palms, a somersaulting stomach and shaky legs, you need help-fast. Check into a Kaplan center. Our test-taking techniques and educational programs have helped lower the pressure and boost the scoring power and confidence of over one million students. We even have compact classes so you can be ready for this fall's exams. So if you're getting ill thinking about the MCAT or DAT, call Kaplan. Well give you all the "mental medicine" you need. And a lot of intensive care. IKAPLAN STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. SENROLL NOW! Class begins Jan. 22nd for the April MCAT exam & Feb. 8th for the April DAT 1 A Night of FEATURING North Coast *a Tho Univorsya of Michigan Jazz Eneembia Thursday C ~ iANUARY If The University Club is a private club for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and their accompanied guests. Only members who are of legal drinking age may purchase alcohol ANNOUNCEMENTS 9w I A M AFFORDABLE ANSWER to overpriced N T E lecture notes: 1st Class Notes at Dollar Bill Copying, 611 Church, 665-9200. BioAnthro 16I, Chem. 123, Comm. 103, Hist. 122, Hist. S E D of Art102 $17.00; Hist 160, 161, Poly. Sci. 140,353, 114.50; Econ 201, 202, Geology A S 105,:106, $11.00. S E ATENTION: Supreme Course Transcripts, 6 L E the LS&A lecture notetaking service, has the E E L following notes available at Alphagraphs __ Printshops at 715 N. Univ.: R D A Anthro 161 Astro 101/111, Astro 102/112, 7/10/86 Bio 100, Bio 224 Bio 325, Chem 123, Comm 163, Comm 102, Econ 201, Econ 202, Econ 401 Geog 415, Geol 105, Geol 106, 1 1 Hist 122, list 160, Hist 161 H.Art 102, Poll Sci 101, Poli Sci 140, Poli Sci 353 Physics 126, Physics 140. Call 663-6816 tor more info. FOR BEAUTIFUL SKIN. Cleansing and all the other supplies at the Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. MODELS/ACTORS WANTED for TV & print work. M/F. No experience. 663-6398. Michael Jeffreys Model & Talent Agency. BLOOM COUNTY I 1 2 3 4 6 1 11 17 1 1 11 4 3 FEMALE VOCALIST LOOKING for band. Talented, determined, hardworking. Call 994- 6475 persistently. FRIENDS & LOVERS: This personal astrol- o report is written just for the two of you. ake a fascinating new look at your family and friendships, business contacts too! Just $20. Send dates and places of birth (times too if known) to:D. Margaret Denman, Suite 237 4445-B Breton S. E., Kentwood, MI, 495b18. PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS-Psi Chi, the Na- tional Honor Society in psychology is now accepting applications. For requirements and applications stop by K-106 West Quad. Headline is January 7. t f i X 1 I 2 t d exam. 203 E. Hoover 662-3149 r TICKETS I "- i - --- - 1 r61 I I I I I I _Ul AV DT AMP q TI-YT:T t- DTeina