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January 19, 1989 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1989-01-19

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. IC, No.78 Ann Abiin TusyJ ay91989 Ch ily
V. CN.78Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, January 19 99Copyright 1989. The Michigan Daily

GEO hopes
*rally will




The Graduate Employees
Organization will show the Univer-
sity they are anxious to bargain their
1989-91 contract, by carrying a
symbolic table from the Diag to the
Fleming Building today at noon.
One of GEO's primary goals for
the new contract is a clause
prohibiting the "Ten-Term Rule,"
which limits the number of terms a
graduate student can earn money
from teaching.
LSA Dean Peter Steiner imposed
the rule as an academic policy dur-
ing the summer of 1987. GEO
maintains that the rule is also an
employment policy, and therefore
must be a subject of contract negoti-
"I don't think the 'U' will budge
on this issue; we must not budge on
this either," said Don Demetriades,
GEO president.
Steiner refused to comment yes-
terday about the new contract's im-
pact on the ten-term rule.
The GEO presented their pro-
posal to the University on Dec. 9,
nearly three months before their
current contract expires March 1.
The University has yet to respond
with a counterproposal.
Assistant Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Coleen Dolan-Greene,
who represents the University in
bargaining, was unavailable for
comment yesterday.
The GEO proposal contains sev-
eral other demands, including:
-salary increases of 12% for
1989-90, and 9% for 1990-91;
-mandatory pay for LSA's TA
training, instead of pay or credit at
the discretion of each department;
-a University-wide cap on

discussion section sizes to 20 stu-
dents, instead of allowing the de-
partments to set their own class size;
-the "non-assessment of tuition"
for graduate students instead of tu-
ition waivers, in order to shield them
from future possible waiver taxes;
.allowing TAs to accumulate
credit toward health benefits and
eligibility for tuition relief, when
they are working under the mini-
mum employment level or spending
above 50% of their work week
Demetriades, as well as the ma-
jority of the GEO Steering Commit-
tee, said the ten-term rule affects
more graduate students than any
other issue. Graduate students usu-
ally take between five and 11 years
to complete their degree, and the
rule restricts them financially, while
LSA offers no suggestions for
speeding up their process.
The rule, Demetriades added,
may prove to be the GEO's most ef-
fective weapon in bargaining this
"This could be something like the
full-tuition waiver two years ago,"
said Demetriades.
Negotiations for the GEO's cur-
rent contract, held in the spring of
19'7, were forced into mediation
over the full tuition waiver issue.
The University avoided a strike by
agreeing to implement the tuition
waiver over a period of three years.
The steering committee's eight
members agree that graduate stu-
dents need a salary increase, citing
the inflation rate, Ann Arbor's high
cost of living, and the lack of pay




Miami riot
MIAMI (AP) - City commissioners voted
unanimously Wednesday to appoint a panel to
investigate an interracial slaying, touching off two
nights of rioting by blacks, leaving one person dead
and buildings burned and looted.
The vote during an emergency session came amid
warnings from black leaders that only quick action to
ease racial tension could prevent more violence.
The panel will investigate the Monday slaying of
Clement Lloyd, a 23 year old black motorcyclist shot
in the head by a white policeman as Lloyd and a friend
sped through Miami's black Overtown section.
The panel was created at the suggestion of Miller
Dawkins, the lone black on the five member city
commission, who wanted a board consisting of five
policeman and five Overtown residents with Mayor
Xavier Suarez as chairman.
"I'd like to tell them to give us a chance to work
this out, and to work on all our other ills, such as
poor housing, poor education, joblessness," he said.
"And they have to work with us instead of creating
other problems like they are doing now."
Some 700 police officers in riot gear arrested an
estimated 175 people overnight, most for looting. No
damage estimate was immediately available.
The events left seven people shot, one fatally, and
about 20 buildings burned. Numerous others were
looted in Overtown and black Liberty City.
All was quiet by midday yesterday except for
sporadic gunfire in the Liberty City neighborhood, and
there were no plans for a curfew. But black leaders
warned Suarez before the commission meeting that
blacks will no longer accept empty promises.
The violence interrupted Miami's preparations for a
gala celebration for Sunday's Super Bowl at Joe
Robbie Stadium north of the city.
The FBI, the State Attorney's Office, and the police
internal review board are also investigating the police
shooting. It also claimed the life of the motorcyclist's
passenger, who died Tuesday of head injuries suffered
in the subsequent crash.
William Lozano, the police officer who shot the
motorcyclist, was relieved of duty with pay pending
the investigation.
City workers entered the riot-torn neighborhoods
yesterday to begin cleaning the streets. Most schools
that closed Tuesday reopened, although administrators
said they expected to send teachers and students home
The violence began Monday night in Overtown as
crowds throwing rocks and bottles, firing rifles and
setting fires. On Tuesday violence broke out when a
white man in a luxury car fired into a crowd of blacks
in Overtown, wounding one man.
On Tuesday night, a teenager was shot to death in
an argument over a looted office check-writing
machine, police said.
Others shot included two suspected snipers hit in
the legs by police, a 7 year old girl hit by a sniper and
a policeman whose bulletproof vest stopped a shotgun
pellet, police said.


And there'll still be a wait
TAI Construction Management employees work to finish the new Angell-
Mason computer center. They hope to be done by the end of next week.

increases over

the last two years.

Gay men form support group

Gay Black men suffer a double burden of discrimi-
nation and are isolated from the Black community be-
cause of the prevalence of homophobia and racism in
American society, said University alumnus Ulester
Because of a perceived lack of support gay Blacks
receive from the gay community, Douglas and Darnell
Smith have decided to start a support group to reach
out to these men.
Smith is an LSA senior who has participated in the
Lesbian and Gay Rights Organizing Committee and
led "gay raps" for the Lesbian/Gay Males Program
The two founders decided to leave the name and
direction up the group.
"We would like the group itself to make those
decisions," said Douglas. "We don't really have any
designs for what type of group it will be."
Smith said it is necessary to keep the group focused
on Black issues, in conjunction with gay issues.

"We need to develop a sense of our own Black
identity, as well as facing the problems of being a gay
man," said Smith. "I need to feel good about myself as
a black gay man. We need to empower ourselves," he
"That's not to say that my white friends aren't
wonderful people, but they aren't necessarily aware of
the fact that as a Black gay man I have issues and con-
cerns that are different from a white gay man."
When asked if their group would make ties with
other gay or lesbian groups, Douglas said "We would
like to build a coalition with all other types of groups...
but we have to build our own identity first."
Douglas also elaborated on the problem of a Black
identity. "We don't have an identity. Blacks have not
been allowed to find an identity. To get a piece of the
American pie you are forced to give up a sense of who
you are," he said.
"We have to get together again and start liking
ourselves. We have to stop relying on the white
community to make changes; they're not going to. We

have to start taking care of ourselves, we have to
empower ourselves."
"Our issues would get lost in a bigger group; we
need to focus on issues that concern Black gay men,"
Douglas said.
Douglas noted that there is a lack of support from
most Blacks for Black gay men, and that gay issues are
not addressed by the rest of the Black community.
"Black lesbians and gay people have a lot to offer,
we can make a big contribution," he said.
"Until we discover who we are, accept and love
who we are as Black gay men, we'll be lost," Douglas
said. "We won't be able to survive. You can't have a
successful relationship until you're comfortable and
happy with who you are. We want this group to be
here for people who need support, who need to reach
out and talk."
The group will meet at 8:30 p.m. on the third floor
of the Michigan Union, in the staff library, located
next to counselling services.

on drug
"It makes me feel good," is often
the rationale for people abusing their
bodies by overindulging in sex,
food, or drugs, according to Dr.
Robert Dupont, a former director of
the White House Special Action
Office for Drug Abuse Prevention.
Dupont, who served under both
presidents Nixon and Carter, spoke
last night at the School of Public
Health at a forum entitled
"Substance Abuse on Campus".
He drew a crowd of more than 70
faculty, students, and staff.

Committee formed to search
for new Engineering dean

The College of Engineering ap-
pears closer to its quest for a dean.
Yesterday, a committee including
seven faculty members, one alum-
nus, and a graduate student was
formed to fill the position vacated by
Charles Vest when he was elevated
to Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs and Provost.
Prof. Daniel Atkins is serving as
interim dean until a permanent re-
placement is found.
The lack of an undergraduate
representative on the committee has
disappointed engineering senior
Brian Rashap, president of the Engi-
neering Council.
"Some of the concerns of under-
graduate students may be over-
looked," said Rashan who nresides

defended the committee's makeup,
saying it contains "a proper mix to
represent all interests of the school."
Rashap said that since
undergraduates spend more time in
the classroom than graduate
students, they could provide the
committee with a better outlook of
undergraduate concerns.
"The committee sees it from a
lecturers' point of view, but students
see it from their (own) point of
view," said Rashap.
Committee members were nomi-
nated by faculty peers who
responded to a letter sent to them
last December by Robert Holbrook,
then interim vice president for
academic affairs.
Committee members said they

sues facing the college during the
next five years."
"They will help the committee in
the development of their views as to
See Dean, Page 2

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